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» He Knows Not Where He Be [Open]
Awakening [Closed] EmptyFri Nov 25, 2016 4:11 am by Dai

» Returning Home [Closed]
Awakening [Closed] EmptySun Nov 20, 2016 8:32 pm by Tsubine

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    Awakening [Closed]

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:37 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header1

    Cold. Snow. Ice cracking. Falling. Father's voice. Pain. Water. Very cold. Fading. Black. Darkness. Two red eyes shot open in the middle of a white room. Elysia's head turned from side to side, her eyes wide in shock. She was in... human robes? They were the color of Mother's scales, a faded turquoise. She immediately ripped them off. She was not cattle. Well, she tried to rip them off. For one, her body was stiff. It didn't move as fast as she wanted it to. As she tried to move, it hurt her. She winced, and she felt something tugging at her arm. No, it was in her arm. A vine of some sort sticking into her body? She managed the strength to rip the vine out, thinking it was a parasite.

    Soon after, Elysia began to feel aches she had not felt before. Her sides hurt, and she lifted the robes to see bruises across her entire torso. She poked, and immediately regretted it. Elysia let out a snarl only a dragon could. It removed much of the tension left in her body. The cave she was in was white and square. It was like the opposite of human caves. Was this what they were like inside? Had a human rescued her?

    Elysia slowly stood, and her balance wavered and she fell. She let out a long set of hisses, and eventually made her way back to her feet. The dragonling felt around on the walls, tapping hard on them to see what they were made of. They were not made of something she knew, and so she licked one of the walls. It tasted horrible. Little did Elysia know that the wall she licked was actually glass. It was a two-way mirror, and there were three figures watching her carefully. Elysia looked around again, her eyes still unfocused. "Fa..." She coughed hard, her voice still hard from being frozen. "Father," she hissed out in Draconic. "Where are you, Father?"

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:59 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header_zpsttmgq0rg

    "She's waking up." Ciara was having a relaxing drink of scalding hot tea in her office when the doctor rang. The one they found in the north locked in a shell of ice was finally waking up. Ciara smirked and chuckled darkly. "It seems our project did not fail. She lives. Come, my dear Vidis. Let's go see the child." Ciara put the tea down and marched down the multitude of hallways that separated the two elder dragons. "How's she doing?" Ciara asked the doctor as they walked. He had trouble keeping up to the long legged woman while reading at the same time. "Well, m'lady, she's stable. The ice perfectly preserved her, so I'd say she's very lucky. We have yet to figure out how long it's been since her being frozen, but we can say it was over four hundred years ago." The doctor explained quickly.

    They arrived in the side room as the girl began attempting to rip her clothes off. Ciara walked closer to the mirror and observed the child as if she were a new species of some sort. The child ripped out her IVs, which Ciara expected. The child would regret it later. "Fascinating... How long has she been waking." Ciara asked the doctor. "Maybe ten minutes. Her recovery rate is remarkable." the doctor said proudly, as if this was his doing. Ciara ignored it and looked back to the girl as she licked the glass. Ciara chuckled. "Something tells me she's older than you know if she's unaware of what the mirror is made of, doctor. Find out." Ciara demanded and the doctor hurried off to examine the ice a bit more. "Come. Follow me in." she said to Vidis, "If she's wild, I trust you to restrain her."

    Ciara flipped her hair back behind her shoulder and walked out of the room and toward the next. She stopped as she put her hand on the door knob and glanced back to Vidis, "Oh... Take a few notes, will you darling? When the next party comes up, I'd like you to at least be able to smile. Acting... You need practice." She winked at him and walked into the room. "Calm child." she said as she opened the door and stepped in. Her voice changed and she was speaking gently and with a mothers love. "Honey, do you understand what I'm saying?" she spoke in Arcadian first and then smiled wider to change her language to Draconic, "How about now? Can you understand me?" Ciara stepped over to her and held out a hand, "There are things we need to talk about, okay? I need you to trust me."

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:15 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header1

    Elysia crouched and hissed as Ciara entered the room. She returned to the bed, and stared hard at her. The man in the armor was not a threat. Elysia could smell the fire that came from this woman. Then, she smelled the fire coming from the man. It was a stifled fire, but it was there. She hissed at him. When Ciara spoke in Arcadian, she understood some of it as humantongue. It wasn't a good language. It wasn't a good impression either. If Elysia had a tail, it would be puffing up right now.

