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    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:07 pm

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] ArmorHeader3
    Rosalie Armstrong

    And yet there was another day that Rosalie was trapped in her armor. It had been about a month now, and Rosalie was starting to get annoyed by this. She wondered if she'd ever get out of this armor. But the young girl quickly shook such thoughts out of her head. She had to get out of the armor. She liked the feeling of a warm bed, dammit! Thankfully, Rosalie was not alone on this journey. Elliot Wrinn, a handsome young man, had agreed to help her. She had no idea that her voice was distorted, so to her, Elliot was doing this because he was a nice guy and that he might think she was pretty. Maybe. Such thoughts were quickly shut out of her head—because a suit of armor writhing around in girlish love was not a pleasant sight.

    They were traveling to Ardale, where the headquarters of the Invisible Knights was. After saving a village from the demon Amurezuhr, Rosalie was told that Vaughn McLelland—the leader of the Invisible Knights—had taken all of Odelius Clarembaut's notes. If anyone were to know how to break this curse, it would be Vaughn. Unfortunately for them, they did not know that Vaughn did not have the ability to remove curses. "Elliot, according to my map we should be passing through the town of Stanlow soon. From there, it would be about another day or two's walk to Ardale... Should we stop in Stanlow for the night?" Rosalie normally would have looked up to Elliot as she asked the question, but she was currently about seven feet tall. It was a little out of the question.

    As the duo approached, a sentry from the Invisible Knights noticed Rosalie first. One of Vaughn's standing orders is that if someone in strange armor appears, tell him immediately. Seeing how tall she was, they quickly did so. It was evening and nearing time for dinner. Vaughn was enjoying a pre-meal chat with his guest of honor, Lillianna Aranhartte. Vaughn  spoke of his exploits in battle and how many villages and caravans he had saved from bandits and monsters. A knock at his wagon door was met with a simple "Enter."

    "Sir, we have spotted a suspicious duo on the road into town. Well, I say suspcisious but..." Vaughn raised an eyebrow. "But what?" The sentry stuttered for a moment. "Sir, one of them is wearing armor. A full suit, if I might add. And it's like nothing I ever have seen." Vaughn stood up and immediately grabbed his cloak and sword. "Lillianna," Vaughn spoke politely to her, "would you care to join me? I have a feeling these two might be travelers, and you are the best healer in Arcadia if this duo so happens to be injured."

    As Rosalie and Elliot walked into town, they would notice that most everything was brand new. The Invisible Knights had been hard at work rebuilding the town after its near-destruction. A few still hammered in nails into unfinished buildings. Most of the ash was now gone, but it was still easy to tell that the entire place had been scorched. Vaughn stepped out of his wagon as the two approached, a friendly smile upon his face. "Greetings, I am Vaughn McLelland..." As he spoke his name, Vaughn's voice trailed off. An unfamiliar sparkle formed in his eyes. "By Zafildir's shield, would that be the legendary armor of Walkelin the Devoted?!" Vaughn practically ran over to Rosalie and began to stare at the armor.

    Rosalie squirmed a little, feeling creeped out by this man. "It is! What an amazing find you have there!" Rosalie blinked a couple of times and backed up behind Elliot. Elliot was safe, yes. She'd normally be able to hide behind the guy, but not in the suit of armor. "It's... it's really not..." "And why would that be?" Vaughn was utterly confused. This may not be like finding the Holy Grail or the Ark of the Covenant, but it was like finding a long-lost shipwreck. "Well... the armor... is kind of cursed... I haven't been able to get out of it for the past month." "Cursed? Are you sure you're not just stuck?" Rosalie puffed out her cheeks in annoyance. "Yes, I am sure!"

