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    A Clear View [Closed]

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Mon May 19, 2014 3:31 am

    A Clear View [Closed] Nadia-Angelina_zpsc4caf430

    Hello sweetheart. I hope you're doing well. We received your inquiry over your missions, or lack thereof. It was odd at first since you have been assigned quite a few lately. I looked at your record and saw that you were succeeding with high marks in everything you did, so we kept assigning more and more dangerous high paying missions to you. After realizing this, I took it upon myself to see what was going on. I'm sorry, but this should not have happened. It is something I should have noticed sooner, but it seems Masamune is taking up your missions and still giving you the pay out. I know it's a pain in the ass and I will not report it unless you want me too. I know it may irritate you, but I'm pretty sure he's doing it to protect you. I'm looking into more of this. Something tells me he's taken on a few missions of my own. Don't worry about it too much and enjoy your free time. Have a cake for me.
    With Love, Luxanna

    “... Why would he do that?” Nadia continued to ask herself. She read the letter ten times and just could not comprehend it. She had been wondering for quite some time why she wasn't receiving any missions from the Noir, so she sent a letter back. Normally she'd call to make it faster, but when she began wondering about it she was in a village with no electricity about thirty miles from any major town or city. She had the return address placed in a post office in Varedia, which is where she was now. She walked her way through the crowds of the tropical paradise, but her concentration was not on what it normally was. Instead of the children running around, the bright blue sky, the fresh tropical breeze, the beautiful beach, or the interesting and fun shops to keep her attention, Nadia was stuck on this letter from her friend. “Mm...” she whined a little to herself. This made her feel guilty, confused, worried, irritated, and somewhat happy all at the same time. If Luxanna was right, Masamune really cared about her safety, but at the same time, did he think she was weak? “My tummy hurts...” she placed her hands on her stomach, her confusion and worry making her feel a little sick.

    Suddenly she caught a whiff of something irresistible. She blinked a couple times and looked around rapidly, like a puppy smelling delicious food. Once she pinpointed the direction it was coming from, Nadia hurried her way down the street with a hungry tummy. Turning a corner, she saw a restaurant with a long line and assumed the food there must be delicious. She smiled happily, ignoring a few people staring at her, and began skipping her way along toward the restaurant. "La da, da, dum." she hummed as she skipped along. She passed by an alley when something neon pink colored got caught in the corner of her eye. She stopped and looked down the alley toward a sign. "Hm?" she tilted her head to the side and walked toward it. The sign simply said "adult video store" with a miniature sign in the window that said "cheap toys". "Hm. I'll call Masa after I'm done checking out this place..." she said and a huge smile appeared on her face. Grabbing the door handle, Nadia pulled open and stepped her way into the shop, beginning her journey into a land her innocent mind never should have to cross.
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Mon May 19, 2014 2:30 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Header10
    Masamune Fujiwara
    正宗 藤原


    "Get outta here ya fuckin' bum!" Masamune dove out of the restaurant stall, avoiding a broom as he rolled onto the ground. "Fine, fine." He sighed, stood up, and dusted off the back of his jacket. All he wanted was a small hamburger. Just a little something to keep his stomach from growling. But no, apparently "I'll pay you in a week" isn't enough, even if he is a member of the Noir! He even tried to trade some things he had picked up over the years, only to be defeated by a "No Bartering" sign. It's not his fault that his pay has been lacking. Well... actually it is. Because it's not like he's not been working. He's been working hard... for someone else to get the money.

    But the Devote of Electric was more than happy to do that, strangely. He was doing that to protect the person earning all that money. Which again, is strange. But he didn't care how strange it was, it's just what he was doing and he was going to continue to do it until he died. But it was painful. Because that person's success meant they got more jobs and he didn't. Which meant... more nights sleeping hungry. With a stomach growl, he dropped his head. Sometimes carrying this burden hurts in ways it shouldn't... he thought to himself. He then remembered why he was carrying that burden and what that burden was. He picked his head back up, although with a forced smile, and began walking around.

    Masamune was getting looks from people because, well, he was carrying a sword that was almost dragging the ground. His all-red attire didn't do him any favors either. And the scene he just caused was more than enough to catch peoples' attention. And even so, he was still hungry as hell. Maybe if he hurried back to the nearest Noir contact point, he might be able to get a job. "That's what I'll do then." He nodded twice to himself and began meandering around. He didn't like Varedia because of its touristy population that just bugged him. He'd get people asking to take pictures with him, and if he asked for a gold coin or two in return, they'd scoff at him. He'd then give mean looks to their children, upsetting them so the parents would have a problem to deal with.

    So Masamune began to look for that contact point. He hadn't been in Varedia in a long time, so he pretty much forgot the location. Though, that doesn't explain how he "ended up" in the red light district of this Rydia-forsaken city. He just looked at the nice bodies in the window, like any man would. But then he made a sharp turn down an alley to avoid the section with men doing what the women were. It was weird, and he was having no part of it. He's straight as an arrow, dammit!

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Mon May 19, 2014 3:16 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Nadia-Angelina_zpsc4caf430

    "I want this one, and this one, and that one!" Nadia said cheerfully as she set a whole lotta weird shit on the counter of the shop. The woman behind the counter looked at her with a smirk, but Nadia didn't even understand what these things were. She began looking around at everything she might have missed, humming a little tune to herself when she thought she felt someone familiar nearby. "Hey... You free tonight?" the woman said flirtatiously, something Nadia would not pick up on, "If  you want, we can... have a little fun?" Nadia turned back to her and blinked a couple times. "Must of imagined it..." she thought, but she could have sworn it was getting closer to the shop. She shrugged it off and smiled to the woman, accidentally completely ignoring her request as she paid for her things. "So... You wanna?" the woman brought it up again, "You know... have some fun tonight?"

    "Sure!" Nadia answered with a smile. The woman handed her a piece of paper with her address on it and told her to be there around eight. "Alright! See ya then!" Nadia happily walked toward the exit, searching cheerfully through her bag as she walked out of the store. As usual, she wasn't paying much attention and bumped into someone. She looked up and blinked innocently. "Sorry!" she said to an older gentleman wearing a suit. "Hehehehe... You're a cutie. Whatcha got there?" the man leaned over and peeked in her bag. "I... got some toys." she blinked as the man searched through her stuff. "How fun. Why don't you and I head back to my place and have a little fun with these toys, hm?" the man said and wrapped an arm around Nadia's back, pulling her in. She felt a little awkward, but would feel bad if she told him no. He just wanted to have a little fun. So why wouldn't she do it?

