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    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Post by Serenity Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:36 am

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    Lanai's trust in this man had given her a place to recover for the past three days. It took her hours before she was able to eat the first time since the incident. The day after the incident, she felt decent enough to go get something to wear. Ujiyasu was paying for everything she needed and she planned to pay him back. He had no reason, beyond being a nice guy, to help her out. The least she could do for him was make sure she gave him something in return. She just didn't know when that would be. Lanai no longer had a home. She had nowhere to return to. She did not want to go back to him after what happened. The thought of seeing him again frightened and angered her. For now, she felt it best to stay with her new friend, though she didn't think he thought of her that way. To her, he was a friend.

    The morning came on the third day that they had known each other. When Ujiyasu woke up, he'd find Lanai sitting comfortably on the chair. She would have insisted that he had the bed and argued endlessly if he dared try to make her have it. "Good morning." she said in a soft voice. Her eyes were droopy and she looked exhausted. Though things had been getting better for her, it was obvious that Lanai hadn't been sleeping the best and she always woke up earlier than he did. "We're heading back to Aria today, right?" she asked, her head tilted curiously to the side. They had spent enough time in Ethaswen and had found they were both from Aria on day two, when Lanai started talking a bit more.


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    Post by Schnockles Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:08 am

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    Three days passed and Ujiyasu went back to doing what he usually did. Absolutely nothing of note. He still made sure to get Lanai situated and all. Made sure she ate, finally got her own clothes. Especially that last one. She really couldn't just go around wearing nothing but his over-sized kimono all day every day. Maybe a smaller one that showed more of her form, but he kind of wanted his back eventually. He didn't press her on why she didn't have a home, if he knew it would have been her decision to tell him. On the third day he was awake, and Lanai was on the chair. She probably wouldn't be able to tell because he just laid down to sleep with his hat blocking his eyes. He tried to give her the bed, but she would have none of it. He didn't argue much and just took it. She probably didn't realize just how long he was awake because it wasn't until he chose, 45 minutes after waking up, to move his hat that she said good morning. "Morning." He said calmly. If she really didn't know he had been awake, him not sounding like he just woke up would probably be confusing.

    He looked at her momentarily, she seemed tired. She was ready to head back to Aria though. "You sure you're up for this? You look exhausted." He said, he still hadn't moved from his spot on the bed. Honestly he felt like he figured out enough of her personality to expect her to say no and to go. She was definitely stubborn. Finally though he pushed himself up. "Well if we're going to go, then lets grab something to eat and go. No reason to waste anymore daylight than we need to."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Post by Serenity Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:19 am

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    Lanai spoke very little about herself, especially about her embarrassing incident. She didn't know Ujiyasu was awake either. She sat in complete silence, her knees curled up to her chest while she hugged them in place. She stared through a small opening in the curtains, but mostly kept them closed so he could sleep without the sun waking him. When he said morning, she was slightly startled and looked to him with a smile to greet him as well. She didn't notice the awake tone in his voice and had trusted him to have been asleep this entire time. "I'm fine. Getting back to Aria feels best to me."

    Lanai stood up and walked over to him. She gave his belly a soft poke and smiled a little bigger. "Sounds good to me. Let's go get you something to eat." she said and tugged lightly on his clothing. She stopped, stared at his clothes, and then looked back to him. "I've been meaning to ask you, where are you from? Or at least the clothing. I haven't seen any Arcadian wear such strange things..."


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    Post by Schnockles Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:13 pm

    Home [Closed] Ujiyasu%20Taketoshi_zps3z4pejv5

    When he asked if she was really up for it, she seemed as determined as he expected. Well he'd have to get back anyway. Technically he was gonna be back late anyway, probably shouldn't worry his parents. Even if he's an adult, if someone goes out into the dangerous wilderness and says he'd be back on x date and then is late, any good parent would end up worrying he didn't come back because something bad happened. She poked his belly for some reason, he glanced and chuckled. She seemed to be in a good mood. Then she said something odd. "Get me something to eat?" She seemed very oddly specific on him eating, but not her. "If you don't eat all you're gonna do is end up collapsing. You're going to need to eat something." He pushed himself to his feet. She actually finally asked him about his clothing. He figured she knew since it took her so long. "I'm from Aria like I said. My mother is from the country Ezon. That's where these came from." He said briefly. If she wanted to know more he could tell her, but he wasn't entirely in touch with his heritage himself. Just whatever things his mom taught him. Most of that being values. The kitchen was right across the way, and he could have sworn he smelled some cooked fish wafting in. He hadn't actually had fish since he left Aria, and considering it's distance from any major water sources, it wasn't exactly a staple there.

