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    Elwyn Ensandraen [APPROVED, 1-1]

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Elwyn Ensandraen [APPROVED, 1-1] Empty Elwyn Ensandraen [APPROVED, 1-1]

    Post by Serenity Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:43 pm

    Elven Template


    Name: Elwyn 'Alina' Ensandraen
    ALIAS: --
    Gender: Female
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 135


    Elwyn Ensandraen [APPROVED, 1-1] 15_zpsc51ed7ba

    Other Pictures:

    Personality: Elwyn is the eldest of four girls. After her came the second as Hacil, the third as Nilani, and the fourth as Nahbe. Elwyn's relationship with Hacil is very hard to describe. She knows Hacil doesn't like her very much because of the sibling hierarchy within the family, but Elwyn still loves her. She tries to be very strict with Hacil, which is probably pushing her away more, but she doesn't know what else to do. Elwyn's relationship with Nilani is really normal. The two get along well, although Nilani tries to keep her from being so strict towards Hacil. After that is Nahbe, the half sister of the group. Elwyn is surprisingly quite protective of Nahbe even though she's the 'half-blood' sister of the four. Elwyn doesn't care about Nahbe being a half sister and loves her the same and it angers her that Hacil is so hard on Nahbe for something that she couldn't even control; that may also be a reason why Elwyn is so hard on Hacil. Over all, Elwyn was brought up to be the leader of her clan. She was taught to be well-mannered, proper, elegant, articulate, and strong willed; she is the epitome of the perfect daughter, woman, and leader. She is gentle when she needs to be and tough when she needs to be. She can nurse someone's wound, take care of a patient, or play with a young child. Elwyn can hunt for her food, kill an enemy, take a punch, and deliver one as well. To her clan, she can be anything they need her to be. If they are being attacked, she will become their army. If they need food, she will hunt for it. No matter what is happening, Elwyn will do her best to be there for her clan, family, and her friends.

    The perfect daughter, the perfect woman, the perfect leader... Yes, this is what people see Elwyn as and in many ways this is what she is, but the pressure. Can one person even imagine the amount of pressure that Elwyn is under? No. They could not. Elwyn has a sister she feels she needs to protect from another one of her sisters. What other leader can say that? What other leader can tell you that they have one of their siblings hating them? It's hard to compare another's story to Elwyn's. In front of people, Elwyn is strong, graceful, and beautiful. In her room or when she is all alone, Elwyn is scared, weak, and depressed. She fears the loss of her sisters. She drops the walls that keep the tears in and cries herself to sleep almost every night. She hides all of this sadness within her to make sure that her clan stays strong and that her siblings don't fall. She loves her sisters so much, but at this point in her life they are slowly breaking her down and tearing her heart to shreds. There isn't a single person who knows this side of Elwyn. She makes sure that she keeps it from everyone so they do not see her as anything more than strong. She couldn't bear her clan feeling that she was unfit to be their leader. Because of this, Elwyn has forced a burden on herself that she is unsure how long she will be able to handle. She doubts that she will ever break, but it is possible. One wrong word, the Elwyn that people know can suddenly disappear. With how much pressure is building on her, that dam may break.