    "Uh.. Um..." Nadia glanced away, wondering what she should do. She didn't like this guys tone, it was weird. "I guess we ca-... MASA" Nadia recognized him no matter what he was wearing or doing. Nadia waved her hand rapidly toward him, still in the arm of the large perverted man, who seemed to not really want to let her go, though Nadia didn't exactly fight him. "I need to go talk to my friend." Nadia said, pretty much asking permission from this stranger, "Maybe we can have fun in a little bit, kay?" Nadia said sweetly and the man reluctantly let her go, but not without pinching her butt. "Ow!" she said and looked back toward him, "You don't do that!" Nadia scolded him like a child, and all he did was chuckle perversely at her, as if she'd understand that. Giving him one final glare, as if a Nadia glare was frightening at all, she hurried toward Masamune and immediately tackle hugged him, "Masa!"
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Mon May 19, 2014 5:10 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Header10
    Masamune Fujiwara
    正宗 藤原


    Masamune still felt a little weird walking down this section. All he saw were signs with "NEW SHIPMENT!" "BEST STOCK AROUND!" "BIGGER, BETTER, STRONGER!" and other things of that nature written on them. He saw all sorts of kinkmeisters and perverted old men walking the streets. He had a bit of a look of disgust on his face as he saw the leering gazes of these mustachoid creeps. But that isn't to say he didn't have a collection of similar magazines these men (and sometimes women) were carrying. Of course, all of his magazines were of women. But he could see, from the corner of his eyes, the different inventory these shops had. He just kept looking ahead, trying not to get caught in the thought of "How the fuck does that even fit!?"

    He had just walked past a shop that stood out because it had all-neon signs. The rest had neon signs, but their "NEW SHIPMENT!" signs were all paper or cardboard. Like a moth caught in a gaze, he couldn't help but to look at the signs. But as he read them, he didn't notice someone was calling to him. As he finished and began to walk away, he was met with someone grabbing him from behind. He was about to go on the offensive, but... "Masa!" His face turned a little blank. Why was she here, tackling him and hugging him from behind?! ...Wait... for that matter... "Nadia, why the hell are you here?!" He said that thought out loud. "Someone like you shouldn't be near these shops." He sighed, thinking she probably followed him or something. "Either way, it's good to see you again, squirt." He reached over his shoulder, lightly tapping on her head with his middle knuckle.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Mon May 19, 2014 7:23 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Nadia-Angelina_zpsc4caf430

    The moment Nadia made contact, her arms wrapped around him quite tightly. She nuzzled her face into his back and giggled happily at their reuniting. "Nadia, why the hell are you here?!" he asked but she didn't answer just yet. Her eyes got caught of something shiny in one of the windows nearby. "Someone like you shouldn't be near these shops." he said and she turned back toward him. "Huh? Wait... Why? How come?" she tilted her head, looking at him from over his shoulder. "Either way, it's good to see you again, squirt." he said and her smile got even bigger. He tapped her on the head with his knuckle. She was expecting a full on noogie, but apparently being clung to from behind prevented those. "This place is so cool!" she said and let him go, running around to stand in front of him, "I've already had two people tell me they wanna have fun with me! So it's easy to make friends here." Nadia pulled up her bag and began searching through it. She grabbed this glass statue that she found. She thought it was pretty and had no idea what it was actually used for. "Look!" she said excitedly, pulling out a plastic container that contained the glass statue. "They called it a toy, but I don't think it's something kids should be playing with." she said and pointed to a few words, "It says it's for adults and is made of glass, so yeah... Oh!" She began rummaging through her things again, ready to pull out yet another toy.
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Mon May 19, 2014 9:02 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Header10
    Masamune Fujiwara
    正宗 藤原


    "Huh? Wait... Why? How come?" Masamune was stunned. Holy shit he knew she was naive. Holy shit he knew she was innocent. But did she really, really not know what kind of bad people were here?! Aye-ya, Masamune just sighed and shook his head. He then greeted her with his nickname for her—squirt. Well, it was one of many for her. Most of them referred to her being younger than him, shorter than him, more innocent than he was, etc. He was about to tell her why when she began to speak. "This place is so cool!" ...she went in one of the stores. Oh shit, Luxanna is gonna kill Masamune. Why? Because he didn't notice her in there. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. He began to mentally pray Luxanna would never hear of this.

    "I've already had two people tell me they wanna have fun with me! So it's easy to make friends here." "Please tell me you're joking..." Masamune was ready to skewer those two people. They had no idea who they were messing with... or more importantly, who her friends were. For once, he was praying Luxanna would help him skewer them. "They're not people you should be having fun with, squirt." He flicked her forehead. "They're bad people. They'll just hurt you." He didn't care if any of them heard him. If they did, they'd see why he's nicknamed "Crimson Wolf." Their jugular will be nonexistent.

    And then she began to rummage around in the bag that Masamune did not notice. Not only did she go in one of the stores, she bought something?! Or rather, more than one something?!?!!?!?! Ahhhh, Luxanna is going to kill him if she found out he was there. "Look!" And there it was. Still in its nice, plastic protection... staring at him. "Ah...." He could see right through it. "They called it a toy, but I don't think it's something kids should be playing with." Of course a kid shouldn't! Gaahhh, she doesn't even know what it is! "Ahhh...." Masamune wanted to just rip it out of her hand, but she placed it back in the bag before he could. "It says it's for adults and is made of glass, so yeah... Oh!" Masamune dove his hand to Nadia's arm, holding her hand inside the bag. "Don't show me any more of them."

    "I think you should return those, Nadia." He sighed. He had to break the news to her. "These aren't..." but how would he tell her? "They aren't... toys for you. It's not that you're too young or too old for them... but they're nothing you should be playing with." He placed the hand that was once on her arm on her head and tussled her hair. "You still hurt yourself with safety scissors, these'll be far more dangerous." That... was the best way to tell her. Yeah. "So why are you here in Varedia? Off on a job?" "Job" is one thing that should never be mentioned in this area of town...

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Mon May 19, 2014 9:50 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Nadia-Angelina_zpsc4caf430

    "Please tell me you're joking..."

    "No, of course not, silly head." Nadia blinked a couple times, "I'm gonna meet my new friend at her house at eight. She gave me the address right here." Nadia pulled out the piece of paper to show him. "They're not people you should be having fun with, squirt." he said and flicked her forehead. She flinched a little, opening one eye to look up at him and then rubbed her head. "They're bad people. They'll just hurt you." When she thought about it, she sorta agreed, at least with that one guy. But her mind didn't stick with that. Instead, she remembered she had things to show him! Once she found the prettiest one, she pulled the glass statue and showed him. She was about to show him another, but he grabbed her arm and didn't let her pull it out of the bag. "Heeey..." she looked up to him confused.