    Standing up and getting his things ready, he draped his kimono over his back as usual and then got his halberd set up on his back. "Lets go." He'd walk out and lead her to the dining area, and yes. Fish. Proteins! He quickly sat down, got his food, and began to dig in. If Lanai had not yet picked anything he'd continue to press her. "You need to eat something. Grab some food."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Post by Serenity Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:27 pm

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    "Yep!" she replied about the food. He corrected her. "Well, I w-was trying not to s-spend anymore of your money." Lanai explained shyly, "If I do, I really might not be able to pay you back." He was right though. She'll eat something small to make sure she didn't pass out or anything. She was already not sleeping well, so adding not eating well to the list was an accident waiting to happen. She asked about his clothes and got her answer. His Mother was from Ezon, huh? "Ezonians have strange clothing. I've heard about some of it, mostly their weaponry, but haven't seen their clothing before. It's nice."

    Lanai followed Ujiyasu out of the inn room with her hands behind her back and a small sway as she walked. She was in a much better mood than she had been and it was showing. The dark circles under her eyes were the only thing off about her demeanor at this point. They made it to the kitchen and Lanai realized it was little buffet. She watched Ujiyasu pick his food and by the time he was done, she had nothing. "Oh. O-Okay." Lanai looked at the food before her and decided on a chicken salad topped with ranch dressing with some water on the side. It had what she needed and it was cheap. Perfect!

    Lanai was quiet through her meal and enjoyed the salad. It was the first thing she felt happy about eating in the past three days. Once the two of them finished their meal, they made their way to the train station. It was going to be quite a few hours before they made it to Aria and luckily they had gotten a train that wasn't going to make any stops on the way there. Luck was on their side! Once they were on the train, Lanai tapped Ujiyasu on the shoulder. "Um... D-Do you think that... I-I can sit with you?" she put her hands together like she was begging him to say yes, "I won't bother you, I promise!" Lanai had already had her return ticket, so her name was on a list of people that had paid. Even without her ticket in hand, since it had been lost, she was allowed on, but didn't want to be alone.


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    Post by Schnockles Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:31 pm

    Home [Closed] Ujiyasu%20Taketoshi_zps3z4pejv5

    "You're really determined to pay me back I see. You can't do it though if you starve." He was gonna make her eat before they left. Thankfully, she didn't seem to need any more nudging as she accepted it. In terms of where his clothes were from, he answered her briefly and she seemed to be content. He was strange. They were more known for their weapons, yet he wasn't really using a weapon that had any widespread use there. Meanwhile he worse clothing in their style. Soon they got to the kitchen, and she waited for him to grab his food for some reason. Still, she at least picked a food that had several food groups and at least some caloric content. It was more than enough. As they ate, they both remained silent. Ujiyasu didn't know her very well still, so he didn't have too much meal conversation to contribute, so it just remained that way. Once they finished, they headed to the train station. Ujiyasu would be down a penny since he intended to walk to and from the river, but this worked. Besides, surviving off of foraging and occasional small animal game wasn't something he was used to doing over a long duration.

