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Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] EmptyFri Nov 25, 2016 4:11 am by Dai

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Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] EmptySun Nov 20, 2016 8:32 pm by Tsubine

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» Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]
Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] EmptyThu Nov 10, 2016 3:25 am by Serenity

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    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Tue Nov 08, 2016 10:44 pm

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    With winter on it's way, both Keisuke and Chizuru Yukimura decided this would be the best time to leave Ezon. Chizuru was tired of living under the strict rules of her parents, who only wanted to marry her off for the sake of boosting their own status. She did not understand the Ezonian beauty preferences completely, but did understand that she apparently met them very well. Her small figure, black hair, and green colored eyes stood out as gorgeous in her community, causing men to flock to her like flies to sugar. She did not like the attention and had made this clear many times, but her parents weren't exactly out for her benefit over their own. They would gladly use her until she broke.

    However, her older brother was in it for Chizuru's well being. Keisuke had been secretly sabotaging meetings with potential husbands and suitors for a long time now. Their parents knew this was going on and tried to call him out on it, but with no evidence to prove them correct, their plans to convict him were destroyed. When Chizuru found out what they were trying to do, she told her brother that she wanted to leave. She couldn't stay with their parents anymore, especially if it meant the possibility of losing him. He was the only person she trusted and she'd rather die than have him go to prison. And so, the two of them made their plans to leave home without warning or even a small note of goodbye.

    Keisuke and Chizuru made their way to the docks with two tickets in hand. Keisuke's work down on a family friend's farm had earned him enough money for this plan. He had been wanting to get Chizuru away for some time and was glad that she brought it up first. The ship was boarding and they were supposed to be the second group called. Keisuke spared no money to make sure this trip would be comfortable since Chizuru was scared of getting on a ship in the first place. "What if a storm comes in? O-Or I fall of the boat?" she asked him nervously, her shy eyes staring fearful at her brother. "If a storm comes, we'll stay in our room and if you fall off, I'll jump in after you." he explained sweetly, his smooth and caring tone accompanied by a smile. "And if the boat flips?" she asked and Keisuke chuckled at her, patting her head. "I know you're scared, but we'll be fine. Come on. Let's go."

    History Amendment: Full Post

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:01 pm

    Yuuhei could see those billy clubs being waved above people's heads. He darted down an alleyway, and the constables did not spot him. Good. He took a moment to catch his breath, then turned his shirt inside-out. It was a different color from before. He let his hair down and stuffed the bag of coins into his shirt pocket. He smiled, patting it to make sure it was there. Then, he made his way to the other side of the alley. Yuuhei bought a ticket off of someone who didn't entirely need it. He thanked them profusely after explaining that he had word his wife was sick, that he needed to get home now. What a lie, but he had to leave and now.

    Yuuhei saw a young couple who seemed similar enough to him that he could blend in with them. He ran up and wrapped his arms around both of their shoulders, a wide smile on his face. "Hey guys, how's it going?" "Please play along, don't look surprised." Yuuhei whispered to them, pleading hard. "I think my ex girlfriend is here and I don't want to be seen by her." "C'mon, they just called for us. Here, let me get your bags." Yuuhei picked up their bags for them, smiling all the while as he motioned for them to join him.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:16 am

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    Chizuru was in the middle of asking her brother a lot of questions based off of her own fears. Keisuke was about to answer her questions with more comforting answers when an arm swooped around his shoulders and his sisters. Keisuke's immediate reaction was to pull Chizuru away from him, pretty much before the girl had a chance to really react. When she fully noticed the man, she just blinked. "Oh, hello." she said sweetly. Because of how protective Keisuke was, Chizuru never had to be wary of people trying to hurt her, only force her to marry them. She assumed most people, individually at least, were normally kind. It was a naive way of thinking, but Keisuke liked her positive outlook.

    "Um, sure. We can help you out." Chizuru answered before Keisuke had the chance to reject the man's request. He did not feel comfortable with this and something about this man felt off. He glanced around for a possible "ex-girlfriend" and saw many that seemed around this man's age. Even his own sister could be compared to their ages, even though she looked younger. Keisuke sighed, "Fine." The two siblings followed the energetic man onto the boat. Keisuke's eyes were fixated on him. He didn't want the bastard disappearing with their luggage or getting to close to Chizuru. Once they were on the boat, Keisuke kept observing and Chizuru asked, "Is your ex-girlfriend on the boat too? Should you hide?"

