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» He Knows Not Where He Be [Open]
Reckless And Impulsive [Private] EmptyFri Nov 25, 2016 4:11 am by Dai

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    Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Serenity Tue Jun 23, 2015 12:26 am

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Header%201_zps1cqhz9ir

    "Ahh-Choo! Ahh-Choo!" Like a mouse with a cold, Reina squeaked most of the night through. They were a few miles off from the next town, but it was getting colder and colder. Her day in the snow with Serenity was probably not one of her smartest moments. For one, she adopted a dragon. For two, she now had a cold and it was getting worse. "Ack! Dorian, let's just sleep here for the night... My feet hurt, I can barely breathe, and I'd really like to get out of the snow..." Reina held herself to get warm, but that wasn't helping. Thank Rydia, the two of them finally stopped and gathered near a thick tree to rest for the night. Reina took her place next to the dragon and curled into the warmth. If Dorian tried being too far away, dragon (who needs a damn name) would use his tail to pull Dorian over. The both of them must stay warm and laying close to the dragon was the way to do it!

    The next morning, Reina wasn't just curled into the dragon's warmth, but Dorian's as well. Reina's body was up against the dragon's stomach, but her head was laying in Dorian's lap with one of her hands clinging to his pants. Reina was still and quiet, but as if something randomly hit her brain, Reina shot up in her sleep and sat up. She looked over to the dragon, who jumped up like a cat startled when she did. She then looked over to Dorian and blinked a couple times. "Um... We've got a dragon." she said and then raised an eyebrow, "I've got a dude... Oh my god!" She jumped to her feet and slapped her hands over her face. "What the hell was I thinking?! I just offered to travel with someone I don't even really know?!" Reina pointed intensely toward Dorian, "And all because you're hot! And a dragon!? Did I really offer to take care of a dragon!? Serenity, you owe me."

    Reina stopped and suddenly began coughing. She leaned back and was going to allow herself to plop down onto the ground, but suddenly felt a tail wrapped around her. The dragon prevented her from falling and sat her softly down on the ground. She kept coughing and sneezing a few times before looking back to Dorian. "So where exactly are we going?" she said through coughs before they started becoming more violent. She held her hand over her mouth and coughed into it over and over again. "I think I'm going to need a little medicine or something... The next town shouldn't be too far away, right? I have my own money, so... You don't have worry about paying for any of it."

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Dai Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:22 am

    He had fallen asleep in the cold. He didn't mind it, really--the snow around him actually insulated him more than one would expect, and while he might wake up with a little bit of a sniffle, he would never really be too much worse for wear. He had not expected this day to go as it had for him, so when he finally fell down to rest he had assumed that it was all a dream--that he would wake up on exactly the same morning, in exactly the same place that this day had started--and yet he would not visit upon the strange green-haired woman and her dragon. It was certainty that guided him to sleep, for Dorian Nicola truly believed that the day previous had been a dream. He had other dreams that night, though few he would publicly describe--most of them were, for lack of a better term, embarrassing. Instead, no, he would dream dreams that no men would ever hear the details of, not feeling the warm tail wrapping around his body and pulling him against scaly flesh; nor could he feel the head resting on his lap. Eventually, however, he would awake--he would awake at the time that he would always awake, and look up at the sky above him. He was certain that he had fallen asleep on his back, so to wake up sitting up meant that maybe he really had dreamed. There was a kind of warmth against his back that pulsated in and out, and he turned his head to see that he was resting against a dragon. He clenched his teeth, closed an eye and tried his hardest not to make any sudden movements. He recognized the dragon as the one from the previous day, which meant that it was certain to be friendly--but that didn't stop him from feeling worry about the beast his back was against.

    He felt weight on his lap and turned to look down, seeing a mop of brown hair spread out over the head of a sleeping woman. She looked peaceful as she rested, one of her hands gripping his pants. It seemed, after all, that the previous day was not a dream. Dorian let out a sigh and looked around to see where they were; it was some distance from where they had picked up this dragon. "What've you gotten yourself into, Nicola." He leaned his head back and received an almost sympathetic grunt from the dragon. "Um... We've got a dragon." He looked down at the source of the voice. The woman had awoken. "I've got a dude... Oh my god!" She rushed up to her feet and made a large show of things, stressing and babbling over the fact that she had apparently taken some guy on a trip because she felt like it, and because he was hot. He let out a long breath and held up a hand, using his other to wipe down his face, before getting to his feet and stretching outwards. As he stood up, she started coughing and fell back down--the dragon caught her, but Dorian could not help feeling sorry for her.