    Ujiyasu got everything he needed arranged so he could board as well, and then went to pick a seat. Then he felt a tiny tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw Lanai looking like a lonely kitten. He raised his eyebrows a bit. "What a strange question. Wasn't that the plan?" To him he thought that was a given. They had been in the same room for 3 nights. They were heading back together. Why wouldn't she end up sitting with him? He found a spot and sat down, and motioned for her to sit by him. "You really are a strange one. Why wouldn't we sit together? We're heading back together after all."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Post by Serenity Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:02 pm

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    Lanai's held tilted to the side. Why was her question strange? "I-I guess so..." Lanai put a finger in front of her mouth and looked off. She was trying to remember whether they had already said it before. She didn't think they already had that conversation. Maybe it was one of those implied things? Lanai came out of her thoughts when she realized Ujiyasu kept going and she was holding up a small line. She hurried over to sit by his side and smiled. "I am?" she blinked in surprise. She didn't think she was strange either. Did she do something weird? "Ohhhhhh. I guess it should have been obvious, huh?"

    The trip from Ethaswen to Aria was a long bumpy one. These trains aren't anywhere near as modern as the ones in Zakat. They run off of coal. Steam engines! Hurray! Lanai didn't speak much while on the train. She stared out the window and stayed silent through the entire thirty-six hour ride. She talked if he asked her anything, but her mind always seemed elsewhere. On the last leg of their journey, about two hours away from Aria, she began to look horrible. She was stressing out and had not slept the entire time. "I'm really not feeling too good..." she said, a hand laying over her stomach.


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    Post by Schnockles Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:16 pm

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    This girl might have a few screws loose or something. It seemed like common sense that they'd end up sitting together, at least based off of their previous interactions. She definitely acted like it, she seemed oblivious to how strange she was, at least to an outsider. She seemed to figure out it should have been obvious though. He shook his head a bit. "Just relax and enjoy the ride." Still, she seemed out of it as they rode. In hindsight he hoped she didn't have motion sickness, but getting motion sickness alone would be far worse than with someone else. Once or twice he tried talking to her, really small stuff, but her mind wasn't there. He decided to leave her be, just occasionally asking if she was okay. At least every 3 or 4 hours. He fell asleep a little past halfway through, but when he woke up she was still awake. They were close to their destination apparently. She looked like she was falling apart a bit. "Hey, Lanai, are you feeling okay?" She confirmed she wasn't and then his mind jumped back to motion sickness. "Hey, do you have motion sickness? You're not about to throw up are you? Look out the window and take deep breaths." He didn't entirely know what was going on, but he may as well help. "If it is motion sickness, do you need me to hold you steady? I don't know if it will help, but..."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Post by Serenity Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:01 pm

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    "It's not motion sickness..." Lanai shook her head and stared at the ground, "At least not entirely. I'm just nervous, scared actually." Lanai closed her eyes and leaned back in her seat. She took in a deep breath and tried to relax. "When we get off the train... What are you going to do? Do you have a wife? Kids waiting for you maybe?" Lanai was trying to keep her mind off of everything else. In a couple hours, they would be in Aria and she would have to face what's waiting for her there. She had a few more questions she could pop up about his favorite color, but she decided against it. Instead, she avoided stupid questions and went on to her next one. "What do you do for a living?" After trying to keep up conversation, the train pulled in and everyone was allowed to get off.


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    Post by Schnockles Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:44 am

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    It wasn't motion sickness.  Then what the heck was it?  He wondered a bit, but she at least clarified a little.  Though "scared" wasn't too much to work off of.  Yet something about her reaction the other day told him not to ask about it.  Then she asked him what he was going to do.  A wife?  Kids?  Quite the expectations.  "No wife, no kids.  No girlfriend either, before you ask."  He leaned back in his seat as he had been before she looked like she was going to throw up.  "Just my parents really."  Then she asked what he did for a living.  For a living.  Well...  He glanced over to her.  "If you mean a career, then the answer is nothing.  Haven't found anything worth doing.  Although."  He thought about it, he realized that coming home by train was gonna bring him home long before the shopkeeper returned.  He would have plenty of free time.  "I work at a small shop.  The old man's getting a bit worn down.  Needs the help."  Except when it was specifically to aid in physical labor the old man wouldn't be able to do safely anymore, he didn't exactly work hard.  Still, the shopkeeper was kind, so he didn't want him to hurt himself.  "Actually I wasn't expecting to be back in Aria for a few weeks.  The shopkeep's probably still going to be out of town." As he thought about it, the train began to screech to a halt. It looks like their stop. Standing up, he motioned for Lanai to follow him. As they got off the train, this might be where they part ways. Still, something was kind of bothering him. Probably better to try and figure it out indirectly. "So, what are you going to do now that you're back?" She said she had no home. Did she leave because of a fight with family? She came back so she must have a home, right? Or...
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Post by Serenity Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:57 pm