    History: Elwyn was the first born of a total of four children; all of them ended up being girls. From her birth, Elwyn was taught to be the perfect person: leader, wife, mother. This was what she knew, and she completely accepted the traditions of the family. When she turned six, the birth of a baby girl gave her a younger sister. A red eyed ball of mischief waiting to grow and terrorize her in ways that Elwyn could not prepare herself for was the only way to describe Hacil. Of course, at the time she was an innocent baby, beautiful and loved. The idea of a sister was exciting for Elwyn, but unfortunately things didn't go as she had dreamed about. Hacil was unable to keep up with the demands and expectations that her 'perfect sister' laid out for her before she was even born. Their parents expected Hacil to be perfect, if not more than perfect, just to match Elwyn in every way. Hacil was just not that type of child; she couldn't keep up with it and she didn't seem to want to. With the amount of pressure that was on her, it wasn't surprising that Hacil was going to give up on impressing their parents at a young age. Finally, that time came. Hacil seemed to blame Elwyn for everything and began yelling at her. Elwyn sat and listened to her sister complain, just like she was taught, and was pushed into feeling very guilty. At the time, Elwyn was twelve and Hacil was six. Neither of them should of had to deal with the crap they were forced to deal with. The most Elwyn could do was listen. The problem came when Hacil began insulting and blaming her for everything, not understanding that this wasn't her fault. She was young, so it was understandable. Elwyn though, became angry and began scolding her sister and telling her off in a calm manner. In fact, it wouldn't be shocking if people described Elwyn as a mother at that time. Only twelve years old and speaking down to a child as if you were their mother was not the best, but her points were valid. Hacil thought so too, because she soon became angry after realizing she was going to lose this battle and said something that breaks Elwyn's heart to this day.

    "I HATE YOU ELWYN! I HATE YOU!" Hacil screamed at her, meaning every word she said. Though Elwyn never told anyone, hearing those words shook her core and from then on Elwyn never cried. Unfortunately, the two were unaware of the fact that they were being watched. Nilani, the newest addition of the family and only three years old at the time, had heard their arguing and watched them from around the corner. If Elwyn had been aware of her presence, she would never have lashed out at Hacil for the sake of her younger sister. It wasn't right to show a child so much anger; especially at such an impressionable age. A few years passed and the three of them had one more younger sister. The fourth born was Nahbe, but her birth wasn't exactly what was expected. Their parents marriage had been political and their mother had previously fallen in love with a human; that was an act not sanctioned by anyone in the clan. Because of this, their mother was birthing children by a man she did not purely love. They cared for one another, but they were not in love with each other. One day, their mother was reunited with the man she loved and they had a single night of dishonored pleasure and later Nahbe was brought into the world. Because of the manner of her birth, Nahbe was brought up sheltered and not having to deal with the expectations that were given to the other three. Elwyn understood, Nilani didn't care, and Hacil was extremely angered by the situation. Even though they were young, Hacil often picked on Nahbe, rubbing it in her face that she was the half sister, the freak, the one that didn't fit in with the rest. This treatment of Nahbe brought Elwyn closer to her. When the teasing got bad, there was one thing that Elwyn said to Nahbe that even she won't ever forget she admitted, "Understand, Nahbe, you're the sister born out of love. Be proud of your existence and ignore the jealousy of the other sisters, including myself."

    When Elwyn turned eighteen, a meeting was called. It was tradition in the clan to have the Elders, the soon-to-be Maha's, and their parents discuss the future of the clan. Elwyn, being first born, was automatically going to be the Maharaja. It was a known fact and that would not change. It was a duty she understood from the beginning and accepted; this is why she worked so hard to become 'perfect'. During this meeting, the only one not criticized was Elwyn, and this deeply upset her. She knew how her sister's were going to feel about that. Nahbe was young and they didn't know whether she would be fit for the position at such an age; they also brought up her being a half-blood. Nilani was criticized for being too quiet, reserved, and to herself. She never seemed to have any influence on the people of the clan and they wondered whether she would be able to handle the pressure. Then it came to Hacil. Elwyn could only keep her eyes closed and sit there quietly when they talked about Hacil. Hacil was the wild child, odd ball, and less liked of the four sisters. She's done this and that, she could do this, and she can't do that. The cycle continued. Finally, after offending all but Elwyn, the younger three were released and the meeting continued for about ten minuted. Finally when things were settled and Elwyn left the meeting, she looked down just in time to see that Hacil was once again scaring the shit out of Nahbe. She'd have to go down there and teach her a lesson, again. And then it happened. Elwyn's eyes widened when Hacil actually shot of plasma to instill fear in her younger sister (at least that is how Elwyn saw it). The shot hit a tree, taking out half of it and causing it to fall. Elwyn's heart skipped a beat when the tree fell on three homes. The look on Elwyn's face was filled with rage and disappointment. Never before had Hacil actually done something so wreckless; she had done some bad things in the past, but this was just over the top.