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:40 am

    Yuuhei was glad to see these two go along with him. Of course, cute women were weak to him. Yuuhei looked over his shoulder to give himself the illusion of looking for someone. When he saw a couple of cops, he decided to rush them along. "Thank you for that." Once they were on the ship and off the deck, Yuuhei smiled and set their bags down. "I don't think she's here. She's been looking for me. She's a little crazy, honestly. I don't think she saw me get on, so she won't be here." Yuuhei then bowed deeply in apology. "Sorry about that. I don't really like using people like that," Yuuhei lied with a smile, then stood up. "Just... Oh, right. I'm Yuuhei." Yuuhei extended a hand to both of them at the same time. "Nice to meet you two. What are y'all doing on a ship like this? Honeymoon?"
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:10 am

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    Chizuru walked around with the grace of a swan. Even with her smallish and cute stature, she seemed elegant. She was wearing her normal clothing, which was high-class traditional Ezonian garb and her hair pulled back by a silk ribbon. "You are welcome." she spoke politely, her noble tone gliding within her voice like a gentle breeze, "I am sorry that your ex-girlfriend is stalking you, but would that not mean she misses you? Or did you do something to warrant such behavior?" Before Yuuhei got a chance to speak, Keisuke stepped forward and looked dully at Chizuru. "Stop it." he said. "Stop what?" she replied. "Talking like that. Enough." Keisuke explained and after a moment Chizuru understood.

    "Okay, I'll try." Chizuru looked back to Yuuhei and smiled, "Sorry. What were you saying?" Yuuhei continued on and introduced himself. Chizuru was about to take his hand when Keisuke stepped up in between the two and glared at Yuuhei. "It's fine that you used us, but do not touch her again, understood?" he said and once Yuuhei agreed, Keisuke calmed down and sighed, "I am Keisuke Yukimura, she is Chizuru Yukimura." And then his question shocked them both. The siblings looked to each other after being accused of being married, not only that but newly weds. They looked back to Yuuhei and Chizuru began to giggle. Soon, Keisuke followed suit and shook his head. "He's my brother!"

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:41 am

    Yuuhei had no idea what this guy meant when he spoke to her. Stop talking like that? Was he missing a lisp or something? Yuuhei raised an eyebrow, and looked at the dude for a moment. He continued, although his smile waned. When the guy decided to be Mister Macho, he raised his arms up in almost surrender. "Uh, okay dude. Was just a handshake. Don't have to worry about it again." This guy was almost annoying, and he was close to walking away. His flippant tone was gone, and he was regretting using them. Then, they dropped a big bomb. The laugh was insulting, but it soon made sense. "Ahhh, things are now making sense."

    "You two look like one another, knowing that. Must be good genes, haha." Yuuhei's smile returned. "Sorry about the accusation about you two being together." Yuuhei apologized with a bow again. "So why are you here? If you don't mind my asking, of course. Unless my ex gets on here, I don't know anyone on this ship. So, I'd like to get to know someone, you know?"
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:14 am

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    Keisuke was not talking about the handshake. He was talking about the sudden arm-throwing shit this guy pulled before they got on the boat. However, the bastard seemed to understand and Keisuke left it at that. Chizuru was much more friendly than her brother. When he asked why they were here, Chizuru stepped excitedly forward and spoke up. "We're going to Arcadia! We're gonna start a new life there!" she explained with a cheerful smile. Keisuke raised an eyebrow at her and she could tell it was one of his annoyed expressions. Chizuru gave a saddened apologetic look, but Keisuke just smiled and pat her head. "It's okay, just be careful with what you tell people." he said and looked back to Yuuhei, "What she said is correct. We have a small amount of money that we will take and start up a nice life without certain issues back home. What about you? Was your ex-girlfriend that bad?" Keisuke asked with a tilt of his head, the smile he had showed Yuuhei that Keisuke had suspicions about this guy. He didn't know what it was, but something was strange about this guy. He wanted to protect his sister from him.

