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    Let It Go (Open)


    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2014-04-19

    Let It Go (Open) Empty Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Acheron Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:19 am

    " Ah hope yer gonna pay fer that. " The most grotesque of beasts spewed as it hunched over, thick saliva splattered across the bridge of a small girls nose. The fiendish woman's talons stretched out and coiled around the delicate wrist of the frail thing, tugging it to come closer with the goods its hand had procured.

    Significantly smaller than the obese monstrosity of a woman before her the dirty blonde, shaggy haired child couldn't hope to get away. Even above the ruckus the witch was making her stomach could be heard growling, and it was no wonder why. When had she last ate? Skin had already begun to droop, and her stomach had caved in on itself; making her ribs appear like bony wings. " Stop, please! I'll give it  back! " Tears had begun to well up in her dish sized sapphire orbs. Not because she was probably going to be punished, no. She was used to that. It was a frequent occurrence for a young thief making hasty and rash decisions. She was going to have to endure yet another day without any food or drink. She needed something outside the sewer water, it left her mouth feeling like it had things crawling within it and her stomach clenching in anger.

    " Oooh. Yer gonna just give it back? " Fat lips pursed together in some ill attempt to hold back the ensuing laughter. " Ahahaha. " She erupted, if you could call it a she, sending her bellowing laugh echoing down the rundown alley she ran her shop out of. Her stomach and chest rolled and heaved as she laughed, and spit flowed from her canyon of a mouth like water from a faucet. " No one's gonna wan'ta buy that now! Yer filthy, awful little hands 'ave been all o'er it! " With one could tug, she slammed the girl against the shop stall; pinning that tiny hand by the wrist atop the booth. " No, ah think ah'll just 'ave ter take that hand o'yers. " She smiled delightfully, savoring the horrified look upon the weaker face of the child.

    This was bad. People had always threatened to chop off her hand, but no one had actually ever done it. Why did she have to be born into such a miserable life? Her mind envisioned the giant castles she'd seen on pictures in various stalls. They had it easy. Servants to bring them whatever they wanted, and enough coin to blow on even the most ridiculous of things. The sound of metal brushing the corner of the booth brought her attention back to the harsh reality she lived in. Wide eyed, she stared at the grimacing face of her assailant. The beast was going to enjoy lopping off her hand...

    Everything went quiet as the other less than reputable denizens of the alley watched. They didn't have to ask if the shop owner would really do it or not. She'd done it a hundred times before. After all, she wasn't call Madred The Razor for nothing.

    Coins splattering across the booth's surface shredded the blanket of silence that had befallen the alley. " Enough. " Stern. Strong. Solid. A voice of ecstasy inducing quality spoke. An accent, entirely Italian, rich and heavily lathered upon the word. " Coins wont be what I throw next time. " A threat. No. The golden gleam that peeked out from beneath his black duster said it was a promise. The rats that called themselves people scurried from the light the golden leaf spear brought with it as if they were afraid the light would burn them.

    Those distasteful eyes narrowed, and a hand shaded her pupils as she attempted to examine the individual dumb enough to interrupt her fun time.  He was tall. Almost as tall as she wide, and simply judging by the taut skin drawn across his forearms that defined the muscles beneath, he wasn't just some nobody to be ignored. As if the look upon his face wasn't enough. " Yer think some coin an' a mean look arr' 'nough to keep me from chippity choppin' this girls hand off? " She bellowed, laughing from her gut again. Her head had even been thrown back, nearly slinging her wig off the top of that bald crown of hers. The sharp squeak of surprise and shock from the child in her grasp caused her head to lower. Sharp yet minor pain washed over her neck in waves. How had he done that?

    As if the distance between them had taken but a single step, Acheron was upon the woman with his twin spear Gae Buidhe against the bottom of her many chins. This close he could see the beads of sweat forming. Could see the sudden freight that had taken over her eyes. Their intensity paled in comparison to the coals that burned within his own. Crimson glinted in the light against gold, reflecting a golden crimson light across his chiseled features. " Did you think my decree inadequate? " Lids narrowed, pupils shrank as they focused on the quivering face before him.

    Then she saw it. The design upon the front of his duster. Honor Above All Else. Death. Dishonor. Twin spears crossed behind the shield crowned with a fearsome tiger, and unicorns stood upon hind legs on either side of it. He wasn't a nobody. " B-b-b-b-ut yer all dead. " She stumbled over her words.

    " Are we? " He removed his spear from her gullet, and wiped the trails of blood upon her coat before returning it to the holster upon his back. " Now then. " Coldly he spoke, hand extending out to grab the bag of coin he'd thrown. With his other hand he pried each of the woman's talon's off of the girl, and placed the bag in her palm. " You're going to take this. You're going to let her go, and forget she even exists. " Slowly he stretched his hand out towards the child, who almost immediately grabbed it and rushed beneath his duster; barely peering out from beneath the folds.

    Rapidly she nodded, rolls of fat jiggling in the process. " Y-y-yes, Sir. Ah never saw 'er b'fore. "

    " Good! " And like that his serious demeanor vanished and was replaced with a smile upon his face. " Nice doing business with ya, Madam. " Arm across over his chest, he bowed; ebony locks swaying in motion across his face. With that, he stood upright and made his way out of the alley and back into the less rowdy main streets. " You alright, girl? " She'd managed to keep up with him every step of the way, all the while not once showing her face from beneath the material of his duster. Even so, he didn't have to see her to know  her reply. A rapid nod was felt against the flesh of his ribs, and his hand was gripped tighter. " Pix. See what you can do for her. I'll see if I can't find someplace fitting for us to eat. " In unison the stomachs of three individuals rumbled. "Ahahaha. Someplace for us to eat alot. "

    Out of his hood the tiny fae emerged, immediately zipped out of sight and under his garb where the child remained hidden. " Allo!~ " She piped, striking a pose on the substantially smaller shoulder than she was used to. " I'm Pix and you're saaafe!~" Genuine, kind, and energetically she smiled whilst her hand cleaned the dirt and tears that clung to the childs face.

    Yes. She was safe. Acheron would see to it she stayed that way.

    Coat of Arms on his duster.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Age : 224

    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Serenity Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:23 pm

    Let It Go (Open) Lillianna2_zpsab9369e1

    Even Queen's need days of normalcy...

    That fact had become apparent in the last couple weeks of Lillianna's life. Every single day was planned out for her. She was tired of not being able to relax, to socialize, or to have any real fun. She loved being the Queen of Arcadia, but she was still human. It's probably been three years since she had a decent break. If she didn't get one soon, she was going to snap. There was just one problem. How was she going to get around her? Lillianna woke up three hours earlier than usual just because of this. Krsia should be awake at this time, so she would be free to dart right out the front door without any one bothering her about where she was going. Lillianna tiptoed her way through the hall until she came to one corner. She slowly poked her head around. “All clear.” she thought as she stepped around the corner and hurried her way down further through the hallway. She came to the main hall and was glad to find it was empty. “Where are the guards?” she asked herself with narrowed eyes. Lillianna moved silently down the stairs until finally she was at the front door.

    “Almost there...” she said as she took the handle in her hand. As she turned the knob, it made a loud clicking noise that, of course, echoed through out the large stone cavern that was carved into the shape of her castle. She froze at the sound, waiting for someone to investigate the noise. She heard someone coming down the hallway to her right, but they didn't seem to be in a hurry. Lillianna pushed the door open rather quickly and slid her slender body through the small crack, silently closing the massive door behind her. Lillianna slowly backed away from the castle door, hurried passed a few conversing guards, and darted down the stairway and out into Aria. Mission. Successful. Lillianna, feeling happy and free just kept going. She kept running through the empty streets of Aria, passing the few houses, shops, and people that would be lit up and awake at this time. She wasn't used to this. She wasn't used to not being recognized. Her disguise was working. Arcadia had no idea that the person they called their Queen was currently darting through the Town Square and soon, with only a bag hanging from her side, she ran out of the front gates.