    It wasn't until Ciara spoke in Draconic that Elysia calmed down. And her calming was instant. The moment she heard her language, all hostility faded. To Elysia, only dragons could speak that language. So, this woman must also be a dragon. Elysia wanted to weep. And despite her best efforts, she couldn't hold herself back. She nodded, then charged at Ciara. Vidis took a step forward, but Elysia only buried herself in Ciara's chest and cried. She was so scared. So terrified. She had no idea where she was, and what this room was, and who they were, and what had happened to her fat—"Father. Where is my father? He is Vanus. I fell through ice, and he called after me, but I do not remember anything after." Elysia's Draconic definitely sounded off to anyone who spoke it. It wasn't so bad as saying "thee" or "thy." It was more like saying "balderdash," or "ne'er-do-well." Words you might hear in modern language, but were more common a decent chunk of time ago.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:25 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header_zpsttmgq0rg

    Speaking in her native tongue calmed the girl down. Ciara wasn't expecting the girl to charge her. She also expected Vidis to throw her into the wall, but was glad that didn't happen. There was no threat coming from this child, but that didn't stop Ciara from almost taking a step back. Ciara also instinctively grabbed onto Vidis' wrist. Her eyes widened and she froze for a moment. It took her a bit to regain her composure, but she did and then let go of Vidis. Ciara pat the child's head and held her while she cried, until she looked up and asked about her Father. That was going to be a conversation...

    Ciara put on a sorrowed mask and closed her eyes. "Listen... I know it's going to be difficult to understand and probably frighten you, but it has been over three hundred years since you were frozen." Ciara explained in as "kind" of a way that she could, "We're not sure exactly how long you've been stuck in the ice, but... I'm sorry, the chance of your Father still being alive is very low. And if he is, he's no where near here." Ciara ran her fingers through the girl's hair like a Mother would do to comfort her daughter. "Do you understand?" Ciara tilted the girl's head by the chin to look up at her.

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:38 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header1

    Elysia's eyes widened. Lies. "Not true," she wimpered. She didn't want it to be true. It couldn't be true. This lady was horrible and was lying to her. But the firmness in the woman's eyes told her something. This was the truth. Elysia's eyes watered, and she shook her head defiantly. "Father..." And she began to cry again, burying her head into Ciara's chest. "Lady Kobayashi." The man in the armor spoke up now, his voice hollow and monotone. He spoke in the tongue of humans. "Are we sure that she will be of use? She may be the Everstorm's daughter, but she is naught but a child."

    Elysia regained herself after a minute of crying. That was when Ciara asked if she understood again. This time, Elysia nodded slowly. "Father would have searched the whole Northlands," Elysia used a term for the northern icecaps that has not been used since long before the time of Rydia herself, "for me." Elysia broke off from Ciara, and wiped her tears. "I am Elysia, Daughter of the Vanus, and heir to the Everstorm." She gave a wide-armed bow, to symbolize the spreading of wings. It was an old tradition.

    Elysia sniffled again, then looked thoughtful. "...I have a question." She looked at Ciara with a cocked head. "Do the humans of this time still taste the same? I am growing hungry." And with that, her stomach growled. Elysia's eyes were blank like a lion about to eat an antelope or a cat about to eat a mouse. She was eyeing Vidis, thinking him to be nothing more than a succulent human in a shell.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:03 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header_zpsttmgq0rg

    Ciara just allowed the child to cry out what she needed. When Vidis asked his question, she glanced over and nodded with a smirk. She would still be of use. She was young, but she had enough power to help them and was now going to be easily motivated by anything Ciara said. Ciara did what she could to comfort the child until she stopped crying. Elysia was quite polite for her young age. Ciara smiled and returned the bow. "I am known as Kyra Kobayashi. I am the Disciple of Incendrion, the Legendary Flame Dragon." Ciara explained, "You said your Father would have searched the Northlands... That is a name that these lands haven't been called in a very long time. I fear the world has changed much for you, Elysia. Come... We'll find you some decent clothes and get you settled in." Ciara held out an arm for the girl to come, but she had another question. "Yes?" Ciara was actually caught off guard.

    "... The practice of eating humans has ceased." Ciara said looked a little disgusted as she acted like she just tasted something gross. She knew humans were once less than dragons and acted as their masters, but eating them? That just sounded like poor taste and laziness. Do not eat the creatures that serve you, how foolish. "And my dear... There's something else you should understand," Ciara began as she saw the way she was eyeing Vidis. In fact, there was a rather protective aura that surrounded Ciara that Elysia would be able to sense. "Over the years, humans have become much more powerful. They are no longer like the ants beneath our claw..." Ciara looked at her own hand, "In fact, many of them equal some of our kind in power. This man..." She motioned toward Vidis, "Is skilled and powerful enough to kill you. He will not, but he can and there are many others like him now."