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:30 am

    Yuuhei was surprised to see her answer so quickly. Maybe things were going to be fun for them. He envied them, traveling to start a new life on a whim. "Ah, no, that's not why I'm leaving." Yuuhei scratched the back of his head. "I left her because I'm leaving. I have no real home or family in Ezon, so, I figured I might as well check out somewhere... a little less strict. Single guy, no special name, no real heirlooms or attraction to the land... I thought that 'hey, world's big and not just limited to these islands.'" Yuuhei smiled, and looked out through a window. "Since I'm not sure where I'm going, what's got you guys set on Arcadia? I just picked the first ship I could get on, haha. Maybe if it's a nice place, I might live there too."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:43 am

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    The three ended up in one of the few lounges that the ship had. It wasn't too fancy, but it was pretty nice. The trip wasn't going to be too long, they hoped. "You don't have a family at all?" Chizuru asked concerned. "Sometimes that's better than having a family like ours." Keisuke said and Chizuru's head lowered. She took that to heart because she knew she had been lots of trouble for her brother. He had even killed a man for her, so it was hard to shake her guilt. Keisuke saw the look at pat her head again. "Having one family member that cares about you is still better than none or a bad family, Chizuru." Keisuke explained to her with a small smile, "I wouldn't trade my little sister for anyone."

    Chizuru perked up with a big smile and nodded, "Yep! I wouldn't trade my big brother either." Chizuru looked to Yuuhei again and poked his shoulder lightly so he would turn from the window and back to them. "If you want to, we can travel together for a while." Chizuru offered without thinking. Keisuke's eyes hardened at Yuuhei, but his expression remained indifferent. He was suspicious of this man, not hateful toward him. "Right, Keisuke?" Chizuru turned to her brother for confirmation, who raised an eyebrow at her. "If that's really what you want, sure. I know you're looking forward to making friends." he replied and Chizuru turned excitedly toward Yuuhei again. "So what do you think? Want to join us?"

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:02 am

    Yuuhei had let something slip. He smiled still, but it waivered. That was not something he liked talking too deeply about. "Ah... No, I don't." Yuuhei kept it at that, but they continued. Truthfully, a family like theirs is what he wouldn't mind. They were an adorable couple of siblings. Having a brother or a sister probably would have helped Yuuhei out in life. "God, you two are really cute. And I don't mean that in a weird way, just... You two interact in a way if I had a brotehr or sister, I'd like to, you know? I guess I'm envious of you." Yuuhei shrugged and continued smiling softly. Chizuru's offer was enough to cause the smile to disappear. He was genuinely surprised by that offer. "Say what now?" Chizuru spoke to her brother, and he barely noticed the look. He was still just... Just so surprised. "I... Uh... Huh, didn't think about that. Haha. You really caught me off-guard with that one. I don't see the harm in it. Don't worry about spotting me for money though, I've still got a decent chunk of money left. But only if your brother there really doesn't mind. I don't want to seem like I'm creeping too hard on his little sister, but I really would not mind traveling with people. I hear it's always more fun to have someone to talk to in a wagon or on a ship or something."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:21 am

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    Chizuru and Keisuke both were confused by his compliment. Once he explained it though, Keisuke just smiled and nodded. Chizuru, however, was blushy and happy and cheerful and cute and sweet and just kept giggling. "My big brother is my favorite person! I bet if you had him as a brother, you'd think so too." Chizuru's eyes widened and then she glared at him for a moment, "I'm not sharing though or giving Keisuke away. But we can be friends!" Keisuke was pleasantly surprised by Chizuru's little outburst. It was nice to see that she too was protective of him. And that's when Chizuru gave her offer.

    Chizuru blinked and tilted her head to the side. "What's that mean?" she asked, but Keisuke raised an eyebrow, "The creep thing. The 'creeping on his sister' thing, what does it mean?" Chizuru's question came out extremely innocent. Keisuke stared at her for a moment and then looked to Yuuhei. He could only smile at her innocence; it was even cute to him. "Um... Flirting, wanting to date. It's a non-traditional way of saying you're trying to get to know someone enough to get into a relationship with them." Keisuke explained to the best of his abilities and Chizuru just nodded. "Oh, okay. Well, no."