    “Are you insane?! You just knocked down a tree and destroyed three homes! What if there were people in there?! You better hope that they weren't! Do you have any concern for others?! Can you, for once, think about the consequences of your actions?! Why the hell are you so intent on messing with your younger sister that you would risk the lives of your family?! I know you are much more intelligent than that Hacil! Are you even listening?!” And it was lecture time! As if that was shocking to anyone. After endangering the lives of her own family and not even seeming to care about it, what happened next was inevitable. "Yes, yes I get it. Hacil bad, Nahbe good, blah blah blah. Right?" Hacil retorted with her usual attitude. “At this point, I don't even know why I argue with you. You never listen; you never change. I swear, it's like you only want to cause the clan harm. I don't know what to do with you anymore.” Elwyn rolled her eyes and glanced towards the damage that was done, only to shake her head in disappointment. She was trying to keep a level head, but it was getting harder and harder. "Then don't do a damn thing. I don't need three dumbasses trying to raise me." Hacil said, hitting one of the few nerves Elwyn had. And then, Elwyn said something that she regrets saying to this day, "You, Hacil, are a disappointment and a burden on the Esandrean." Her parents couldn't believe that Elwyn had spoken like that, but no one could really argue. Look at what just happened? Who would disagree with it at this point? "Because a bitch like you is what everyone needs to aspire to be like, right?" Hacil said in angry reply. "If I am a bitch, I fear the word they choose to describe you with." Elwyn shook her head and waved the situation off, turning and walking away to avoid any more personal conflict in front of the clan. "Whatever they call me, it's no longer than the stick rammed up your ass to give you that oh-so-pleasant attitude." That was it. Elwyn glared back towards Hacil. "You need to be taught a lesson." Elwyn said, a fight obviously about to break out. "A lesson in how to kick your ass? I might actually listen to this one." Hacil said in reply and the two were ready for an outright brawl.

    What happened next came as a shocker. Nilani, the quietest of the sisters, the one who never got involved and kept out of everyone's business, had heard a certain line that Elwyn had said. Nilani was not happy about her sister being called a disappointment and a burden, even though there were valid reasons behind the statements. Nilani just felt that it was just not something that a big sister should do. She watched from one of the higher buildings, listening to the words that were exchanged between their sisters and it reminded her of the time she first saw them arguing. This time, she didn't want to sit back and just let it happen. If she had done so last time, maybe this wouldn't have gotten so out of hand. It was obvious Elwyn and Hacil were going to fight. The moment the two readied their fists they began to charge, and Nilani narrowed her eyes at the situation. Before they could get too close to each other, Nilani jumped from the building and landed down in between them. As she did this, she used her element of air to harshly knock both of the sisters a few feet back. Neither of them were expecting the interruption, so they were actually knocked back pretty far and got knocked on their asses. They both quickly stood and looked to Nilani in shock. "ENOUGH!" Nilani shouted at them both, turning her head back and forth between the two in anger, "You are sisters, start fucking acting like it! I am sick of all of this god damn fighting between you two. Elwyn, stop acting like you're Hacil's mother and treat her like a fucking sister for once! Hacil, you never give Elwyn a fucking chance to be a god damn sister because you're so concentrated on something that she could not even control! Both of you stop this shit now!" Nilani's voiced echoed through out the forest they lived in, a gust of air shot out in all directions, and the look of anger on Nilani's face was able to shake Elwyn back to her normal self. Never had they ever seen Nilani so angry, especially angry enough to get in the middle of their fighting. Hacil, on the other hand, just glared at Nilani and walked off. A moment later, everyone turned away from the scene and went back to what they were doing.


    Racial Ability: Ghosting.