    "So where exactly are we going?" He raised an eyebrow. Where did she think she was going? If she thought she was coming with him in the state she was in, she had another thing coming. He wasn't going to let her get killed like this. Another coughing fit later, and she spoke again, "I think I'm going to need a little medicine or something... The next town shouldn't be too far away, right? I have my own money, so... You don't have worry about paying for any of it." He let out a breath and placed his hands on his hips. "Well I had plans, but they've been a little... changed. I can't bring someone with me on the job I was going to, so I guess that I can... let it go. They won't miss me, I'm sure they have other people who can do what I do." He held out a hand, offering it to get her back to her feet. Whether or not she accepted, he would speak again after she got to her feet, "From what I can tell, we're pretty close to another town. Probably small, but I'm sure they'd have some kind of remedy for your cough," he folded his arms, "Arcadia is the place where all problems get fixed, after all." His words were somewhat tight and restrained when he spoke that sentence, and after he finished speaking he motioned for her to go with him. "C'mon. We should get you some medicine."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Serenity Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:20 am

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Header%201_zps1cqhz9ir

    "Did me joining up really mess with your plans that badly?" Reina asked through more coughing, but her tone was lowered to guilt, "Sorry about that... I can probably help you with the job in secret, maybe? I'd rather not completely mess up what you were doing..." When he held out a hand, she gladly took it with the hand that was not covering her mouth over and over again. This caused an awkward grab, since she had to turn her hand over to take his. Sure, it was a little weird, but she did it and stuck her tongue out to concentrate while doing it. Frankly, it was cute. Once she was on her feet, she tried to stop coughing, but that damn tingle in her throat wasn't lessening at all. "Do you even mean that?" Reina said through a few softer coughs, "You didn't exactly sound... sincere with what you just said about Arcadia... You got some bad history with the country or something?"

    Reina followed along with him, the dragon's heavy steps just coming  behind like a loyal companion. Reina looked back to the large black beast every now and then and smiled. Each time she did so, it hurried forward and nuzzled it's nose lightly against her cheek. With it's strength and size compared to Reina's, it felt like a light shove, but still caused her to giggle and return the gesture. "I like this guy... he's so sweet and he kept us warm last night..." Reina pat the top of the dragon's head and looked back to Dorian, "Someone so loyal and kind deserves a name, don't ya think? How about... Goro?" That was a no. "Drake?" That was a no. "Wilbert?" Hell no! Reina kept tossing more and more names out there, but nothing seemed to click with the both of them. For a few moments, she finally shut up with the randomness and thought a bit harder. "What about Nero?"

    They agreed! Reina got so excited she burst into a coughing fit and had to hold onto her chest and stop walking. She kept going like that for a few moments and finally took a deep breath to stop. She really needed to get out of the cold. Once she stopped that coughing fit, she looked back to Nero and smiled. "How do you like that name, Nero? It's Arcadian for Black, which I think fits you pretty damn well." Like an excited puppy, the newly named Nero hopped around them both a few times before circling them completely while nuzzling himself happily along them. "A dragon with such an adorable personality; I wonder exactly where he came from..." Reina thought about that. This dragon was on the odd side for most dragons and Nero seemed so in tune with what the two of them were saying. Before her thoughts could go too far, she began coughing again, "How close are we?"

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Dai Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:29 pm

    "Did me joining up really mess with your plans that badly? Sorry about that... I can probably help you with the job in secret, maybe? I'd rather not completely mess up what you were doing..." He raised an eyebrow and chuckled quietly, shaking his head and placing his hands on his hips, "That's not the best idea. Most people disagree with my line of work. I'd rather not suddenly have you dislike me, so I'm going to keep that a little bit... under wraps for now." He nodded sagely, hoping that she'd understand. He didn't really feel like revealing to this woman that he was the kind of person who killed mages for money. "You didn't exactly sound... sincere with what you just said about Arcadia... You got some bad history with the country or something?" He shook his head and looked out through the trees, trying to see if he could spot any incoming beings. "Bad history, not really. I love this country, but there are people who talk it up too much. They... try to make it seem like more than it is, and that was what I was mocking." He gave her a small smile that was meant to be somewhat reassuring as he reached down and started to gather his personal belongings. When he had finished that, he pulled his pack over his shoulder and made a quick mental note of directions. "I think... we should go this way," he pointed in a direction and started heading that way. If he recalled where he was correctly, then he should be right. Their travels carried them through trees, Dorian remaining slightly ahead of the woman and her dragon the entire time. He used animal trails and the like, trying to find the right places to be and to go, while hearing Reina coo'ing to the beast that they had taken with them.