    And twelve hours later... They should have gotten her note by now, at least Krsia would. She just needed a break. She needed to get away and she has. Lillianna didn't really know where she would have been heading on this break of hers, but after a bit of thought she decided there is only one place in her Kingdom that she wanted to check on: Rydian. And now, she was in Colburn. She hitched a ride with a family of six that was making their way here, so she got here pretty quick and safely. She was forced to make up her own identity when traveling with them. She was now Lydia Cross, an orphaned woman who travels around doing odd jobs for those who need them done. It was simple, but not unbelievable. They went their separate ways as they made it to Colburn. The city hadn't changed much since her last visit, though it was much more diverse. Rydian had gotten so many new students from all over the world that the population of Colburn increased by three to four times in ten years. It was nice to see.

    Lydia was happily walking down the streets of Colburn, waving kindly to anyone who noticed her. It was habit. Everything was going great, at least until she heard some disturbing conversation from a small shop down an alleyway. "No one's gonna wan'ta buy that now! Yer filthy, awful little hands 'ave been all o'er it!" Lillianna turned her attention down the alley. She came up to the shop and looked through the window at this ghastly creature, a young girl, passive onlookers, and then a young man who came to the girls aid. It didn't take a genius to tell that the obese woman was a [i]bitch[i], the young girl was a homeless thief, and the other was a good man with his morality intact. "Yer think some coin an' a mean look arr' 'nough to keep me from chippity choppin' this girls hand off?" the woman said. Lillianna's eyes narrowed in pain. The woman's voice scratched at her ears like nails on a chalk board. Her grotesque laugh only fueled the anger Lillianna felt toward this entire situation. The fact that Lillianna could not get involved in the manner she wanted to bothered her just as much.

    The man's swift actions were impressive. He handled the situation with grace and honor. It made Lillianna smile, especially when the tub of lard beyond the counter caved and agreed to the terms set by the man with the spears. As the the two of them walked out, Lillianna's eyes followed them. As they stepped out, Lillianna passed behind them and looked into the shop at the obese woman. Lillianna wanted nothing more than to warn this woman about the impending doom she has set upon herself. Within the month, Lillianna will have her imprisoned and her shop sold off to someone who needs a job. For now, she felt this overwhelming urge to speak with the man who aided the child. She looked toward them and hurried to their side. “Hey!” she called out before she made it all the way to them, “I need to ask, why did you choose to help the child?” Lillianna stepped in front of him, standing with her formal posture and a strong-willed demeanor that you usually would not see on regular people who walked the streets. The likelihood of guessing that she was the Queen was low; her hair was short and black and her eyes violet, completely opposite of the Queen.
    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Dai Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:35 pm

    Acheron had not been the only being who had chanced upon this situation, nor was he the only one who had seen fit to make a change. Soft purple orbs behind narrowed and harsh lids watched the entire situation unfold, with a body beneath them wanting nothing more than to charge forward and help the girl--yet she knew not what she could do. If she were to simply charge in, then the only thing she would be capable of doing would be knocking out the trader with a body larger than some Dragon's she'd faced--that wasn't going to help the youth, since it would merely promote theft even further. She herself had little coin with which to help the girl right now, either. She had enough for a meal for herself, and that wasn't going to be much. Sometimes she wished she actually got paid for her work. The base of the staff was rested upon the stone, carried by a rough hand; while in the other hand was carried a bottle of clear liquid, though one could not actually see the liquid within. A soft sigh left the lips of the woman as the bottle was returned to rest by her side. Why was it so hard dealing with people? At least Dragons were capable of fighting back against her. That woman over there wouldn't even be able to stand up to her hits; simply because she was so much stronger than most people. If she'd stepped in with her strength, she would simply be viewed as a violent troublemaker. It bothered her so, if only for the fact that she really wanted to help this young beggar girl. She didn't even have food on her person right now, though she'd go out and hunt in the next few hours. She couldn't exactly take this youth out hunting, either. Another sigh, and Ruomei took a step back towards the shadows, hoping that there was someone else who could deal with this situation. Every fibre of her being urged her forwards, but she really had no idea if she could be of any use at this point in time. If people could look through the harsh lids and into those soft, purple orbs, they would see nary but pain.

    "Enough." Her eyes opened slightly, looking up to see the source of that new voice. There was a difference to it; a commanding presence that she'd never really noticed in any of the other citizens. A voice that wished to make a change to this one situation, even if no other situations would be changed for it. "Coins wont be what I throw next time." Ruomei caught a breath in the back of her throat, watching the changes to this unfold. She stepped forwards again, not anything bar a spectator in this situation--yet needing to be nothing else, either. She didn't know what to say, or how to react. She felt that she should do something, but at the same time she knew that she was unneeded. "B-b-b-b-ut yer all dead." All of a sudden, the woman's expression turned from one of mere annoyance to that of pure, unadultered fear. The whale's body shook as if it were being washed back and forth within the ocean waves, and Ruomei felt herself almost wanting to root and cheer for this man, this wonderful man who had saved the young girl from what was most likely going to be the removal of a hand. "Pix. See what you can do for her. I'll see if I can't find someplace fitting for us to eat." She stood and stared, preparing herself to walk away, but then turning back in their direction. She felt the need to talk to both of them. She didn't know why, honestly. She just felt the need to see this person and how he acted outside of his heroism. She just needed to.

    However, it seemed that her hopes of getting to talk to this man alone were dashed. She blinked and stepped back again, watching quietly. “I need to ask, why did you choose to help the child?” She stood still, leaning lightly on the staff and taking note of this newcomer with black hair. There was something unusual about this woman, and Ruomei noticed it immediately. It had nothing to do with her appearance--simply with her demeanor and attitude. She held herself in high regard, that much was obvious. Ruomei could tell even that much about a person, despite her... difficulty in interacting with other people. She breathed out, watching the group with a careful gaze. She wanted to go up to them and say something, but she really didn't know how. She inched closer to the group and pursed her lips, watching with an expression that was nothing like the usual tough exterior she put up. "Ehhh..."

    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2014-04-19

    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Acheron Tue Apr 22, 2014 6:56 am

    The feeling of being watched was unmistakable. It was an uncomfortable sensation he felt. As a beggar, he was often overlooked and even outright ignored. How many times had people tripped over him as he sat against a building before simply going about their business like it had never happened? Maybe this was him missing the old in some unconscious attempt to forgo his plans. It wouldn't have been the first time he'd let small things alter his desired course, but they certainly wouldn't do so now. His faceless family's legacy was hinged on him seeing things through to the bitter end.

    In such close proximity it was easy to hear the chuckling of the homeless girl beneath his cloak. Pix was wonderful with children. Always had been ever since he was one. Selfless, energetic and exceedingly rambunctious, the tiny fae had an aura about her that soothed most anyone that let it. Eventually, it became difficult to move in a straight like. The little girl had begun running circles around him while Pix impersonated some fanged beast threatening to devour her while chasing her around. The scene was enough to cause the aging noble to laugh, and succeeded in bringing even more looks their way. " Alright, alright little ones. " Like she were a fly, Acheron plucked the flying fae from the air and plopped his other hand upon the dirty blonde hair of the other larger child. " You can play more later. I'll even play the Knight that comes to save the damsel. " He grinned, winking at the little human girl.

    With a giggle she struck a pose, much like Pix had when they first met. She was really too much. Simply the girls smile was already affecting Acheron in ways he hadn't ever imagined it would. Had he inverted himself to such a degree in his life that true interaction with another left him feeling odd? It was true that ever since the raid upon his family state, Acheron had secluded himself from day to day interaction with people. He kept to himself and Pix, and what little interaction he had with other human beings was limited to solely business or his vigilante escapades.  


    The sudden sound of another at his side caught his attention. Silently beneath the duster his hand reached for the shaft of Gae Buidhe, and his spare hand was used to usher the child behind him. He half expected one of the gravity-creating woman's cronies to be there with bladed weapon in hand, yet..It wasn't. Instead it was a black haired, violet eyed beaut with an all too formal posture and demeanor. Brow perking, Acheron allowed his golden hues to slide over her visage; first to locate visible weaponry, and then to appreciate her feminine physique. She certainly had a sense of fashion to her. " Salve. " He greeted while preforming a slight bow; enough to show respect for most Nobles, though certainly not enough to suggest he truly gave a damn what her lineage might be. Rather than introduce herself, or apologize for impeding his progress, the woman saw it fit to ask a question of him. Why had he helped the girl? In truth the answer was rather simple. He did it because the child needed it. Not because he felt that he should, or because of some sense of honor or chivalry.