    "Don't show me any more of them." he said and it made her feel like she was doing something wrong... again. "Okay..." she replied, knowing he was usually right about things he told her. Well, unless he was picking on her, then that would change just a little bit. She could tell that he wasn't picking on her at the moment, so she put her things away and tied bag around her wrist. "I think you should return those, Nadia." he said and she began looking around. A few people were starting, but she was kind of used to that. "Are you sure?" she asked him, looking down to the bag. Something was making her feel awkward. This place wasn't seeming so fun now. "They aren't... toys for you. It's not that you're too young or too old for them... but they're nothing you should be playing with." he said and, as usual, she listened.

    "You still hurt yourself with safety scissors, these'll be far more dangerous." he said. Nadia blinked a couple times and glared at him. Was that him picking on her again? She began flailing her arms and yelled. "That was one time! Just one time! I looked up what the difference between safety scissors were and it has nothing to do with how sharp the sharp part is!! It's the tip! They make it round so you can't stab people! I know that now! The sharp part is still sharp, Masa!!" Behind Masa and a little to Nadia's left, she saw two people fondling each other in a very aggressive manner. She tilted her head to the side and then looked away. "Ew... He's sticking his hand down the back of her pants..." Nadia shuddered a little bit, "Maybe you're right about the people here, at least about the one who pinched my butt..."

    "So why are you here in Varedia? Off on a job?" he asked to push the conversation on. Nadia looped her arm with Masa's and began leading him down toward the shop. "Nuh'uh, but can you come return the stuff with me? I don't wanna be around here alone anymore..." a worried expression formed on her face. She kept a little close to him. Unfortunately for Masa, she now thought there were evil people plotting to hurt her with the stuff in these shops the same way one would use a sword or gun. She didn't mean to buy weapons or anything of the like, so it was time to return them. "And there is something I want to talk to you about..." she said calmly, remembering a certain letter she received earlier. She pulled him up to the door, but told him he could stay outside if he wanted. She quickly went in to return the items and the woman noticed who she had brought. "He your boyfriend or somethin'?" she asked.

    "Hahaha. No. He'd never like me that way. Bye byes!" she said and hurried back out to Masa. She tripped on her way out and ended up falling into him a bit. "Opps so-..." she heard a strange rumbling noise and looked up to Masa, "... When was the last time you ate?" Nadia narrowed her eyes. She may not know a lot of things, but she could connect the dots after a while! If she finds out once she talks to him that he is not eating because he doesn't have money, she's going to beat him up. "I'll treat you to some food!" she said cheerfully and looped her arm with his once more, "It's been a looong time since I've been able to just talk to you. I missed you!!" She nuzzled her cheek into his shoulder and walked with him out of the alley way, back out of the red light district.
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Tue May 20, 2014 3:55 am

    A Clear View [Closed] Header10
    Masamune Fujiwara
    正宗 藤原


    Masamune took the card from her hand and looked at it intently. As he warned her they were going to hurt her, he stuffed the piece of paper in his pocket. He didn't see a trash can and he wasn't going to rip it up in front of her. He began to worry a bit as she rummaged around and pulled out one of those thingy-things. Frankly, it embarrassed him. If Luxanna had shown him one—and all he could imagine her getting were these super-kinky, almost mega-dominatrix-type items—it would have been the same but different. He would've still been uncomfortable, but at least he could joke about it! With her... she actually didn't know what they were for. Hell, does she even know what sexual pleasure is?!

    And then he brought up how she had hurt herself with those scissors. "That was one time! Just one time! I looked up what the difference between safety scissors were and it has nothing to do with how sharp the sharp part is!! It's the tip! They make it round so you can't stab people! I know that now! The sharp part is still sharp, Masa!!" She flailed about and yelled at him for it, as if she were going to end up being able to defend herself. "Well normal people at least get their hands cut with them... somehow you almost cut your foot off." He sighed, realizing no matter what he said it was a bit of a wasted effort. Nadia was still Nadia. "You sure are something special, kiddo."

    "Ew... He's sticking his hand down the back of her pants..." Masamune turned and looked to see a couple going at it... or at least preparing to go at it. Sheeesh, this is the other reason he didn't like this part of town. Masamune liked to keep that stuff private, so these people just going at it in broad daylight annoyed the hell out of him. "Maybe you're right about the people here, at least about the one who pinched my butt..." Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait, what?! Aw heyll naw. First of all, it's not like Nadia's his woman or anything. No, Nadia was just a friend. Second of all, Nadia was the most naive person in the entire world when it came to these things. Third, you just don't do that! Masamune, for those three reasons, was getting pissed at this guy. "Oi, where's that sicko now?" He didn't know that the pervert was long-gone after seeing her chat with a guy with a sword that was nearly as tall as he was.

    The next thing Masamune knew, her arm was looped around his and he was being dragged back towards that shop. "Nuh'uh, but can you come return the stuff with me? I don't wanna be around here alone anymore..." That was a good thing. He was going to accompany her anyways, at least until she got to the front door of that horrible, horrible shop. Why? To make sure she didn't go "Oh shiny!" and end up buying more. "And there is something I want to talk to you about..." That... surprised him. Normally he was the one to talk to her about serious things, but if she had something serious... Masamune began to worry a bit. The kiddo shouldn't be the one with the weight on her shoulders like that!

    As she asked for him to go in, he shook his head. She gave, saying he could stay outside. He nodded and just turned his back to the store and stood guard outside. He wasn't going to let anyone else go in while Nadia was in there. He gave passer-bys the evil eye, scaring the woman's customers away. After hearing a jingle from the door's bells (that were not shaped like two jingle bells), he turned around to see Nadia trip and fall into him. He caught her with his arms to make sure she didn't knock him over. They didn't need to be seen in that position here. "Opps so-..." Grrrnnnnnnrrgle. His stomach decided to reply to her apology. "... When was the last time you ate?" Masamune sighed, there was no hiding it now. "Yesterday." But he wasn't going to tell her that he didn't have the money for it. "Just been busy travelling back to Arcadia that I sorta forgot to."

    Although... he was lying still. It wasn't yesterday that he hadn't eaten since. It was three days ago. With the ground wet from rainstorms, he couldn't start any fires and he knew better than to eat raw meat... so he was shit-out-of-luck. "I'll treat you to some food!" Welcome sounds to hungry ears! This is why he loved having her around. Luxanna would probably just scold him for not eating, but Nadia at least offered him food. He almost wanted to cry. FOOOOOOOOOOOD! "You are a life-saver, kiddo." She wrapped her arm around his and led him out of this terrible district. Oh so terrible. "It's been a looong time since I've been able to just talk to you. I missed you!!" "Missed you too, kiddo." He smiled to her a bit, showing just how much he valued their friendship.