    Home [Closed] Header4_zpseh2owwcm

    "No love? That's surprising." Lanai replied and then asked about his job. She expected a kind man like him to have someone waiting back home. Maybe he wasn't interested in being in a relationship. The entire time they talked, Lanai kept her eyes closed. It was helping her relax. However, she had no problem raising an eyebrow at his answer. "Nothing at all?" she asked and took a deep breath. He explained the situation with the old man and shop and she smiled. "That's cute." she giggled. Soon the train stopped and the two got off. Lanai looked around the city with a small smile, happy to be here.

    "Now that I'm here... I'm gonna..." Lanai's voice faded and she stared at the ground, "...I don't know. I have to get my things and then a new job... I'll probably be living on the street for a while since I don't have a home to stay in." Lanai was speaking like she had done this before, like it was just a fucking Tuesday for her. "Well, I guess this is where we part ways, hm?" Lanai turned her attention back to him, unaware of her babbling out loud. She smiled and held a hand out to him, the dark circles under her eyes still apparent. "I'll need your address to send you the money I owe you. That's about it!"


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    Post by Schnockles Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:37 pm

    Home [Closed] Ujiyasu%20Taketoshi_zps3z4pejv5

    Surprising? Maybe it was. Though, no love wasn't quite the way to word it. He honestly is probably just as surprised as Lanai is that it isn't there, but it exists. Somewhere out there. "Is it really though? Not everyone dates and gets married. I'm not uncommon." She seemed also surprised that he hadn't found anything worth doing, according to him. Still, the best he could do was explain the situation with the shopkeeper. Truth be told, the shopkeeper wasn't actually an old man, not quite. He was in late middle age, but his back and joints weren't treating him well lately. "His back is going, can't expect him to do all the heavy lifting now can I?" As they conversed, the left for outside the train station. The city air felt nice. At least Aria's did. Finally he asked about her plans. She seemed happy at first, but as she tried to articulate her plans, she trailed off. Then she said something strange. "You have belongings here but no home? What? Is a friend holding onto them for you?"

    She might not have even realized she told him that because she was saying it quietly and didn't even bother looking at him. Then she acknowledged that it was time for them to part ways. "The money you owe me? Shouldn't you be figuring out where you're gonna live." He pondered for a bit. He turned and began to walk away. "If you need a place to stay, there's always my place." He chuckled, knowing what he was probably setting himself up for. "My parents would probably be happy to have someone else around. Probably better than sitting alone on the street. Can't get back on your feet if you can't take care of yourself." He almost had a bit of a grin on his face. Not because he had some kind of plan, no quite the opposite. He was extending his hand out in kindness. But... This is probably a terrible idea. He thought to himself.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Post by Serenity Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:55 pm

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    Lanai didn't mean that he was uncommon. He was just a good guy, so she expected some woman to have snatched him off the market. Her assumptions about him were proven when he told her about the man he helped. He was a good guy, which is why she was glad she met him. Lanai was confused by his question until she put two and two together. She was talking out loud. "You can say that." was her sad reply to him. Lanai took that moment to try and part ways. She wanted to take care of things on her own, but at the same time didn't want to talk about her situation. He called her on it too. Lanai blinked surprised at his words and then face-palmed herself. "Right. I should do that, huh? I don't know."