    "You are going to have to learn about this world again, it seems." Ciara sighed and placed a hand on Elysia's shoulder, "From now on, ask. Do nothing without making sure what you're doing is right or wrong. If you do things wrong, the humans, who now outnumber dragons one hundred to one, will take action against you... Understood?" Once that was confirmed, Ciara adjusted her clothes and flipped her hair back behind her shoulder again, "Now come. We have things we must deal with."

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

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    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:20 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header1

    Vidis gave a nod, which was his way of submitting to her wisdom. Elysia did not recognize the name Incendrion, and he did not seem to have a Title, as her father did. She thought for a moment, and decided not to press it just yet. The practice might have just fallen out of style. She was glad that Ciara knew the bow though! It showed she was a proper dragon. Elysia looked honestly disappointed when Ciara looked disgusted. Human wasn't that bad. A little stringy and tough, but there was far worse.

    Elysia gave Ciara an incredulous look, and her eyes finally began to focus. "If you say so," she said with disbelief. This woman knew more about now-humans than she did, so Elysia might as well listen. She didn't believe humans could equal her power—their power. Elysia nodded absently, and looked around as they began to walk out of the cave. It was... another cave! A long cave, but short. As they walked, Elysia brought up something that had been bugging her. "I'm going to have to walk around like a human, aren't I?"

    As they continued on, Elysia thought of many things to ask. Most of them, about food. "Miss Kobayashi, what can I eat now? Don't tell me cows and pigs aren't good to eat. I don't like elk or horse." She made a disgusted face and shook her head. "What kind of food do you like, Miss Kobayashi? What kind of food can we find around here? When can I stretch my wings? Is this cave new? Is it close to the surface? It's so bright, so there must be sun. I don't see any fire. How many other dragons do you know? Are there any more besides us here? Can I meet them? Is the weather different now? Is it warmer? Colder? Rainier? Are there any mountains near here? I wanna see what the world now looks like." As she spoke and asked her thousand questions, Elysia's energy was returning. A brightness formed on her face as she looked up at Kyra, expecting all sorts of answers. Vidis followed behind, his sword ready to be pulled if this strange dragon tried anything.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:36 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header_zpsttmgq0rg

    The girl will learn. "It is best to not cause a panic, so yes. Your humanoid form is the best way to get around while within the towns. Once you're outside of largely populated areas, you can travel in any way you wish, though I still prefer horse drawn carriages myself." This was the only question that Ciara had the ability to answer. After that, she was bombarded. After question three, Ciara's eyes were wide. The girl wasn't stopping. Every time Ciara was ready to answer a question, Elysia tossed another one out at her without giving her a chance to answer. When they made it to what would be Elysia's bedroom, Ciara turned around and looked down to the girl. She took a moment and then...

    "I'll be showing you our kitchen, which is where all of the food is made. Cows and pigs are fine, chicken is quite common as well. I don't eat elk or horse, the texture is odd, so you won't find that in this house. I prefer steaks or anything else made from the cow. You'll be able to take a flight in a couple of hours after you've gotten settled and received a tour of my home. This isn't a cave, it's a building. Humans now overrun the planet, so the world has adopted their customs and ways of life. Now people live in houses, like this one. This house is on the surface and if you take a look out the window in your room, you'll have a view of the area that surrounds my home. Yes, the sun is what's making it bright, not fire. I know a few dragons, none of them as talkative as you or as powerful as myself. None are here, so there is no one to meet. The weather hasn't changed much, though it's become warmer over time and ice covered land is much rarer. There are mountains around and you will be able to see the world after you've gotten settled... Now..." Ciara took a breath and opened the door.

    "This is where you'll be staying. Do you know how to dress yourself? There is a closet full of clothes and I can return later." Ciara called out for one of her maids and gave her certain orders, "This is Matilda. She will aid you in getting dressed and bring you to the kitchen to eat. No eating her." Ciara sort of nudged Matilda into the room an then shut the door. With wide eyes and a clenched jaw, she looked to Vidis like she was ready to freak out over how hyperactive and energetic that child was. She took a moment to calm and sighed. "Shall we?" she said and walked toward the kitchen, "I need a drink."

