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» He Knows Not Where He Be [Open]
Auroran Era EmptyFri Nov 25, 2016 4:11 am by Dai

» Returning Home [Closed]
Auroran Era EmptySun Nov 20, 2016 8:32 pm by Tsubine

» Serenity's Face Claims
Auroran Era EmptyTue Nov 15, 2016 2:29 pm by Serenity

» Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]
Auroran Era EmptyThu Nov 10, 2016 3:25 am by Serenity

» Running on Idle [Closed]
Auroran Era EmptySun Nov 06, 2016 8:06 am by Schnockles

» The Deflowering [Closed]
Auroran Era EmptyWed Oct 19, 2016 5:34 pm by Schnockles

» Serenity's Character List
Auroran Era EmptyMon Oct 17, 2016 10:36 am by Serenity

» Amelia Bennett [APPROVED, 3-5]
Auroran Era EmptyMon Oct 17, 2016 9:44 am by Tsubine

» Kenta [Approved; 1-2]
Auroran Era EmptyMon Oct 17, 2016 8:27 am by Serenity


Our users have posted a total of 4514 messages in 615 subjects

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Rules & Guidelines

Things such as the rules and other guidelines will be posted in here. A must-read for newcomers.

44Skill Sheet Guideline...
Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:13 am
Serenity View latest post
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Site Information

This board is where all site information such as templates, a history of the site, etc. will be found.

731Racial Information Th...
Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:14 pm
Serenity View latest post
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This is where you can find more in-depth information about Arcadia, Brauk, Cieria, Ezon, Illvasari, Netheros, Osynius, Rel Inerium, Salaneos, Taeviel, and Zakat!

Arcadia, Brauk, Cieria, Ezon, Illvasari, Nethoral, Osynius, Rel Inerium, Salaneos, Taeviel, Zakat

1640The Kingdom Of Arcadi...
Tue Jul 26, 2016 9:46 am
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All important site-wise messages should be posted here.

12Site Updates
Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:53 pm
Tsubine View latest post


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This is where all applications can be found, sorted into either Approved, Unchecked, Denied, or WIP. Make sure to read each sub-board to know which applications go where and where to post new applications. Aside from the rules, this should be every new member's first stop

Approved Applications, Unchecked Applications, Denied Applications, WIP Applications

126356Amelia Bennett [APPRO...
Mon Oct 17, 2016 9:44 am
Tsubine View latest post
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Character Information

This is where you can put anything that has to do with your characters. For example, pairing lists or character lists. You may also post character requests, but keep those to one thread.

Character Lists, Character Requests

8109Serenity's Character ...
Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:36 am
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Special Playable Characters

This is where all Special Playable Characters will be moved to and listed once approved.

SPC Applications

2040Eira von Zarkonheinz...
Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:02 pm
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Arcane Items

This is where you can find and apply for Arcane Items on the site. Please see the Codex of Arcane Items for a more full definition on what to do here.

Arcane Item Applications, Personal Arcane Items

1225#009 Hexenwulf Belt...
Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:14 am
Dai View latest post
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This is where you can find and apply for the beasts on the site. Please see the Bestiary General for a more full definition on what to do here.

Bestiary Applications

55113#053 Pinx
Mon May 23, 2016 6:16 am
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In this board, you can register appearances used for your characters for your use. This is required if you want to make sure nobody else uses an appearance you want! Reservations are also handled here.

6383Serenity's Face Claim...
Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:29 pm
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This is where all of the organizations of the forum will be. It will also be where you apply for positions.


2276Taevian Hierarchy
Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:15 am
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This is where you can find and apply for anything that doesn't fit into the above lists on the site. Please see the Encyclopedia of Miscellaneous Things for a more full definition on what to do here.

Miscellaneous Applications

2345Aeon Steel
Sun Jul 17, 2016 9:32 pm
Serenity View latest post


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The Kingdom of Arcadia is the largest country and takes up the entire northern hemisphere. The land is the richest with Arcana, so most of their population are Arcanists. Arcadians are a kind people who find the land and its Arcana precious. Arcadians do not normally get along with Zakatians and find their industrious culture barbaric because of the constant siphoning from the land. Arcadia's settlements vary greatly from large cities to small towns and villages. The size of the country prevents everything from looking the exact same and some areas will be more or less advanced in their technology. See Arcadia Information for a more detailed description.

