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    Lydia Barnier

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Lydia Barnier Empty Lydia Barnier

    Post by Tsubine Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:36 pm

    Vampire Template

    Basic Information

    Name: Lydia Barnier
    Aliases: Estelle Rochefort, Gabrielle Carbonneau, Lillian Barrett, Else Wehausen, Katarina Heisig, Karen Mittermeier, Elena Rozanova, Klara Fenenko
    Appearance Age: Late-20s, Early-30s
    True Age: 72
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 165 lbs
    Lydia Barnier Appearance

    Character Information

    Personality: Lydia Barnier is regarded as a perfect beauty. If she walks into a bar, ten men will offer her drinks. And she'll take a few up on their offers, but she'll only take one drink per. Lydia will smile at them, laugh at their jokes, and generally be a nice girl to drink with. She won't sleep with them. No matter what, she'll turn them down. If she has to lie to do it, she will. Lydia won't even let a man other than the Bartender walk her to her apartment(s). It's not that Lydia doesn't want to have sex. The actual act is fucking amazing, if you'll excuse the pun, to her. It's what comes after that she doesn't like. Lydia Barnier or, as she's more commonly referred as, the Black Cross's Aries will kill any man she sleeps with.

    Lydia is not a good person. She is a nice person, but good and nice do not always intermix. She is called the black widow of the Black Cross. This isn't to say that she's used solely for assassinations (they don't get many of those). She's used when matters take patience, delicacy, and a woman's touch. Whereas some are more suited for brute force (she has heard the stories of Leo), Lydia is perfect for long hauls. If she needs to woo her way into the pants of a noble to kill him, she'll spend months doing so. It's notable that when she does kill, she'll completely drain the blood out the noble. She has the people skills to make anything she says sound true, and she has the resourcefulness to plan ahead and get documents sorted out. Her looks are her greatest weapon, and her tongue is her second-greatest.

    Lydia hates her current life. She wants to run away and be free. She wants to not have nightmares about the people she kills. But Lydia is afraid. Not just of the Black Cross, but of what people would think of her if they found out. Well, more like when they found out. The Black Cross hasn't been a family to her, but they are the closest things she has to friends. The Bartender knows her name, and she said that if the other Zodiacs asked he had permission to tell them. She'd actually like to meet them all some day, oddly enough. She thinks that if they met, it might just allow them to conduct business a bit better—and she'd feel less inclined to leave. Fear is all that is keeping her in the Black Cross.

    Lydia views her vampirism as both a curse and a blessing. Moreso the former. The good parts to her are: it gives her a reason to be up at night, she's stronger and more lithe than a normal human, and she thinks the fangs are kind-of cute. The bad parts are far more numerous. The main thing she hates is that she can not reproduce. Although being a mother was not something she was hell-bent on doing, it was still a want she had. She also abhors having to feed on people. She once tried to feed off of a cow to see if that would work, but only got sick from it. Lydia keeps her feeding to a minimum and tries to feed off of healthy-looking people. She refuses to turn anyone too. Lydia has taken a liking to red wine, and she'll sometimes spike it with a bit of blood to keep her civil during prolonged parties.

    Character Background: Lydia was born decades ago in northern Brauk. Her family was small, and she was the last to be born. Her older sister of 6 years was always jealous of Lydia, and they bickered constantly. But truth be told, they loved one another deeply. Her mother and father were both miners, but Lydia and Elise were not expected to do that. They were going to marry rich or become rich on their own. Elise did find a rich suitor at age 16, and they married as soon as she turned 18. Lydia was not so fortunate. Lydia was gorgeous, but Elise even moreso. Lydia was always in her sister's shadow when it came to beauty. Even as Lydia turned 20, she hadn't met the one. She was going to go to Arcadia and become a doctor if she didn't find someone.

    But she did. On the way to the train station at the Brauk-Zakat border, she bumped into a handsome young man. He had brown hair and eyes the color of sunlit moss. He was moving to her town, and he apologized. He asked if he could get some directions, and Lydia smiled and said "I'll just give you a tour." "But aren't you leaving?" He asked, puzzled. She shook her head. "I think my plans have changed." The two were in love at first sight. His name was Marvin Kirkpatrick, and he was a merchant from Arcadia. Specifically, he was a jeweler. Marvin and Lydia married one year after they met, and they opened a store in the middle of town. They lived a happy life for the first two years of marriage.