    Type: Water and Ice
    Description: It is impossible to name off technique for Elwyn. She is, by all definition of the word, a water manipulator. (I hate to describe it this way, but the best example is honestly Avatar: The Last Air Bender) She takes the water within the air, in plants and nature, and within any other water source and purely manipulates it. She can make it go up and down, apply pressure, heat it up, and cool it down into ice. Elwyn has always been a natural with her abilities, so when she trained in the aspect she caught on extremely fast. She is a fearsome fighter, one that she has fought to be every since she was five years old. Elwyn has never made specific techniques when it comes to her manipulating her water and ice because she does whatever she needs at that moment. She uses her body's speed and strength to defend and attack with the water and/or ice. The way to beat Elwyn is honestly to be faster than she is, which isn't easy. There are two techniques, though she doesn't name them or call their names out when she activates them that she trained specifically for in dire situations.

    Muscle Acceleration: As the name sounds, this technique is something Elwyn does to enhance her or a targets muscles. When she does this, she manipulates the water in the body to move faster than normal. If she casts this on herself, since Elwyn is normally faster, stronger, and more agile than an Olympic level competitor, this is a lot. She gives a +20 to strength, speed, and agility. This spell does tear through the body if used for a long period of time.

    Ice Prison: Elwyn concentrates a large amount of her Anima in her right fist and charges it for two to four seconds (one-two posts). Once it is ready, Elwyn throws the punch towards an area and releases her Anima at a rapid rate. The Anima reacts extremely fast to the water in the air and freezes the area instantly. The attack shoots out in the shape of a cone.

    • Two second charge, it moves out for fifty feet and reaches twenty five foot wide and envelopes the area in 1 seconds.
    • Three second charge, moves forward seventy feet and reaches thirty-five foot wide and envelopes the area in 2 second.
    • Four second charge, moves forward ninety feet and reaches forty-five foot wide and envelopes the area in 3 seconds.


    Equipment: Bow; see appearance pictures.

    • Archery: Advanced. This her second choice for combat and she uses her Anima to create arrows for her bow, never carrying a quiver with her. All the quiver will do is slow her down and make her worry about ammo. With a bow, she is a master when the target is standing still or moving slowly. When it's moving, she has a slightly hard time, but nothing too major. Still, because she needs the accuracy, she won't use her bow in major battle.
    • Hand-To-Hand: More than proficient and absolutely exceptional! Her hand to hand combat abilities are extremely good. Those who fight her will assume they are fighting a master of some sort of style, but that is not the truth. She is an extremely good fighter, but she has never had any set style. She merely watches her opponent and reacts the way she feels is best. She does this because she uses her water manipulation while she is fighting as well as without it.
    • Observational Skills: This has always been Elwyn's strongest and most natural ability. She's very good at observing a person and being able to predict their movements. She is able to pick up patterns and assess what a person is going to do next just by the slight movement of their body. Elwyn is also able to closely watch up to ten people all at once, giving her a huge advantage on the battle field. Her hearing, sight, and sense of smell are all really strong, allowing her to pick up on different hints and clues here and there.
    • Physical Attributes: Elwyn is at the top of her class when it comes to physical ability. She's quick and nimble, able to maneuver easily and is extremely flexible. She's about average in strength and her stamina is above most of the people she knows. She can keep up a strenuous activity for up to three hours before she starts getting too tired.

    Last edited by Serenity on Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Elwyn Ensandraen [APPROVED, 1-1] Empty Re: Elwyn Ensandraen [APPROVED, 1-1]

    Post by Serenity Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:31 pm

    Agility: 6 + 30 = 36
    Durability: 2 + 20 = 22
    Endurance: 4 + 20 = 24
    Speed: 6 + 35 = 41
    Strength: 4 + 15 = 19

    Energy Control: 4 + 30 = 34

    Last edited by Serenity on Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Elwyn Ensandraen [APPROVED, 1-1] Empty Re: Elwyn Ensandraen [APPROVED, 1-1]

    Post by Tsubine Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:33 pm

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