    While she was leading the way in some aspects... he was doing it in other ways. Masamune would occasionally tug slightly and she'd end up following his lead. Why was he doing this? Simple. He was going to find somewhere with hamburgers. He didn't even know why he loved the things so much, but he's so in love with them that people in the Noir have begun to call jokingly call him the "Ketchup-colored Wolf." After picking up on that savory, meaty smell, Masamune's eyes widened. Now he was in control and began to increase his pace, dragging Nadia behind him until... "Here." He nodded as he stopped in front of a small building with only outdoor seating. The inside was no larger than a normal bedroom and only had room for the ovens and freezers. People would walk up to the windowed front and an employee would open a window to take orders. The burgers were grilled behind the establishment, while things like sides were prepared inside. "This is where we'll eat." You could see the ravenous hunger in his eyes as he stared at another customer's burger...

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Tue May 20, 2014 11:53 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Nadia-Angelina_zpsc4caf430

    So far, Nadia was having more fun than she had in a while! She really missed her friends when they went back to the Noir while she was out traveling. To be able to bump into Masamune was like fate. When she heard his stomach begin to growl and got his answer on when he had last eaten, it was actually hard for her to keep a straight face. She instantly looked worried and glanced off to the side. It only took two seconds for her to offer him food and she was going to make sure he got a lot of it. Nadia led him out of the alley and thought she was leading him to a good place for the two of them to eat, but was semi-unaware of his nudges and passive guiding. We'll just say she was used to it and reacted quite well to him guiding her. She was naive, but not dumb enough to be led around like a dog on a leash.

    Soon, they came to a restaurant that caught Masamune's eyes, and nose. He caught whiff of it and began fully leading her around. With a high-pitched and cute "eep", Nadia followed Masa's direction. "Here." he said and she looked at the place. A big smile formed on her face as she removed her looped arm from his and placed her face up against the glass to look in. One of the workers saw her and chuckled at her child-like smile. Seeing that, she just happily waved to them and then looked back to Masa. "Okay, I'll order!" Nadia hurried up to the window. The man, still chuckling at her, happily opened up the window and asked for her order. "Hiya! Can we have 3 of your double bacon grilled burgers. Put all of the extra stuff, like the bacon, onions, tomato's, pickles, cheese... all of it on the side so we can build it ourselves please." she said with a cheerful tone. Yes, Nadia played with her food when it was something like this. "A'ight there, lil lady. We here can do that for ya." he said with a funny accent that Nadia just had to point out.

    "I like the way you talk." she said sweet and sincerely. A woman in the background heard Nadia say that and couldn't help but giggle. Nadia just waved to her with a big smile. "Oh my god, she's adorable..." the man running the grill said. "Thank you!" Nadia said happily, her cheeks turning a bright red. "Oh, oh! Can we have a large order of fries too? Two of them? And the biggest drinks you got... I want mine filled with orange juice." she said and then turned back to Masamune, "Masa, what kind of drink do you want?" She waited for him to make his order and then turned back to the man, "That's it, please!" The man nodded and gave her the total, which was actually not that bad considering what they had ordered. Nadia didn't care. She paid for all of the food and was told that they would bring it out for her and to pick a seat. She nodded and hurried over to a table in the shadiest place.

    "Ah..." she said as she sat down, finally able to rest after a long day of walking. She stretched out a little bit and then relaxed again. She didn't notice that the chairs of this place were on the taller side and began swinging her legs back and forth like a child is often seen doing. She wasn't exactly the tallest woman around, so her feet didn't touch the ground while sitting in these chairs. "So..." she said to Masa with a slightly worried tone, "You don't... have money to eat, do you?" Nadia went quiet for a moment, staring at him a bit. She wanted to see if he knew she figured out what he'd been doing. Since she wasn't usually so interested in her jobs, it was unlikely, but still possible. "I know you've been taking jobs for me Masa..." she'd outright told him with both a disappointed and worried expression, "Why are you doing that? And you've been giving me the money for them! That's why you haven't eaten, right?! Lux says you're protecting me; is that true?! If so, stop it! I'm not weak! I can do missions too! I can't keep getting money I haven't earned! You're such a dummy head!" At this point, Nadia was trying not to cry, since she knew that bothered him, but her eyes were getting red and puffing up quite a lot.
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed May 21, 2014 3:03 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Header10
    Masamune Fujiwara
    正宗 藤原


    "You know me too well, kiddo." Masamune was a little surprised she got such a giant burger for herself... but moreso that she got that for him too. He'd've been fine with a kid-size burger. But no, she just had to get him his favorite burger. "Masa, what kind of drink do you want?" Masamune sighed. He did not like her choice in drinks and burgers. Orange juice was only good with breakfast food. "Not orange juice, that's for sure." He thought on this for a moment. They didn't just have anything he liked. "I'll just take a water." He was thirsty, but water would suffice. It went with everything.

    As Masamune and Nadia sat down, he just watched her wait for their food. If he had a fry, he'd throw it at her forehead right now. And then she spoke up, breaking his trance of wanting to see a deep-fried potato hit her. "So... You don't... have money to eat, do you?" Masamune shook his head. There was no point in hiding it. He didn't want to tell her the reason why... "I know you've been taking jobs for me Masa..." But she already knew so it didn't matter. Masamune just looked at her with an unchanged expression. He was wondering just how long she had known. "Why are you doing that? And you've been giving me the money for them! That's why you haven't eaten, right?! Lux says you're protecting me; is that true?! If so, stop it! I'm not weak! I can do missions too! I can't keep getting money I haven't earned! You're such a dummy head!"

    There was no point in hiding this either. "Dammit..." Masamune sighed hard. He knew she was right, he was a "dummy head" because of that. "You're right, I have." He looked at her with a very serious expression. "I know you're not weak. That's why I don't take all of your missions. The fact is, I want you to grow up some. You know, get stronger. But some of these missions..." He had memories of how tough some of those missions were. "Even I had some trouble with them. I don't know why they'd assign missions like them to you of all people... I just don't want you to get hurt, okay?"

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed May 21, 2014 3:43 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Nadia-Angelina_zpsc4caf430

    Nadia's angry rant went on for a little bit and once she stopped, Masa didn't even deny it. "Dammit..." he said and Nadia narrowed her eyes at him a bit more, "You're right, I have." Nadia continued her glare at him. She wanted the reasons for this now! "I know you're not weak. That's why I don't take all of your missions. The fact is, I want you to grow up some. You know, get stronger. But some of these missions..." he said and Nadia tilted her head to the side. Luxanna was right about his reasons behind taking her jobs. He was protecting her. "What about them?" she asked. "Even I had some trouble with them. I don't know why they'd assign missions like them to you of all people... I just don't want you to get hurt, okay?" At that moment, Nadia was stuck. She stared at him with wide eyes for quite some time, trying to contemplate why he'd take the missions if they were even hard for him.

