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    The Journey Begins [Closed]

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sat Aug 09, 2014 5:20 pm

    The Journey Begins [Closed] NewHeader2_zpsdebe3105

    The train arrived in Varedia in the early afternoon. This was Arcadia's tropical paradise, where everyone wanting a nice, relaxing, and stress free vacation would come to show off their bikini's, tans, and whatever else you could think of. The air was hot and humid, but a wonderfully cool breeze that came off the ocean less than a mile away made the entire place bearable. Kannelita was the first at the trains doors with her bag draped over her shoulder as she got ready to exit. The doors opened and the white haired beauty hopped happily off the train and stepped down into the station as if she had accomplished the first part of an important mission. And for Kannelita, she had. Arriving in Varedia was one of the early steps to starting her Grand Adventure, but there were hundreds more to take. “Ahhh!! Hehehehe!” Kanna shuffled her feet excitedly, catching a few eyes of the people around her, but she didn't care. She reached into her right pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper to read.

    The paper had directions to Central Park's Statue of Aria; this was where she was supposed to meet the man she hired to come along with her. Unfortunately, she wasn't the best in new places. She walked around lost for an hour before she finally got up the courage to ask someone for a little help. When she did, they happily gave her directions and she went on her way. It took about thirty more minutes and Kannelita re-passing the train station, having gone in the completely opposite direction that she was supposed to, for her to find the park. It was beautiful. Everything was green and well taken care of. There were paths in many directions, all wide enough for at least six people to walk side by side. As she made her way through, she noticed playgrounds, children, a small lake she could tell was man-made, and picnic areas. The trees were all high, thick, and provided a great amount of shade to make it comfortable. She continued walking until finally her eyes came to exactly what she wanted to see.

    “Haa...” she gasped in awe at it and hurried towards her meeting place. The statue of Aria! It was beautiful as was the woman in was of. She had wanted to see this statue every since she read about it in the travel books about Varedia. The statue had been placed in the middle of a fountain, but she had to touch it! Oblivious to anyone watching, she set down her bag, put the paper in her pocket, slipped off her knee-high white leather boots, and stepped into the clean water of the fountain. It was obviously well taken care of, which it should have been since it was the Statue of Aria. She stepped through the cold water, not really effected by the temperature, and reached up to touch the stomach of Aria. The statue was large, so that was about where she could reach. “Beautiful...” she mumbled and began walking around it. There were a few passersby who saw her and watched in confusion. A young boy, no older than six walked up to the fountain and was the only one brave enough to call out to her.

    “Hey!” the young voice caught her attention and Kannelita looked over to him. “Hello, little one.” she replied kindly. “Why are you playing in the water? People think you're weird.” the boy pointed back toward a group of people who were just looking at her confused and worriedly. She assumed the worry was for the boy, not her. “Do you know who this statue is of?” she asked and the boy shook his head. Kannelita stepped over to him and sat down on the wall of the fountain that kept in the water, where it was dry. “It's of Aria, the woman who stopped the war hundreds of years ago and brought together the entire country of Arcadia. That woman is the reason Arcadia is what it is. She helped raise it from the rubble it once was and helped us create the country we know today. Aria Aranhartte, the first Queen of Arcadia.” Kannelita spoke loud enough for people around to realize who this statue was of. Most probably assumed it was just some woman, but hearing the history seemed to open their eyes.

    “It's a shame that the history of our country is forgotten among citizens...” Kannelita spoke sadly and then turned back toward the Statue of Aria, “Now you have a piece of it, so when you all walk by this with your children, remember the story and the woman, and tell them exactly why this statue is important. Tell them of the Queen who made our lives possible.” She had not meant to, but Kannelita inspired a few people around, causing them to smile, clap a bit, and thank her for the history lesson. It may not have meant that much to them before, but her speaking so highly of the statue sparked an interest in at least a few around. With that done, she felt her good deed for the day was done. “Momma! That's the first Queen of Arcadia, isn't it?” the little boy hurried off to his mother excitedly, pulling on her skirt. The woman merely smiled to her and then to her child before they walked off. Kannelita waved and went back over to her stuff only to see some man digging through her bag.

    “Hey!” she grabbed onto her bag and pulled it away, “This is my stuff! Don't steal it!” The man was scrawny and about her height. The moment she tried pulling it away, he pulled back and brought a knife out from behind him. “This is mine now, girl!” the man said to try and intimidate her, but she was a feisty one. “No! Thief! Thief! Someone help me!” she called, out, putting all of her weight and strength into pulling her back away from him, which really wasn't much. “Damn girl.” the man let go of the bag. Since she was pulling on it, him letting go caused her to stumble back. She tripped over the small fountain wall and fell back into the water, hitting her head off of the bottom of the statue. The bag fell in with her, but her grip loosened as she fell unconscious into the water. The man wasn't about to give up then. If anything, this made it easier on him. He was desperate for money or goods to sell, obviously homeless, but he should have asked. Seeing has she wasn't moving, he began walking toward her and the bag.

    Last edited by SerenityVerdant on Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Dai Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:17 pm

    Sometimes, the sun really didn't agree with him. There were days which he absolutely loved being out beneath its beautiful and bounteous rays, and there were days where he just felt that it was laughing at his inability to rise up and meets its challenge of searing heat. Today was one of those days, as he sat beneath the shade of a parasol with a small cup of shaved ice in one hand and a spoon in the other. Every couple of seconds, he lifted a spoonful of the ice to his lips, swallowing some of it at a slow rate--he really didn't need to get brain-freeze on top of this bullshit. A few people wandering past looked in his direction and gave confused expressions at his attire. He really wasn't surprised when they did so; it wasn't like he looked anything like your average citizen of Arcadia. The red clothing gave it away first, revealing enough of his torso to leave nothing else to the imagination. The weird choker-thing around his neck was pretty weird for those Arcadians as well, and the scar across his face showed him to be something of an adventurer. He definitely got a few weird looks his way, and as he got through the last of his shaved ice, he looked up at the large clock across the way, sitting on a building out in the middle of the street. It was almost time--so he carefully let out a gaze along the park, staring calmly at the Statue of Aria in the central area of the park. "So, where are you...?" He calmly let his breath escape his lips and threw the cup that had held the ice into a nearby trash bin. "While I wait, I'd better get back up to speed on the situation."

    He had been officially hired by a person known as Kannelita Montanari. He wasn't entirely sure what her job had entailed, but the sum that he'd been prepaid was hefty--this caused the assumption that he would be acting as her bodyguard for quite a decent amount of time. He looked down at the photograph that he'd produced from his pocket and studied the image for a few seconds, taking in every one of her details in order to be able to recognize her immediately. Frankly, and this was in his professional opinion, she was absolutely breathtaking. Every part of her body was perfection, and her face just screamed life. Life, love, friendliness and a heart as large as the sum she was paying him. Unfortunately, this was merely an image of her. He would not be able to decide on whether or not he would accept her job until he finally met her face-to-face. This was merely the audition; he hadn't said yes just yet. Closing his eyes for a moment and returning the piece of paper to his pocket, he finally looked up at the fountain/statue again to see what was going on there.

    The crowd had apparently gotten used to his unusual appearance and started looking at someone else--a woman with the whitest hair, stepping into the fountain in order to touch the statue in the middle. Even from this distance, he could recognize her. Standing up from his seat and folding his arms, Jin started to make his way over towards her; his geta clacking on the path beneath his feet as he travelled towards the statue in the middle. He got close enough to hear a child start to speak to her. “Hey! Why are you playing in the water? People think you're weird.” Well, if it meant anything, he didn't exactly find her weird. She seemed to be simply in awe of the statue, and while getting into the water was a bit unusual, it wasn't too much to be worried about. As he got closer to the fountain, he heard her start to speak herself. “Do you know who this statue is of? It's of Aria, the woman who stopped the war hundreds of years ago and brought together the entire country of Arcadia. That woman is the reason Arcadia is what it is. She helped raise it from the rubble it once was and helped us create the country we know today. Aria Aranhartte, the first Queen of Arcadia.” A soft smile crossed over his lips as he continued to watch and listen to her explain the story. There was a certain and sweet elegance to her voice that he already liked.