    Keisuke just laughed at the immediate rejection Chizuru tossed up there. Most men would have been insulted, and assuming that Yuuhei was normal, Keisuke decided to explain. "Don't take it personal. She doesn't have a good history with men who like her: too grabby, too forceful, too selfish... That kind of thing." Keisuke said as kindly as he could, his own suspicions of Yuuhei falling off a bit. "My brother protects me from them, so I know I'm safe no matter what." Chizuru said and then tugged on Keisuke's sleeve, "I'm kind of hungry. Can we get some food? Want to join us, Yuuhei?"

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Nov 09, 2016 5:59 am

    Yuuhei nodded along with a smile. He was surprised to hear just how innocent she was. Oh, if only big bro wasn't there. He could rob this girl blind. Though, Yuuhei didn't really feel like it. He could, sure, but he wouldn't. He had money right now, and Chizuru was too cute for him to just steal from. Nah, he'd have to run something long on her. Or wait, no, that'd be a bad idea. He'd need to do something short-term or else he'd risk falling for her. Yuuhei knew about his own weak spot. Cute girls, whether Ezonian or not, were enough for him to want to stop a con.

    Yuuhei blinked in surprise with the immediate rejection. He was about to ask if they were sure they were just brother and sister. No woman had turned him down before he even asked. Thankfully, Keisuke explained. "Oh, I get it... She has only dealt with pigs, not actual men?" Yuuhei joked. "In all seriousness, I understand. Don't have to worry about that stuff from me." It was a double shot. He wouldn't be grabby, forceful, or selfish—if he even started to like her in the first place. Yuuhei nodded to her question. "Hm? Oh, sure. If it's okay with him, of course."

    After arriving at the galley, Yuuhei found a side table for them. "Either of you been on a ship before? If not, you may want to keep your food light. If you eat too much, it'll hurt if—or when—you get seasick. Less you have, the better you'll be." Yuuhei nodded. "And another thing, avoid anything that isn't seafood, vegetables, or fruit. They don't get beef or chicken fresh. I worked on a dock for a little while. These ships don't get very much in terms of fresh supplies. They're not a 'priority,' you know? Either way, since we just left port, things should be fine. But after today, seafood, vegetables, and fruit. Nothin' else, trust me."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:32 am

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    Keisuke confirmed that it was alright with him; Yuuhei could travel with the two. The group arrived at the galley and Chizuru looked around like a curious kitten that found a new box. Keisuke looked excitedly at the menu, but realized that most of it was in Arcadian. He was hungry as well and was a man who loved to eat, especially trying something new. "Chi." he held the menu up to her and she looked at it. A bright smile returned to her lips as she realized the issue. This was one of the few things that Chizuru could help him out on. There were other menus that actually were in Ezonian, but Keisuke ignored them. If Yuuhei noticed it, Keisuke put a finger in front of his lips and shook his head.

    Soon, Yuuhei would realize why because Chizuru hopped over to her brother (not literally) and held the menu. "Okay, so Arcadian food consists of pastas, lots of pastas, which we both like, so... Is there a kind you might want?" Chizuru asked Keisuke and he thought of it for a moment. "He said seafood is safest every other day but the first, so I'm assuming the food is safer right now... Do they have anything with beef? Chicken would be okay too." Chizuru nodded, "Of course! Spaghetti is a very common dish, consisting of thin noodles, tomato sauce, and ground beef. You can top it wi-..." "No, not that one." "Chicken alfredo then? I've had that one before and it's actually pretty good."

    Keisuke nodded, trusting his sisters judgement, "Get our new friend's order too." "Okay. Yuuhei, is there something specific you like, or can you read Arcadian like me?" she asked, "I get to go order it for everyone though! Just tell me what you want." Once Chizuru got Yuuhei's order, she went off to get it after she got their table number. While Chizuru was gone, Keisuke sighed heavily and crossed his arms. "She's like a child sometimes, less a sister and more a daughter at others." he brought up a few seconds into the silence, "She's very kind and smarter than people expect, but our parents have sheltered her. There are things she doesn't understand, like slang, but she's trying to learn..."