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:51 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header1

    Elysia's eyes widened. Cow was good! Pig too! Chickens were too small, and the feathers got in her teeth. But steak! Cows! BEEF! Elysia only barely kept herself from drooling. She didn't hear the answers to most of her questions because of it. But she didn't care, she had forgotten most of them anyways. Kyra was also an exceptionally good dragon. She preferred beef just like Elysia. She did get to hear that Kyra did know dragons, and that perked her interest. But when none of them lived here, she became disappointed. She knew how tempermental dragons were, so she might never meet them.

    "In human robes..." Elysia shivered, and gave a pleading look to Ciara. "Do I have to?" After getting confirmation that she did have to, she mumbled and grumbled to herself. Something about human culture evolving into nudity. Vidis stood guard at the door, waiting on Ciara to leave the room. Once she did, he fell in behind her. "The young one seems to be a handful. I think that is the most I've heard you say without it being a speech to a crowd." Vidis flipped up his visor as they walked in private. In the kitchen, Vidis took a seat across from Ciara. "The young one does seem keen about you, which is good. The story will still be an adopted daughter? Or have you reconsidered?"

    After two minutes of talking, a scream echoed from Elysia's room. It was Matilda. Vidis did not follow Ciara, and instead was in front of her, sword drawn. Vidis looked in disbelief at what he saw only briefly. Then, as a proper gentleman should, he turned away, making way for Ciara. They opened the door to see Matilda clutching her left arm, which was bloody. Elysia was on top of her bed, dressed only from the waist down. She was snarling and growling at Matilda. Upon seeing Ciara, she calmed down slightly, putting a hand on her hip and pointing to Matilda. "I wasn't trying to eat her! She tried to put a saddle on me. I'm not a horse!" Elysia pointed to a plain, white bra that lay in the middle of the room. "She tried to treat me like I belong in a stable."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:03 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header_zpsttmgq0rg

    Ciara hurried to the kitchen and poured herself a stiff drink. She slammed the glass down on the counter and accidentally shattered it. "Yes, she's a pain! I did not expect her to be so talkative and asking so many questions!" Ciara squeezed the glass in her hand, yet it still barely cut her. She dusted the glass off and left the rest there for a maid to pick up. After calming, she sighed and sat down. "She is a handful, but she'll be useful later. She just needs to learn, though I fear it will take some time for her to get used to the changes in this world. We only know about culture from her age through books and scrolls... To have someone from that time living here, it will be a pain. If she gets too much of a handful, I'll have to get rid of her. I think Brauk will be a suitable place. There are many tribes there that would accept the barbaric mindset the chi-..." And then the scream hit her ear. Head-table.

    Ciara, now with a faint red mark on her forehead, made her way behind Vidis to the girl's room. She couldn't of had a little bit longer of a break? Vidis went in first and soon stepped aside. Seeing Matilda, Ciara looked to the half-naked girl and listened to her explain. The bra. Ciara sighed and waved Matilda off, "She's... young. Go get yourself fixed up and take a paid week off." Matilda bowed and hurried out. Once Matilda was gone, Ciara shook her head. "It's called a bra. It's not a saddle and look." Ciara lowered her shirt and showed off her own, "Even I wear one. Surprisingly, humans are rather intelligent creatures who have come up with a plethora of things that make life easier. The function of a bra is to prevent the sagging of breasts." Ciara grabbed the straps and wiggled them to show the function a bit. "They work well and unless you want to look like a grandma, get used to wearing them."

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:14 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header1

    Elysia calmed down once Ciara showed herself wearing one. It was a smart idea. Truth be told, anything else would have sent Elysia on a rant. But if Ciara wore one, it must be okay. The girl was too innocent for her own good, and Ciara was the only person she felt she could trust. "Ohhhh. It also can make them look bigger... Is that something humans do for mating? Make their breasts large?" She poked at her own, which were of a decent largeness. "Does that mean that you are ready to mate?" Elysia asked with genuine curiosity. Vidis cocked an eyebrow and shifted slightly.

    Soon after, Elysia saw the look on Ciara's face. Something snapped into place, and she sat down. Her face went dark, and she looked at the bed. "I'm asking too many questions, aren't I? And it's making you mad, right? And..." She made a wimper. "I'm asking too many questions again, sorry..." Elysia curled up into a ball, sitting her chin on her knees. "Human culture is odd. Why can't we dragons be in control again? We're at least wise enough to know how things should be. Unless I was asleep for like... a bajillion years, humans shouldn't've changed this much if they had our kind of wisdom." She shook her head. "Well, your wisdom. I'm still just a kid..."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:29 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header_zpsttmgq0rg

    Well, Elysia seemed to get it quicker than Ciara thought she would. "Yes, there are bras that make them look larger and yes, women do it for a multitude of reasons. Keeping them young is one, mating is another, and self-confidence is also another reason." Ciara explained with a much calmer mind than previously. The drink helped. It was just surprising to have her own reasons for wearing a bra come into question. "Mate?" Ciara questioned with a raised eyebrow and narrowed her eyes, "Interesting..." Ciara fell into her own thought processes for a moment when Elysia asked another question. "Hm?"