    Eventually, she would finish her story and the boy would leave, satisfied. Normally, he'd have noticed this beforehand, but for some reason, his eye had not been caught by the man who had started rummaging through the bags that obviously belonged to the woman. He sighed softly and started to approach, when she spoke out loud to him--“Hey! This is my stuff! Don't steal it!” She grabbed her bag and attempted to pull it away, and the man pulled out a knife. Things seemed to go from bad to worse, as he let go of the bag, causing her weight to pull her back and make her fall into the fountain with a splash. He closed one eye as the scrawny bastard started to approach her again, not deterred. "Count yourself lucky," He whispered to himself, "That I like doing some things pro bono." Stepping towards the fountain, he reached out and gripped the back of the scrawny thief's shirt, pulling him away and throwing him to the ground. He wasn't kind about it, he wasn't going to be nice, he was going to put it simply, kneeling down beside him and producing his sword from his back, grinning lightly at the would-be thief.

    "What's your story?" Well, apparently that was all it took for the thief to start babbling about how his kids needed food and all of that. Even if he was lying, maybe a bit of money would get him out of here. Standing up and reaching out his hand, he brought the thief to his feet, with the sword still aimed at him in case he tried anything stupid. Reaching into his coin purse, he handed some money over to the man--enough for a good few days' worth of food, at least. "Here. It should be enough for you and your family. I hope you weren't lying to me, because I don't take well to liars." He gave his most menacing expression, and the man scampered off into the distance. "That settles that, then." Stepping towards the fountain, he knelt down beside the woman, not caring that he was getting wet as well, and sheathed the sword on his back. "So you're who I have to look after, huh?" He took a couple of seconds to look over her, trying to avoid looking at certain places that the water caused the clothing to stick (but failing a little). After deciding himself that she would probably need a damn bodyguard, he put his arms underneath her and carefully lifted her out of the water. It would be better for her if he woke up her in the dry sunlight. He'd also have to gather up her goods once he'd woken her up.

    Laying her out on the ground, he looked at her face to see if she'd woken up yet. If she had not, he would speak her name a few times in order to rouse her attention. If that didn't work, then he'd sit down on the ground beside her and wait for her to finally come to, after first gathering up her stuff from in the pool. They made quite a weird-looking pair, to be honest--so most people ignored them and just went about their day. "C'mon."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:42 pm

    The Journey Begins [Closed] NewHeader2_zpsdebe3105

    It took a little time, but she did wake. She subconsciously heard her name being called a few times and was pulled from her unconscious state. Before her eyes opened, she rolled over on her side. A low “Mm” sound could be heard from the young woman as her body naturally seemed to curl into a fetal position. Finally, her eyes opened up and the first thing she saw was the lush green grass that grew in the park. Her mind quickly recalled the previous events and she shot up from her position on the ground and, bang, felt her head slam against something hard. “Ow, ow...” she whined in pain as she was forced back down onto her side. She curled up more, holding the side of her head. She opened one eye and glanced over to see what she had hit. She assumed it was the fountain, but realized it was a man. “Oh my gosh!” she sat up quickly, but carefully and placed her soft-skinned hand gently on his shoulder. It was obvious she hadn't done a hard days work in her life, at least not the physical kind.

    “I am so very sorry.” she said sincerely, worried about whether she had hurt him or not, “I don't know what happened. I believe I fell and... Did you take me out of the water?” Kannelita glanced toward the fountain and realized that someone had to have gotten her out. Since he was the only one around, it had to be him, right? “Thank you.” she said once he would reply. Even if he said he wasn't the one, she'd thank him for watching over her and her stuff. That part, he couldn't really deny. “Are you okay?” she asked him to confirm. She assumed he was, but it was kinder to make sure. That's when she remembered. “Oh no...” she stood up with a more worried look on her face, “Oh no, oh no, oh no. I bet I missed him!”  Kannelita looked around in a panic. Unlike the man she was hiring, she did not have a picture of him, so she wouldn't recognize him if he was around. Saddened, she collapsed to her knees, placed her hands in front of her, and lowered her head, her hair falling to block her face.

    “Now I'll never be able to go...” she muttered, but clear enough for anyone near to hear her.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Dai Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:02 pm

    "Ow." Her head collided with his, and he even felt their noses brush together for a moment before they parted. He sat down and rubbed his forehead, watching her sit up and groaning. “Oh my gosh!” He blinked as she sat up quickly and moved over towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder that showed some of the softest skin he had seen in his life. Ignoring the urge to delicately take her hand and intertwine their fingers, he simply took his own hand off of her forehead and looked at her with a soft smile. “I am so very sorry. I don't know what happened. I believe I fell and... Did you take me out of the water?” He nodded, "I'm fine, thank you, and yes, I did. I also sent away the ruffian trying to rob you. Already earning my pay." He laughed quietly, wondering if she'd realized who he was yet. It seemed unlikely. “Are you okay?” He smiled and nodded, laughing softly, "Yes, yes, I am fine. I've hit my head on much harder substances than yours." With that, she stood up straight and looked around with a worried expression. Hm?

    “Oh no, oh no, oh no. I bet I missed him!” He tilted his head to the side and slowly got to his feet, shaking himself off a little bit. What had changed? Who had she missed? He blinked, wondering if she was talking about himself. He smiled softly and prepared to say something, when she dropped to her knees and gave one of the saddest expressions that she'd ever seen, “Now I'll never be able to go...” He sighed softly and placed his hand on her shoulder, before walking around her and kneeling down in front of her, moving her hair out of her eyes and pulling her face up to look at his. "My name is Takaba Jin, and I have been hired by you, a Miss Kannelita Montanari, to act as a bodyguard. After having watched you, and realizing that you're not going to survive without me, I have chosen to accept your offer." He reached out his hand for her to take and shake, "Do we have a deal?" No beating around the bush here.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:32 pm

    The Journey Begins [Closed] NewHeader2_zpsdebe3105

    Well, at least he wasn't hurt. It was too bad for Kannelita that she had missed the entire reason for coming here in the first place, or so she thought. "My name is Takaba Jin, and I have been hired by you, a Miss Kannelita Montanari, to act as a bodyguard. After having watched you, and realizing that you're not going to survive without me, I have chosen to accept your offer." Her eyes widened as she lifted her head from it's melancholy position to look at him. She glanced him up and down, not judgmentally like some might think, but actually in disbelief. Had she really not missed him? “So, you're him?” she asked hopeful of the answer. "Do we have a deal?" he continued and held out a hand. She would have shook it if she wasn't so excited about the situation. “Eep!” she squealed happily and pushed herself forward to tackle hug the man. He had no idea exactly how happy he made her. “Yes, we have a deal. Of course!” she replied with a big smile as she sat up straight.

    “The first installment of payment was already sent to the address I was given by The Noir. They informed me that they'd make sure it would get to you, did you get it?” she asked. She was a little worried that he may have not gotten his first payment, but she was unaware of how honest and efficient The Noir actually were. If he hadn't already received it, the payment was waiting for him for when he returned. “Alright, so...” she looked over to her bag and pulled it over, “I brought some things I thought we might ne-...” Her face saddened again as she pulled out a few notebooks that were absolutely ruined from the water. She began separating some things. Her lunch was ruined, her money pouch was wet (thank god for Auroran currency being in coins), and a lot of the tools she brought were soaked. She separated a small dagger, female hygienic objects, a twenty foot rope, a now wet change of clothes, and her money (things she could keep) from her ruined lunch, notebooks, and other now useless things (things that had become useless after getting soaked).