Aria, Arbas, Ardale, Caydale, Clover, Colburn, Crane, Desert Sky, Ethaswen, Grandview, Haven, Lotheria, Silverwood, Taria, Tiger's Den, Varedia, Other Locations

871722Returning Home [Close...
Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:32 pm
Tsubine View latest post
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Brauk is home to some of the harshest landscapes in Aurora. It is an unforgiving nation of mountains, forests, deserts; a nation that is made up of hardy environments and an equally hardy people. Braukans have learned to live off of the land, using everything at hand to survive. Brauk has a lot of difficulty providing for its people, as a good percentage of the nation is infertile and unsuitable for farming. This leads to them having a lot of import-export relations with other nations for food. They primarily export gems and precious metals, as well as providing a very large percentage of the mundane weaponry for all of the other nations' armies. To live in Brauk is to survive. And to survive in Brauk is to truly live.

Stonehold, Bridgefield, Deephelm, Darkholm, Dreadmouth, Steelgrove, Woadhagen, Other Locations

19Operation Blind Vangu...
Sun Jan 04, 2015 3:30 am
Dai View latest post
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Cieria is the third largest country in Aurora. The people of Cieria are a good and strong people with probably the most open minds on the surface of Aurora. They are mostly highly skilled beast masters, but some are mere farmers as well. This is because the country has the most exotic animals covering its land. Cierians have learned to live along side of the beasts that inhabit their land and often train them for work and defense. Cierians are good farmers, hunters, and trackers, but they are also known for their large exports of oil. Cieria is also home to the Blighted Vale, a place of corruption that prevents anyone from going anywhere near it without risking their life.

Lighthaven, Almarc, Barrinston, Daizar, Fayham, Iskamer, Orhill, Saihar, Vailor, Other Locations

696Lost [Closed]
Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:37 pm
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The country of Ezon can be compared to Japan in earlier eras. They are a small island south of Arcadia and North of the Demon country of Nethoral. Because Nethoral is right on their border, Ezon is a combat ready country that trains both with The Arcane and with weaponry. They have an advanced navy, and they have an army of samurai and ninja. Their economy revolves around the trading of samurai and ninja weaponry, rice, and both naval and recreational ships. The people of Ezon are very honorable and open minded when it comes to aspects of battle. They stick to their codes and dislike anyone who cannot respect or follow them, especially while those people are in their country.

Khatai, Meidao, Onmani, Rasan, Zhilihan, Other Locations

125Escape from Ezon [CLO...
Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:25 am
Serenity View latest post
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The Islands of Illvasari are a collection of islands controlled by many bands of pirates. The pirates of Illvasari attempt to control as much of the sea as possible, often causing problems for the other countries as their ships pass through. The pirates value gold among anything else, but also enjoy jewels and other valuable treasures. The Illvasari pirates love the sea and the adventure being on it brings. They only have the laws of pirates and abide by no law anywhere else. The Illvasari pirates, as a whole, are out for themselves and care little for the problems and values of the other countries.

Black Sand Lagoon, Cutlass Island, Dead Man's Retreat, Rum Runner's Reef, Shipwreck Island, Siren's Sanctuary, Other Locations

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Nethoral is the country of Demons. This place is extremely dangerous and dark. It's land is unforgiving to all mortal races and rarely does one enter and return home without being harmed. The other countries know very little about Nethoral and it's inner workings. They do not know the locations of cities, whether there is a government, or who may be in charge. To the outside, Nethoral is nothing but a mysterious and corrupt land. The Demons that call Nethoral their homeland are creatures of power. It's what they respect and what they fear. The Apollyon rule these lands, though territory battles are constantly being fought within the confines of Nethoral's borders.