    "I like this guy... he's so sweet and he kept us warm last night..." He smiled to himself, though she couldn't see it, "Someone so loyal and kind deserves a name, don't ya think? How about... Goro? Drake? Wilbert?" Dorian didn't really proffer names to her, instead making accepting grunts whenever she dropped a name he liked, but she eventually quieted for a few moments before speaking again, "What about Nero?" He turned and looked back, interest piqued already. He liked that name, and it suited the creature. He nodded in agreement, but apparently the excitement was a bit much and Reina launched into a coughing fit again. Dorian quickly stepped forward and attempted to catch the woman, putting his arms around her and holding her up from falling. He wondered if there was potentially something seriously wrong with her; this kind of coughing was almost unnatural. Trying to wrap his head around it, he simply made sure she was feeling a bit better and able to stand up properly. She recovered and spoke a bit to the dragon, so Dorian let go of her and turned around again, resuming a rather stoic façade. "How close are we?" He frowned, "I'm not sure... give me a second, and don't freak." Kneeling down and breathing out, Dorian set off at a run and jumped up slightly, hitting a tree at speed and suddenly moving upwards, as if his own gravity had changed. Instead, he was simply redirecting the kinetic energy to counteract gravity--running up the tree was really no problem. He maneuvered for a bit and managed to make his way to the top, looking out over the treeline and seeing that they were but an hours' walk away. He let out a relieved sigh and turned around to run back down the tree, using the same Arcana to stop himself from colliding with the ground at high speed. Returning to a normal walk and dismissing any amazed expression that she might've had, he simply gave her a smile and pointed in a direction, "Unless something decides to get in our way, I'm thinking probably just one more hour of walking. I'll talk about anything you can ask on the way, though there are some things I still can't explain."

    Any questions she might have had, he would answer to the best of his ability. He would be pointedly quiet about his line of work, since he didn't quite know if she'd react favorably. He'd also occasionally slow down and scratch the dragon behind one of its ears; it seemed to react as a large kitten, which he actually quite liked. He was generally friendly and amicable for the remainder of the trip.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Serenity Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:25 pm

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Header%201_zps1cqhz9ir

    Reina's jaw actually dropped when she watched him run up the trees. She stared at him, head back and mouth agape for a few moments and then closed her mouth. After a bit, he returned to the ground and she stared at him, blinking a few times in surprise. Once he pointed off toward the town, she nodded and jumped up in excitement. "THAT WAS SO COOL!!" she flailed her arms a bit and poked his chest, "I have seen Arcana in action before, but not very often. Serenity's was one of the one's I've seen the most... Oh, and there was this guy in Brauk, but he was a jerk with his powers." Reina was talking fast because of how excited she was, but the moment she stopped she began coughing again. She was coughing enough that it hurt her head and she was wondering whether there was something more than a mere cold bothering her. "Ow..." she said, holding her throat and coughing again.

    "Okay... Let's get there quickly... Please..." her voice was low and filled with worry. She looked up to him pleadingly and went along with him, but at a quicker pace than normal. She didn't talk much because she was concentrating on hurrying on and trying not to cough. It felt like every time she opened her mouth, she'd cough more. Unfortunately, it really was just the cool air she was breathing in harshly aggravating a bad cold she had. Any time he looked back to pet the dragon, Reina'd loop her arm with his and pull him a long, asking him to just please hurry. She didn't like it out here and the coughing-headache she was getting was making this all worse. Soon, the three got to the town and people immediately had a problem with the dragon. "H-He's f-fine!" Reina said through coughs, "H-He won't h-hurt an-nyone! He's practically... a b-big cat!" The townspeople weren't exactly convinced.