    " I'll ask you a question to answer your own. What do you see when you look at these hands? " Gently he grasped the girls wrists with his hands and displayed the pads of built up callus upon the palms of her own. " Do you see a peasants hands? A farmers? Or do you just see a part of the body used day after day for various jobs? " Once again his brow perked, though this time it gave his face a distinguished, inquisitive look. " I see a story. " He traced the broader pad of his pointer finger along the callus. " I see pages still empty, story yet to be filled in. " He trailed that finger to the parts of her hands unblemished. " If she'd lost her hand over something as simple as a loaf of bread, how would anyone know what her story was? " He released his hold upon the girl and allowed his head to turn towards her for a moment; facial features immediately softening upon meeting her bright, innocent and confused sapphire gaze. " All of us need a little help sometimes. " Strong hand ruffled filthy locks of gold; fit of giggling the response.

    "Ehhh. "

    Boy. He sure was the popular one. Less on guard he turned, pools of liquid gold falling upon yet another woman that had deemed him someone to talk to. " Salve. " With his greeting, he bowed but was this time mimicked by the small child. " Is there something I can do for you, Miss..?"
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Serenity Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:18 am

    Let It Go (Open) Lillianna3_zpse3defcf4

    The few moments Lillianna was able to watch the child and the man interact were priceless. He was a man good with children, kind, and helpful. Only when Lillianna was closer was she able to notice the small creature flying around and playing with the small girl. The sight caught the attention of more than just her too, a few people around giggled at the spectacle. Unfortunately the scene ended when she chose to call out toward him. The child was quickly nudged behind him. Lillianna took a quick note of how he instinctively seemed to want to protect the small girl, but ignored it and asked her question any way. There was a short moment of silence before he spoke up, and when he did there was not an answer to her question. Instead, he asked one that shocked her slightly.

    "I'll ask you a question to answer your own. What do you see when you look at these hands?” he asked and took a gentle hold of the child's wrists and showed them to her. “I... Uh...” Lillianna stumbled over her words, confused on how she was supposed to answer, if she was supposed to answer. "Do you see a peasants hands? A farmers? Or do you just see a part of the body used day after day for various jobs?" And still, Lillianna was not sure of how to answer. She looked back down to the child's eyes and then back to her hands. "I see a story."  he said and she turned her gaze back up to him again, “I see pages still empty, story yet to be filled in." Lillianna watched his hand trace along her fingers and took in what he was saying. She noticed the calluses on the child's hand, feeling a tinge of pity. She followed along with him till he reached the clear skin along her fingers.

    "If she'd lost her hand over something as simple as a loaf of bread, how would anyone know what her story was?" he asked his final question. Lillianna took in a deep breath and let it out in an audible sigh. “So... you're saying you helped her because you wanted her to write her own story?” Lillianna raised an eyebrow, “In no way do I condone cutting off a child's hand because they were hungry enough to take what they need... but some people make their story through unfortunate circumstances such as that. If that is your answer to why you chose to help her, then indulge me...” Lillianna crossed her arms along her chest, staring curiously at this man. If it wasn't obvious by the look on her face, he had caught her interest. “If you let me ask you some questions. Just to talk, nothing more. I'm not even asking you to answer things you find too personal...” she told him with a sincere smile, “I will treat you and the child a meal of your choice... What's it gonna be?”

    "Ehhh." Lillianna tilted her head at the noise he made and raised an eyebrow. She followed to where his gaze was going and noticed another just standing there. Lillianna blinked a few times at the slightly rude manner in which this woman was just listening to their conversation. Of course, she held her tongue. At the moment, Queen Aranhartte didn't exist. She had no right to speak to someone in the manner she normally would have if they had been caught listening to her conversations without permission. "Is there something I can do for you, Miss..?" he asked quite politely. Lillianna merely smiled and looked toward the child. She knelt down next to the young girl. She kept a friendly smile on while she held her hand out to the child. “Hey sweetheart. You hungry?” she asked, assuming that the other two would be talking at the moment, “My names Lydia. What's yours?”
    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Dai Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:04 am

    Her expression was quiet, calm and cautious as she watched the new conversation unfold, feeling rude for listening in but wanting to understand this man so much more right now. She kept her breathing in a composed manner, and tried to remain as silent and still as possible, if in an attempt to meld into the background. She had no intention of leaving right now, understanding that if they saw her, she may just be forced to leave anyway. However, she wanted to risk that possibility. "I'll ask you a question to answer your own. What do you see when you look at these hands? Do you see a peasants hands? A farmers? Or do you just see a part of the body used day after day for various jobs? I see a story. I see pages still empty, story yet to be filled in. If she'd lost her hand over something as simple as a loaf of bread, how would anyone know what her story was?" Ruomei felt a tad conflicted by his explanation. At one end, he was right--she would be able to make her life so much better and greater if she still kept her hand. However, Ruomei also knew that her own personal story was forged in Dragonfire. Had someone come to save her--or had Endellion not arrived at all--then she may not have had any worry to deal with, for she would be a completely different person. But instead, she became who she was because she survived that fire. She became who she was because the fire had turned into her own internal strength. Therefore, she felt that his reasoning--while strong and sound--was selfish. However, she would not say that. Because at the same time... that girl could find her way with both hands forwards. He may have taken away one path, but he opened up one other for her.

    The new woman spoke a little bit more, but it was when she opened her mouth finally that she was noticed, and her entire body froze to be even more still than it was previously. Her eyes widened, her lips quivered and her body shook in place. "Is there something I can do for you, Miss..?" She swallowed and bowed her head in such a sudden manner that she almost managed to brain herself on a nearby pole. "R-R-R-Ruomei..." She got off that one word, her entire face red and her eyes closed tightly. She stayed in her bowed position for a couple more seconds, before slowly looking up again and biting her bottom lip, "I... had questions... like her." She motioned towards "Lillianna" with a quick jut of her head, trying to will her shaking body into activity once more. "From.. experience... story... can be made... from strife. I... my story... born in fire. Understand motive... but selfish." She nodded and tried to relax her body. "Not bad... just selfish." She tried to reiterate in an attempt to make him know that she didn't think him a bad person for saving the girl's hand--not at all. It was wonderful and honorable and amazing... just selfish.

    Right now, all she wanted to do was to cause a gigantic pair of wings to burst from her back and to fly away. Fly into the clouds, where she didn't have to deal with people, or questions, or people, or funny looks, or people, or anything of the sort. However, doing that here would only cause her to seem like a monster, especially to this little girl. She hoped that there was no attack on this town, for she had no want to reveal herself... yet if something supernatural were to appear? Her hand gripped the pole she'd almost brained and tightened around it, bending it slightly and leaving an indent in it as she considered the possibility.

    If something were to threaten this town... she would be the first to greet it, and by fire it would be purged from this world.