    “Well not all of it is ruined, but my notebooks are a mess...” she said. They were the more important things to her. She was a well-known author after all. She was going to document this adventure and print it so everyone could know about their journey to find The Scarlet Jewel. “I do have quite a bit of money on me...” she lifted her money pouch and shook it to show that it was pretty much over stuffed, “... so if you don't mind, can we pick up a few supplies before we get going? After that, we'll be taking a train down to the southern end of Arcadia to White Water village. From there, we'll get on a boat to head into Cieria... There's a village we must get to to find the next clue.” She spoke about this stuff as if it were her every day life. Not many people had such a huge plan for an adventure, but she had researched everything she could to start this. “I'm really glad you decided to help me. I couldn't go alone.” Kannelita smiled and stood up after placing the things they could take back in the bag.

    “This stuff is trash...” she said as she gathered up the ruined objects and looked around. She spotted a park trash can and hurried over to it, her heels clicking on the pavement as she walked. She threw the trash out and made her way back over to Jin. “Do you think there is a store around here that has what we need? It is sort of a tourist attraction...” she asked curiously, “If not, we might have to just board the train and buy our stuff in White Water.” Kannelita looked up to him with the most excited of smiles. Any obstacles they might face wasn't even a shadow in the depths of her mind. She treated all of this like it was going to go swimmingly; nothing could go wrong. The moment they'd decide where to go, whether the train station or finding a shop, Kannelita would fasten her bag on her shoulder to prevent it from falling and enthusiastically begin walking in the chosen direction with Jin by her side. He'd probably quickly realize how one track minded she is about her journey and that the first thing she is going to want to buy isn't food or tools; It's her notebooks, all so she could write everything down.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Dai Sat Aug 09, 2014 8:34 pm

    This woman... honestly, Jin really had no idea as to exactly how this woman had survived any amount of time in the real world. She was ditzy, air-headed and naive, but not exactly in a bad way. It almost endeared her to Jin as he watched her for a few more seconds. The realization that Jin was the person she was here for set in, and she suddenly reacted in a fashion which he had not expected. “Eep! Yes, we have a deal. Of course!” She lunged forwards and tackled him. Since he hadn't quite gotten himself into a proper balancing position with his kneel, he was taken by surprise and lost his balance, falling onto his back with her on top of him. "Aye-ya." She sat up straight, and he did so too, albeit with a slight blush lining his cheeks. “The first installment of payment was already sent to the address I was given by The Noir. They informed me that they'd make sure it would get to you, did you get it?” He nodded, "I received it. It's appreciated." He sighed softly, placing his hands on the ground and watched her look through her stuff. He saw her face fall into dismay, and kind of felt the unhappiness that she was feeling at the same time. "Hrm."

    “I do have quite a bit of money on me; so if you don't mind, can we pick up a few supplies before we get going? After that, we'll be taking a train down to the southern end of Arcadia to White Water village. From there, we'll get on a boat to head into Cieria... There's a village we must get to to find the next clue.” He tapped his chin and got to his feet, waiting for her to put the rest of the stuff back into her bag. He reached out his hand for her to take, so that she could get to her feet. "So, you seem to have this all planned out. At the expense of potentially compromising the job, would you be able to tell me what it is we're doing this job for?" He tilted his head to the side, looking at everything she'd put together to throw away. "It seems interesting that you'd need notebooks." He chuckled.

    “Do you think there is a store around here that has what we need? It is sort of a tourist attraction... If not, we might have to just board the train and buy our stuff in White Water.” He nodded as they started to continue onwards, looking around for some kind of store to get what they needed. "I'm sure we'll find something. And don't worry too much about spending money on your food. I'll be pretty much in charge of that. From now on, it's my job to keep you alive. Just let me know if there's something you need of me."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:06 pm

    The Journey Begins [Closed] NewHeader2_zpsdebe3105

    “Oh, no, no. You won't compromise the job. I'll tell you all that I know.” she replied confidently. She looked around the stuff she was choosing to keep until she came across a book. Picking it up, she showed him the cover. “The Scarlet Jewel” is what the book was called. “We are going to try and find this. This Jewel, which I honestly believe is an enchanted ruby or crystal type thing... is said to have an enormous amount of power.” she explained, waving her hands around a bit while she talked, “I couldn't even imagine how much it'd be worth, but many have tried to find it and all have failed. It's supposed to be guarded by secrets and beasts and spells... Finding it should make up a very good story.” Yes, that is what she was in this for, the story. Most want the power, others want the money, Kannelita wants the story of finding the Scarlet Jewel. She was an odd one, but pure intentions are better than greedy one's. “And that's what I need the notebooks for. I want to write our adventure down.”

    Kannelita made sure to take a path toward the train station to make it easier on them both. Instead of taking forever to walk all over the entire city, if she didn't find a store on the way to the station, she'd ask to just board. “The next train to White Water leaves in thirty minutes, I believe.” she told him as she too looked around for a store. Unfortunately, most of the stores were cafe's, gift shops, clothing stores, bars, clubs, and she even spotted an arcade. “I don't see anything...” she said in a disappointed tone. "I'm sure we'll find something. And don't worry too much about spending money on your food. I'll be pretty much in charge of that. From now on, it's my job to keep you alive. Just let me know if there's something you need of me." Kannelita stopped in her tracks and looked up to him like he had gone crazy or grown an extra head. “No. If you wish to aid me with expenses, that is fine. I've hired you as a bodyguard. You will not be paying for anything beyond yo-...”

    “Ah-ha!” Kannelita pointed over to an outdoor store, “I knew they had to have something! I'm sure people around here hunt or surf or... whatever. Let's go.” She looped her arm with his, careful not to drop her bag, and hurried along toward the store. She pulled him along with her and once she arrived, she hurried inside. “What do you think we'll need? I thought of rope... And we'll be walking a lot, so a tent for when we sleep? Some food is a good idea.” she began walking up and down different aisles, not sure of what she should get, “I'll be following your lead on this one; I really am unsure of what I would need.” Kannelita began picking up different objects, but then something caught her eye. There was an archer section. Her interest was raised and she hurried over to the bows. “Hey, hey! Jin!” she called out to him excitedly, “Do you use anything like these?” She kept looking back and forth between composite and traditional bows. Her own preference when traditional, but she wasn't exactly an archer.

    And of course, because she was a clutz, Kannelita turned herself just in time to bump into a store clerk that was carrying an open box full of arrows. “Eep!” she squealed in shock, almost losing her balance. Luckily, this one wasn't so bad and she was able to catch herself and prevent the man from falling as well. “I'm sorry about that. I can be sort of an airhead at times.” she said and the man just smiled, forgave her, and went on his way. She made her way back over to Jin and smiled up to him. “So... have we found everything we need?” she asked happily when yet another thing caught her eyes. She gasped and hurried over to a stand that had out door notebooks. “Ah! They're water proof!” she said excitedly, shuffling her feet as she showed them to Jin, “I want at least four.” She pulled four, all of different colors, from the stand and turned back toward Jin. “Ready!” she said, holding the four books to her chest. Walking with him to the front, she paid for everything and made her way outside and to the station. Unfortunately, she was unaware that the train was leaving in five and they could be late.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Dai Sat Aug 09, 2014 11:03 pm

    She produced a book and showed it too him, and so he obviously had to look over the cover. 'The Scarlet Jewel'. They were after some kind of treasure, so it was no wonder that she was paying so much for his services on this day. He had to chuckle to himself when he thought of it. This was probably the most interesting trip he was about to go on, but he still had to know why she sought out this strange treasure. Did she want to take it for herself? For profit? For the glory of discovering it? “I couldn't even imagine how much it'd be worth, but many have tried to find it and all have failed. It's supposed to be guarded by secrets and beasts and spells... Finding it should make up a very good story.” Jin felt his cheeks burn a little bit as he turned to look at her. Not gold, not glory... but a mere story? He wasn't even mad. That was naive, and stupid, and he should've told her to stop right then and there. But he didn't. Because he wanted to see her plan come to fruition. “And that's what I need the notebooks for. I want to write our adventure down.” He smiled and nodded, but didn't speak in return. No words were needed.