    "I don't have time for this..." An impatient side of Reina was shown when she said that. She looked like she was about to yell at people, but a small child ended up playing with the dragon's tail and just laughing. Like a cat with a ball of yarn, Nero began playing with the little one too, but was actually very careful. "So cute!" Reina said and rushed over to join in. A few more children came over to play with Nero, asking for a ride on the dragon, but Reina told them she hasn't even ridden him much, so she didn't know if that was the best idea. Suddenly, Reina froze in place. She looked around as if she were really dizzy and her body began weaving back and forth while she just stood there. She blinked and coughed a bit. "Dorian..." she called out to him, her voice lower than intended. A moment later, Reina's eyes rolled to the back of her head and the young woman fainted, falling back into the snow.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Dai Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:17 pm

    Reina was impatient; it didn't take a rocket scientist to recognize that, which is something that Dorian might have thought had he even understood the concept of a 'rocket scientist'. Instead, he simply realized that she was being quite impatient, since whenever he'd reached back to give the dragon a pet she would wrap her arm around his and continue to pull him along. He noticed a lot of her worries would be coming from the fact that she seemed ill--something that worried him a lot. He wouldn't be dragging her along anywhere if she was as sick as she seemed to be. Every time she opened her mouth, she devolved into a coughing fit. Dorian, while having been in the world for quite some time, really didn't get that it was because of the cold air. Eventually, they reached the town and Dorian immediately noticed that people were pointing out the dragon and the girl it was being trailed behind. Fingers were pointed and voices rang out; Dorian could tell that these were very irritated and unsympathetic voices. "H-He's f-fine! H-He won't h-hurt an-nyone! He's practically... a b-big cat!" She struggled to speak amongst her coughing, and Dorian felt himself getting more and more annoyed with the townspeople. There was a woman who was obviously in a great deal of pain, and they were worried about the dragon pup?! He was almost ready to bellow his frustrations at them when a child tottled along and started playing with the dragon's tail. It didn't take long for the dragon to start playing with the kid, and for more kids to traipse in and being to play as well. He couldn't hide the huge smile on his face that grew when he saw this, and stretched out to look around. There were several horrified expressions as parents began to rush over, and Dorian held out an arm politely, "Do you really think it possible that someone like her would be carrying around a ferocious beast?" He proffered a smile and pointed, "Loo--""Dorian..." He turned suddenly and dove forward, catching Reina before she landed on the snow. Her breathing was raspy, her cheeks flushed. She likely had a fever, and he didn't want to dally too long. Standing up straight and hoisting Reina into a fireman's carry to make life easier for both of them, he motioned to the kids with an apologetic expression, "C'mon kiddos. We're probably gonna be around for a bit, so make some room eh? No need to suffocate... and I have someone who really needs some bedrest."

    He calmly beckoned for Nero to follow and started to pick his way around town--clearly knowing where he was going--and took her to the nearest inn. He'd get a medical expert to check her out in the inn, but for now he wanted to get her into some warm blankets and near a hearth. Carrying her into the inn with Nero, he got a look from the innkeeper and gave a look in return. The innkeeper's face recoiled in recognition and he simply nodded. Dorian pulled a small bag from a pocket and tossed it onto the counter, the bag rattling with coins. "I'll being the dragon into the room for now, just to keep watch over her. I'd advise against sending people into the bedroom." The innkeeper nodded in understanding, and Dorian carried her up into the bedroom, placing her down on the bed and sighing softly, "I should get you out of those wet clothes... damnit all. Sorry." He frowned and started to peel her clothing off of her, trying his hardest to preserve her dignity. He brought over a thick robe and wrapped her up in it, before also tightly wrapping her in the blankets on the bed. He closed his eyes and attempted to get the image of that particularly attractive body out of his head for the sake of her dignity, before petting Nero on the head, "I'm gonna go get some food and some medicine. Look after her for me, pup." He gave the dragon a smile and stepped back out of the inn and into the streets. His first stop was the nearby general store, from which he would purchase some food to be warmed up and some warm drinks. His next stop was a pharmacy, where he would get some medical supplies to help her get over her cold a bit faster. He would call in a medical expert if necessary, but for now he just wanted to help her a little bit.