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:45 pm

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header_zpsf7iv8omz

    Elliot's cluelessness about the actual 'condition' of his travel companion made for some interesting conversations since they had started off together. First off, he had a habit of walking around shirtless or even just in his underwear. If he stepped out of the shower, sometimes he didn't have the towel blocking himself. He started talking about his future with a woman, but notably kept any details about prior relationships out. He had habits of asking very personal questions that usually women wouldn't immediately answer. Things like "Are you into boobs or ass?" "Like them short or taller?" "Hot or sexy?" Guy talk... It was entertaining to watch the embarrassed reactions, but after a while, Elliot realized that "he" wasn't that type of man. Elliot stopped with the more personal questions and kept everything casual. Though, that unfortunately left conversation rather dull.

    They were on their way through to Ardale, but it was going to take some time. The "Big Buy" was a sissy boy and Elliot was really ready to leave the guy behind. His behavior was just odd and reminded him of some sort of weak ass dude that hadn't even picked up a sword. "Only two more days..." Elliot muttered and nodded, "Yeah, we can stop off... But hey..." Elliot pointed forward when she saw the town coming into view. He could tell from there that something big had happened. Many people were building on burnt ground, while piles of rubble had been made before the rebuilding. "Hm... Something big must have happened here..." Elliot continued looking around as the two of them got closer. He kind of hoped that most people were okay, but with this kind of destruction he knew better. It was then that he noticed the people around were all wearing similar symbols of some sort.

    Lillianna and Vaughn were enjoying small talk when a Knight came in. Lillianna planned to sit and wait for him, but he offered her to join him. She gave a soft nod and took the hand of a Knight who helped her out of the wagon. "Thank you." she said as she stepped down and continued with Vaughn. This view was strange on both ends. The most normal view was Elliot and Vaughn, but if you paid attention to Lillianna and Rosalie... Um... Lillianna watched the armored knight hide behind the shorter guy and placed her hand over her mouth and tried not to laugh. It didn't help that Vaughn was apparently a fan of the armor the girl was in. "Eh... Wait, aren't you... Yo, Big Guy... This is the guy we're looking for, right? Vaughn something or something... You're into armor? We were sent to ya... Can you remove the curse from this thing? He actually can't remove it; It's just... stuck on him."

    "I believe that is..." Lillianna paused for a moment as she regained her composure and stopped laughing. She lightly cleared her throat and stepped forward beside Vaughn. "...more up my area of expertise." The moment Lillianna stepped forward, Elliot's jaw dropped and his eyes darted toward the large bust she had. "Holy Mother of Rydia..." he said a little too bluntly. Lillianna looked to him with a raised eyebrow and waved him off. "Sorry, but I'm more interested in your friend here." Lillianna said in a tone that struck a dagger through Elliot's heart. "Agh... Taller guys always get the hot chicks..." Elliot crossed his arms and looked to Vaughn. For a moment, he compared his and Vaughn's height. Elliot just smiled and gave a cocky "Ha!" when he realized he was taller. "Come, my dear... Let's see what we can do about that armor, alright?" Lillianna smiled, holding her hand out to the "Big Guy".

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:33 pm

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] ArmorHeader3
    Rosalie Armstrong

    Rosalie was actually a little happy that Elliot stuck up for her. Vaughn was still a little skeptical—the armor was old after all. But having someone else confirm it, it did lessen his suspicion. Elliot was such a nice guy. Sure, it'd be nice if he'd put on a towel when he got out of the shower—but after the first time, Rosalie made sure not to be facing the shower door when he came out. That thing scared the living hell out of her. To be honest, Rosalie wondered why this guy asked her certain types of questions. She wondered why the guy just walked in front of her in his underwear or shirtless. Granted, Rosalie was not complaining about him walking around shirtless. He had a damn nice body.

    Rosalie looked over at the pretty lady as she spoke up. Rosalie had a decent-sized chest. Lillianna had something out of a modeling magazine. She could help but to look as well. She worried for the woman's back, but there was all sorts of magic in this world so that wouldn't be a problem most likely. When Elliot spoke up, Rosalie couldn't help but to feel a twinge of jealousy. Hmph. Then she thought about it and realized that he actually hasn't seen her. He's just heard her voice—Rosalie had no idea that her voice was distorted.