    When he finally offered to pay for her food, she stopped and turned to look at him with a completely confused expression. Apparently, she didn't like that. He chuckled softly and placed his hands on his hips as she retaliated, “No. If you wish to aid me with expenses, that is fine. I've hired you as a bodyguard. You will not be paying for anything beyond yo--Ah-ha!” He turned and followed the direction she was looking. "There goes my counter-argument. Five minutes, and you're already basically a puppy to me. Aye-ya." He laughed and followed her into the store, hanging back a little bit so as to be able to get a wider field of view. They'd started, so this was him working now. He was on the clock. Her life was in his hands. “What do you think we'll need? I thought of rope... And we'll be walking a lot, so a tent for when we sleep? Some food is a good idea. I'll be following your lead on this one; I really am unsure of what I would need.” He smiled softly and walked up to the goods, looking over it. "Well, there are a few things you'll want to check. Firstly, do you want me in the same tent, or would you rather us separate? I can afford my own tent, you know," He laughed inwardly, before continuing, "Other than that, don't worry about it. Go and get your notebooks, I can handle this part."

    While she was having her altercation with the salesman, Jin started hunting through goods, picking out two two-person tents, some useful supplies, some food and the like. He took them up to the counter and prepared to pay, while hearing the last of Kanna's apologies and hearing her approach him again. “So... have we found everything we need?” He nodded, paying the salesperson and turning around with the backpack and supplies. "Meet me outside when you're ready, I'll split our stuff." He walked towards the door, before hearing Kanna's exclamation, “Ready!” That was fast. Pushing the door open for her, Jin let Kanna out first and stepped into the street. He put his stuff into his own backpack and then handed her what he'd purchased for her to hold on to. "Here."

    Once that was all said and done, the pair made their way for the train station and boarded the train. Jin doesn't recall much of this; it was rather simple and quick. Painless, too. But once it was all said and done, the pair took the train off to White Water. Jin noticed that Kanna slept for most of it. Poor thing.


    Last edited by Dai on Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:01 am; edited 1 time in total
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sat Aug 09, 2014 11:57 pm

    The Journey Begins [Closed] NewHeader2_zpsdebe3105

    And off to White Water they went. The train passed through so much beautiful scenery, but Kannelita was not awake to see it all. She had been so excited and pumped for the starting of her adventure that she didn't sleep much. In fact, Kannelita wasn't one to sleep that much beyond times like this. On the train, she couldn't do much. Reading made her feel sick if she was in a vehicle while trying it, so sleeping was the best choice. She didn't wake until they arrived in White Water a little under two hours later. It was a village not far from Varedia and to the southwest of that city. The whistle sounded and the conductor spoke over the loud speaker. “This is our last stop before we turn back to Varedia. Welcome to White Water Village. Have a nice day.” The sound woke Kannelita up before anyone had a chance to. Looking toward Jin, she pushed up a smile ant sat up fully. She raised her arms above her head, arched her back, and curled her knees up in a long, tight, and relaxing stretch.

    “That was a lot more comfortable than I thought it'd be.” she said as she stood and grabbed her bag. She placed it over her shoulder and waited for Jin. Once he was ready, she'd walk off the train with him and step out on to a wooden floor. She looked around, immediately noticing the more traditional or 'old' look of the place. The houses were all made of stone and wood, like many places in Arcadia (compare to skyrim with better technology). Kannelita's eyes were immediately drawn to the ocean, but out of the corner of her eye was something she never thought she'd see. “The White Water Falls...” she said making sure to emphasize that water and falls were two different words. This was another 'too see' place on many travelers' lists. Over to the Western end of the village was a cliff and water fell from the top of this cliff, about four hundred feet above their current position, with such a heavy flow that it slammed down into the ocean below. “Now that... is beautiful.” she said, smiling.

    “Our boat doesn't leave until tomorrow at eight in the morning, so we're here for the next few hours.” she told him. The sun was falling over the cliff and night was on it's way. The two of them would have to find a place to stay for the night and since camping wasn't exactly a need while in the towns, Kannelita began walking down what seemed to be the main street to look for a hotel or inn of sorts. She kept looking back to make sure Jin was near. Though she wasn't exactly scared, this place was still new and she didn't want people to immediately assume she was easy pickings. It was beautiful, but that didn't mean the people were. In fact, one thing this town was known for was robbing newcomers and travelers who came through. Apparently people often lost their belongings here and Kannelita did not want to be one of them, so sticking close to Jin seemed like the best idea. “How about there?” she pointed toward one of the nicer looking buildings that had “Inn” on the front sign.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

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    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Dai Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:04 am

    Finally, they would arrive within the town of White Water--so named for the White Water Falls, or so he had heard. Yawning as he got off of the train, he stretched out his limbs and tested the air, looking behind him to make sure that Kanna had gotten off of the train safely and with all of her items. "Ah, good to see you off and relaxed. Sleep well?" He winked, smiled at her and turned around to look about the town. It looked relatively regular--nothing too out of the ordinary here. A touristy-attraction kind of place with a single attraction that everyone came here for. It was standard fare, most certainly. “The White Water Falls...” He looked at her and then in the direction she was looking, and understood exactly why this town was named after them. Stepping down from the station, he stood in awe for a few seconds more and then heard her speak again, “Our boat doesn't leave until tomorrow at eight in the morning, so we're here for the next few hours.” He nodded, stretching out a bit more and looking around to get his bearings in the new place. They started to wander off towards the centre of town, trying to find themselves somewhere to rest for the night. Eventually, it was settled upon that they were to stay in a rather nice inn. He agreed to stay there for that night, and paid 50g for two rooms ('Would you and your wife wish to share a double bed, sir?' 'No, no, we're not married. We'd like different rooms.' 'Oh. What're you doing tomorrow night then?'), before being pulled off by a rather bothered Kanna, after "Sticking with me, now stop your needless flirting!" "Ow, ow, ow, my ear, my ear!"

    A scream woke him up from the light depths of sleep, causing him to sit straight up and quickly reach for the sword that was pretty much right next to his bed. "Jin, Jin, help!" He grumbled and stood up, flicking the sword to his side and nodding. "On it." Now, we must note that Jin at this stage is wearing nothing but the bandages around his abdomen that hide a variety of rather obvious scars. And so, he walked up to the wall and let out a breath, letting the Arcana flow through the tattoos on his body and push him through the wall separating their rooms. As the light shifted from his dark room to the now-bright lights of Kanna's bedroom, a man came into focus, looming menacingly over the nightgown-wearing Kanna. He felt the breeze down below but ignored it, instead going immediately for the harasser, who had a knife produced and was swinging it threateningly. He tackled the man and knocked him to the ground, pointing his blade at his throat with a snarl. "Name. Reason. Now." The man shook, looking up at Jin and his tackle with a scared expression. "M'name's Roland, an' I was 'ere to rob th'lil' lady blind." Well, that was easy. "Now leave." The man nodded and stood up, shaking even more and running out of the room, leaving behind a small bag of gold. Jin knelt down and picked it up, counting out about 120 gold pieces. He chuckled and held onto it, standing up straight and turning towards Kanna, still not realizing that he was leaving everything hanging. "Job done, going back to bed. Night~" He waved, turned around and pushed his way back through her wall into his own room, completely ignoring his own nudity.

    Morning came, Jin woke up, things happened and he met Kanna outside of her room with a smile. "We have a boat to catch; you ready?"

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:38 am

    The Journey Begins [Closed] NewHeader2_zpsdebe3105

    As night fell and the two went to their seperate rooms, Kannelita immediatley got as comfortable as she could in her lavendar colored nightgown and went to sleep. Like the careless person she was, she forgot to lock the door. Having lived as nobility in her own village, she never had to lock her own bedroom door, so doing it here didn't really pass through her mind. Not very shockingly, she awoke to the flicker of a candlelight and light rummaging sounds. Kannelita opened her crimson colored eyes and looked toward the light. “Jin?” she mumbled quietly and reached toward the lamp. With the flick of a switch, the light turned on to reveal an unfamiliar man. Before she got a chance to do anything,  he grabbed her wrist and pulled her from the bed, dragging roughly to the floor. “Let me go!” she demanded, biting the man's hand. He pulled away, shouting in pain at her bite, though she broke no skin. Kannelita's eyes widened when she saw him pull out a knife back backed away from him.