    The pharmacy was a simple affair, but leaving it wasn't so easy. With the food, drink and medicine in his bag he would step out of the building to be met by a semicircle of muscle. "I had heard the rumors, but I didn't think it true. Takes a lot of nerve fer ya ta step back into his town, Magebreaker." He raised an eyebrow and flung his bag over his shoulder, before rubbing his temple and sighing softly. "I ain't workin' today. Just let me pass." They sneered a little bit, and the leadman was about to say something else when he had a bag thrown at him--once again, the bag rustled with coins. "I'm not here to make trouble, so please let me pass. I just want to deal with my business and then leave." The burly man frowned and stepped aside to protests from his mates. "Get outta here. You'll be out of town in a week or I'll force ya." Dorian bowed politely and hurried past, returning to the inn with an irritated expression. He stepped back into the inn room with a sigh and moved to the cooktop, beginning to prepare food to serve upon Reina's awakening. Nero curled up beside Reina's bed and watched the door, and--at least for a short time--the room fell into a soft calmness and normal quiet. Reina would awaken to the smell of a hot meal, the sound of hot drinks, and the sight of a hot male a kindly smile from Dorian, "Welcome back to the land of the livin'. Hope you like bacon and eggs."[/color]
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Serenity Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:18 pm

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Header%201_zps1cqhz9ir

    The warmth of the robe, the bed, and having a roof over her head was more than enough to allow the young woman some comfort. She moved very little during her sleep. She even smiled a bit into it, having a pretty sweet dream. It consisted of her new friend, Dorian, her new friend, Nero, a few other people she met over her travels, a big house, and a rather fun party near a lake. There was enough food and drink to satisfy all, but the part that made her smile was... the smell of bacon and eggs gliding it's way into her nostrils. Reina's eyes fluttered open. It took her a moment to regain her composure. She rubbed her eyes and looked around to see Dorian smiling at her. She curled in on herself a bit, a sweet smile and the lightest of blushes showing on her cheeks. It only took her a moment to realize what had actually happened. "I fainted... didn't I?" she asked softly and sat up.

    "Good morning and yes, I do. Thank you." she said to him and stood up and walked over to him. She was a little wobbly at first, but she was fine. It was then that she realized her change of clothing. Her blush quickly deepened and she looked up to him. "D-Did you change me?" Reina asked, her eyes slightly wide in embarrassment. Pushing off that subject, she went and sat down near him and in front of her own breakfast. It looked delicious and her stomach was practically begging her to fill it. She was a little embarrassed by her stomach growling, but didn't show it. She just began eating. Reina ate in silence for a while. It changed when a low growl erupted from her right. She looked over to see Nero, who took up a good chunk of the room, glancing back and forth between her and her food. "Oh... No, no. This is mine." Reina pouted and pulled her plate away, recieving a whine.

    "Mm...." she growled in annoyance and sighed, tossing him a piece of bacon. Nero excitedly accepted and enjoyed the meat; Everyone loved bacon. Reina's eating pace picked up a bit before Nero could ask for more. Soon, she was finished and her stomach was quite satisfied. "That... was delicious." she stated and then used a napkin to wipe her mouth. She looked over to Dorian with a shine in her eyes. Getting up, she stepped over to him and threw her arms around him and nuzzled her face into his. "Thank you for taking care of me. I feel some better, but I still need that medicine... Would you mind taking a walk with me?" she asked with a hopeful smile and arms still embracing him.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Dai Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:14 am

    "I fainted... didn't I? Good morning and yes, I do. Thank you." He turned slightly and smiled at her, plating up the food as it finished sizzling. To be fair, he was quite surprised that it worked--he was just cooking in the hopes that she'd wake up soon enough. For her to wake up at that exact time, well it was quite the benefit wasn't it? With a chuckle and a flourish, the last of the food landed on the plate and Dorian turned towards her, wandering over and sitting the plate down on the table, the ceramic clattering. "D-Did you change me?" He chuckled softly, "Well, yes--I had to get you out of your soaked clothing; it wouldn't do for you to be wrapped up in warm robes and then a cold layer between." He gave her a soft smile and sat down and picked up a fork. She merely began to eat, rather than taking some kind of ceremony about it; Dorian found this to be somewhat nice, to be honest. A simple thanks and the beginning of the meal. As if to mirror her action, he began to eat in silence as well.