    Lanai groaned in frustration and put her hands over her face. He spoke up and she noticed his voice getting farther away. She tilted her head curiously and stared at his back. Was he hearing him right? After listening to what he had to say, Lanai ran after him. She tapped him on the shoulder and then ran around to stand in front of him. "Did you just offer me a place to stay, Ujiyasu?" Lanai's head tilted far enough to the left that her hair all fell to one side. "Why? I mean, I know you're nice, but why would you want to share a place with me? I-I-It's your home! Y-You're s-single. And... I don't know! Don't you think it would be strange? Or uncomfortable? I don't want to intrude on anything! I mean, um... Yeah."


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    Post by Schnockles Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:29 pm

    Home [Closed] Ujiyasu%20Taketoshi_zps3z4pejv5

    He had no idea why she would say it so sadly that a friend was holding onto her stuff.  Well, based on her wording, that wasn't quite true.  Still it was none of his business.  This girl really didn't seem to have a plan or anything.  Did she really think just saying she was gonna do it was gonna get it done?  That isn't how the world worked.  Well, he gave her an offer.  She could take it or leave it.  If she left it, she'd better hope she had an actual plan cooked up.  He rubbed his neck a bit as he walked, the train ride left his neck stiff from drooping while he slept.  It'd work itself out though.  Then he heard small footsteps closing in on him.  The girl tapped on his shoulder, and as he turned to face her she looped around the other side.  So he had to turn back around!  Despite her apparent situation, she seemed energetic.  She wasn't even messing with him, she just happened to move around the other side of him as he turned.  "I did."  He said not moving.  She began to stutter and get really nervous.  Why would he want to share a place with her?  Well there wasn't really a negative as far as he was considered.  Maybe not many positives up front, but it didn't cause him any inconvenience anyway.  She also seemed hung up on him being single.  "What?  It's not like I have a wife who'd get jealous.  And it isn't like I'm expecting you to sleep with me.  Unless you wanted to."  He chuckled.  "I'm kidding of course.  We barely know each other."  He went back to walking.  "You really wouldn't be intruding.  Doesn't really cause me any issues, and my mom would probably appreciate it.  My dad works, so she gets lonely when neither of us are around."  He did care about his mom, but he could go out slightly more without his mother getting lonely if they got along.  Of course, them getting along could be worse for him for all he knew.  "You'll probably get pneumonia and die if it rains before you get a place.  
    At least this way you have a roof."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Post by Serenity Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:43 pm

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    "S-S-S-Sl-Slee-Sleep w-with you!?" Lanai put her hands over her mouth, her face becoming extremely red within moments of those words leaving his mouth. She couldn't do that! They barely knew each other! "Yes, exactly!" she replied to him saying what she was thinking with a little energetic hop. Lanai put her hands behind her back and twisted her body back and forth shyly. She wanted to immediately tell him yes so she would have a place to stay, but it felt so strange. And then something clicked with her. Lanai tilted her head the same amount as before, but the opposite direction. "You live with your parents?" she asked curiously and with surprise, but then her smile returned and grew, "Okay then."

    Lanai was actually excited about his situation since she took him up on his offer. Most people would look at him like he was crazy for still living with his Mom and Dad, but Lanai had a different outlook on it. "I have to get my stuff first, so if you don't mind taking a small trip with me... I'd appreciate it." Lanai tugged a bit on his sleeve and then began to walk down the street. It was about a five minute walk before they came to a nicely sized house in the wealthier part of town. Lanai walked into it, realizing the door was unlocked. She could tell that no one was here. She stood in the front entrance, staring into the house. It was a mess. It looked like someone had burglarized it. "I'll... be right back."


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    Post by Schnockles Wed Oct 05, 2016 6:12 pm