    Vaughn on the other hand just raised an eyebrow to Elliot. He was not jealous or anything. In fact, he felt it was quite uncouth for Elliot to say such a thing—and to stare like that. Vaughn might also feel that Lillianna is a beauty like a snowy day in a wide-open field, but he could not say such a thing. It was not his place. He did not catch Elliot's quip about the taller guys, so when their eyes met with a quick and ego-filled "Ha" from Elliot, Vaughn looked at the man like he had just painted himself blue.

    "Thank you so much..." Rosalie took Lillianna's hand. Well, not exactly. Lillianna most likely just grabbed onto one of the armor's massive fingers and Rosalie followed her. Vaughn was the first to speak up. "I will return shortly. There is something I must retrieve. It may aid in this endeavor." Vaughn walked quickly into the wagon and opened up his desk. It didn't take him ten seconds to find the old notebook, and he quickly returned to the group.

    "Lillianna, I have something for you." Vaughn was flipping through the pages as walked over to her. "This may aid in removing the curse. It is the personal notes of the Arcanist that set the curse upon the armor." He finally found the section about the armor, and he smiled as he handed the book over to Lillianna. It was an old, leather-bound notebook that had seen much better days. But all of the writing was still as legibile as if it had been written today. That's the beauty of Everread Ink. "Aha. Here is the section on the armor. I do not know how curse removal works, but if anything, it should allow you to better understand the curse..."

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:21 pm

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header%202_zpstlkqsgxs

    Lillianna is not used to asking for things. She sort of does what she wants and expects people to listen. She does this because she's not only the leader of a major guild, but because she's currently the best healer Arcadia has to offer. Not many people want to get on her bad side, so they often just step aside. She's used to being told yes. Of course, she's not aware of their reasons for just saying yes or stepping aside for her. She thinks they're just being nice. So, as she lead the "Big Guy" along, she went over to the Knight's tent. The tense was quite large, able to fit up to thirty people comfortably. It was also the only place tall enough to allow this armor through without bumping things around. "I'm sorry, but please step out of the tent. I need to use this it for some time." she said as she entered with the large suit of armor behind her, "I'd appreciate it if you all gave the two of us some privacy."

    The Knights all nodded and cleared out. A few stared at the large suit of armor as they left, but they hurried along like Lillianna requested. "Alright my dear... Let's see if we ca-..." Lillianna turned to the entrance when Vaughn came in offering the notes. She took them and flipped through them quickly. With a smile, she nodded to Vaughn. "Thank you. This will be quite helpful." she said sweetly, but then turned Vaughn away. She placed her hands on the man's shoulder and sort of guided him out. "We'll need privacy for this, so make sure the other one doesn't get into any trouble while we're busy. Okay? Thank you!" Lillianna gently shoved him out the tent and closed the flap behind him, using a leather tie that was provided to 'lock' it. With a deep breath, Lillianna began mentally preparing herself while she was reading the notes. It was going to be difficult, but not too bad.

    Hours passed them by and Lillianna was using chalk to write up magic circles, concentrate her arcana, and keep the incantation that the notes provided going. The incantation to actually break the curse was secretly encoded through the notes and was pretty hard to crack, but luckily she cracked it. She informed Rosalie that the moment the curse is broken, the armor is going to collapse around her to be prepared for a lot of weight. A total of twelve hours passed and morning was on it's way. The sun was rising in the sky and a final flash of Arcana lit up the tent. The armor fell, it's weight restored as the curse was lifted and Lillianna finally stopped her ritual. She crawled quickly over and pulled the helmet off. "As beautiful as I thought you'd be..." she said in a motherly tone as she helped Rosalie out of the rest of the armor, "My dear... I believe your friend is unaware you're a woman."

    Lillianna helped the girl sit up and brushed her hair from her face. "I think it'll be a good idea to get you into the bath..." Lillianna explained and helped Rosalie stand up. She wasn't sure how the armor would have effected her muscles since the curse kind of kept the armor holding up. Lillianna was just being extra careful. "We'll get you cleaned up for your first actual introduction, okay?" Lillianna said and began leading Rosalie out of the back of the tent and toward the forest, "Come. Let's go." Conveniently and totally not put there for story purposes at all, there was a lovely hot spring located a little into the forest. Lillianna's plans were to wash clothes and let them dry while the girls bathed.