    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2014-04-19

    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Acheron Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:35 am

    Acheron found himself chuckling. Not at the woman for doing anything particularly silly or humorous but because of her response; or her deduction of his question. " I helped her because I think her story would be better written with both hands. " He answered shortly, his hand tracing through the child's golden hair. " And peoples stories stories shouldn't have to have such unfortunate circumstances. Not at her age. " Lips stretched from ear to ear he smiled down at his recently saved companion. " I was there. I had the power to stop it from happening. Any person, man or woman, should always keep children from experiencing unfortunate events. Too many grow up in this day without knowing what it means to really be a child. " He knelled, using his duster to clean off the remaining debris of dirt and grime from her cheek. " If you don't get to experience the joys and delights of being a child, you'll find it harder to enjoy the ones that come later in your adult life. "

    Pix found herself settling onto Acheron's shoulder as he spoke, her eyes darting from one of the newcomers to the next and back again. Jealousy was something she'd constant dealt with on her journeys with the boy that saved her. Physically, he was perfect eye candy for women to stare and gawk at. That she could deal with. But this.. These women had the nerve to approach him and engage in conversation; or at least the one did. The other seemed unable to even form coherent sentences. Naturally, her personality and over-protection of what she called "her" man urged her to be a nuisance and scare the women off. She was good at that. However, she was more than aware that Acheron wouldn't tolerate that sort of behavior, especially not in front of the young child he saved. Frustrated at her lack of "reasonable" options, she plopped down on her rear and folded her arms across her chest while attempting to wear the absolute most displeased look upon her face before speaking. " We don't need any hand outs, thank you very much!~ Hmph!~"

    " Pix! " Acheron spoke sharply, eyes narrowing into daggers as he peered at his lifelong friend.

    The second comers reaction amused him, so much so that he brought a lightly balled fist to his mouth to cover the chuckle that rumbled from the depths of his stomach. " Careful, Miss Roumei. It'd be a pity to mark a face such as your own. " He flirted casually. In truth, he didn't even notice when he did it anymore. Complimenting, pleasing and flattering the women of the world was just something that came to him naturally. He needn't think about it. It was like a switch in his brain. When no women were present, he was often colder, stern and disciplined. Yet in the company of a woman, attractive or otherwise, something changed. He became easier going, far more friendly. He enjoyed the company of the fairer sex far greater than the company of his gender.

    Despite the others clear lack of social aptitude, Acheron fully understood where it was she was coming from and what exactly she was attempting to convey. " Mm. " The sound pierced through pursed lips as he nodded; first gently resting against the bottom of his chin as he listened to her and thought intently. Unlike many of his lineage, Acheron knew all too well what sort of story could be made from strife in ones life. In the long run, far later down the road, a person who's life has been full of hardship and complication could very well end up better off than if they had traveled any other road, but how many of them were grateful for it? He'd trade his current life for one of friends and family any day of the week without hesitation. In this particular case, the beggar girl he had saved would get the best of both worlds. Assuming both he and she were comfortable with it, she'd have a chance to enjoy a normal life as a child but also be able to learn from someone from a much harsher background.

    Not that he'd explain any of that to the women, however. " Perhaps it was a little selfish of me, but it's a decision I don't regret. " His head turned upon his shoulders, and his eyes fell upon the girl that was speaking with the short, ebony haired woman.

    Life had gone from miserable to terrifying to miraculous to confusing far too quickly. In less than a ten minute span she'd had her hand nearly chopped off, had a man rescue her and offer to buy her a meal, met a little winged girl that was sassy as can be, and had now met yet another person who not only wanted to buy her food but also wanted to know her name. With an instinctively shy nature the girls first reaction was to retreat back from the outstretched hand and hide beneath the duster that had proved to be an adequate enough shield. Usually when people reached out for her they wanted something. From her food, to her hair, or even to just touch her. She hated being touched really, but this woman seemed genuine. As much so as the man that had intervened in her "story" as he called it. With one hand balled tightly in the material of the mans duster, the child nodded and placed her own filthy hand in the significantly larger one. Not that she needed to nod to answer the question, not with her stomach rumbling as it was. " I'm Aiden. " Her high pitched voice muffled through the duster she held snugly against her mouth. " I-i-i-it's nice to meet you.. " Before today she would have ended it at that, but in the short amount of time she'd known the man, she'd already learned that he prized respect and decency. " Miss Lydia. " She finished off her paused sentence with a bow, albeit an all too masculine one.
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    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Serenity Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:44 am

    Let It Go (Open) Lillianna3_zpse3defcf4

    "I helped her because I think her story would be better written with both hands." Lydia smiled and nodded at him. "A nice sentiment." she stated kindly. "And peoples stories stories shouldn't have to have such unfortunate circumstances. Not at her age." the both of them looked down to the small child and smiled, "I was there. I had the power to stop it from happening. Any person, man or woman, should always keep children from experiencing unfortunate events. Too many grow up in this day without knowing what it means to really be a child." Lillianna offered a gentle smile to both the child and then to him. "You're an intriguing man..." she stated honestly, her eyes gazing into his for the short moment before she offered them a meal. Lillianna was rarely able to have a decent conversation. She wasn't able to go out and meet people without some one bowing down, speaking to her like she was such amazing person, or that it was such an honor to meet her. It was a pain. Wanting a simple conversation to get to know someone wasn't some sort of crime. It was a simple request and she hoped they'd accept.

    "We don't need any hand outs, thank you very much!~ Hmph!~" Lillianna looked toward the small creature and blinked a couple times in surprise. "It's not a hand out." Lillianna spoke to the small creature in an offended tone, her voice hardened and then she shifted her gaze upward toward him again, "It was an invitation." And then the other woman was noticed. Lillianna turned her attention toward the small child, asking her name and being as kind as she could. She loved children and wanted to have one, so when she saw a young girl in such an upsetting situation, it hurt her. This was the kind of thing that she tried to prevent. Before the child could answer though, Lillianna's attention was grabbed by the incoherent sentences the other was making. It was surprising to hear a grown woman with little ability to speak. She kept a straight face and said nothing about it, but it did concern her enough to shoot a glance toward Roumei. Soon though, the child did answer her and her attention was pulled from the others and back to the child. The child slid her hand into Lillianna's, so she gently shook it.

    "I'm Aiden." the small girl spoke in the most adorable voice, causing Lillianna's smile to grow and her eyes to seemingly brighten. "I-i-i-it's nice to meet you..." the child stuttered a little. Lillianna wondered whether it was a speech impediment or merely nervousness over talking to an adult. "Miss Lydia." Aiden finished her sentence and Lillianna's smile softened. As the child bowed, Lillianna giggled a little. She was so cute. It was surprising to see a child so polite, especially when they were unaware of who she actually was. Lillianna looked up toward Aiden's rescuer. "How about that meal?" she asked and looked over to Roumei, "If you wish, you can join us as well." Lillianna stood up fully, her posture as perfect as it had been. "I'll cover everything. You don't have to worry about money. Pick a place... we can go." She added, trying to convince them all to join her for lunch, dinner, whatever they wanted it to be.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

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    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Dai Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:56 am

    His reaction confused her. He had placed his hand over his mouth and laughed at her words, before speaking to her with words that she didn't quite understand, "Careful, Miss Roumei. It'd be a pity to mark a face such as your own." His tone of voice didn't stay in line with what he said. While his tone of voice implied humor and light-heartedness, his words were making her feel like she was being threatened. She let out a long breath, closing one eye and placing her hands on her hips. She tilted her head lightly to the side, giving him an expression of worry and confusion. He would then give her his response to her difficult accusation. "Perhaps it was a little selfish of me, but it's a decision I don't regret." She looked to the side and breathed out again, attempting to take into account his reasoning. He was right, and she knew it. He didn't regret anything about his decision. He had saved this girl's hand. He could have just given her reason to continue living. She may have died from the shock of losing her hand.

    "You're... right. Wouldn't... hesitate to save her either. Not.. for story. For... hand." She nodded lightly, breathing out another even longer breath. She let her gaze slowly move down to the other two; the child, and the newcomer with her dark hair and powerful countenance. She observed the pair silently, simply trying to make sense of the pair. "I'm Aiden." Aiden... an interesting name. Ruomei closed both eyes and took in long and deep breaths, trying to make sense of the air around this town. This place... it felt nice. She felt a light breeze blow through her long robes and across her skin, calming her down. Her haze of awkwardness was carefully rising away, leaving her to relax with these people. She opened her eyes again, watching them and folding her arms with a smile. She didn't need to speak to them. "How about that meal?" She suddenly turned towards Lydia with an expression not unlike a deer in the headlights. She was offering... food? "If you wish, you can join us as well." She nodded weakly in acceptance, not even considering the possibility that she might have to pay. "I'll cover everything. You don't have to worry about money. Pick a place... we can go." She thought for a little longer, before speaking once more.