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    She unsurprisingly was taken aback by his joke, but by now she should have figured out he wouldn't have said that seriously. They really had just met. Joke aside, she didn't seem to just accept it. She was bobbing and swaying like a shy schoolgirl, like when they want to say something but they just can't get it out. Maybe she did? He figured she might be trying to figure out how to say yes. With yet another head tilt, she realized something. Did she have a problem with someone living with their parents at his age? "Mmhmm. I used to live on my own. Well, with someone else. I moved back though. Some things happened." She seemed to accept the fact pretty easily. Even more so once she finally accepted it she got a big goofy ass grin on her face. She seemed pretty happy. "If that's what you need to do." He didn't ask, he was going to try and ascertain her situation by simply going with her. They went to a wealthier part of town. But why? Were her parents rich? Did they disown her or something and kick her out? Then they came to a house that she stopped at. He followed her to the front entrance. The door was...unlocked. Just unlocked. "What hap..." He walked up and then saw inside. It was a wreck. What the hell was going on? Then, Lanai went deeper. "Wait Lanai." He'd say. If she stopped, he'd begin to explain. "Are you sure no one's here? What if someone is still here, it could be dangerous." If she ignored him and ran deeper, he'd keep his hand on the hilt of his halberd and chase her. "Wait, Lanai! It might not be safe."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Post by Serenity Wed Oct 05, 2016 6:22 pm

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    When Lanai stepped in, she only stopped for a moment when Ujiyasu yelled. She knew no one was here. The inside of the house was a mess and Lanai was able to tell what was taken. Everything that was gone was personal. The things that were left behind weren't easy to take quickly or were pictures of her and another man. She stopped at a small stand and picked a picture up. She stared at it and then set it face down. "No one is here, Ujiyasu... It's okay." Lanai looked to him with a tear in her eye, but a smile accompanying it, "You can put your weapon down." Lanai hurried up the stairs and passed everything up. Her room door was shut, so she walked in. Everything in here hadn't been touched.

    Lanai's room was perfectly clean, like she had left it. She looked around for a moment before grabbing two suitcases and then throwing them on the bed. She began packing everything up as quickly as she could, not caring to fold anything. She got all of her personal belongings and then went to grab a necklace off of the side table. She hesitated for a moment while she stared at it. She went to put it down, but changed her mind and tossed it into her bag with everything else. After about ten minutes of packing and making sure not to forget any feminine and hygiene products, she hurried down stairs and out of the house without another word. She stopped at the sidewalk and fell to her knees.

    "Mmmm..." Lanai kept her mouth shut as she groaned in what seemed like physical pain. She picked her suit cases up and set them to the side for a moment. She was never coming back here again. "A-Alright then..." she took a deep breath and nodded, "I-I'm r-ready to go! S-So where to?"


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    Post by Schnockles Wed Oct 05, 2016 6:40 pm

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    The place really did look like someone took everything of monetary value that could be moved. Pictures and furniture stayed, implying it was a burglary. Still, she seemed to live here, yet also said she was homeless. What happened? Could she have expected this. "What on Aurora happened here." He looked around after taking his hand of the hilt of the halberd. As she ran up the stairs, he just looked all around. He wanted some clue as to what was going on. There seemed to be pictures depicting her and another man. Was she married? Dating and moved in? Eventually he followed her up, and saw her just finishing packing a suitcase. The room looked...untouched. It appeared to be hers, but was in pristine condition. Without a word though, she just walked out of the house. She ignored him entirely until she got out too. He followed her until she stopped and fell to her knees. "Easy there." He said as he ran over to her, was she hurt. She seemed ready to put this all behind her, and just tried shoving the conversation along. This girl was strange. "You expect me to see all of this and pretend I didn't?" He said, looking back at the house. "I'm going to need some answers." He just began to walk without waiting or signaling which way was the right way. "I guess it can wait. At least until you have a bed to sleep in anyway." As they walked though, there was one thing he had to ask. "Shouldn't we talk to the police though? It was very clearly ransacked." Then something...occurred to him. Something that might make sense. "Is that how I found you where I did? Did you catch them in the act? A lot of work to go through only to let you live though."
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    Post by Serenity Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:28 pm

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    "N-No..." Lanai whimpered and looked to the floor like a child in trouble. When she looked up, he had begun walking away. She got up and ran after him. She stopped when she realized she forgot her things, went back, grabbed them, and then ran after him again. He said he would wait, but that didn't help the knots in her stomach go away. When he brought up the police, she lightly shook her head. "The man who did it owns the house. It's not a crime to mess up your own property." Lanai explained with a raspy fear-filled voice. She shook her head no at his next question too and then sighed.