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:16 pm

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header1
    Rosalie Armstrong

    Vaughn and Elliot did not do much conversing during the time that Rosalie and Lillianna were in the tent. Vaughn explained what had happened to the village. He made sure to toot Lillianna's horn more than his own—as was due. Lillianna had helped more than Vaughn could have. Vaughn did ask how Elliot and the armored person met. But when they weren't talking, Vaughn was telling his Knights what to do. He was a guildmaster after all.

    Inside the tent, Rosalie actually fell asleep about halfway through. She was just lying there while Lillianna did her thing. She watched for a while, completely enamored with what the white-haired maiden was doing. What actually woke Rosalie up was not the flash of Arcana or her just getting enough sleep. It was her falling. Rosalie's actual body fell inside of the armor, and she hit her head on the back of the helmet. "Ow!" She yelped... and then realized something. She was fine. She felt the inside of the armor and that was it. She was free.

    As Lillianna removed the helmet, it took Rosalie's eyes a moment to adjust. As soon as Lillianna undid the straps keeping the two halves of the chestplate together, Rosalie burst from it. She wrapped both arms around Lillianna and hugged her tightly, crying softly. She kept murmuring "Thank you" in between sniffles. "He... is?" Rosalie had a lot of knowledge. She did not, however, have a lot of wisdom. She was book, not street, smart. It actually took her until just then to realize that Elliot had not been seeing her as a woman. She turned as red as a fire dragon's scales and fell back down. She had seen that elephant trunk on accident! He wasn't trying to show off or was just that crass as she originally though.

    Rosalie definitely agreed to the idea of the bath. She followed Lillianna closely—almost like she was trying to hide behind the lady. Which is because she was trying to hide behind Lillianna. Rosalie was hesitant to undress, so it actually took some goading of some sort from Lillianna before she finally did so. She did make a note that yes, Lillianna's boobs were huge. She looked down at her own and made sure to get as deep into the water without her nose going under. Thankfully the heat covered up her blush. After a few minutes of just soaking—because dear Milani did it feel good to be naked—Rosalie spoke up. "Um... I heard Mister McLelland refer to you as 'Lillianna.' You're Lillianna Aranhartte then, right?"

    After getting a confirmation, Rosalie's eyes lit up just a little. "Wow, I'm a big fan... although that's not saying much since I don't know of anyone who isn't..." Rosalie had a habit of saying things like that. She'd say something positive about herself, then immediately shoot it down. "That explains how you were able to break that curse then... Someone as amazing as you would have no trouble doing something like that." Rosalie was just barely sticking her head out of the water, but she had definitely cleaned her arms and legs. She made sure to keep as much of them covered by water.

    Rosalie did her best to quickly bathe her torso—and kept her back to Lillianna the entire time. She noticed that her hair hadn't grown. None of it had. Besides smelling a little stale, she was exactly the same as she came into the armor. Now she smelled decent, and she never thought she'd have the idea of loving a bar of soap. But she sure as hell loved that one. Rosalie let Lillianna get out of the water first, and while Lillianna was dressing herself, Rosalie rushed behind a tree and did the same. Her clothing covered most of her body. She had a light blue sweater that barely showed her collarbone and a long yellow skirt that went down to her shins. her shoes were stylish hiking shoes and she wore actual kneesocks. If it wasn't obvious already, Rosalie was shy to the nth degree.

    As they approached the camp again (sneaking in through the tent again), Vaughn was just waking up. Seeing that Lillianna would be awake for the entire night, Vaughn enjoyed his bed. He left a note for Lillianna that said that if she came in and he was still asleep to wake him and he'd let her have the bed. Although if she had wanted to share the bed, he would not have had any particular complaints. Objections, maybe. Complaints, no. Vaughn paid for Elliot to have a room at the inn, which was no longer a hospital. The roof over the common area had yet to be repaired, but the rooms were still fine—and clean now.