    "I... accept. I should... remain here. The air... feels nice... but heavy. Might... be required... in full personal... capacity. I'll eat... wherever." You'd think that slaying dragons would leave her kind of rich. Hah, no.

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    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Acheron Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:07 pm

    Acheron's liquid gold eyes shifted to his fae companion as the generous woman spoke. " What my companion meant to say Miss, is that we're not the type to allow a woman to pay for a man's meals. " His brow perked and his head nodded slightly forward as though he were urging Pix to speak. However, like any sturborn woman, the small fae stuck her nose up into the air and refused to apologize for her rude behavior. He was hers, and she was his. Adding a child to the mix was one thing, she needn't worry about the girl attempting anything but add in another beautiful young woman who was actually of the size capable of having a romantic interest with Acheron and you got one angry Pix.

    With a sigh his chest heaved and his head lowered. " Fine, fine. Don't apologize, but at least act civil. If you can't, you know exactly what you can do. " Her head snapped towards him and her eyes widened; mouth hanging in a wide O. Did he really just tell her to keep her mouth shut if she couldn't be nice? Rather than continuing to engage Pix, Acheron turned his attention back to the women that had approached him. " A meal with either of you ladies sounds wonderful. A meal with both of you sounds too good to be true. " Thin lined lips curled into a half-cocked smirk. " But I have to insist you allow me to pay for it. Given how I was raised, I believe my parents would turn over in their grave if I allowed a woman to pamper me. " He chuckled, arm bending at the elbow as he offered it to the Princess in disguise; not that he knew or anything.

    Aiden simply couldn't wait any longer. Her stomach had transformed into some insatiable beast of devouring, and its sounds of anger demanded she procure some sort of food immediately. " Come on, come on! I know the best place in town! " She shouted and jumped, one hand slipping into Acheron's and the other pulling on the womans hand she still held. Despite her size and apparent like of definite muscle, the promise of food gaze the child strength one wouldn't expect from something of such small size.

    " Hahaha, looks like our opinion doesn't matter. " He joked over his shoulder at the socially inept woman, tongue protruding from beyond his lips.

    In and out of the crowd the girl dragged them, simply unable to think about anything other than the food she was about to devour. As a result, she ended up dragging them through more than a few individuals while Acheron was left to do little more than laugh nervously and apologize. Down a dark alleyway and around a corner she bolted before stopping in front of a door. Caught between two buildings with its only entrance hidden from view, Acheron never would have thought the small shack was for public access. Above the door hung a rickety sign that creaked as he swayed. On it's old, worn wooden surface were the faint traces of lettering that Acheron could only guess spelled out, " Anji's Place. "

    Without any hesitation, Aiden opened the door. The delightful scent of well seasoned food immediately greeted them as they entered, along with a strangely garbed male. " Hello, hello! Welcome to Anji's Place. " He dressed more like someone from Zhilihan. Without a shirt on, his chest was left bare. From his arms dangled lengthy blue sleeves which matched is bellowing hakuma. In either hand was an old folding fan, which when paired with his frame-less glasses gave him a sort of educated air. " Right this way. " Politely he smiled, guiding them to a large table directly in the middle of the room. The lighting was poor at best, with its primary source coming from the glass-less windows situated periodically around the building. Besides themselves, there were no other patrons. As the semi-tall man made his way around the table, he pulled four chairs out and placed various silverware with napkins down on the surface. " Shall we start with drinks? Water? Tea? Ale? Milk? You name it and we probably got it. " Which was only semi-true. While they had most types of beverages, they certainly didn't have anything fancy.

    " Two milks for us please. " He motioned a hand from himself to Aiden while helping the girl into her seat. Afterwards he pulled another chair further back and motioned for the short haired brunette to sit; gently pushing it up to the table only after she'd done so, if she chose to. While he didn't offer the other woman such courtesy, mainly because he felt it might embarrass her, he did wait to sit until after she had done so. " Help yourselves to whatever you like. No need to be shy. "


    Image of the man serving them.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Serenity Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:07 pm

    Let It Go (Open) Lillianna3_zpse3defcf4

    It was obvious that Lillianna was offended by the little fae creatures tone. It was hard for her to not retort in a more offensive manner, but she was able to do it. “What my companion meant to say Miss, is that we're not the type to allow a woman to pay for a man's meals.” the man said and Lillianna's attention was brought back to him. To calm herself, she took in a deep breath and sorta sighed it out. She looked back down to the small creature as she was signaled to speak, but was not surprised to be met with reluctance. “Fine, fine. Don't apologize, but at least act civil. If you can't, you know exactly what you can do.” the man said and Lillianna fought the rather strong urge to chuckle and had to force down a smirk. “A meal with either of you ladies sounds wonderful. A meal with both of you sounds too good to be true.” he said and Lillianna smiled toward him. “You cannot tell me that a man as handsome as yourself does not receive the attention of a few young women every now and then?” she asked flirtatiously, mostly to get back at the small insulting creature, though it did come out as a question, “There is nothing wrong with having a friendly meal with a couple of curious women.”

    “But I have to insist you allow me to pay for it. Given how I was raised, I believe my parents would turn over in their grave if I allowed a woman to pamper me.” he told her as she held his arm out toward her. Lillianna stared at him still, her interest growing with every spoken word. “Well, since you insist. I will gladly take you up on your offer.” Lillianna stepped forward and looped her arm within his. There was a moment that she was unable to look away from him. She didn't understand why and before the answer came to her, she was suddenly being pulled by the small child. Her mind cleared, finally, and she followed Aiden for as long as she would be pulled. “I wonder how long it's been since she's had a decent meal...” Lillianna mumbled a bit. The child's excitement was contagious. As they ran, Lillianna did her best to avoid bumping into those around. The many crowds made this difficult since Aiden didn't seem completely aware of the larger bodies adults had. She could wiggle her way through, but pulling them along was not as easy. Having to apologize to the few she bumped into, Lillianna couldn't remove the genuine smile she had. For the first time in quite some time, she was having fun.

    Aiden did seem to know exactly where she was going, so Lillianna didn't feel like she had to worry. That changed when they came to an alley. Lillianna looked around nervously. She didn't exactly like the idea of stepping into alleyways, but since Aiden seemed to trust this place so much, maybe there wasn't much to fear. They came to a place where the sign read “Anji's Place” and Lillianna followed them inside. She glanced toward her new man friend and then toward Roumei. “Hello, hello! Welcome to Anji's Place.” Lillianna jumped as she was startled from her own thoughts and her attention grabbed by the friendly waiter. Lillianna pushed up a smile, though her comfort level was not as high as it was before. She still followed the group in and looked around as they made it to their table. “Two milks for us please.” Lillianna heard and quickly realized she was being offered a drink. “Tea for me... please.” she smiled as she sat down in the pulled out chair, “Thank you.” Lillianna smiled again as she chair was pushed in as well. He was very polite without knowing who she actually was and it confused her. She figured she'd be treated like any other person, unless this actually was how he treated any other person.