    It changed after a trip to Zakat. Marvin went to meet up with a friend of his, and when he came back, he was different. He looked sickly, but he felt fine. The doctors found nothing wrong with him, and so they said he was normal. He wasn't. As time passed, Marvin would go out at night, and he'd return much later. There were reports of people attacked at night too. The constables could not find the perpetrator. Eventually, Lydia stayed up one night and followed Marvin. He was, of course, the attacker. Lydia was not fast enough to stop him, but she ran to him. "Why are you doing this?!" She asked, tears streaming down her face. He turned, tears running down his own face. "Lydia... I'm sorry. I don't know why. It just... I can't help it!" The two returned home, and they spent the night crying together.

    Lydia tried her best to keep Marvin's actions a secret. She claimed she was ill, and Marvin would have to go out at odd hours of the night to gather medicine. Of course, no apothecary was open, so rumors spread that they were doing strange rituals on Lydia to heal her. Eventually, her secret broke and the truth came out. The villagers called them monsters, and they laid siege to Marvin and Lydia's manor. Marvin was unable to feed, and so he flew into a rage. Lydia tried to stop him, but she couldn't. Marvin turned her into one of his kind. Not long after, the villagers grew tired of the siege and threw torches at the manor. The two of them tried to escape, but the manor was quickly catching fire. In a desparate move, Marvin threw Lydia out of a window and over a cliff. The villagers saw her fall, and fired bows and arrows at him. They did not kill him, but they did lame him enough so he could not escape. The burning house slowly fell on him, and he burned to ash.

    Lydia awoke a week later, her body aching and covered in bandages. It was the middle of night, and the doctor was not around. She began to shift around, noticing that she was practically healed. She read the report the doctor had—and it said that many of her bones were broken and that she was not expected to survive. Lydia's only pains were the stiffness caused from lying in bed for a week. She felt her neck, where Marvin had bitten her. It was bandaged, and there was thankfully a scar from broken glass concealing the two puncture marks. She hesitated, then felt at her own teeth—finding her canines to be exceptionally sharp. She was just like him.

    Fearing she'd do the same as Marvin, Lydia fled in the middle of the night. She gathered what she could from the remains of her manor. The ashes were still warm in some spots. She fled north, going into Zakat. She fed there, then fled into Arcadia. She lived in the forest for years, preying on unsuspecting travelers. People tried to hunt her, but she'd always say she saw a strange beast in one direction, then fled in the other. She fled all across Arcadia, and eventually made her way to Varedia. It took her a while, but she found the town nice. It was there that she joined up with the Black Cross. She doesn't remember why she did, but she has almost all but regretted it ever since. She's enjoyed the company of some of the people she's met, but overall, it wasn't what she had hoped for.


    Sunlight-dampening makeup: Something very expensive that she bought to deal with having to go out in the sunlight. It's a makeup that has Arcana within it. She puts it on whatever part of her skin might touch the sun. It will last for eight hours. It will provide the effect for an hour after it gets significantly wet (e.g. diving underwater, taking a shower, or getting rained on), although the effect will be fading. Lydia can, on a normal salary, afford enough for one day per week. She has enough for four days right now.

    Emeici: These are two small metal rods, each about the width of a pinky finger. She usually has them in her hair as decoration or in her purse as knitting needles. They are sharp on both ends, although she has an end-cap that makes them look like knitting needles. They attach to the rings on her middle fingers, and she can spin them with the flick of her wrist. She usually poisons them if she plans on using them. She'll usually use paralytics.

    Master Seductress: Lydia can talk a priest into fucking her like rabbits in heat. She knows how to use her body, and she's skilled with words and facial expressions.

    Skilled Assassin: Lydia is highly skilled with small bladed weapons such as daggers or her eimeici.

    Unlocked Racial Traits:

    2-1: Animal Transformation: Cat
    2-2: Minor Levitation
    2-3: Visual Ability: Hypnosis
    2-4: Water-Walking
    2-5: Resistance To Cold
    3-1: Wall-Walking
    3-2: Enhanced Body#1: +30 to speed
    3-3: Scent

    Last edited by Tsubine on Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Lydia Barnier Empty Re: Lydia Barnier

    Post by Tsubine Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:37 pm

    Agility: 20+55=75
    Durability: 20+10=30
    Endurance: 20+55=75
    Speed: 20+0+30=50
    Strength: 20+0=20

    Energy Control: 0


    Last edited by Tsubine on Sun Mar 13, 2016 9:04 pm; edited 2 times in total
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Lydia Barnier Empty Re: Lydia Barnier

    Post by Serenity Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:52 pm

    Application Checklist
    • Name [-]
    • Appropriate Age [-]
    • Gender [-]
    • Appearance Present [-]
    • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [-]
    • Appearance is Not Claimed [-]
    • 15 sentences for personality [-]
    • History is 10 sentences [-]
    • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [-]
    • Powers are described reasonably enough [-]
    • Application is not in First Person [-]

    Tier: 2-1
    Skill Rank: Experienced: 120

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