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:48 am

    Yuuhei didn't really pay attention to the fact that they grabbed an Arcadian menu. Yuuhei just grabbed an Ezonian one and began reading it. When he looked up after hearing Chizuru explain Arcadian food, he raised an eyebrow. Keisuke gave him a 'shh' gesture, and so he left it there. There was no point in pushing it further. Yuuhei spoke up to confirm that what Keisuke heard was right. The other food was safe right now, more safe than it'd be during any other time on the ship. Yuuhei did not like Arcadian food, and his somewhat disgusted face showed that. Too bad he was hiding behind a menu. "I'll... Hmm. Tempura chicken, rice, and an egg." Yuuhei nodded, as that was about the only thing that sounded remotely good.

    Yuuhei was okay with the silence. Keisuke, apparently, was not. He shifted back in his chair, sitting in a very unrefined pose. His legs were spread and he was slouching backwards. "I can see that..." Yuuhei nodded. "Your sister seems like a good person at least. A little," naïve he wanted to say, "innocent, but a good person. It's surprisingly hard to find people like her, even in Ezon. I've seen so many young girls her age be mindless housewives, dolled-up whores, or just stuck-up bitches. It's good that she's been able to retain that wholehearted goodness. I take it's because of you?"
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:06 am

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    Keisuke saw the unrefined behavior of their dinner companion and decided he'd join along. He had no problem letting down that high-horse attitude when he wasn't around his parents. He just had to get used to it around guests as well. He needed to remember they weren't showing off anything anymore; his normal ways of behaving weren't needed or required. "I feel odd giving myself that much credit, but I think I had a part in it." Keisuke nodded a bit proudly, "Thank you for not flirting with her, by the way. Most Ezonian men take a look at her and immediately start their routine, thinking they could win her over. Obviously, that hasn't happened and I won't allow it. It's why we're leaving Ezon. Our parents treated her like nothing more than a trophy to be sold off to boost their status in the community."

    "So, you're going to be traveling with us..." Keisuke said as more of a statement than question, "Do you know how to fight? I want my sister protected, so if I'm not around, I want to know I can trust you to have her back. As you said, she's innocent. She's someone who needs to be protected and deserves it. Can I rely on you for that?" Keisuke realized what he was saying sounded a little heavy. He sat up and waved his hands. "Wait, wait... This sounds like you're required to. I don't mean it that way." he explained quickly, "I just need to know whether we have an extra sword by our side. It will help me know how I am supposed to react and fight when and if something happens. We'll be traveling for a while before we find anything stable, so it's kind of important. Am I making this clear enough or...?"

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:16 am

    Yuuhei nodded along, smiling. He even chuckled partway through. But he never looked like he wasn't paying attention. He just kept smiling, nodding, and listening to Keisuke. "No, no, I get you, I get you. You really are protective of her, huh? I thought you were sort-of overprotective at first, but what can I say, getting to know her, I can't blame you. She needs a good man by her side." Yuuhei shrugged. "In all honesty, I'm not the best with a sword. I can barely defend myself, haha... But I can get her out of a situation. I'm decently strong and nimble. As I said, I worked on the docks for a while. I can pick her up and take her somewhere safe. But if I need to fight, just don't be surprised if something doesn't go right. I'm not formally trained, so I just go with the flow, yanno?"

    "And that's if we come to fighting fair. I hate to say it, but I'm not the most 'honorable Ezonian,'" Yuuhei raised his fingers in quotes while making a mocking voice. "I'll throw sand in your eyes, trip you, hit you with a broom, even run through someone's house. I won't use other people as shields though, so you don't have to worry about me avoiding an arrow by hiding behind you or Chizuru. But yeah, that's how I'd fight... If it came to fighting. I'm good at talking and figuring out what people want. Usually, thugs and people like them just want a little extra coin. Give them something they think is equivalent and you get to leave without any blood being shed. That's my way of working at least."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:31 am

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    "Hm..." Keisuke was intrigued by this guy. He nodded along while Yuuhei talked as well and actually liked the way the man thought. "Anything to stay alive right?" Keisuke chuckled, "Yeah, the honorable Ezonian thing isn't for everyone. I can't blame you. Sometimes survival is more important. If you can get my sister as far away from a problem as possible, I'll have your back. You stay true to what you've just told me here, I know how I'll have to fight. It won't just be for her, but for you as well, so... stick to your word." Keisuke nodded and then sat up in his chair a bit more. He eyes Yuuhei curiously and suddenly froze for a short second. His demeanor changed and Keisuke looked away from Yuuhei for a moment. He looked guilty and like he just saw a ghost all in one. He did his best to push it off quickly.