    “He really is an intriguing man.” she thought, glancing toward the floor as she lost herself in thought. “Help yourselves to whatever you like. No need to be shy.” she only barely heard. She blinked once, pulling herself fully from her thoughts and glanced toward him. “You know our names, and unless I'm mistaken, I don't remember yours being told...” Lillianna said in curiosity, “What is your name?” For someone that acted so kind and polite, it was surprising that he had not introduced himself when they had. Either that, or Lillianna was actually not remembering the mention of his name. Once he would introduce himself, or not, Lillianna would turn her attention toward the other woman, Roumei. “I'm Lydia.” she'd easily lie and reach across the table, holding her hand out to shake. “I do not want to seem rude, at all...” she clarified, putting emphasis on at all, “If you don't mind me asking, are you extremely shy? Or were you not taught to speak when you were young? Again, please take no offense and you do not have to answer, I am merely curious.” Lillianna sat up perfectly in her chair, her hands in her lap as she spoke. She lifted her right leg, placing it over her left and waited for Roumei's response. To give a sense of sincerity and truth, she also kept a softened smile and continued minor eye contact, doing her best not to stare at the on person out of the group who seemed to have trouble speaking to others.
    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

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    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Dai Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:56 am

    "A meal with either of you ladies sounds wonderful. A meal with both of you sounds too good to be true. But I have to insist you allow me to pay for it. Given how I was raised, I believe my parents would turn over in their grave if I allowed a woman to pamper me." She didn't give two damns about which person would be paying for this meal, frankly. As long as she got to eat, she would be more than happy to eat out of anybody's pocket--as long as they were willing to have her. As if to further punctuate the situation, a loud growl escaped from Ruomei's stomach, and she held it with both hands and a pouty expression. She was definitely feeling hungry now, and she needed to have food in her to keep wandering. At least she wouldn't have to hunt down some wayward goat and cook it with her own breath this time. Not that she minded that; sometimes having food that you cooked yourself was the best course of action in any situation. Right now, however, she was looking forward to food that wasn't wild. She chose to follow behind the three of them with a slightly solemn expression, trying to avoid hanging too far back, but at the same time not wanting to get too close to them. She had noticed Acheron take Lydia in his arm, and decided that it was best if she remained at the rear, in case she seemed like someone that was trying to get in between this. Honestly, they both looked quite attractive--Ruomei felt that her body would respond nicely to either of them. She shivered as another wind hit her, trying not to think about how lightly she was dressed. Beneath the robe that she was wearing was a rather light ensemble; something that was effectively covering the important parts of her body, despite being extremely thin and flexible. The material itself was very breathable, and really only covered the front of her torso--leaving her back almost completely bare. This was, of course, to accommodate her wings when she needed to battle. But enough about that.

    She had been lead down some strange back alleys, completely out of the way of anywhere she would think that the normal people ate. However, she had decided that none of these people were anything 'normal', judging from the kindness of the male, and the almost noble nature of the woman. She shook her head and laughed to herself, putting a natural and sincere smile onto her face as she followed the group into a shack that looked too run-down to even be standing anymore. Walking into the building, she recognized the scents as being Zhili. She immediately stopped in place and closed her eyes, trying to recall the origin of those scents. She spoke a few words, but most of them were lost to her thoughts. "Shall we start with drinks? Water? Tea? Ale? Milk? You name it and we probably got it." When she finally snapped out of it, she noticed that the brunette was already seated, and the male appeared to be waiting for her to sit down herself. Ruomei complied and shakily took her seat, feeling thankful that he had not tried to push her seat in. She had to maneuver tenderly, with the worry that her unnatural strength might just crack the chair beneath her. Luckily, it did not--luckily, it seemed, she was in control of her strength today. She finally looked at the male who had been waiting patiently for her answer. His demeanor was joking, but he seemed friendly. His gaze went over the group, before locking onto Ruomei momentarily. She thought she noticed a flash of recognition in his eyes, but ignored it and instead spoke: "Uh... t-tea... green, if you have it..." She nodded, and finally looked back at the table. She dazed out for a moment, before being snapped out of her stupor once more by another voice. This time, it was the other woman--the one who had barely regarded her presence.

    “I'm Lydia.” She looked up in time to see the extended hand, and Ruomei would reach out and take it in a shake. "R-Ruomei," she'd reply, in case Lydia hadn't heard her name earlier, “I do not want to seem rude, at all... If you don't mind me asking, are you extremely shy? Or were you not taught to speak when you were young? Again, please take no offense and you do not have to answer, I am merely curious.” She blinked and widened her eyes a little, feeling quite taken aback. For a few seconds, she sat there in stunned silence, staring at Lydia with a confused and surprised expression. After gathering her thoughts and courage, she finally opened her mouth to speak in reply, "I... am not a very... friendly-looking person... to people. Not when... I do... what I do. So people... don't talk to me," It took more effort than usual to speak in more coherent sentences to these people, but she tried her best, "They usually... run away..." As if to demonstrate, she reached into her pocket and produced a low-value coin, taking it between her thumb and pinky--the two fingers with the weakest force in the hand. Without even trying, the coin was scrunched--not bent but scrunched like an accordion. She looked to the side with a reddened face, realizing that people didn't really speak to her for more than a few seconds at best--this was a new record by far. She tried to keep eye contact with Lydia for a second more before finally looking down. The silence that followed was broken quickly by the return of the man with their drinks, placing them down on the table in front of their respective owners. Without hesitating, Ruomei took the drink in both of her hands and brought it to her face, almost drowning herself in hot tea that really didn't seem to bother her as she drank it away in less than a second. She placed it on the table and let out a long and satisfied breath with a smile that seemed a lot more confident and happy in the moment. She sat there dreamily for a moment, before looking up at the man and nodding. "It's... been a while since... I've had tea like that. Thank you."


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    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Acheron Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:48 am

    In all honesty, he'd intentionally neglected to mention his name. Wearing his families crest was one thing. The majority of the populace didn't have the education to distinguish one Noble houses crest over another's. To speak his name, however, would be to openly admit to who he was; something he'd not done for over ten years. The idea of change both excited and scared him. His life as a beggar had been simple. Easy even. He could go unnoticed when he wanted and if he wanted. His daily life was completely uninhibited by strangers random approaching him. To leave that behind scared him. To come out of the shadows and into reality meant that he'd get to do more things like this. He'd be given the opportunity to meet countless individuals he never would have met otherwise, and he'd return to some form of his original life. To step into something so drastically different excited him.

    On average, Pix was a less than observant fae. She didn't typically pay attention to the things around her, and she was prone to losing things. Yet, when it came to Acheron the tiny fairy always noticed everything. The slightest shift in his tone, or his palms sweating more than usual. When it came to the boy that had given her hope, she learned everything she possibly could. Upon his shoulder she felt the tensing of the muscles beneath his shirt, and caught glimpse of the dilemma tussling behind his molten gold cores. He did this more times than she cared to count. When it was just the two of them, he'd say he'd do something but when it came time to do it he always hesitate; over thinking the course of action. " Acheron Althaus, of the great Althaus Family~" She piped, attempting to mimic some overly official and noble tone.

    Pools of shifting gold darted to their corners, pupils staring at the exotic fae girl upon his shoulders. While he was thankful she'd noticed his issue, he didn't believe her tone and announcement of his heritage was the best thing to do. Without being untrue to herself, Pix grinned and stuck her tongue out at him. " You needed the help~" She commented before settling her back against the side of his head.

    Acheron settled back within his chair and watched as the woman named Roumei explained her reasons behind such speech impediments. Lydia, as she called herself, was a rather bold individual, willing to broach topics that most avoided. His mouth opened in some attempt to dethrone the woman's claim of being unfriendly, yet his words failed to form as she crinkled a coin effortlessly between two fingers. His eyes widened some, though not nearly as wide as Aiden's had. " Wooooow~ " She leaned closer towards the coin in attempt to see the coins destruction closer. " You're reaaaally strong! " She said in giddy tune before looking to the male at her side. " Can you do that?! " Eyes even wider with curiosity, Aiden stared at Acheron awaiting her favorable answer.

    " Ooh, no little miss. I'm not nearly as impressive as this lovely woman apparently is. " He flattered, nodding his head back towards the coin to keep from seeing what was sure to be a look of disappointment. " That's quite impressive, Roumei. I don't see why people would dislike you solely because of that though. I mean, not with so many Arcana users these days. " He nodded to the oddly dressed male as he delivered their drinks and waited patiently for their meal orders. " If you ever need work, I could really use some help around my old homestead. " He spoke between drinks of his milk. " It isn't as grand as guarding a queen or anything, but I'd pay fair wage for it. "

    As quickly as her mind had turned her attention aware from her hunger, her stomach's groans returned. " Beef stew with honey bread please! " She shouted over the talking adults, mouth wide and pearly whites showing as she smiled at the waiter.