    “Jin! Jin, help me!” she yelled at the top of her lungs, hoping he'd hear her before this man harmed her. He reacted much quicker than she thought possible. Before she truly realized what was happening, the man was tackled away from her. He spilled his guts, admitting to being yet another man who wanted to rob her. The man left and Kannelita looked toward Jin, still slightly shaken from the incident. She took a deep breath and sighed it out, trying to calm down. “Thank you.” she said softly, but then noticed something, “Oh my.” Kannelita looked away from him and kept her eyes stuck to a spot on the wall opposite of his direction. He was naked, completely naked. Why wasn't he... “Did you just walk through the wall?” she realized how he had gotten into her room. "Job done, going back to bed. Night~" he said and actually walked back through the wall and into his own room again. She tilted her head to the side, curious as to how he was able to do that. Was he Sorcerer?

    The next morning came and Kannelita had gotten little to no sleep. She learned to lock her doors, but every noise that came from the Inn startled her. She wasn't sure whether it was someone trying to get through her door, window, or even walk through the walls like Jin did. The few times she fell asleep, she had nightmares of someone hurting her to steal her money. Tired, she readied herself, washed her face, and grabbed her things. She stepped out of the hotel room she had been staying in and saw Jin was already there. "We have a boat to catch; you ready?" he asked and she was able to push up a smile and nod, though the bags under her eyes showed she didn't sleep much, if at all. “Alright, let's go!” she said and then covered her mouth to yawn. She began her journey once more, with Jin by her side, and made her way to the docks where she would pull two pieces of paper out of her bra. Yes, bra. Once they got to the boat, she confirmed the arrival location and they boarded.

    “I hope you don't get sea sick.” she said as they stepped onto a large luxury boat. It wasn't massive, but at least thirty guests could fit comfortably, “Come on, our room is this way.” Kannelita followed the maps on the boat until they made it to their room. From what she understood and would explain to Jin now, the trip on water was about sixteen hours long and had two other docking points until they arrived at their location. When they entered the room, they would noticed that it was decorated with ocean-like colors, concentrating on light blue's, greens, and colors along those lines, but there was a problem that Kannelita still had not noticed. There was only one bed. It was a king size, but still only one and the only other furniture in the room was a dresser, tv, and table with two dining chairs around it. Their room was above the water, so she opened a small window and looked out. A nice salty air breeze moved through their room, only making her more excited. “Hehehe! This is great!”

    “Thank you for last night, by the way.” she said after settling in and kicking of her shoes, “I... realize now that I hadn't locked my door and he probably just walked right in; kinda like you. Nice power by the way.” Kannelita smiled and then reached down the front of her shirt. She pulled out a necklace and showed it to him. “This is really the only power I have. I found it on my first adventure. It's the Amulet of Baralok; have you heard of it?” Kannelita smiled at him, hoping that he had heard of it, but at the same time wishing she could tell him the story if he hadn't. That's what Kannelita was, a woman for the story. Anything she did, read, wanted; it all revolved around a good story that she had read about and researched. “That was probably one of the best days of my life...” she said and placed the amulet back in her shirt where it was completely hidden from anyone around her, “You're the first person that I've told about it.” Kannelita smiled to him and then stood up, slipping her boots back on.

    “Wanna head to the buffet?”
    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

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    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Dai Sun Aug 10, 2014 2:07 am

    She hadn't gotten much sleep. It was kind of expected; that was probably one of the first times she had ever actually been in a situation like that. Wherever she came from, she likely knew everyone and trusted them all--a small town of sorts, perhaps. Here, however, she knew nobody. Here, of all places, there were people you wouldn't be able to trust. Which was why Jin would be true to his word, and to her coin. She wanted--no, she needed a bodyguard that she could trust. A person who, in the midst of everything, would be constant. That was Jin's job, and the 25k gold she was paying him was absolutely worth the trouble. As they left the inn, he left a note with the owner mentioning security concerns, smiled softly and went into the warm daylight.

    It didn't take long for them to reach the docks--he didn't flinch at all when Kanna produced a couple of scraps of paper from her breasts--and they soon boarded the ship with ease. It wasn't a small ship, either. It was a nice ship as well. Tickets must've been expensive. Poor little rich girl. Sighing softly, he placed his hands on his hips again and followed her around a little bit more, keeping an eye out for anyone who might be watching out for them. They entered into the room which they'd likely have to share--Jin made a mental note that sleeping naked was out of the picture tonight--and he left his bag in there, taking about 200 gold out and putting it into a small portable coin-bag; the one which he'd taken from their friend the night before. Kanna opened a window and looked outside, speaking about how nice it was, before turning around and sitting down, kicking off her shoes. He took a seat across from her.

    “Thank you for last night, by the way.” He shook his head, "It's my job, Kannelita. You did pay me to protect you." “I... realize now that I hadn't locked my door and he probably just walked right in; kinda like you. Nice power by the way.” He blinked and chuckled, about to say something else modest before watching her reach down inside her shirt. He quickly averted his gaze, remembering how beautiful she'd looked in her nightgown, before she spoke again, showing him something. “This is really the only power I have. I found it on my first adventure. It's the Amulet of Baralok; have you heard of it?” He blinked, "The name is familiar, but I only know the name." He sighed softly and stood up straight, stretching out. “That was probably one of the best days of my life... You're the first person that I've told about it.” He smiled.

    "I'm honored," and when she mentioned the buffet? He just laughed and nodded, "Absolutely. You should tell me about this Amulet when we get some time in private again. I'd like to hear this story." It was, unfortunately, standard practice of most mercenaries to not get emotionally involved with a job. Unfortunately, he already felt like he was starting to break that practice. He didn't care. They left the room, Jin making sure to lock it behind them, and travelled in the direction of the buffet. He stopped just outside the door, motioning for Kanna to go inside and telling her that he'd be right in. He turned away from the door and leaned upon the railing, staring out over the oceanscape and smiling to himself. "This job is shaping up to be interesting, alright." Chuckling and straightening up, he turned around and entered the buffet, seeing Kanna poring over the food and going towards it himself with a smirk, an empty plate and an emptier stomach. "Let's eat."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:44 pm

    The Journey Begins [Closed] NewHeader2_zpsdebe3105

    “Call me Kanna. It's easier than Kannelita.” she said casually, waving it off. She talked with her hands a little more often than most; it was a habit she had gotten into a long time ago. Though she did admire the power he showed the previous night, Kanna always had a motive behind her words. Well, she always had a story behind her words at least and she wanted to tell him of Baralok. Like she expected, he had only heard of the name. He really was the first she had told too. It had been that long since she had gone on an adventure. Since she was home in her village while not out adventuring, she never really told anyone. "I'm honored," he said, causing her smile to get a little bigger and then she offered to go tot he buffet. "Absolutely. You should tell me about this Amulet when we get some time in private again. I'd like to hear this story." Mistake. The moment she heard that, Kannelita sat right back down and looked excitedly to him. She'll the story now; she was too excited to wait.

    “Well... It was name after the Scholar who made it, obviously Baralok. He was said to have been a miracle worker among his village. He became famous in Zhilihan for being able to do one small miracle every day. Of course, he was shamed after they found out that it was this locket that allowed that. People began hunting him down to steal it, so he had to hide it away. After lots and lots of research, I found out where he hid it and went and got it. And now it's mine.” She smiled sweetly, speaking ever so proudly about what she called the best day of her life. “And now... let's go to the buffet!” she said and then left the room wit him. When they arrived at the buffet, Jin told her to go in first, so she did, but was curious as to what he was waiting on. She stepped inside, waiting like two seconds, and then peeked out at him. Confused as to why he was just looking out at the ocean, she shrugged it off and hurried over to the food. Picking up a plate, she began looking at everything with wide eyes.