    The woman brought the food before Nadia had the mind to speak up to Masa again. The woman told them to enjoy and Nadia merely nodded. Her expression fell to sadness and she waited for the woman to leave. With a quick glare toward Masamune, the woman walked off thinking he had hurt her feelings in some way. And he sort of did. Nadia looked back to him and wiped a tear that threatened to fall down her cheek. "You're stupid." she said, that probably being the worst insult she ever really through toward someone, so that would show she was serious and mad. She snuffled a little and rubbed her sleeve along her other eye, soaking up more tears that were trying to fall. When she realized they were going to keep coming, she just placed her hands over her eyes for a bit. "You're so worried about protecting me... What would happen if you got hurt? What would happen if you died on one of those missions? I wouldn't be able to see you again..." Nadia dropped her hands into her lap since  rubbing her eyes so much was starting to hurt. "I don't want you to get hurt either..."
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed May 21, 2014 5:00 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Header10
    Masamune Fujiwara
    正宗 藤原


    Masamune ignored the glare the woman shot at him. It wasn't her business, and it's not like she'd understand. They must think he and Nadia are some cute couple—ha, as if—and he just hurt her. It didn't bother him, frankly. He was used to glares, growls, and scowls towards him. He wasn't meant to be seen as a good guy, he was meant to be seen as that guy that'll stain his hands with blood. Well, he'll stain his hands with blood so others won't have to wash it away from their hands. He'd rather his entire body be crimson if it'd prevent others from not having a single speck. And Nadia was that type of person that he wouldn't let the sort of thing happen to.

    Nadia began to tear up."You're stupid." And she began to cry more. But she was right. Masamune was stupid. He was very stupid even. But he still felt he was right. No matter how stupid, ignorant, dumb, arrogant, egotistical, bloodthirsty, insane... or anything else, Masamune was right in what he did. "You're so worried about protecting me... What would happen if you got hurt? What would happen if you died on one of those missions? I wouldn't be able to see you again... I don't want you to get hurt either..." And then, he threw a fry at her like was about to earlier. He looked at her with the most serious expression ever.

    "Even if I had trouble, I still came through okay." He sighed and took a sip of his drink. "Besides, I'm not doing it to... well, protect your body." He ate the second fry he was going to throw at her instead. Its salty magnificence was enough for Masamune to have a bit of a smile on his face. "Nadia... I don't want you to ever have to kill someone. It's different from killing a dragon or an animal. Even if you can talk to them like you would a normal human... it's different." He remembered some of the faces he had seen as he killed them. "You don't need to go through what I've gone through. I won't let you." He threw another fry at her. "You're too good of a person to do something like that."

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed May 21, 2014 7:31 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Nadia-Angelina_zpsc4caf430

    He just sat there and listened to her as she cried and lectured him. It was expected; she was never sure what this guy was thinking. And then he threw a fry at her. "Heeyy..." she whined cutely and then puffed her cheeks out at him in a playful anger. "Even if I had trouble, I still came through okay." he told her. "No. It's not okay. Why don't you just accompany me on bad missions?" she said as she began assembling her burger. She put the cheese on first. It had to be perfectly in the middle. Then she put the bacon on, shaping it in a frowny face. "Hehehe." she said, semi-distracted. "Besides, I'm not doing it to... well, protect your body." he said and caught her attention again. "What do you mean?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. "Nadia... I don't want you to ever have to kill someone. It's different from killing a dragon or an animal. Even if you can talk to them like you would a normal human... it's different." She tilted her head the other way and then looked down to her burger. She placed the pickles as eyes and put ketchup as angry eyebrows and hair with just a dab of mustard as the nose.

    "You're too good of a person to do something like that." he said and attempted to throw another fry at her. Nadia saw it coming and raised her head just in time to catch it in her mouth. "Nom!" she said and then giggled happily. She quickly chewed as she placed the top bun of her burger over the face she made. "Now to eat Masa." she said with a big smile. She brought the giant burger to her mouth and opened up, but it was to big. "Hm..." she placed the burger down on the plate and put her hand over it, squishing it down till it was smaller, her tongue sticking out of her mouth as she did so. "There we go." she said with a victorious nod. She was oh so serious about her burger right now. She brought it back up, unaware of the giggling that was happening near the restaurant. People were still watching her with smiles plastered to their face. Yep, they thought she was adorable, especially since she kept swinging her legs back and forth like a child and didn't care about those who might make fun of her.

    "Well..." she spoke up after swallowing her first bite, "Masa, I love you. I don't want you getting hurt because of me. I don't like losing people I love, so stop doing that and take me along with you... I promise I won't kill no one.... I really do promise..." Her wording could have been a bit better. Saying she "loved" him was a little strong, but it was true in Nadia terms. She loved everyone in the Noir. They were her family, but it was possible for that particular statement to be taken a little differently. Nadia set her burger down and lowered her head. She was worried about him. He hadn't been doing his own jobs and had no money because of it. In fact... "How long... have you been doing this?" she asked him, "Every since I joined the Noir? Or a little after maybe?" She slowly looked back up to him, waiting for his answer.
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Thu May 22, 2014 7:15 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Header10
    Masamune Fujiwara
    正宗 藤原


    For someone so hungry, this conversation had caused Masamune to lose his appetite. He had to break a lot of bad news and hard truths to Innocence-and-Naivety-Incarnate sitting across from him. He stared at her burger as she made a frowny face. She probably was making in honor of him. Or it was some weird voodoo thing where she'd be biting into his face and his face will just go kerchomp. Either one didn't worry him that much. "Now to eat Masa!" And that just confirmed his odd thoughts. He just knew her that well. She ate her burger and Masamune just snacked on fries. He wasn't in the mood to eat just yet. "Well... Masa, I love you. I don't want you getting hurt because of me. I don't like losing people I love, so stop doing that and take me along with you... I promise I won't kill no one.... I really do promise..."

    Masamune knew that she did love him, but more in a familial way than anything else. Hell, if he had the concept of a little sister in his mind, she'd be the ideal candidate. He just let her talk, nodding along to show he was still paying attention. "How long... have you been doing this? Every since I joined the Noir? Or a little after maybe?" And now it was his turn to talk. He hated telling her all of this, but it needed to come out. "Kiddo..." He sighed and pushed the food away so he could have some room to set his arms down on the table. "While I am doing this to prevent you from killin' anyone... I can't say I'm doing this for anyone but myself." He was selfish about this, but that's not what he wanted her to think about it. "I'm doing this... 'cause I want to. 'Cause I have killed, there's no point in letting you dirty those pretty little hands of yours with blood. Let me do that, okay?" He smiled a little bit, although it was a little weird to see him smile.