    "I'm not ready." she said and then looked up to him apologetically, "I-I'm n-not ready t-to talk about it!" Lanai forced the sentence out and then stopped walking. She closed her eyes and grit her teeth tightly. "I-It hurts... t-too much. I c-can't... I can't talk about it... Not yet." Lanai dropped her suit cases and placed her hands over her face. She was trying desperately not to cry her eyes out. "I-I just want... to f-forget." she said through her hands, "I don't w-want to remember... I just want to forget!"


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    Post by Schnockles Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:01 pm

    Home [Closed] Ujiyasu%20Taketoshi_zps3z4pejv5

    She was definitely not mentally sound. That much was obvious. The level of distress this girl must have been feeling had to be enormous. Yet what she said made no sense. Wait, the man who owned the house did that? What purpose could that have? He owns the house right? Why would he ransack his own house? That is a lot of value and money tossed away. "Wait, the one who owned the house did that? The one in the pictures with you I take it? Why would he do that?" He asked questions, but she quickly showed she was nowhere near ready to answer. If somehow the "I'm not ready" didn't tip him off, then it would have been her breaking down. She stopped and dropped her suitcases, beginning to cry. She really didn't want to remember. He sighed. He put his hand on her head and ruffled it a bit. She might not have been super short or anything, but he was pretty tall. "Sorry. I thought 4 days might have been enough time for you to take it all in. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." For her sake, he hoped that she really did forget, just blanked it from her mind, or managed to get to the point she could talk about it. If one of those things didn't happen it would not be good for her psyche in the long run. He picked up her suitcases and began to carry them for her. "Come on, we're almost there."

    For the rest of the way he carried her suitcases until they came to a somewhat normal house. It wasn't small and run down. It wasn't super large and luxurious. It was a little larger than average but not too spectacular. "Here we are." He lead her up the path and pulled out a key, dropping one of her suitcases down so he could grab it. He opened up the door. "Anyone home?" His mom usually was, so the question was moot, but he still had to see if anyone was around. "Ujiyasu." A sweet and delicate, yet mature, voice called out. Within a minute an older woman, clearly from Ezon, walked in. She was definitely in her 40's, but she didn't look like it. Long dark hair, slender form. Somehow the signs of age complimented her more than detracted. While she often wore a kimono this time around she was wearing more Arcadian-style garbs. "Welcome home. I thought...oh, who is this?" Her eyes lit up a bit seeing Lanai. "A friend of yours?" She asked, though she knew what answer she wanted.
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    Post by Serenity Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:26 pm

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    Lanai was okay with carrying her own bags, but Ujiyasu did it for her. She was able to stop freaking out and wiped the tears from her red, tired eyes. She followed him to his home and stayed behind him as he called out to his parents. She heard a women's voice come in through the house. "You've got a nice home." Lanai said kindly before the woman showed up. Lanai blinked in surprise at the beauty of the woman who came in. "Oh, oh, oh!" Lanai shuffled her feet and pointed at his Mother, "You are so pretty! Oh my god!" Lanai hurried forward toward her and held out her hand. "Hello! My name is Lanai Noma. Your son saved me when I was attacked in the forest and helped me get back to Aria!"


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    Post by Schnockles Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:45 pm

    Home [Closed] Ujiyasu%20Taketoshi_zps3z4pejv5

    She seemed to calm down as he comforted her, though she wasn't to talkative most of the time.  She just stayed silent again.  She really never had much to say, which was fine.  Just somehow her quietness always had a tenseness to it.  When his mother came forward, he didn't even have a chance to say hello before she was asking questions.  Even worse, Lanai suddenly got all excited and talkative.  Yep.  He was doomed.  "An energetic one.  Good afternoon Lanai."  His mother turned to him.  "Is that why you're back early.  You always did have a good taste in girls."  Ujiyasu shook his head a bit.  "It isn't like that.  She just needed help."  His mother frowned a bit.  "Is that so?"  She was clearly disappointed.  She turned to Lanai again.  "It's nice to meet you Lanai.  Don't worry about my son, he'll come around.  You remind me of someone Ujiyasu used to know, she was always..."  Ujiyasu shook his head.  Then he moved on, knowing that what he was about to tell her was only going to make it worse.  "Is dad still at work?"