    Vaughn's eyes turned to Lillianna as she exited the tent. He gave a warm smile, then his mouth dropped when he saw the tiny thing hiding behind her. With every turn Lillianna made, Rosalie was still behind her. The strong and pretty lady made the best shield. "I... Was... Is she the one that was... in the armor?" Vaughn's voice was filled with confusion, so much so that it took him three times to form the sentence he was wanting to say. That girl was two entire feet shorter than the armor. Was the curse that strong of one or something?

    Lillianna gave a bit of a motion for Rosalie to step out, and it took her a moment... but she did. She couldn't help but to avoid Elliot's gaze. She couldn't even look at him, and she was still as red as before. "Um... y-y-yes. I... was the one in the armor... I am Rosalie Armstrong... and I... um... ummm...." She lost what she was trying to say, so she just bowed. "Thankyouverymuchforhelpingme!" She spoke quickly, and it was sincere—but it was definitely forced in its own way. As she finished, she hid behind Lillianna once more.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:08 pm

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header%202_zpstlkqsgxs

    The shyness of the young girl Lillianna was now with could not be called anything less than adorable. Lillianna could tell that the one in that large suit of armor wasn't exactly the rough and tough type because she had been hiding behind someone that was technically shorter than her. It was just cute to reveal the mystery within. Now this little lady was even cuter. She kept hiding herself, as if Lillianna was a guy. It is possible to assume Lillianna was a lesbian or at least bisexual, but she wasn't. At least the conversation wasn't dull; it was actually quite sweet. Lillianna enjoyed meeting people that were fans of her work as long as they didn't try and gawk at her. "Yes, that's me." Lillianna replied kindly as she slid down into and relaxed in the warm water. She tilted her head at Rosalie and smiled, "Not saying much? It's always nice to meet those who enjoy my work, so thank you for that."

    "Supportive and healing magic is my specialty. I've tried to expand my abilities beyond just making someone faster or stronger..." Lillianna said, looking at her hands as if remembering things about her magic, "I've even delved into poison removal, fire and cold resistance, and even sense enhancers... But I'd rather not talk about me, honestly... Hun, what exactly got you trapped inside that armor?" Lillianna began washing herself as well. Twelve hours of non-stop spell casting was difficult. She was tired and had sweat through the process as well. She wasn't that shy about her body in front of another woman though. She didn't try to hide herself, but she also didn't try to keep this young girl from doing so. She understood that some people just didn't feel comfortable doing that. "Oh... Wow, how rude of me. What is your name, if I may ask?" Lillianna realized and smiled as she asked.

    "You know... If you had just told him your name, you likely wouldn't have to deal with what is coming next..." It was like Lillianna just knew what happened between them. Either that, or she greatly understood the male locker room scenario. Lillianna had actually stepped into the male locker rooms at her guild hall many times. It was on purpose and supposed to embarrass everyone in there. They always think twice before destroying half of a town, not completing a job, or even taking the valuable item for themselves now, so she really regrets nothing. This isn't to say she wasn't impressed or felt bad for certain male members. Some people just weren't packing enough heat. Anyways, the bath ended and the two felt refreshed. Lillianna at least felt fresher; she was still tired as hell. The two snuck back into the tent and came out of the other end to reunite with those that were waiting.

    "Now do you understand why we needed some privacy?" Lillianna added after Rosalie answered. Seeing Rosalie apologize so quickly, as if she was scared of everyone, Lillianna just chuckled. "Hun, you don't have to be shy... No one here is going to hurt you and if they tried, I'll castrate them." Lillianna spoke that a little louder to make sure certain people did hear. A few knights had gathered around and were muttering about Rosalie being the one in the armor, so Lillianna immediately revealed her protective motherly instincts. And it was just then that Lillianna noticed that someone was staring at her. Well, no. It was just in her direction. Lillianna turned her head to Elliot and sucked in her lips to prevent herself from laughing. The look on Elliot's face was priceless. He was deep red, frozen still, and wide eyed. "What the hell happened between you two?" Lillianna asked Rosalie curiously.