    "You said you aren't formally trained." Keisuke cleared his throat and looked back to Yuuhei, "How would you like to be? During times we settle down or take a break from traveling for too long, I can teach you how to wield a blade. It'll give you an extra skill, help you defend yourself and Chizuru if needed... And later down the line, if you choose to be part of our little family, it can help you get certain jobs. If you don't want to get a job using a sword, I can teach you to farm as well. Up to you, but the offer is there and it benefits us both, so..." Keisuke just smiled a more genuine smile than has come from his since they met. He had a piece of Yuuhei's history now. Having seen what his Mother had told him, Keisuke wouldn't mind him sticking around. "What do you say? Chi'd like it."

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:41 am

    "Right." Yuuhei nodded. He listened to Keisuke more. He was a good guy, though he saw through people almost as well as Yuuhei himself did. Would be a problem if he chose to scam these two. "Don't worry, I can do that." Keisuke's change in demeanor caused Yuuhei to look behind him, seeing a few people go past the door. He turned and smiled at his new friend. "What, did you see an ex too?" Yuuhei was joking, but it'd be interesting if he was right.

    Keisuke gave Yuuhei an interesting proposition. Yuuhei looked contemplative and a little uncomfortable while Keisuke was proposing it. Learning how to properly wield a sword? The sword he had was mainly just collateral. Hell, it wasn't even his. He had stolen it off of some jackass samurai or something. He uncomfortably jostled it. "Hmm... I'll have to think about that, honestly." Yuuhei answered him honestly. "I'm not much of someone who wants to fight, so learning how to use a sword is a bit..." Yuuhei shrugged. "But I won't deny that you're right about it getting me a job. I just prefer not to fight, so most jobs that require me using a sword just don't fit." Yuuhei sat up a bit. "Honestly, teaching me how to farm would be a better choice for me. I can already do some heavy manual labor. I've helped a roofer, a cobbler—the person that put down cobblestones, not the other kind and not the food, and helped out at a butcher. I've never really held a job for too long, but I've got a lot of different skills that can be useful."
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    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:52 am

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    Keisuke chuckled and shook his head. No, he did not see an ex. He kept what he did see a secret though. It was just good that this time he knew when it was happening. It was more of a clip playing in his mind instead of a flood of sudden information that made him think he knew Yuuhei more than he did. He thanked whatever god was watching out for him for that one. He gave his offer and Yuuhei rejected half of it. "I get that." Keisuke nodded. Not everyone liked fighting or wanted to know how. Keisuke had hoped for an extra hand in protecting Chizuru, but he wouldn't force it on the guy. "I can do that. Feed yourself, your family, and the town next to you if you get good at it. It's hard work, but a damn good living." Keisuke realized that Chizuru was taking a while. "Where the he-..."

    Keisuke looked over to see Chizuru sitting alone at an empty table. She was watching them and Keisuke sighed, looking pitifully at her. He waved her over and Chizuru's smile popped up. She hurried over to the two and sat down. "Are you guys done talking now? I don't want to interrupt." Chizuru asked politely. Keisuke just grabbed her head, pulled her toward him, and laid his cheek there for a mini-hug. "You don't have to do that anymore. I don't care who I'm talking to, don't stand far away just to give us our space. Instead, just politely come up, tap me on the shoulder, or... hell, just interrupt us. We don't care." Chizuru had actually stayed away from the table because she noticed they were talking. In her home, it would have been impolite and dishonorable to interrupt that. "Okay." Chizuru nodded and smiled. Keisuke looked at Yuuhei like "see what I mean." "The food will be here shortly."