    " I'll have the same, thanks. " Acheron spoke clearly. " So, what brings you both to Colburn? Are you students here at the academy, or teachers? " The image of either of them in class amused him. It wasn't often men encountered women of such beauty, and there was little doubt in his mind that these two could easily tear one's thoughts away from even something as important as learning the Arcana.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Serenity Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:44 pm

    Let It Go (Open) Lillianna3_zpse3defcf4

    Lydia was able to notice something, but could not point out what it was. His hesitation to answer a question that was normally simple was surprising. Was his name odd? Maybe he didn't know his name? She had run across a couple of people like that before, the lack of name and not knowing who they were. She hated it, but was not shocked by it. Lydia's attention was pulled toward the small fae creature on his shoulder as she spoke out his name. Lydia actually had to fight to keep a straight face. That name, she immediately recognized it. It was an event out of many that haunted her memory. An entire family dedicated to protecting Arcadia taken out before she could send any aid. To keep the conversation going, she pushed up a strained smile and nodded. "A lovely name. Don't be ashamed of it." she said, doubting highly that he was ashamed of it. She quickly turned the conversation over to Ruomei with a smile and a quick introduction.

    "R-Ruomei." the woman replied with. Lydia had heard wrong the first time she said her name. She kept saying Roumei, but no, it was Ruomei. She nodded and moved on to ask her question. It seemed that Lydia was poking at buttons that she probably shouldn't have, but she didn't regret it. The woman was stuck on silent for a bit, which wasn't shocking due to the nature of the question. "I... am not a very... friendly-looking person... to people. Not when... I do... what I do. So people... don't talk to me. They usually... run away..." Listening to her then, Lydia felt as if she were merely nervous about peoples reactions toward her. She spoke fine. She broke her sentences with pauses a lot, as if she were very shy, but otherwise she spoke normally. "How a woman as lovely as yourself doesn't look fri-..." Lydia stopped mid sentence as she watched this coin bend like paper in this woman's hands. Lydia's noble demeanor dropped for a minute and she smirked, chuckling. "Okay, that is cool." she said in a very casual tone, one she had not spoken with before then.

    When Aiden spoke up, Lydia turned to her with a smile. The child's eyes practically lit up when seeing that. It was extremely cute. When Aiden turned to ask Acheron, Lydia turned to him as well. Her expression read "Well, can you?" in a playful challenging manner. She chuckled a little at his reply. From there, Lydia listed to the other two converse, glancing toward Aiden a couple of times to see whether she was even semi-interested in the adult talk. When the drinks were brought Lydia smiled. "Thank you." Her noble demeanor was back, as if it could stay away for too long. "It isn't as grand as guarding a queen or anything, but I'd pay fair wage for it." was said as she reached for her drink, but his words caught her off guard. Her hand slipped and the glass was knocked over. She quickly reached for it, the hot liquid falling over her hand a bit, but nothing bad. "Here, miss. Let me help." the waiter said as he pat her hands down for her. "Thank you." she said again as he finished. It wasn't too often that someone didn't just go "no no, I'm fine" in a situation like that, but Lillianna didn't even realize. Lydia, on the other hand, should have known.

    Lydia sighed a bit and looked toward the others. "Sorry about that." she apologized and kept her eyes low to the table. As Aiden ordered her food, Lydia stayed silent. Once it came to her turn, she agreed with Aiden's choice and stated she would have the same as her, even though she actually hadn't heard the order. "So, what brings you both to Colburn? Are you students here at the academy, or teachers?" Acheron spoke up and Lydia allowed Ruomei to answer first. Once she did, Lydia waited for an opening for her to talk. "I went to the Academy when I was young. I returned here to see the changes that have been made to the city and the Academy." Lydia explained, "I also wanted to meet a few new people, talk, have some fun... That's really it. Mission accomplished." Lydia smiled quite happily, especially toward Aiden. Lydia found that child beautiful and amazing, especially for getting through her hard times at such a young age. She wanted to ask Aiden about her parents, but something held her back. She had already asked very personal questions today, but those were two adults that knew they had the choice of not answering. Aiden was a little different in that case, so Lydia chose to hold her tongue.
    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

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    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Dai Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:01 pm

    It seemed that the reactions to her miniature show of power were better than most people would have done. In any usual situation, people would see her unnatural strength and run away from her, quoting that even Arcana wouldn't be able to do something like that to a person's physical power. She couldn't even get a word in as they ran away, leaving her alone every time. These reactions were completely alien to her; they not only did not run away, but even marvelled slightly at her show of strength. "Wooooow~ You're reaaaally strong!" Even the little girl, who Ruomei expected the worst reaction from, only stared in wonder at how easily she crinkled a single coin. She let out a soft sigh of relief, smiling softly at Aiden and nodding. "That's quite impressive, Roumei. I don't see why people would dislike you solely because of that though. I mean, not with so many Arcana users these days. If you ever need work, I could really use some help around my old homestead. It isn't as grand as guarding a queen or anything, but I'd pay fair wage for it." She thought for a second, before shaking her head. "If I'm... in area... maybe. But not... what I gained power for. Not best purpose. Thank you... though." She tried to give a warm smile in an attempt to tell him that she was being sincere, before turning to Lydia and giving her another soft smile. "I... try my best." She was beginning to feel comfortable around these people already. While it wasn't as easy as saying 'yay we're friends,' Ruomei knew that she might be able to at least give these people some trust that would be returned, rather than worrying that they were going to run away from her the moment they saw the rest of her power. She quickly looked at her menu, before pointing out a meal to their server, who nodded and wrote it down on his sheet of paper.

    "So, what brings you both to Colburn? Are you students here at the academy, or teachers?" Ruomei blinked, looking to the side, waiting for Lydia to answer first. She could wait her turn. However, it appeared that she was being waited for instead. "I... wander a lot... because... I am looking..." She took a deep breath, hoping that they wouldn't suddenly call her insane, "For Endellion.  I want... no, I'm going to kill him." If they were paying attention, they'd notice a bit more strength in those last four words. She nodded grimly, placing a hand on the table and shaking her head, "But other than that... I like to see people... and it's nice... to find someone who... isn't scared..." She smiled softly and looked to her side, wondering how they'd react to her words. Without her noticing, another cup of tea was placed in front of her. She looked up to see the man from before smiling down at her. "It's on the house." Her mouth opened slightly and she nodded in thanks, picking it up and chugging it down again. She hadn't tasted something this great in a long time, and she was happy to have it in her belly. She felt the warmth down her chest and let out a breath of happiness and relaxation. Even if wandering took up most of her days, sometimes it was nice to just relax. "I went to the Academy when I was young. I returned here to see the changes that have been made to the city and the Academy. I also wanted to meet a few new people, talk, have some fun... That's really it. Mission accomplished." Ruomei couldn't help but smile a little. It was nice... to see your teachers again. If only she had the same honor. Instead, she had to realize that she was the only one left with her knowledge. She shook her head to get the thought out and instead turned her focus to Acheron.

    "What.. about you? Why are you... in Colburn?" She asked Acheron, noticing her own words becoming a bit more smooth and coherent.

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    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Acheron Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:00 am

    Acheron's worn, callused covered hand wrapped around the thick, chilled mug that contained his milk before bringing it to his mouth. Lips parting, he allowed the liquid to pour over the thin pad of his bottom lip and tongue before it finished its journey down his throat. With a heavy sigh of relief he sat the mug back down. Its not that he was ashamed of his name. He was actually quite proud of it, but after so many years of never using the name...To say it aloud made him feel odd.

    As the ladies spoke between one another, Acheron busied himself by removing his spears from their holsters. The course pad of his thumb ran across the runes that traversed the entirety of their shafts as he thought about home. He remembered dinners like this. People gathered around a table, enjoying good drink and meal while discussing their lives or daily activities. The scene was a welcome one.

    Ruomei's mention of Endellion tore the older male from his thoughts and brought him back into the present. " Endellion, huh? " His tone grew deeper, and more solemn. " I've never seen him myself, but I've came across villages across the open land's that claimed to have been attacked by him. " His hand trailed off the table and beneath the collar of his duster. " They hired me to track him down, but it turned out to just be some pup of a dragon. " His thumb looped beneath a thin cord and revealed a small blue scale. " He put up one hell of a fight though. Nearly tore off my leg and fried me to a crisp. " He slipped the souvenir necklace back beneath his garbing. " But lucky for you, I was there~ " Pix piped smugly, self satisfied grin plastered across her face.