    “Ohhh... I should try that... no that... Or this... How about all of it?!” she talked excitedly as she looked up and down at everything. She didn't know what she wanted. Chicken? Steak? Salad? Fruit? How about going straight to the dessert table? She wanted like five plates of everything! The mashed potatoes looked fluffy and delicious. The spaghetti sauce smelled delicious and became very tempting. She gave in. She grabbed three plates, filled them up, and quite skillfully and balanced made her way over to a table. Before she got there, she smiled to Jin. No, she did not grab food for him. This was hers, so if he came up to her like she did grab food for him, she'd likely shock him by saying, “No! Go get your own. This is mine!” Sitting down at a table near a window. She set her plates down and looked between them. Plate One: spaghetti with garlic bread. Plate Two: Steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans. Plate Three: 3 different cookies, carrot cake, and apple pie. She forgot the drink.
    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

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    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Dai Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:02 pm

    A small smile crossed over Jin's lips as he recalled the story that she'd given him, walking into the buffet and looking around to see if he could find her. Apparently, she had already made up her mind. He stepped over near, seeing her pile up three plates full of food. His head tilted to the side as he watched her, wondering if she'd attempted to get food for him as well; he walked a bit closer to be met with a “No! Go get your own. This is mine!” He watched her incredulously for a few more seconds before laughing and shaking his head, making his own way over towards the buffet. He looked out over the food and felt his stomach grumble loudly--he really hadn't had much to eat recently, so this was going to be good. Chuckling to himself and grabbing a couple of plates, he helped himself to about as much food as Kanna had done, piling the plates up maybe a little bit higher. Satisfied with his decision, he took his plates over to their table and sat across from her, giving a challenging smirk as he dug into the first plate of food. They received a few confused looks from other buffet-goers, but the place was generally quite empty and the few stares they did receive vanished a minute or so after they'd actually begun to eat. Realizing that he'd forgotten his own drink, he got to his feet and stepped away. "Gimme a minute, Kanna. I'm just going to get a drink. Want anything?" He was pretty certain she'd replied, so when she did he would walk away and make his way to the drinks table. It was around a corner a little, so Kanna didn't see anything involved.

    "Hey, you. Step outside with me for a minute." He felt a hand touch his shoulder and turned slightly, seeing the back of someone heading towards the nearby door. Looking left and right, he realized that there was nobody else around. Taking this as meaning that he was the one to be dealing with all of this, Jin followed the mysterious man through the door and onto the deck outside. The man was leaning on the railing and looking out over the water, only turning around when Jin left the buffet. "Ah, good for you to meet with me. I represent a certain acquaintance of Kannelita's family. One that would rather see her... not return home from this adventure. Please, tell me, how much is she paying you to guard her? It must be quite the sum." Jin narrowed his eyes and stepped further out to the deck, looking over the ocean himself with a sigh. "Two-and-a-half grand." The man's face made an o shape as he looked at Jin with a narrow glare. "What if I told you that I could give you three times the sum? Just make little Miss Kannelita have an... accident. Let someone kill her. All that." He grinned, showing his teeth and producing a bag that rattled with gold. "Here's your downpayment," He threw it across to Jin, "You'll get the rest when we confirm her death." Turning away, Jin watched him start to leave--and made a hasty decision.

    "Hey." Jin stepped forward as the man turned around again with that weasel-like smile, "I'm going to have to decline your offer." Without warning, Jin reached out with the bag of money, swinging it around and clobbering the man on the side of the head. He shouted out and teetered, before Jin stepped forwards and grabbed his side, throwing him over the edge of the boat. "I don't fuck with my clients." Apparently, nobody saw him go overboard, because Jin heard no screaming. With a sneer, he pocketed about 300 gold and then threw the rest after the man, before stepping back into the buffet, grabbing a couple of drinks--two milkshakes, one for himself and one for Kanna--and making his way back over to her. It seemed that his food was still intact, and he sat down after handing her the drink, going back into his food and smiling at her. "Hope you enjoy. Went to a lot of trouble to get that for ya."

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:02 pm

    The Journey Begins [Closed] NewHeader2_zpsdebe3105

    Kanna was a little bit of a piggy right now. Who could blame her? They hadn't actually eaten since they met. She was hungry! The moment she sat down, she began enjoying the spaghetti first. She ate slow and with good manners. When Jin came to sit down, she smiled at his appetite. "A man with an appetite, huh? Good." she said with a smile, "Don't stuff your tummy too much though. You don't want to get sick while on a boat." She took another bite and happily enjoyed her food until Jin offered a drink. "Um..." she thought for a moment, not wanting to keep him waiting, "If they've got some sort of juice, I'd like that. Apple, orange, peach, waterm- Oh, can I have a milkshake?" She went back to eating as he left, but looked up a few moments later, just in time to see him walking out with someone she actually recognized. Kanna immediately felt a tinge in her stomach; she knew exactly why that man was here and could only wonder if Jin would take his deal or not. She feared that he would.

    With every passing moment, Kanna felt herself getting sicker and sicker. When Jin returned to the room, she looked to him to see if she could tell by the look on his face, but she couldn't. She turned back to her food and waited. He returned with her milkshake and she smiled weakly to him. "Hope you enjoy. Went to a lot of trouble to get that for ya." She looked down to the drink and was worried about drinking it. He was a man of money from what she knew. If that jerk offered him enough, Kanna had no reason to believe that Jin wouldn't take it. They had just met after all. Thinking about it made her stomach turn worse. She felt as if any moment he could betray her. "Thank you." she said with a forced smile, but a pretty convincing one at that. She continued to eat her food silently, not as excited as she had been about trying so many things. "How's your food?" she asked after swallowing the last bite of her spaghetti. She pushed the empty plate aside and pulled the steak filled one to her, ready to start on it.
    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

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    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Dai Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:16 pm

    She'd seen him leave the buffet with that asshole--you didn't need to be some kind of rocket scientist to see that. Her smile was a lot weaker than usual when he handed across her drink, and he knew for a fact that it had nothing to do with her being full of food. That wasn't a 'full' smile. He sighed softly, sipping away at his milkshake for a few seconds and watching her cautiously. "Thank you." She smiled. He sighed again, noting the change in demeanor and tucking back into his food calmly. "How's your food? He looked up from his own meal and gave her a soft smile, nodding, "It's great, thanks. Much better than what I normally have to eat while on the job," He laughed at his own joke before returning to eating. Finishing the last of the food on his first plate, he moved onto his second one--biting into the pork may have just been a religious experience. He was pretty certain that he'd heard a chorus of angels as he started to eat away at it--it was quite possibly the best pork he had ever eaten. Gladly eating a little bit faster, he opened one eye to look over at her again. She was eating, but she didn't look quite so excitable as she did before. Had she recognized the man he'd left with? He was certain that he was out of her sight when confronted--guess that asshole just made a mistake. Sighing again and putting down his utensils, he opened his mouth and began, "Kanna, I--"

    "Man overboard! I repeat, man overboard!" He turned his head to look over at one of the people rushing into the buffet, desperately looking for someone--anyone--who could help. A few people asked for the description of the person. "I didn't quite get to see him, but he had this really jet-black hair and pale skin. I thought I'd seen him around before, he was wearing this really nice suit when I did. It looked about the same. He must have tripped and fallen over the edge of the ship!" If Kanna had been listening, she would likely have recognized the description as the man who had attempted to pay Jin off. If not, then there could've been other problems. Jin sighed, shaking his head, "I had hoped they wouldn't have noticed," his voice was low, "Goddamnit. If they fish him up, he'll reveal that I pushed him. I don't need that shit. I already rejected his stupid fucking offer..." Although his voice was low enough that the average person wouldn't hear him, if Kanna had been paying enough attention then she would have certainly heard him. He sighed softly and got back to his meal, shaking his head and drinking from his milkshake. This could go bad, and he wasn't sure just how far they were from shore.
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    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:40 am

    The Journey Begins [Closed] NewHeader2_zpsdebe3105

    "Man overboard! I repeat, man overboard!" Wait what? Kanna's nervousness had clouded her mind. She hadn't even noticed Jin saying her name, but when she heard a voice call out in panic, her attention was caught. She raised her head and turned back to see who was speaking. "Oh my..." she mumbled, ready to stand and go to help if she could. She heard someone from the deck call out about what the man looked like and waited to hear the description. "I didn't quite get to see him, but he had this really jet-black hair and pale skin. I thought I'd seen him around before, he was wearing this really nice suit when I did. It looked about the same. He must have tripped and fallen over the edge of the ship!" She recognized that description. She blinked a couple of times and then turned back to Jin. For some reason, though she was shocked about the outcome, she felt a little better. "I had hoped they wouldn't have noticed," "What did you do?" "Goddamnit. If they fish him up, he'll reveal that I pushed him. I don't need that shit. I already rejected his stupid fucking offer..."