    "YOU'RE A GIRL!?" Elliot finally spat out and rushed forward, staring shocked at Rosalie, "YOU COULDN'T HAVE TOLD ME THAT!?" The man flailed his arms and then grabbed his hair. "Agh! I would have been so much nicer and I wouldn't ha-..." Elliot froze. Things were coming back to his mind. The questions he asked her were so personal. He would never had just asked those to a girl. The way he talked to her; he always called her 'Big Guy' and never even asked her name because it didn't really matter. It would have mattered if he knew she was not a guy! He would have been so much more gentlemanly and he wouldn't have walked out nake-... He walked out naked. He walked out naked. He walked out naked. He walked out naked. Holy shit! He walked out naked! "I... am... so... sorry..." Elliot just fell backwards and blacked out. Yes, this man just fainted and Lillianna just laughed so hard.

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:01 pm

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header1
    Rosalie Armstrong

    Rosalie only hid more behind Lillianna when she asked what happened. Elliot had walked out of the shower naked. She didn't want to embarrass herself or Elliot by admitting that. That sight would never go out of her mind, even if she wanted it to. That night she didn't sleep well and instead just kept mumbling "it dangles." Rosalie hid more behind Lillianna as Elliot ran over and began his flailing rant. When he fell backwards, Rosalie actually stepped away from Lillianna and stared at him for a moment. She looked over to Lillianna, a bit of worry on her face. "Is... is he okay?"

    After getting confirmation that yes, he was okay, Rosalie thought for a moment. "Um... Miss Aranhartte... I... I-I think I can watch over him if he's okay. If you did that all night... You might want some sleep." Vaughn caught what was probably the wrong idea. Men. They either get no hints or the wrong hints. "Yes, why don't you go rest, Lillianna? I'll take Elliot to his room for you, Miss Armstrong." Rosalie looked up to Vaughn and nodded. Vaughn carried Elliot to his room in the inn.

    As they began to walk away, Rosalie turned back to Lillianna. "Um, Miss Aranhartte? May I see that notebook you were reading that Mister McLelland gave you?" She was told to ask Vaughn, and she "Oh... um, Mister McLelland—" "Yes, you may read it. I would like to have it back though." After getting the notebook from Lillianna, Rosalie caught up with Vaughn and Elliot. Vaughn placed Elliot on the bed, and Rosalie thanked him as the door was shut...

    When Elliot awoke, he'd notice that his head wasn't on pillows. Instead, he was resting on Rosalie's thighs. She had sat there the entire time as he remained unconscious. She had a lot of time to think to herself, and Rosalie had come to a decision. When she noticed that Elliot was stirring awake, she peered down at him, still extremely flushed. "Ar-ar-are you o-okay?" Rosalie took in a deep breath. "Elliot, I'm... s-sorry that I didn't tell you... I-I-I thought you knew... I mean, I don't think my voice is that masculine..." She thought about that for a moment.

    Last edited by Tsubine on Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:00 am; edited 1 time in total
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:43 am

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header_zpsf7iv8omz

    This was awkward. For one, Elliot had actually fainted. Men don't faint. What the hell? It was just too much for the guy to handle. He had been spending so much time with someone while assuming they were a guy. This caused him to act a certain way and it was so embarrassing! He even dreamed about it. As he lay unconscious his mind flooded with images of pelvic thrusting suits of armor, embarrassing questions, nude men of all ages, and anything else that really felt like a over dramatic dream. When he finally awoke, his eyes snapped open and his body tensed. He had a bit of sweat on his forehead and had to regain his composure. Where was he? He blinked a few times and wiped his brow before he realized that there was a pretty girl staring down at him. "Ar-ar-are you o-okay?" It took him a few moments to even realize who that was and when he did he quickly sat up scoot away.