    Growling interrupted their meal, and Dorian looked over to see that the dragon was looking particularly hungrily at the food on the table. He blinked a couple of times and sighed, realizing at that moment that he had no idea as to the kinds of food dragons ate. Especially young ones. Did they share a diet with their adult counterparts? He had no clue. This problem would start to take over his thoughts until they were wonderfully interrupted by Reina's voice. He blinked a few times and watched the exchange go on between girl and dragon. She tossed him a piece of bacon and finished off her own meal, and it took Dorian another few moments to realize that he had been so busy watching that something had stolen away with the rest of his bacon. In most circumstances he would probably have gotten mad, but instead simply chuckled and nodded, finishing his eggs and taking the plate up to wash. Not long after he felt arms thrown around him and a face nuzzling into him. "Thank you for taking care of me. I feel some better, but I still need that medicine... Would you mind taking a walk with me?" He was happy that she was not looking at his face, because he was suddenly somewhat red. Taking a moment to get his bearings, he turned around after she had removed her arms, and gave her a good smile, "Sure, I can do that." Gives me a chance to get outta the house, after all." The house being an inn, of course. Dorian the Magebreaker was really not a ladykiller.

    Petting Nero on the head with a clearly teasing threat of, "Watch your dinner," Dorian grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder. They'd probably need to take another night, so he'd bring her to the front desk and do so--apparently, not one person had decided to take that room. Holding Reina by the arm, he would take her (and Nero if he came along) into the town, in order to find a medicine for her. As they wandered, he would begin to ask her questions--they weren't the most probing of questions, but just small things here or there. Small things about her, about her life, about anything in general, really. He wanted to get to know his travelling companion after all.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Serenity Thu Nov 12, 2015 4:40 pm

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Header%201_zps1cqhz9ir

    "That's still embarrassing." Reina sighed, but moved on quickly. He helped her and that is what mattered. A lot of people would have left her to deal with things on her own, not caring that she was sick. After dinner and a fun dragon interaction, the two were on their way to get her medicine. Thinking about it now, Dorian was really sweet to get that ready for her. She smiled inwardly as the questions began. "Pink." Favorite color. "Peach." Favorite fruit. "Smoothies from Varedia. Have you had one?" Favorite food all around. "Nothing really. Just for fun, I guess..." Why was she traveling.

    "Isn't that a little personal!?" And this was complimented with a bap on the back of his head, where she could reach. No man should ask a young lady how many boyfriends they've had! (You left all questions open. I win.) "Besides... men don't really... like me, so not really any at all." she mumbled silently and pouted. The little tom girl who could kick the other guys' asses wasn't exactly on the top of the 'be my girlfriend' list. "So where is this medicine place?" she fought back a few coughs before clearing her throat. And a dragon following the two of them through town was a thing...

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
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    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Dai Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:19 am

    Honestly, he had no expectations that she was going to answer any of his questions, let alone answer all of them. He sort of didn't know where to go to from there, especially because she didn't seem to be trying to ask him any questions in return. Eventually they stopped (he had figured she'd finally stop answering if he asked something personal like a boyfriend question, but did not expect her to respond with a bap to the back of his head), and she seemed to get a little downtrodden by the fact that men didn't seem to like her. "So where is this medicine place?" He tapped his chin and looked around, hoping that he hadn't gotten too distracted by their conversation and somehow managed to get the pair of them lost.

    Noticing a few familiar landmarks, he maneuvered the two (well, three) of them to where they were supposed to get to, and motioned for her to wait outside with Nero--just in case. He stepped into the store and looked around, trying to work out exactly what medicine she needed, "Ugh, this is not my forte..." He would grumble to himself, continuing to read tiny labels and trying to work out what they needed for the situation, before giving up and poking his head out the door, "So what is it you need exactly?" He was so good at this.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Serenity Sat Nov 14, 2015 11:12 am

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    Reina wasn't ready to ask questions yet. She didn't really have any to ask either. She was silly that way. Sometimes she'd ask everything. Right now was not one of those times. They arrived at the medicine shop and she happily waited. It was taking a bit longer than she thought it should, so when he popped his head out of the store and asked her about it, she just smiled. "Just some cold medicine, mainly something for a cough. There was this one I tried before that you crushed into hot tea, so if they have that, it'd be nice." Reina waited until he returned with the medicine by watching people and trying to teach Nero a few new tricks, but he wasn't biting. Something was off. "You okay, Nero?" she asked him and rubbed his head. He just laid his head in her lap and growled a little. "A few strips of bacon probably isn't enough to feed a big guy like you, huh?" Nero's head poked up and Reina giggled, "I'll see about hunting up something for you to eat. I don't think we have enough money to buy..."