Gozar, Axdal, Bedmahl, Malignus, Naruk, Rablor, Vaddach, Valon, Other Locations

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Osynius is a theocracy located in a relatively stable part of Aurora. It is known for being controlled by the Order of Colrath. The people of Osynius are a stubborn, zealous, and incredibly religious civilization. Osynius is ruled by the Grand Bishop, a title passed down a hereditary line. The Grand Bishop is also the leader of the Order of Colrath, the main religion of Osynius. This makes Osynius a theocracy, with the Grand Bishop acting as the 'voice, ears, and hands' of Colrath. Each city and town with more than 50 people in it is required by law to have a church to Colrath. It is then assigned a Bishop from its townsfolk who act as a mayor and high priest.

High Osynius, Alzivira, Beros, Dracovel, Drassa, Forbo, Gafaria, Gallarin, Imorsa, Kadeia, Messina, New Imorsa, Ouresa, Vilona, Other Locations

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Rel Inerium


Other Locations

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Salaneos is a small country wedged between the three largest countries of Aurora. It is a magocracy ruled by an Archmage and the Mageías Council. Salaneos is not as rich in Arcana as Arcadia, but its people are known to be mostly Arcanists. They view Arcana as a sign of power and authority, and non-Arcanists are treated as second-class citizens. Salaneos is a secretive country that not many know anything about, as the mages of Salaneos tend to keep their magic to themselves.

Herakletia, Anteia, Delphine, Konnos, Palantium, Pythalos, Sythrae, Other Locations

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Taeviel is the Elven Kingdom. Taeviel's land is mostly a forest of extremely large trees that reach up to three hundred feet high. Like most Elves, the people of Taeviel merge their lives with the surrounding lands. Their homes are often carved into or built around the massive trees of the Whispering Woods. Other Elves may live in small huts or homes elegantly built under hills. Since their race has been shoved into this small corner of the world, Elves have come to accept their fate as punishment for their treatment of the other races over generations. Because of this acceptance, most Elves enjoy living a quiet life within their forests and rarely make trouble for anyone, even if others thing otherwise.

Elduin, Hatharal, Iralsera, Kolvar, Menkadi, Myla Allenar, Saelenora, Valmir, Other Locations

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The Empire of Zakat is the second-largest country, and it makes up for not being the largest by leading the world in sheer technological growth. Zakat is known as "The Bridge of the World," as it is the only landmass that connects the northern Arcadian continent with the southern continent. There were many attempts long before the current borders were established to take Zakat, but its people held strong and refused to be overtaken by the outside. Zakat thrived as a trade epicenter. The mixing of technology from three different countries sped up Zakat's own technological renaissance. Zakat soon rose from being a trade center to being a fierce military power with technology that rivals what other countries call magic.

Iserlohn, Ashgarde, Bellain, Bergeville, Épirac, Feldbach, Fennmont, Hedoria, Khul, Martiforte, Mont Blanc, Schwarzenlein, Seinburn, Solai, Velistal, Other Locations

26407He Knows Not Where He...
Fri Nov 25, 2016 4:11 am
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As implied by it's name, the Arena is a board used for fighting; specifically Out Of Character (OOC) fighting. Basically, if you want to have a fight against another character but don't want it to be a part of the actual story, you can have that fight here. While fights here are all OOC, please abide by all rules that apply to normal fight threads here.

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Mature RP

This board is for all topics, out of character or in character, that involve any mature themes one would need to be over the age of 18 to witness. That being said, this board is still for threads only; do not post pictures or obscene links here or there will be consequences.

10288The Deflowering [Clos...
Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:34 pm
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This is where people can advertise their sites on here. Please nothing too objectionable (i.e. no porn sites, nothing that could get this site shut down by association, etc.).

11Pokemon Rift RP
Sat Apr 12, 2014 12:26 pm
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General Discussion

A general discussion board. If it's not related to the site, you may post it in here.

22A little something I ...
Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:41 pm
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Site Discussion

Discussions about site features, problems with the site itself, etc. are to be posted here.

Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:17 am
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Leaves of Absence

If you are taking a break, leaving for good, or just have something come up and may not be as active, please post a Leave of Absence here.

39Tsubine's Temporary L...
Thu May 14, 2015 1:45 pm
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