    "Fine." he cleared his throat, "I'm fine." He turned half-way away from her, still collecting himself from this new found knowledge. He was so embarrassed and angry at himself. He'd never assume gender again, no matter the circumstances. She apologized, but he sort of ignored for a moment. He needed to reply correctly; she was a girl after all. "In that armor... you sounded like a man." he explained. His voice kept low, almost a whisper, but still not so airy as one would be. "You didn't think it strange that I..." his mind went back to him walking around nude after a shower and he froze. He calmed down with a half-annoyed sigh and turned back to her. "I walked around nude in front of you, called you Big Guy, and asked you questions that a man wouldn't normally ask a woman..." he said more bluntly and with some anger, "You're either extremely sheltered or stupid. Which one is it then?"

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:10 am

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header1
    Rosalie Armstrong

    Good, Elliot was fine. Rosalie would be sad and upset if he wasn't. It'd be her fault, after all. He might be a bit flustered, but so was she so it was okay. She tried to apologize for not telling him, but his silence only worried her more. When he spoke up, Rosalie had to actually lean in to hear him properly. While in the armor, her voice was different. That explained some of it, she supposed. "Oh..."

    When Elliot went on to ask if it was strange to her, Rosalie turned away. Of course it was strange. But at the same time, Rosalie had never really had friends. She had been home-schooled by her parents, and she had only heard of Lillianna because of stories her mother would tell. Elliot was her first friend, really. She was afraid to tell him no, because she feared she'd lose him. "I don't..." Rosalie's voice was tense and full of something depressing, "I don't think I'm sheltered, so I guess that'd make me stupid..."

    "Since I forgot the first rule to dungeon diving, I guess that makes sense..." Rosalie didn't know what to say to him. He had been her friend, and now it seemed like he might not want anything to do with her. And it was all her fault. "Sorry for making you mad, Elliot..."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:40 am

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header_zpsf7iv8omz

    Elliot stared with narrowed eyes at Rosalie the entire time. He was annoyed and was showing it, but when she called herself stupid it changed. His eyes widened momentarily and he felt guilt pulling at his chest. He looked away, sighed, and looked back to her. "Don't apologize... It was an odd situation for the both of us..." he said and then turned away to mutter under his breath, "Even if I did get the raw end of the deal..." Elliot turned on his butt to fully face her, placing his arms on his knees as he slouched forward toward her. "And you're not stupid... You survived, didn't you?" Elliot asked, "Sorry for that. Shouldn't make a girl feel bad... I know that. So, well... I don't know... Ugh. This is just weird!" Elliot stood up and put his hands on his waist before turning away. "Well... I held up my end of the bargain, so I'm out." He walked toward the door and stepped out. At first, he went left, but when he realized he turned the wrong direction, he turned on his heel. "Yeah, exit is not that way..." he said and stepped away from the door. As he started walking off, he felt like something was off. There was something about leave in this manner that bothered him.

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:56 am

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header1
    Rosalie Armstrong

    No, Rosalie was stupid. Well, stupid in the sense of, well, common sense. She was, however, incredibly smart when it came to books on the subject of adventuring. She could give you all sorts of dungeoneering knowledge. She could tell you the history of a trap, the materials, tactical applications, downfalls, etc. But she could not tell you the best place to put it. As Elliot went to step out, he was caught. Rosalie's tiny hand grasped his shirt tightly, and she wasn't letting go yet. She shook in nervous anxiety and couldn't even look at him.