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Dai Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:23 am

    "Hm, yes, okay." He turned back into the building, still not entirely convinced that he'd easily find her medicine--he really didn't enjoy hunting for these kinds of things, but he wasn't qualified to look after Nero, and Nero wasn't coming into the building by any stretch to the word. Far as he knew, people didn't really take kindly to dragons--even younglings like that one. After a few more minutes of searching, he found a 'cold medicine that can be put into tea', and purchased it, taking it out to Reina, "We'll deal with this when we get back to the inn tonight... is everything okay with Nero?" He blinked and tilted his head to the side as she explained the situation, nodding--"I guess that even a youngling like this beast needs its proper food requirements, doesn't it?" A soft sigh and a smile, and Dorian would give her a nod, "Would you like to take him out to some new hunting grounds? I could probably help find one. If nothing else, I could probably just buy a cow. Alive, if he'd prefer the hunt. I have a bit of money on me. They paid me half as an.. 'attractor', after all." They wouldn't care too much. They probably found another.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Serenity Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:32 pm

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    Reina had shown her gratefulness to Dorian by giving him a big hug. Nero, unfortunately, decided to try and join and and sent the two of them to the floor. That was okay though. He was a playful 'little' guy and no one could fault him for that. The two returned to the inn where it was nice and warm. Reina enjoyed cuddling into the blankets the moment they walked into the room and kept them around her (to the best of her ability) while she concentrated on making tea and grinding the medicine into it once it was hot. After a bit, she had a cup and so did Dorian, though hers was giving off a slightly 'minty' smell because of the medicine. She took in a whiff and then a nice big drink, enjoying the warmth as it fell into her stomach. "That hit the spot... Perfect." she sighed and looked over to Dorian. "You're kind of strange, you know. Not many people randomly bring on some chick he met in the forest. Were you... lonely or something? Needed someone to talk to? Can't blame you if that is the reason..."

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Dai Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:55 am

    "Guess you could call it that," he smiled softly, taking a moment to look out the window over the street, "My line of work generally doesn't let me take on companions of any sort--to be fair, it's often something of a turn-away." He chuckled dryly, shaking his head, "Though I suppose I should be honest on that, eh?" He looked over at her, frowning slightly, "But, my line of work can really push people away. Not all of them... approve of it. I'd understand if you told me where to shove myself." He smiled weakly at her, shaking his head, "I'm known amongst the people of the, uh... less-reputable places as 'Magebreaker'. It's my job to be brought into places where mages are running amok... and deal with them." He sighed and looked back out the window, not sure how she was going to react. It was, as he had thought, entirely possible that she was going to look at him in horror, take Nero and leave--or even sic the dragon onto him. It was the moment of truth, but if they were going to travel together, he would need to be entirely honest with her.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Serenity Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:22 pm

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    "That's what you've been worried about?" Reina raised an eyebrow and turned him to face her. She flicked him on the nose, "So what? You specialize in taking out bad mages. Now, if you were to tell me that your purpose was to destroy mages or anyone who uses magic, then I'd call you a fool and you'd need one hell of a talking to, but that's not the case, is it?" Reina narrowed her eyes. It was a playful glare, but a serious one as well. She waited for his response, which she figured she knew what it would be. "You're not a murderer or anything evil, so there's nothing to worry about." Reina shrugged. "It sounds no different than someone who specializes in taking out dragons or even Zakatian technology... Not a big deal and sometimes needed. Don't feel bad about it as long as you're doing good with it."

    "So besides that...  You got any mission of sorts? I've been traveling around trying to master this damn sword." Reina crawled over to her stuff and pulled this small wakazashi-like sword out. "It's make is strange, but it was handed down from my Father to me. It apparently has some sort of magic about it, but I haven't been able to unlock it." If someone was arcanicly sensitive, they could feel a lingering aura around the sword, but it was very weak. It almost felt sealed or dormant, like it needed a key or something specific to wake it. "You have any idea? I was gonna ask Serenity about it when I saw her, but... well, I got distracted." Reina smiled. Her cough was subsiding, since she was able to talk enough without hacking up a lung, but her throat was sore and voice raspy.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Reckless And Impulsive [Private] Empty Re: Reckless And Impulsive [Private]

    Post by Serenity Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:52 am

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