    Ciara watched as the girl turned into a ball of emotion right in front of her. She was going to have to confront this carefully. "That question is difficult to answer." Ciara said, "I am not used to having someone so energetic and young around me. I am also not used to having another woman near me, especially one that would need guidance on such matters. You're not making me mad. I am merely frustrated. It will take me time to get used to things, but do not be afraid to ask questions. It is what I told you to do earlier, remember? Keep asking and learning. It's the way we advance in this world."

    Elysia spoke up again and Ciara chuckled a bit. She walked over and sat on the bed, crossing one leg over the other. "Human culture is not horrible. It will be strange for someone in your situation. You've been plucked from one world and dropped into the next, so I can understand what you feel." Ciara explained in a motherly tone that was surprisingly not a mask, "But understand, Dragons may not be at the top of the food chain right now, but history has a way of repeating itself. The humans have gotten cocky, selfish, and destructive with the freedom and power they've been allowed, so they'll destroy themselves if someone else doesn't step in sooner or later. Right now, we merely do what we can and enjoy our lives, but soon the power they've been leeching won't be theirs to control anymore."

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:52 am

    Awakening [Closed] Header1

    Elysia gave a wry smile and poked her head out from her knees. "I haven't really been alive long enough to hear about history." She stretched out of the ball, and seemed satisfied. "That's good that they're getting ready to fall. I much prefer the thought of us being on top." She thought for a moment, then looked to the bra. "Would you help me put the bra on? I promise I won't bite you." With Kyra's help and patience, they eventually got the bra on. During so, Elysia began to talk. "When I was growing up, it was just me and Father. Mother fell ill and died soon after. I did not have a brother... or a sister. It got lonely sometimes, for Father was always a better hunter than I was. He one time even brought back a whole whale!" She sounded so excited, but then her voice went somber again. "But... I never had someone close to my age that knew what I was going through. Like... a sister." She pursed her lip and hesitated. "You've really helped me out a lot, Miss Kobayashi." Elysia turned, and looked at Kyra with pleading eyes. "I was wondering... if I could maybe call you big sis?"

    After getting Elysia the rest of the way dressed, the two stepped out into the hall. Vidis turned and noticed something was off about Ciara. Well, it was still on, just not in the right place. He cleared his throat. "Lady Kobayashi. You have... A... An opening, ma'am." He pointed to her chest. Thankfully, Ciara didn't see his eyes dart down to focus on the two love melons for a brief second. Unfortunately, Elysia did. Her eyes widened in realization. She turned to Kyra. "Ohhh, so you are ready for mating!" She made three quick nods. Vidis gawked at the mention. He raised his visor, and his normal composed demeanor was gone. He was confused at what the little one meant, and he eyed Ciara with questioning eyes.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Awakening [Closed] Empty Re: Awakening [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:03 am

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    Ciara had never put a bra on another person before, so this was more difficult than she liked, but they were able to get it. Elysia began telling a story about her and her Father, even mentioning the passing of her Mother. Ciara listened, but there seemed to be a reason behind the telling of this tale. She wondered what it was as the story went on and was able to guess the moment a sister was mentioned. She knew what she wanted her answer to be, but something about this young girl told her that no, she needed to say yes. Ciara pushed up a small smile and nodded, "Sure." Ciara figured that a sister and someone to connect to in this world would make it easier for Elysia to adjust. It would also make Ciara's influence over the young girl that much stronger. The child was making it easy.

    The two made their way out of the room and turned the corner. Ciara looked to Vidis when he called to her and then down to her chest. Her eyes widened and her face turned red as she quickly pulled her shirt back up over the rather risque bra she had been wearing. She was hoping for a quick recovery from that mistake, but Elysia's innocence took hold and she said something that caused a maid down the hall to take a second look. Actually embarrassed, she looked from Elysia to Vidis who had a look on his face that made Ciara go "Whoa, what the fuck" and blush even further. She smacked her hand over her face and took Elysia's hand. "L-Let's just go..." Ciara said almost shyly. She planned to explain something about that type of stuff, but that conversation was going to happen another time.

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      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 3:52 am