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:05 am

    Yuuhei was glad that Keisuke seemed to understand him. He wasn't a confrontational person. Conflict was the perhaps the lowest of his skill set. He was good at talking, not stabbing. And he preferred to keep it that way. "It's honest, good work." Yuuhei agreed. More reason why he probably wouldn't take it up. It was hard work, and Yuuhei, frankly, was a bit lazy. Sure, he didn't mind getting up and doing stuff. Being active wasn't a bad thing. He just hated having to be active on a schedule. That's what farmwork would be too. Yuuhei followed Keisuke's gaze to see Chizuru sitting at a table. He raised an eyebrow as he turned to look at Keisuke. He gave Yuuhei a 'wait and see' look.

    Yuuhei now fully understood why Chizuru was so protected. She was... Chizuru was the type that you almost pitied for being so innocent. She was so cute you couldn't help to smile, but you hated it for her. You knew that things were bad, but you didn't care because she was cute. That sort of person. Yuuhei nodded in agreement with Keisuke. He didn't care. "Good, good. I feel like I haven't eaten in weeks, haha." Yuuhei reached into his shirt to pull out the coin. "This should cover my part of the meal," Yuuhei picked out a pair of coins and slid them over to Chizuru. It probably made her feel special with him thinking she was in charge of the money. "So Chizuru, what did you order? Same thing as your brother?"
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    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:15 am

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    Chizuru felt better being included. When Yuuhei handed her the coin, she was confused at first. After a moment, she seemed to draw the conclusion on her own and took it. "I'm pretty hungry too." Chizuru said, her stomach growling as if in queue. Her eyes widened and her face turned redder than red. "How embarrassing." she mumbled, hiding behind her hands. Yuuhei asked his question and Chizuru shook her head. "I ordered the Salmon and Spinach Fettuccine." she said and Keisuke's face went sour. Keisuke looked to Yuuhei to see his reaction and then shook his head no. There was no way he could eat that. "Heeey..." she whined playfully, "It sounded gross the first time I tried it too, but it's not as bad as you think! I swear! You can try some if yo-..." Chizuru turned to Yuuhei, "You can try some if you want. Keisuke doesn't like spinach, never has." "It will never touch my tongue again, I promise you." "What if I figure out a new way to make it that you might really, really really like?" "Then you have sabotaged an entire meal just to get me to eat something horrifyingly grotesque." Chizuru just smiled and turned to Yuuhei, "So is there any types of food you like and don't like, Yuuhei?"

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:31 am

    Yuuhei did think this girl was adorable. He'd never let Keisuke know it. That would be weird. But he smiled widely at Chizuru, as she was a one-of-a-kind gal. His smile disappeared when she mentioned what she ordered. Oh dear lord, that sounded disgusting. He gave Keisuke a subtle, agreeing nod. When Chizuru spoke up, Yuuhei kept up a straight face with his answer. "Salmon and spinach namely." He was completely serious. "Other than that, not really that big of a pork person, honestly. Oh, and deer. Do not like deer. Too rough of a texture. Now, I do like me some cheese. I have yet to find a cheese I don't like. Best kind is when it has tiny peppers cut up into it. Mmmm-hmm, that stuff is good."

    "Oh, and, this is weird I know, but crayfish. You know, the little things in streams and ponds? They look like shrimp, but they're not? Yeah, boil those and oooooooh boy is it good. And, as gross as this may sound, you gotta 'suck the head.'" Yuuhei gave Keisuke a look of 'let me continue before you say anything.' "You break 'em in half once they're boiled. The head, if you suck it, has some meat in it that's really good with the boiling powder. Some don't like it, but you gotta try it at least once. Anyways, what kinds of food do you two like? At least y'all both don't share the same food tastes."
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    Post by Serenity Thu Nov 10, 2016 2:39 am

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    "I am eating both things that you don't like?" Chizuru looked away from Yuuhei and at the wall. That was strangely coincidental. She looked back at him as he continued on. She noted his dislikes, but moreso his likes. If they were traveling together, she'd avoid the bad stuff and had to remember the good. When he kept going, Chizuru pulled out a little notebook and began writing things down. With a big title "Yuuhei's Likes and Dislikes", she wrote his likes on one side and his dislikes on the other. "Cheese with peppers cut in it..." she mumbled while writing and looked up to him, "What was the other one?" When he reminded her of the crayfish, she nodded and wrote that down too, including on how he liked them made and how they were eaten.