    "You rejected it?" Kannelita was completely shocked. She stared at him as he went back to his meal. She couldn't really express how completely surprised she was at him rejecting the the man. She assumed he had made Jin a massive offer and expected Jin to take it. He was a mercenary after all, wasn't he? Or, well, is that what you called it. Kanna shook her head  a little harshly, shaking the out-of-context thoughts from her mind. She immediately calmed down. "Thank you." she said in the sweetest of voices. Her tone expressed clearly how sincere and grateful she truly was to him. "He comes after me a lot. The people who hire him live in my village and want to take the role as leader." she explained. Going back to her food, she glanced back to the deck to see whether they got him out of the water. She could see a large group of people, some reaching over the side of the boat, but whether they retrieved the man was not clear. "If they find him... and he outs you, what should we do?" she asked Jin, turning back toward him rather worried. If they were caught, wouldn't he be arrested?
    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

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    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Dai Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:58 am

    "You rejected it?" He looked at her for a few seconds, with a slightly incredulous expression. Had she not...? Sighing softly, he looked back at the crowd of people and watched them intently for a second or two--quite obviously, if Kanna were to be paying attention, she would see that he was quite deep in thought. She probably wouldn't realize what he was thinking about, but he was most certainly thinking. His eyes flit left and right, looking to see if they were getting any funny looks. When he was sure that they weren't, his eyes went back to Kannelita, meeting them for a moment. "Thank you." He tilted his head to the side, giving her a funny expression, "He comes after me a lot. The people who hire him live in my village and want to take the role as leader." He sighed softly, understanding her point. She was not just asking for protection from those she was going to run into, was she? No, no, she was also paying him to protect her from the people that were in her past--the people she'd left behind. If they came after her, then he would have to give them the same treatment that he gave anyone else. If anything threatened even a single hair on Kannelita's head, then he would come down upon them with furious wrath--a being of pure malice that would make their lives hell. It was in the job description, right under babysitting.

    "If they find him... and he outs you, what should we do?" He frowned slightly and looked over Kanna's face for a moment. He could see the worry in her eyes, and he didn't want that. "Oi, Kanna, look at me." He reached out and slipped his fingers into hers, holding both of her hands with a grip that seemed unbecoming of someone who so frequently wore a weapon on his hip. He simply held hands with her for a few seconds, looking at her before smiling and speaking to her in a clear tone, "Listen to me, Kanna. I don't think they'll manage to get him. It took a good few minutes for them to call out overboard," he gave her his best and most reassuring smile, "So don't stress or think about it. And..." He felt his grip on her soft hands tighten, but not enough to hurt, "You hired me for a job. Whether or not someone offers me more money is irrelevant--you are the one that hired me. I will follow you until the ends of the earth, because that is who I am. I won't give you up for any amount--not even the three-times he offered me. Because that's my job, and..." He swallowed, not realizing that his cheeks were reddening, nor that his heart was beating a bit faster, "You have to trust me, as I already trust you." His smile was bright and he finally pulled his hands away, not realizing that he tried to hold onto them for half a moment longer than he should've. "Anyways, we should get moving. If they do manage to fish him up--they won't, but still--we'll need to be in our room. Safest place to be." He got up from the table and held out a hand to help her up. Whether or not she accepted it, he would lead her off once she was on her feet with a soft blush on his cheeks and a smirk on his face, though cursing himself inside.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:12 am

    The Journey Begins [Closed] NewHeader2_zpsdebe3105

    "Oi, Kanna, look at me." Kannelita turned her head back toward him and blinked a few times. Feeling his fingers lace themselves with hers, she glanced down to his hand and stared at it. She wasn't used to people touching her and she wasn't sure whether she was comfortable with the man she currently only considered a friend and bodyguard choosing to do so. Her eyes shifted back up to him. "Listen to me, Kanna. I don't think they'll manage to get him. It took a good few minutes for them to call out overboard, so don't stress or think about it. And..." Kannelita glanced down to his hand as he tightened it around her own and once again returned her gaze to him. "You hired me for a job. Whether or not someone offers me more money is irrelevant--you are the one that hired me. I will follow you until the ends of the earth, because that is who I am. I won't give you up for any amount--not even the three-times he offered me. Because that's my job, and... You have to trust me, as I already trust you."

    He was making her nervous. She watched his face turn red and tilted her head to the side in slight confusion, but soon found her own face turning red. She didn't know whether he was okay or not. She wasn't one to recognize a blush as being shy, nervous, or embarrassed. She didn't do it often, nor did other's blush often when speaking to her. When he finally pulled his hand away, she glanced down to her own hand. There was something about no longer holding onto him that made her feel odd. She wasn't sure whether it was good or bad; it was something she'd have to test later on. "Anyways, we should get moving. If they do manage to fish him up--they won't, but still--we'll need to be in our room. Safest place to be." Kannelita nodded to him and stood up. She saw the hand being offered and was ready to reach out to it, but stopped when she remembered the feeling she just had. It was too strange for her, so instead of taking his hand, she dusted off her skirt and began walking back toward their room.

    "This is going to be a twelve hour trip, so we might want to find something to entertain us for that time..." she said as they left the buffet and began walking down a hallway, "I'd rather not spend the entire trip in our room. We can go up to the deck and look out over the ocean for a while?" Kanna's mind went back to normal. She even forgot about the man they would be pulling from the water. The fact was, the man wasn't going to snitch on them if he were somehow fished from the ocean water. For one, he was here to assassinate her; blowing his cover by outing her bodyguard when they could just out him was probably the stupidest thing he could try. Beyond that, Kannelita would not hesitate to use her daily wish to turn the guy into a squirrel. It wasn't the harshest punishment, but it'd be funny.

    Last edited by SerenityVerdant on Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

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    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Dai Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:10 pm

    She seemed awkward, dealing with the way that he placed his hands upon hers. It was interesting, seeing her interactions with that as if it were something completely new to her. And at the same time, as they let go of each other, she seemed to look at her hands with a slightly incredulous expression. He blinked, but got up and offered her his hand anyway. She didn't seem to accept it, but that was okay--Jin didn't push the envelope, instead waiting for her to get up from her seat and respond to his mentions. Not immediately replying to him, she instead started out of the buffet, past the crowd that were talking amongst themselves about the man overboard--Jin followed as well, attempting to keep his face hidden from view. He didn't need to be recognized at all, especially if they managed to fish up the motherfucker. As they left the buffet hall, Jin heard Kanna finally speak. He turned towards her, waiting for her to finish speaking before he would respond. "This is going to be a twelve hour trip, so we might want to find something to entertain us for that time..." He frowned--they'd been on this boat for maybe an hour, and they still had to deal with eleven more. Sighing softly, he leaned against the wall and watched her. He heard her walking away, still speaking, "I'd rather not spend the entire trip in our room. We can go up to the deck and look out over the ocean for a while?" He quickly started up a small jog and headed along behind Kanna, looking around. "While I don't like it, I think we should be alright. If anything, it's probably the safest place to be right now. So yeah, I can agree with that."

    The two of them walked away from the buffet and started to climb a small staircase, that would lead up to the main deck of the boat. He stepped out into the cool, salty breeze, sniffing and stretching out. His stomach felt pretty full, but he himself also felt full of energy. He would appreciate this view and this moment, staring out over the ocean and approaching the edge to look down. He wasn't sure that he could see anything living in there, but there would be something--what would he see first, he wondered. Suddenly, a small group of dolphins would leap out of the water, sending sprays into the air as they jumped and continued to jump. He reached over and tapped Kanna's shoulder, pointing in the direction of the dolphins and seeing how she reacted. Once that had happened, he would continue to look around to see if he could find anything else to show her. This was... surprisingly relaxing.