    "But you're not the only one I protect from that. I do it so Luxanna, Pariah, and everyone else in the Noir doesn't have to." He inhaled, collecting his thoughts a bit more. "Like I said, you're a good person. Me? Nah, I'm not a good person. Yeah I'm friendly to you and everyone else. I try to help out how I can. And I stopped stealing ever since I joined the Noir. But I'm not a good person. I've killed before, Nadia. Before even coming into the Noir. I know that feeling, and I hate it. But eventually you get used to it..." By now, his smile was gone. He looked incredibly serious. There was no sign of him joking around, no sign of him just teasing her. This was him being serious, and drop-dead at that. "And I don't want you to ever get used to it."

    "As for how long I've been doing that..." He thought on that question for a moment. It was a bit of a harder one, since he doesn't even remember his first job for the Noir. Hell, he doesn't remember how he joined them. He just knows he wasn't part of the original memberbase and joined about half a year after it was formed. "I don't remember... Since I wasn't part of the 'originals' like you were, I'd say more like a year and a half to a year. I guess as soon as I realized how good of a person you were, I took it upon myself to make sure you didn't have the chance to go down the same path I did."

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Fri May 23, 2014 2:09 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Nadia-Angelina_zpsc4caf430

    Nadia couldn't reply to him. She didn't want to just let him keep risking his life for her. She wanted him to stop. He called it selfish; how the hell was that selfish? Dirtying your own hands so someone else doesn't have to is probably the most selfless thing that someone could do for another. However, Nadia had a tendency to believe anything and everyone that Masa and Lux told her. If he said he was doing it for himself and not for her, she'll come up with some Nadia-esque rationalization for it. "You must really like my missions, huh?" she asked with a softened smile, "I... guess it's okay..." That must have been it. He liked the missions she was given, so he took them for her. That's how it was selfish. "I'm just scared that one day you're not gonna come back..." Nadia looked away for a bit and then realized something. Her expression changed from sad to and "OH YEAH" and then to a playful glare. "Before I yell at you for something else... You have to promise that you're going to warn me every time you take on one of my missions. Then when you come back, I can buy you a huge meal or something like that." she told him, staring at him until he promised exactly that, "Saaayyy iiiiiit!!"

    "Now... To yell at you for something else..." Nadia said with a cute smile returning right back to her face, "You've made me rich you dummy!! I have more money than I can handle and you're sitting here starving! Every time I go to the bank, I've got more!! I'm transferring some of it to your account the next time I get a chance! I better not be the only one you're making a millionaire!" Nadia picked her burger up again and took out an over-sized bite of it. She chewed as delicately as she could, keeping her mouth closed, but it was obvious she took in a bit too much. "You're not the only one I protect from that. I do it so Luxanna, Pariah, and everyone else in the Noir doesn't have to." he told her. Nadia listened, finishing her large bite while he was talking. He just made her sad again. She couldn't look away from him at this point. "H-How... could you say something like that about yourself?" she asked him in  both a sincere and confused tone, "You're not a bad person. You may have made bad choices and stuff in the past, but... you're not bad now! And that's what counts. You can't keep looking back at your past and act like it's what you are now. It's not, okay? You're a good person... No matter what any other idiot wants to say about you. You are. I know it. Everyone else would say it too."

    "Now eat your food!!" Nadia would demand the moment he decided he wanted to start arguing with her about whether he was a good person or not. She wasn't going to have it! Nope! Not this time. This time her word was law and he would have to deal with that or she'd freeze him to the chair. Yep, that will be his punishment. No arguing. "Eat, eat, eat!!" Nadia demanded of him again, pointing seriously at his food before she picked up her own burger again and took out a normal sized bite of it. She didn't want a big bite again because it hurt her jaw while chewing. At this point, Nadia was also tempted to throw a fry at his head, but not for the same reasons he had. She wanted to see if he could catch it like she caught the last one he threw at her. It also acted as a distraction for how sad she felt right now... Nadia wasn't a person who ever like feeling sad... Ever.
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Fri May 23, 2014 6:26 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Header10
    Masamune Fujiwara
    正宗 藤原


    "You must really like my missions, huh?" Masamune just nodded to that. No point in arguing that part. He just agreed with her as he ate a fry. "I... guess it's okay..." Maybe this was about to end... but it wasn't. He didn't know that though. "I'm just scared that one day you're not gonna come back..." "Kiddo, I gotta come back so don't worry 'bout it. If I'm not there, then who's gonna take all them dirty jobs, huh? Someone's gotta do it, and I'm makin' damn sure it's gonna be me." He smiled a bit proudly. He may not like killing people, but he wasn't gonna let anyone else do it. "Before I yell at you for something else... You have to promise that you're going to warn me every time you take on one of my missions. Then when you come back, I can buy you a huge meal or something like that."

    It was an odd promise he had to think on for a few seconds. "Saaayyy iiiiiit!!" But he already knew his answer before he even thought of it. "I can promise that." He could do that... with one condition. "But, I'm not gonna tell you anythin' 'bout the job. Just know that when I do, it's a job I don't want you ta' go on. And trust me on that, 'kay?" He was serious on that. He wasn't going to risk taking a job and then her following him out there. Frankly, he'd be too worried on keeping her safe that he'd probably mess up somehow. He wasn't going to let anything happen to the kiddo. And then she began to yell at him for something else. "Now... To yell at you for something else... You've made me rich you dummy!! I have more money than I can handle and you're sitting here starving! Every time I go to the bank, I've got more!! I'm transferring some of it to your account the next time I get a chance! I better not be the only one you're making a millionaire!"

    He never thought of that. How much money did she have? That was a really, really good question he couldn't ask yet. "So that's why you were out there buyin' crap like what you did before..." He thought out loud, and he didn't care if she heard him. His thought process when "She has excess money, THUS she was going to buy random crap." That made him wonder what else she had bought... "You haven't... yanno, bought anythin' else like those things you bought earlier, have ya?" He was worried. Very. Worried. Her entire place could be just filled with a constant buzzing...

    And then he began to talk about how bad of a person he was, which struck a nerve with her. "H-How... could you say something like that about yourself? You're not a bad person. You may have made bad choices and stuff in the past, but... you're not bad now! And that's what counts. You can't keep looking back at your past and act like it's what you are now. It's not, okay? You're a good person... No matter what any other idiot wants to say about you. You are. I know it. Everyone else would say it too." "The past is somethin' I have to live with every day... but if you feel I'm not a bad person, then that's good enough for me." He only half believed that. Truthfully, he was just doing it to get off of the subject. He didn't need to argue that with her. "Now eat your food!!" Her order was as if she was trying to shut him up. "Eat, eat, eat!!"