    "Um... I... kind... of... have... a thing... a favor, yeah... to ask..." Rosalie's heart was beating like war drums. "You see... I'm not so good... at this adventuring thing... and you've done a good job at helping me out so far... You're definitely better at this than I am... Though I don't think that's saying much since I'm not good at it... But maybe... the two of us could... maybe... perhaps... kind of..." She took in a sharp breath, closed her eyes and spouted off another word that was meant to be an entire sentence. "Partnerupandbesomesortofadventuringduo?"
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Age : 224

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:04 am

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header_zpsf7iv8omz

    Elliot stopped when he felt some resistance on his shirt. He looked back to Rosalie and raised an eyebrow. "What is it?" he asked. She was so shy. Now that she wasn't stuck in a massive suit of intimidating armor, and disguised as a man, Elliot could admit that she was cute. She went on stumbling over her words. When she finished, Elliot turned toward her again. He leaned down and put himself at eye level. He moved close to her until their noses were practically touching. "You just want me for my body." Elliot spouted out. He was being a brat, a little playful as well, but it was mostly revenge. He knew she'd react with a major blush, squeak, or maybe even a fainting spell. Either way, it was going to be an entertaining reaction and he was going to feel a bit better about their situation. "Hahahaha." he laughed happily and stood up straight again. He rubbed the back of his head and placed his hands on his hips. "No really, why would you want me to join you?" he asked with a slightly raised eyebrow and a small smile, "You can just hire some guild person, you know... I'm not exactly the dungeon diving type. I'd probably just get in your way by setting off traps I didn't see... So why?"

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:23 am

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header1
    Rosalie Armstrong

    When Rosalie opened her eyes, Elliot was in her face. She did let out the squeak and had the blush he so desparately wanted. Rosalie also took the time to fall square on her ass. Rosalie let out an annoyed whine as she realized he was just being a brat. She didn't get off the floor either. She just stared up at him, pouting. He had to be a jerk. He had to be a brat. But Rosalie wasn't mad at him. She was just annoyed. And embarrassed. Mostly embarrassed. She sighed and looked away from him again. "I would make my family a laughingstock if I hired someone, especially from a guild. N-nothing against guilds, of course! I hope to join the Desert Rose guild one day, but I doubt they'd accept someone like me... And also..." her voice grew quieter. "Because... I can trust you..."

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:34 am

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header_zpsf7iv8omz

    Rosalie's reaction was exactly what he thought it would be. Of course, he didn't mean to make her fall. Her adorable exclamation on guilds was interesting. He learned something new about her. "Alright then." Elliot said, his voice more gentle than before. He stepped over to her and picked her up by wrapping an arm behind her back and taking her hand with his other. "I have nothing else on my plate, so I can help you out." he said as he stepped back to give her personal space, "Now that I know you're a woman, I'll have a different kind of respect that should have been shown from the beginning." Elliot stepped over to the door and motioned for her to follow. He went until the two of them were outside and looked around. "Desert Rose, huh?" he turned back to her with a smile, "It seems you have a goal. What do you think it will take to get them to accept you? Do you think collecting some ancient artifact would work? I assume that's the type of guild they are if a dungeon diver has them in her sights." Elliot gave her a moment to respond and then spoke up again, "First off, what was your name again? ... I'll call you Rose, or Rosie, or Ro. How about Rosa? A nickname that only I call you is needed."

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Empty Re: Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:54 am

    Small Things Come in Big Packages [CLOSED] Header1
    Rosalie Armstrong

    Rosalie didn't particularly care for being helped up. She wanted to pout a bit longer. Her eyes lit up a little when he said he'd do it. She didn't stop pouting initially, but she did let out a sigh a few seconds after getting helped off of the ground. Rosalie was a little too happy on the inside to stay pouty. Rosalie followed Elliot closely outside, where the sun was beginning to set. The sky was a beautiful blue still, but it'd soon change into a magnificent magenta. "I... don't know what they would want... For someone like me, it would have to be something major..." Rosalie had a major self-image problem. It came from the fact that her mother just so happened to be one of the most well-known dungeon divers out there. Rosalie always felt so inferior to her mother, and she always felt that there wasn't anything she could do to match—let alone surpass—her. "Y-you can't forget my name! Th-that's kinda rude..." Rosalie tried to pick on him, but it actually sounded like she was complaining to him. "But it's Rosalie. And... Rosa. Rosie makes me sound like an old lady..." Rosalie looked up to Elliot with the faint hint of a smile on her embarrassed, nervous, and anxious blushing face.

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