    She didn't seem to react to being cut off, but went to answer the question.  "Yeah, he's got some important business to take care of so he's coming home late."  Ujiyasu nodded his head knowningly.  "Lanai doesn't have anywhere to go, so I told her she could stay here.  I hope you don't mind."  Once more, his mother's eyes lit up.  That wasn't good.  "Of course she can say here!"  She turned and bowed to Lanai.  "Please treat my son well.  He really is a nice man, even if he can be stubborn."
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    Post by Serenity Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:08 pm

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    Lanai could already tell she was going to like Ujiyasu's Mother. She was very kind and complimented Lanai already. Lanai blushed and hid her cheeks behind her hands to prevent them from seeing it. "It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Taketoshi!" Lanai assumed her name followed Uji's and went with it. She'd apologize if she were wrong though. Lanai stayed silent with the happiest little cheerful smile on her face as the two spoke with each other. When his Mother bowed to her, Lanai felt really weird. She copied the gesture and bowed back, unsure if she was doing it right and the look on her face showed that. "U-Um... S-Sure! No problem! It's the least I can do after he's been so nice to me."

    Lanai looked around the room feeling rather warm. There was something about being here with his family that was relaxing. It was almost too relaxing actually. The dark circles under Lanai's eyes had not gone away and almost seemed to have darkened. She put her hand to her head and didn't even get the chance to say anything about how odd she was feeling. Lanai's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she collapsed right there. Little hyper Lanai was absolutely exhausted from the last couple of days.


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    Post by Schnockles Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:28 pm

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    Ujiyasu breathed a sigh of slight relief. Lanai was too sweet, but it meant she went along with it and didn't think too deeply. Maybe she understood that some moms just did that kind of thing. She did get the name right, and his mother was more fond of this girl by the moment. As far as she was seeing, she was level headed. She really couldn't know, but whatever issues this girl has, they are most certainly something that he was sure she could work through eventually. After playing along though, she seemed to become too exhausted. Ujiyasu reached his hand out in vain to catch her (she was too far away) as she collapsed. "Oh dear, Lanai?" His mother kept somewhat calm but was worried. Ujiyasu knew she just passed out from exhaustion though. "She didn't get much sleep on the train and has had a long day. I'll take her to her room." His mother nodded as Ujiyasu picked her up, checking to make sure she didn't bump her head. From there he carried her to their spare bedroom. It was a full sized bedroom, so she should have plenty of space for her things. He didn't mind how long she needed to stay, but if it turned into a permanent arrangement she might need to pay rent. He left her to sleep peacefully and turned to find his mother brought her bags. They quietly slipped out. They actually ate dinner, though Mrs. Taketoshi made sure to save some to be cooked once Lanai awoke. Ujiyasu went to his room and hopped into his bed. He may as well take a nap. Hopefully once he woke up Lanai would be up and about and he could make sure she was okay. He took the hat off, tossing it to the side. The chilliness made him leaving his kimono not a big deal. Still, as he laid there, he couldn't seem to fall asleep.
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    Post by Serenity Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:42 pm

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    Lanai did not wake up to eat. She didn't wake up for quite some time actually. If she was checked on, she was breathing, but seemed to be sweating and moving a lot in her sleep. It was around one in the morning when the house finally heard a peep out of the girl. In fact, the entire neighborhood might have. Lanai very suddenly began to scream. "STOP IIIIT! HELP MEEE! NOOO! PLEASE STOP HIIIM!" Each word was loaded with an amount of terror that not many would have ever witnessed. She shot so far out of bed that she ended up against the wall, curled up in terror. Her skin was dripping with sweat, her eyes wide in horror, her body shaking terribly from the fear. Her heart was beating too fast and she was having trouble catching her breath. She stared off into the corner, similarly to how she was when she was first found. And like when Ujiyasu found her, she whispered, "He just walked away."

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