    Keisuke did indeed give Yuuhei a strange look when he mentioned sucking the head. As Yuuhei explained though, Keisuke understood a bit better and just chuckled. Men and their dirty minds had to walk on eggshells around an innocent little woman like Chizuru. Soon, the food came and Chizuru told the waiter who got what. "Thank you!" Chizuru tipped the waiter with two silver and then began eating. Throughout the meal, Chizuru was completely silent. Keisuke would talk a bit with Yuuhei, knowing Chizuru did not like eating and talking at the same time. If Yuuhei tried talking to her, she'd look up from her plate with her mouth full and continue to slowly chew. Once she finished that bite, she'd pout, "I'm eating." and then continue on with the delicious spinach and shrimp meal in front of her.

    "So how long is this trip going to take? So far I'm not sea sick, but I'm worried I might get it later." Chizuru finally spoke up after completely finishing her meal. She wiped her mouth and set her forks on the empty plate and then spread the mostly clean napkin over it to prevent a dirty plate from being so obvious. Her question was directed toward her brother who actually didn't know. "I assume a few hours? I've never been on a boat before." Keisuke looked to Yuuhei, "Do you happen to know?"

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:12 am

    "Just means I won't try to steal some of your food," Yuuhei jested. He wasn't kidding. Yuuhei is the type of guy to try to sneak a tiny bit of food off of someone's plate. He liked good-tasting food, but he wasn't going to pay for him to try something that he was going to dislike. If it was just a bite of it, then it was all good. At least in his mind, that is. Yuuhei could barely make out what she was writing. He smiled. She was innocent and cute, more than he realized. "Crayfish. Boiled crayfish." Yuuhei gave her a recipe for a shellfish boil he learned and liked, since it seemed as though she'd be the cook out of this entourage.

    Yuuhei and Keisuke talked while they ate. He thought about talking with Chizuru too. Every time he looked though, she was so focused on eating he couldn't bring himself to interrupt her. It was really, really cute. "A couple of hours? Oh boy, you really haven't been on a ship." Yuuhei laughed a bit. "A couple of hours and we won't even have left Ezonian waters. I'm going to say... about a week. A ship like this ain't too fast. Now, if this was one of them Zakatian ships I've seen one or two of... We'd be there in about four days. Those things are big, loud, and damn if they're fast. I imagine one day we can make that voyage in about a day. So you're going to be stuck with me for a week either way. Hope y'all don't change your mind about me during that time."
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    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Empty Re: Escape from Ezon [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:25 am

    Escape from Ezon [CLOSED] Header%20With%20Keisuke_zpsvzfgrhqg

    Hearing Yuuhei's time table made Keisuke ready to flip his shit. Chizuru looked at Keisuke and immediately began patting his back. Keisuke started to sweat and put his hand over his mouth like he would throw up. He didn't, but it looked like he could. "It'll be fine. I've been stuck in rooms smaller than this entire boat before, I know someone as strong as you can handle this." Chizuru did her best to reassure him, her voice a little worried. Keisuke was able to glance out the window and over the sea when Chizuru's hand covered his eyes. "No, no. You're gonna make it worse!" Chizuru said and walked around him so she could block the window. She removed her hand from his eyes.

    "If you wanna look out at the water, you have to calm down first, okay?" Chizuru gave her brother a tight hug and then motioned for him to stand up, "Now come on. Let's get to our rooms and see where Yuuhei's is too. Maybe we're all close to each other." Keisuke took a deep breath and nodded before standing up. The two picked up their luggage and looked to Yuuhei. "So what is your room number?" Keisuke asked, his voice a little strained. He still had a few beads of sweat on his forehead, but he was mostly better. "Ours is 12A, so we're on the second floor. B is below us and C is below that... I don't think there are anymore floors than that though. Our room is supposed to be huge." "Well, mine seems to be..." Yuuhei looked at his ticket and nodded. "4B. Shame we're not on the same floor, but we'll see one another along this trip." Yuuhei waved, smiling as he walked towards the stairs heading down. "Take care!"

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