    Acheron's hues slipped back to the women as they mentioned why they'd came to Coulburn. Strangely enough the two of them had similar reasons for journeying here. One wanted to meet new people and the other wanted to find find those that wouldn't be frightened of her. Mission accomplished indeed. " I was hoping to find someone well versed in Arcana here. I need.." He paused for a moment, passing a glance down towards the floor where his spears resided. " I want, " He reiterated, " to find someone that might be able to tell me who made my weaponry. " He left out the curse bit. No point in downing a perfectly good atmosphere.

    When their meals arrived, Acheron unfolded a napkin and tucked it into Aiden's shirt collar. " Don't eat it too fast, hm? " He smiled, eyes closed and face bright with cheerfulness. " Don't need you getting sick before we go find you some better clothes to wear. " He promised new clothes, which appeased the girl greatly. She'd been in the same tattered dress for months, and she'd begun to outgrow it.

    Quietly he took a few bites of his meal, eyes occasionally trailing across the table to view the two women around him. Ruomei seemed to greatly enjoy the relaxation, with a soft smile and satisfied look upon her face. Then there was Lydia. All in all the girl was friendly and kind. Yet, something seemed off about her. She bore a noble appearance, with back straight and shoulders square. The mentioning of his family name had left a strained, and almost awkward looking smile upon her face. Then there was the incident a moment ago. Most people would have waved the waiter off and insisted they clean themselves yet she had allowed him to do it for her. The act in itself was something only those used to servants allowed. " Mm. Where do you come from, Miss Lydia? What do you, or your family, do? " He questioned, placing his spoon on napkin next to his bowl. His eyes fell upon her own, following their trail.
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    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Serenity Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:18 pm

    Let It Go (Open) Lillianna3_zpse3defcf4

    Endellion was a name that shook the spirits of anyone that came across a normal legendary dragon. The idea of Endellion almost seemed unreal, like it was a myth, a story told by people around a campfire. That's what many hoped it was, but that wasn't true. The large Legendary Black Dragon exists and is predicted to make an appearance over Aurora some time in the next year or so. "When Endellion attacks, thousands lose their lives." Lillianna spoke up after Ach's humorous crack about the pup dragon, "Not just in Arcadia, but all over the world. He shows himself to a place once, flies to another, and then continues the destruction until he's no longer hungry for it. The size of this dragon has the ability to topple Aria with a few steps. How can you kill something like that?" Another bold question, especially since it was directed toward the woman who claimed she could take down such a force. To say you will kill Endellion is pretty much unbelievable, and not the manner of marvel, but in that she couldn't see it ever happening. This woman was strong, but to defeat Endellion she would need a lot more than her own blade.

    Lillianna found herself keeping silent as the other two talked. There were a few things today she almost wished she hadn't run into. For instance, the man sitting at the table was apparently the last surviving member of the Althaus family that had been wiped out on the edge of her home city. It wasn't something she'd forget and she still felt a lot of guilt over the extremely late response. Maybe taking a vacation from the castle wasn't the best idea. It seemed that Ruomei wasn't the only one with a set of awkward social skills. Lillianna was asking questions that should not have been asked, challenging claims that should not be challenged. She didn't know these people. As a Queen, she could ask whatever she wanted and people would answer honestly, but she was not Queen right now. Here, she was merely offending those she asked to eat and talk with her, at least that's how she saw it. Because of this, she kept to her own thoughts. She decided it was probably better to just talk when she was talked to instead of getting nosy and that was hard. She wanted to ask him about the weapons he mentioned, but held her tongue.

    When their meals came, Lillianna thanked the waiter and smiled down toward her food. "Smells delicious." she complimented before glancing to Aiden as Ach spoke to her. If she didn't know better, Lillianna would have accused Acheron of being Aiden's Father. He was so kind and generous toward her, but it was obvious that he was a good man with a strong sense of honor. As they began to eat, the other's fell silent as well. Lillianna was very proper and dignified while she ate. She kept her back straight, refused to lean over the table, and had set a napkin in her lap in case broth chose to drop from her spoon. She stayed silent, like she wanted to, until she was asked a question. Since she was mid bite, it gave her a an excuse to hold off her answer and think of one that would fit. She didn't want to lie, she hated lying, though that's all that she's been doing. Swallowing her bit, she lifted her napkin and dabbed her mouth for anything that might be there.

    "Well... My Mother died when I was sixteen and my father is retired from work." she said as if she had told the story a thousand times. It sort of just naturally rolled off her tongue, "Besides ordering around the people who choose to keep me locked away from the outside world and being treated like the Queen of Arcadia, I don't do much." She semi-lied convincingly and added a small giggle to play on the minor joke she laid. Technically it was true. Her mother was dead, her father is no longer King, and she was the fricking Queen of Arcadia. Wanting to stir the conversation the other way, she decided to go ahead and ask something. "You said you needed someone to check on your weapons, correct?" she asked, "Don't you think an Arcane Items expert might know a bit more than a mere Arcana expert? A specialist is probably a bit more helpful."
    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

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    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Let It Go (Open) Empty Re: Let It Go (Open)

    Post by Dai Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:05 pm

    Well, the reactions were relatively close to how she expected them to react. Both seemed a bit daunted by Ruomei's rather difficult goal, though Acheron seemed to be the first to speak on it. "Endellion, huh? I've never seen him myself, but I've came across villages across the open land's that claimed to have been attacked by him." She shook her head lightly, "If they.. were attacked by Endellion... nothing would be left." "They hired me to track him down, but it turned out to just be some pup of a dragon. He put up one hell of a fight though. Nearly tore off my leg and fried me to a crisp." She smiled softly, remembering just how difficult even the youngest of dragons could be for those who were not completely accustomed to fighting those beasts. The small blue scale glittered in the light, and Ruomei wondered just what kind of necklace she would be wearing if she took all of these as trophies. She avoided making any chuckles for the sake of his pride, and simply watched with a soft expression. "When Endellion attacks, thousands lose their lives." The next voice was from the other female, Ruomei turning her expression towards Lydia with soft smile, "Not just in Arcadia, but all over the world. He shows himself to a place once, flies to another, and then continues the destruction until he's no longer hungry for it. The size of this dragon has the ability to topple Aria with a few steps. How can you kill something like that?" She slowly returned her gaze forwards and looked down at the table, "I have been asked that question many times, and each time I have answered the same. I have my ways, and I have my power. If it comes to a time that I need to show you, then you shall see what I can do." Her words were spoken in a manner that seemed completely different--confident, even. However, when the conversation turned away from Endellion, Ruomei started shuffling awkwardly again. She looked down to see that, sometime during her speaking, a plate had been placed before her. Her eyes widened at the food and she started eating it with a careful gait.

    "Mm. Where do you come from, Miss Lydia? What do you, or your family, do?" Ruomei, obviously, held her tongue. She didn't need to speak, nor did she need to comment. She looked down at her food and continued to eat with a quiet expression, savoring the taste of the food and realizing how much it seemed like her father's cooking. She loved it already. Her body was taking in the aroma of the food, while her tastebuds were absorbing the flavor with every bite she took. She was making happy noises from her throat and relishing the food, before looking over at the pair with an expression of interest, "Well... My Mother died when I was sixteen and my father is retired from work. Besides ordering around the people who choose to keep me locked away from the outside world and being treated like the Queen of Arcadia, I don't do much." She chuckled herself and went back to her food, but kept one eye open and looking at Lydia while she continued to speak. "You said you needed someone to check on your weapons, correct? Don't you think an Arcane Items expert might know a bit more than a mere Arcana expert? A specialist is probably a bit more helpful." She frowned, tilting her head to the side. "You'd need... creator. Nobody... knows better." She huffed lightly and returned to her eating, hoping that her little piece of information helped. The alcohol bottle on her hip sloshed with her movements, but she ignored it. She didn't need to drink right now. It'd make the situation pretty bad, to be fair.

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