    Masamune decided he needed to get her mind off of this. So he began his greatest endeavour ever. With a serious look on his face, he took the top bun off of his burger. He assembled it piece-by-piece without any of the condiments on it. He only needed one condiment. Using a piece of lettuce as his canvas, the artist went to work. He grabbed his tomato-based paint inside its squeezable container and began his masterpiece. Quick movements with his arm, careful aiming of the tip as it spurted, and a clear view of his finished product were all he needed to craft this. Within a minute, he was done. He was probably the only person at this restaurant to do such a thing, but he did it. Written out on that burger was his name in proper (or traditional, whichever you prefer to call it) Zhili: 正宗 藤原. It was complex, definitely, and to do it on such a small surface with such an odd medium... some might just call him a genius. But no, this guy was actually kinda dumb.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Tue May 27, 2014 8:32 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Nadia-Angelina_zpsc4caf430

    A promise is probably the one thing that you can't break with Nadia without breaking her heart, her trust, and her friendship with you. A promise means way too much to her. It's powerful. Even if her initial intention was to sneakily follow him along on missions, his amendment to the promise was accepted. She would not be able to follow him, which sucked and would likely keep her worried. At least, if anything happened, she would know exactly where to look to bring him home and back to the Noir. “Thank you.” she said cheerfully to him. She took in a deep breath and slowly let it out, as if a bunch of stress had just left her all at once. It's too bad she had to yell at him for something else! He had been making her way too much money and starving himself! The least she could do was make sure he was living happily! And he wasn't! He was starving! That angered her!

    "So that's why you were out there buyin' crap like what you did before..." Seriously?! That's all he had to say?! He could only comment on the stuff she was buying at the stores she went to? "You haven't... yanno, bought anythin' else like those things you bought earlier, have ya?"  Nadia blinked a couple times and then flailed her arms rapidly. “What does that matter!?” she asked, whining toward him a bit as she stopped her flailing, “I buy things all the time, but I usually give them away. I travel all the time, so I don't need much besides food and a few medical supplies. Otherwise, I buy gifts for people...” Nadia explained to him. She was actually a bit shy when explaining since she now knew that the reason she had so much money was because of him. She was spending the money he earned and giving it away. If it was hers, it'd be okay, but it wasn't. Now she felt horrible.

    And it didn't help when he began saying he was a bad person. "The past is somethin' I have to live with every day... but if you feel I'm not a bad person, then that's good enough for me." Nadia knew what that meant. She understood him enough to know that he didn't agree with her, he just wanted her to shut up about the subject. That bothered her. How could he think so low of himself. To help him push along the conversation, Nadia did push him into eating which was a little ironic. Nadia didn't feel like she could eat anymore. Her stomach had begun to hurt, so she pushed the plate away from her a bit. Saying nothing more, she turned away from him and just began to people watch. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed him doing something and looked back to see what it was.

    “That... is really cool.” Nadia leaned over the table to look at it and then her big smile returned to her, at least for that moment. She was impressed, and the short-lived glow that enveloped her while she was looking at it proved that. “Still gotta eat it though.” Nadia said and then sat back normally. When she wasn't hyper, she seemed quite normal. As she gazed around at everything, Nadia didn't have the air of innocence that plagued her existence. The problem was that when she doesn't have that air of innocence around her, she was extremely unhappy. She wasn't sad, like she was going to end up crying. She was just... depressed, but of course, that changed rather quickly. She gasped in excitement and turned back toward Masa, as if everything that had just been talked about vanished completely. "I met a boy!" she spouted out, "He's nice and funny and has a little pet named Ahri and I like him."
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:58 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Header10
    Masamune Fujiwara
    正宗 藤原


    "What does that matter!? I buy things all the time, but I usually give them away. I travel all the time, so I don't need much besides food and a few medical supplies. Otherwise, I buy gifts for people..." Of course she wouldn't understand it. Ugh. Sure, her innocence may be cute somewhat, especially to people other than Masamune, but dammit it gets annoying! He just wanted to rip his hair out instead of trying to explain why having all those glass, plastic, and rubber statues and whatnot around—let alone giving them away to strangers—was a bad idea for Nadia. At least Lux had experience in that regard, so she'd find some good way to explaining it to Nadia. But no. It just had to be one of the Noir's members that had parts that bounced around beneath the belt. "Because those kindsa things... ya give 'em to someone ya care about. Not just a friend, but someone closer than a friend. But realy, ya shouldn' be givin' them at all. Just stay away from them, you'll poke your eye out." He wasn't kidding.

    So later, he'd go on to make an interesting burger. It wasn't anything special, except for the name he wrote in ketchup. He succeeded in distracting Nadia, so all was good. "Still got to eat it though." He threw yet another fry at her. "I know that, kiddo." He smiled a bit too... and took a bite out of the burger. About a third of it was gone in a single bite. He wasn't the type to make small bites and enjoy it. He wanted to get it over with. Eating took too long, and you won't remember the taste for more than a day, so why bother? "I met a boy!" That broke the silence right before he took his second bite. Thankfully too. Because if had taken a bite of it, he'd be choking. Masamune didn't trust men when it came to Nadia, because all the ones he's seen around her were the type to take advantage of her... The only ones he'd trust were the members of the Noir, especially Amaro, whom he secretly thought may not be playing on Masamune's team... but that's another story for another day.

    "He's nice and funny and has a little pet named Ahri and I like him." Masamune's eye twitched slightly. He didn't trust this guy, who was probably using that pet to get her into the back of his van. He'd have to check this guy out himself, and he'd make sure that he wouldn't do anything to harm Nadia. Being able to trick her is no hard task, so he didn't have high hopes for him, whoever he may be. "I see..." His eyes narrowed and he sat his burger down. "Tell me more about him. He sounds shady." Even with so little information, that's Masamune's impression of him.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:34 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Nadia-Angelina_zpsc4caf430

    "Because those kindsa things... ya give 'em to someone ya care about. Not just a friend, but someone closer than a friend. But realy, ya shouldn' be givin' them at all. Just stay away from them, you'll poke your eye out." Nadia tilted her head at him and blinked a few times. He was really serious about this, wasn't he? She glanced away for a moment and then looked back to him, nodding a few times. "Okay." she said finally, "I promise... I'll stay away from them completely." And then came time for the awesome burger, not just interesting, awesome. Of course, she told him he still had to eat it. Just because it was awesome doesn't mean he could put it behind glass or something. It was food and it goes bad and belongs in his tummy. That was her thought process. The idea was obvious to him though; it was confirmed when he tossed another fry at her. Nadia's reflexes and yummy food sensors went off, causing her to raised her head and her mouth to open in time to catch the fry.