    "Thanks, Kanna," He began, "Normally, people ask me to be their bodyguard through treacherous dungeons and the like," he shook his head, "And while I'm pretty certain it's still going to happen here, at least we get to enjoy the sun like this for a while longer." He turned to her and gave her best smile, to show that he was serious.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Fri Sep 26, 2014 12:57 pm

    The Journey Begins [Closed] NewHeader2_zpsdebe3105

    The two of them changed direction toward the deck. Kannelita actually did not mean head to the deck now, but it wasn't that big of a deal. The two of them made their way up and went over to the boats side. Kannelita leaned forward, resting her arms along the metal railing that guarded the edge of the boat and looked out over the water. She had not seen the dolphins emerge from the water because she was looking the other direction. As her shoulder was tapped, she looked to him and then toward where he was pointing. She smiled quite happily when she saw the adorable sea creatures swimming along near the boat. She loved how dolphins were so friendly and social. They are the one creature that have no problems with other species until other species put them there. It was so cute.

    "Thanks, Kanna," Her attention was pulled away from the show on the sea and back toward her companion. "Normally, people ask me to be their bodyguard through treacherous dungeons and the like," "It'll happen." she blinked a couple times, wondering if he assumed otherwise. He shook his head. "And while I'm pretty certain it's still going to happen here, at least we get to enjoy the sun like this for a while longer." Good, he didn't expect this to be peaceful. Kannelita didn't know what was going to happen on this journey, but she doubted it will all be fun, sunshine, and rainbows. If it were, she'd not have hired a bodyguard in the first place. The only thing that Kannelita was sure of at the moment is that Jin was and odd person. He treated this like more of a social thing than anything. If he did not switch up when they started traveling, it wouldn't be shocking if she had to either hire a second and/or fire him. She wasn't someone who was okay with dying because her bodyguard had his head in the clouds.

    "I think I'll head in for a nap." Time had passed them by, but there were still a few hours left. It was smarter to get some rest before the boat would dock, otherwise they'd miss where they needed to get off. Of course, if Kannelita remembered right, the crew goes to each room to make sure that they're empty. This wasn't like a train where if you fell asleep you missed your stop. Either way, Kannelita made it to the room, kicked off her shoes, and laid down. If Jin joined her, she actually would not care at all. There was only one bed, so she had no problem with sharing. The problem would come if he dared touche her. Time would pass their/her nap(s) by and someone came knocking on the door. "Excuse me. We've docked. If you're still in there, you have thirty minutes to gather your luggage and leave the boat. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed your stay." Hearing this, Kannelita sat up, rubbing  and eye and covering her mouth as she yawned. "It seems it's time to go..." Kannelita smiled over to Jin and began grabbing up their stuff.

    As they stepped off the boat, they'd realize that this dock was just a fishing area. There were multiple paths leading in different directions, but Kannelita needed the one that would send them to the main city of Cieria. "We should as-... Can you ask people which path leads to Light Haven?" Kanna asked him. It was obvious that she was a little nervous about talking to people, but didn't think Jin would be. Once they'd find out which one was the right path, Kannelita would be eager to head down that way and continue their adventure. If Jin wanted to do something before they left, it'd be smart to stop her.
    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    The Journey Begins [Closed] Empty Re: The Journey Begins [Closed]

    Post by Dai Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:58 am

    "I think I'll head in for a nap." He turned his head and looked over at her, nodding slightly. It was for the best, probably--he knew that he could last with little sleep, but he wasn't sure about her. He sighed softly and turned around completely, watching the meagre crowd on the deck of the ship. As she walked away, he would follow--his movements had changed, however. He had been somewhat casual before, since he hadn't known what to expect. During their foray upon the deck, he had been considering the possibilities of what may come with this adventure. He knew for a fact that Kannelita was after something big. Big things had big guardians, and big competition. He may have to fight those who would come after Kanna for their own ends. Actually, that wasn't a question--he would fight those who came after her, as that was his job. He had fought off the bedroom intruder. He had fought off the one who wished him to betray. He would fight off any and all threats to the woman that he was guarding. He steeled himself and started to walk behind her, almost showing an aura of hostility to those who looked twice at Kanna. He didn't like scaring people away like this, but after that fucker had come onto the ship he had felt that twinge. If Kanna ever turned to look back--which he didn't expect--he would change his expression and demeanor almost instantly, smiling kindly at her, before immediately going back to 'guard-mode'.

    As she entered the bedroom, he would not follow. Under any other circumstance, he would stand guard within the room, but she desired a nap. He wouldn't sleep in the same bed as his employer. Not only that, but fighting in that cramped space would likely mess with her nap. That was unnecessary. He leaned up beside the door and lowered his head slightly, watching either side of the corridor with his peripherals. People would pass by every so often, look at him and quicken their steps. Good. Showing fear was good. As the hours continued to pass, he kept thinking over potential situations. They would probably need a companion of some sort, he surmised. He wouldn't let Kanna know that, however--it would be a fool's errand to try and persuade her to do anything--his job was not to think. He cursed under his breath, watching another man come up towards the door. Jin raised an eyebrow as the man slowed, looking far too nervous. He was dressed in the garb of the crew, and seemed to have been knocking on every other door to let them know of their impending arrival. Jin nodded slowly and allowed the man to do his job--the door was knocked, and he spoke, "Excuse me. We've docked. If you're still in there, you have thirty minutes to gather your luggage and leave the boat. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed your stay." Once his pre-rehearsed words were out of the way, Jin sighed to himself and relaxed his shoulders, turning around and slowly opening the door. He didn't expect Kanna to be in anything less than normal clothing, so when he opened the door to see that she was as he expected, he nodded. She rubbed an eye and yawned, covering her mouth as she did so. "It seems it's time to go..." He gave her a small grin, "So you did hear that. I was hoping I wouldn't have to wake you up." He received a smile and stepped completely into the room, gathering up his goods and hooking the bag over his shoulder. "C'mon, let's see if we can get off of this rustbucket first, eh?"

    Well, apparently everybody else had that idea. They stepped off the ship in the middle of the pack, Jin feeling rather uncomfortable in the large crowd. That was one of the things he'd prefer people didn't hear about, the fact that he was uncomfortable in large groups of people. He frowned to himself and passed through the crowd with Kanna as they eventually reached the centre of town. "We should as-... Can you ask people which path leads to Light Haven?" He stepped up right next to her, looking around. "You've... never been through Cieria often, have you? Come with me." He tapped her shoulder and started leading her in a direction--he would take her through the town until they reached a small blacksmith. He looked around and waved an arm, as if to show her everything in the building. "Cieria isn't a very safe place, I must attest. So we're going to get you a weapon," He looked around a little bit, browsing over the weapons and armor. He didn't want to give her anything with heft, nor did he want to give her anything tiny and unremarkable against your average bandit. He eventually settled a decently-large, yet easy-to-conceal dagger that he showed her. "Does this look alright for you, Kanna?" He was completely confident in his own skills as a fighter to be able to fend off any threats, but sometimes she would be best-off with her little bit of extra assistance in these matters. Eventually, they would settle upon a weapon and leave, paying a small sum of gold.

    He'd then take her to get some food and to pick up some additional supplies for the trip, before finally returning with her to the central hub. "I know the way to Lighthaven, don't worry." He gave her his best and most reassuring smile, before leading her off down the path to that city.


    "Bah, he failed. What kind of fool isn't bought out by triple their employer's offer?" The man stood up straight, watching the pair begin down their path. "This means that I have two thorns in my side now--and that is one too many. Guess I'll just have to be more direct, next time." He laughed to himself, vanishing into the crowd and leaving them to their travels.

    {we can either end it here and start the next thread, or continue if you still have plans.}

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