    "Yum!" she said and smiled back at him when she saw his smile. She knew he wasn't one to smile too often, so when he smiled at her, it made her really happy. Nadia giggled a little at the thought and began eating a little bit more of her food. But then she remembered that she had a story to tell him. It was all about Snopy! Yep! Nadia got even more happy when she was told to tell Masamune about him. "No, no, no. He's not shady at all! He's got blonde hair and two different colored eyes!" Nadia said, thinking that shady was like the 'dark' in tall, dark, and handsome. That was something Luxanna explained to her a while back. "His name is Snopy; it's a funny name, huh?" Nadia told him and then wiped her hands together to get ready to tell the story, "I was walking and I saw him being attacked by a Taerick. I thought it was my friend, but it wasn't. Snopy saved me by picking me up and running really far. After that, the mean Taerick attacked, but my friend Taerick saved us and we ran."

    "After that, we went to Colburn..." Nadia stopped there and tried to think, "I can't remember what happened... I know we went to get food, I think... I mean, um..." Nadia rubbed the back of her head and tried to think really hard about this. Though she was unaware of the condition, most people who knew her understood that she lost her memory by blocking it out when something she couldn't handle happened. "I left... that morning, I think." she said and then held her head again, "Why can't I remember?!" The only thing that Nadia does know is that there are times that she can't remember something; she always passes it off as normal. Since doctors never told her anything was wrong, there was no point in thinking that it was anything more, right? Even so, she looked over to Masa and shook her head, defeated about the subject. "I can't remember anything more than that... sorry." Nadia said sadly. She sighed and kept her head lowered, wondering what in her mind she was missing.

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Sun Jun 29, 2014 11:17 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Header10
    Masamune Fujiwara
    正宗 藤原


    "No, no, no. He's not shady at all! He's got blonde hair and two different colored eyes! His name is Snopy; it's a funny name, huh?" It seemed Nadia didn't understand how he meant "shady," but that wasn't too big of a concern. Sometimes genuine lessons get tangled up in Nadia's mind, but it sometimes led to her figuring out things on her own, so it was okay at times. Other times, like the one time the phrase "not sharpest pencil in the box" made her go out and remove the dullest pencil in boxes across the Noir, were not so okay. But it made for good laughs most of the time, but today wasn't. Masamune did not trust this guy's name, let alone the guy. "'Das a name I haven't heard of. Weird one at that. Where's the guy from?" But she began to ramble about their time there. "I was walking and I saw him being attacked by a Taerick. I thought it was my friend, but it wasn't. Snopy saved me by picking me up and running really far. After that, the mean Taerick attacked, but my friend Taerick saved us and we ran."

    Of course that finally happened. Masamune and Luxanna had been telling her not to go up to strange animals and start conversing with them like she knew them. It didn't matter if she could talk to the animals or not, they'd probably be confused that this thing was talking to them and could understand them. But nooooooo, she just has to ignore their warnings. But he just nodded along, not wanting to call her out on that. "After that, we went to Colburn..." That pause... "I can't remember what happened... I know we went to get food, I think... I mean, um..." Dammit, Masamune knew what that meant. "I left... that morning, I think. Why can't I remember?!" And he was right. This guy... "I can't remember anything more than that... sorry."

    Masamune reached over the table, and patted her head twice. Before he leaned back, he did place a single fry atop that white hair. "Kiddo, don' worry 'bout it." Although she wouldn't, he would. The fact that the last thing she remembers is being near this Snoop guy was bothering him. Either he did something to her that was bad enough for her condition to act up, or he didn't protect her and allowed something that bad to happen. Either way, the guy didn't have too good of an impression in Masamune's mind. "So after finishin' things up here, what're yer plans?" He finished the burger after asking that question, waiting to make sure she wasn't going back to that guy...

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:35 am

    A Clear View [Closed] Nadia-Angelina_zpsc4caf430

    He leaned in to pat her head, so she leaned forward a bit to allow him better reach. Nadia didn't know why, but there were actually times that she liked the fact that he did that. When he placed the fry though, she was confused. She looked up to it, but it was set in the middle of her head, so it made her look cross-eyed. She reached up and grabbed onto the fry, eating it a moment after and keeping that sweet smile on her face. "Alrighty, Masa." she said sweetly as she swallowed the fry, "I won't worry about it." She picked up her burger and took in the final bite as he asked her what her plans were. She thought about it as she chewed and then smiled to him when she came to her decision. "I'ma go see Snopy again." she said happily as she took a drink, cleared her throat, and then set the drink back down, "I wanna travel with him. I'm always alone, so it'll be nice to have someone to travel with, at least for a little while, I think." Though it was only a hint, there was a bit of sadness in her voice when she spoke.

    "He's in Aria right now... I left him a note saying I was coming back... but that was a while ago. He might not even be there anymore." Nadia stood up and pat her tummy a little, "I'm full now and I'm gonna head out soon. There's a train leaving here soon. It's gonna take me back to Aria. So what are your plans?"
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:48 pm

    A Clear View [Closed] Header10
    Masamune Fujiwara
    正宗 藤原


    "I'ma go see Snopy again. I wanna travel with him. I'm always alone, so it'll be nice to have someone to travel with, at least for a little while, I think." It was true, sometimes having a companion was better. Not for Masamune, as he preferred to work alone. Not to mention he traveled faster as he couldn't carry anyone on his lightning cloud thing. "I guess for someone as friendly as you, having a buddy would be better... too bad I can't join ya. It'd just bring you too much bad luck." That... was also true. He was probably wanted in more than one place, so having her along with him, so... yeah.

    "He's in Aria right now... I left him a note saying I was coming back... but that was a while ago. He might not even be there anymore." The little lady was the first to stand up. Masamune gobbled down the remaining fries as he knew this was the sign for them to start to leave. "I'm full now and I'm gonna head out soon. There's a train leaving here soon. It's gonna take me back to Aria. So what are your plans?" "Well, I need to see the field office here in Varedia to report in, and also see if any jobs have been left for me..." Masamune, too, stood up. He stretched his arms out wide as well. "After that, I dunno."

    "But I have a feeling I'm gonna be called back to main HQ to get a scolding from Luxanna..." Masamune sighed. He was expecting a long, angry letter telling him to get his ass back to the Noir. If not, they'd dock his pay more... which was technically now in the negatives. But the man just bent down slightly, and patted her head once more. "So kiddo, I wantcha to take care of yourself and if he tries anything that gives you a bad feeling, you run. Don't fight unless you have to. Just run." He was giving her a stern warning. "You be safe now." He waved to the little one and smiled back slightly, heading towards... wherever the Noir field office was.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    A Clear View [Closed] Empty Re: A Clear View [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:39 am

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