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    Post by Schnockles Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:32 pm

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    Ujiyasu eventually did fall asleep, though he was a little worried about Lanai not getting food.  She really hadn't eaten enough.  He had told his mom to just make something and set it to reheat, since he thought Lanai might need something overnight.  Though he slept soundly at first, no one could sleep through what happened next.  Suddenly there was a shout.  It sounded like she was under attack.  Ujiyasu shot out of bed, snatched the halberd, and rushed over to Lanai's room.  Once there, he found her crouching in the corner.  Ujiyasu sighed as he dropped the halberd.  His father, who was told of the situation on getting home, also came weapon in hand.  He stopped though seeing Ujiyasu casually lower his weapon made him lower his.  He turned to his father.  "Tell mom everything is alright.  I'll handle this."  Ujiyasu walked over to her as she said something about him just walking away.  "I don't know who is walking away, but I can tell you it isn't happening here."  He crouched down and looked her in the eye.  "I think you were having a nightmare.  Relax, you need to calm down before you wake the whole city up."  Ujiyasu sighed.  "I'm sure you still don't want to talk about it, but you really need to figure this out.  Just take some deep breaths."  He couldn't really console her well since she was up against a wall, but he put his hands on her shoulders.  "Breathe in, breathe out.  Slowly.  Relax.  You are safe.  Calm down."
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Post by Serenity Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:50 pm

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    Lanai withdrew from him when Ujiyasu first got close. She watched him and looked at him as if she were trying to recognize him. "Ujiyasu...?" she looked at him like a miracle had happened. Her eyes widened, her smile returned, and she cried again. "Ujiyasu!" Lanai threw herself forward and wrapped her arms around him. She held onto him tightly, her body shaking badly from the adrenaline and fear. "H-He was here!" Lanai said through heavy breathing, but he countered her with thoughts about a nightmare. Lanai looked around. Nothing was out of the ordinary. He put his hands on her shoulders and told her to calm down. She swallowed nervously, her throat dry from the screaming.

    "B-But... H-He w-was here. I sw-... I swear." Lanai pointed toward the wall. No. She realized that it was a dream. Lanai nodded at him and tried to calm her breathing down. As she tried though, she felt worse and tears kept flowing faster. She just grabbed onto his shirt and cried into his chest. She couldn't hold back the tears anymore and holding onto Ujiyasu was making her feel much safer.


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    Post by Schnockles Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:11 pm

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    At first she seemed blinded by her fear. She didn't even seem to really notice him, or at least notice it WAS him. Then she said his name. That was a sign. Suddenly she smiled. Shouting his name, she threw her arms around him. She wouldn't let go, she just kept him tightly in her grasp. He could easily break free, but he left her. "No, he wasn't. You're safe." He reassured her when she seemed convinced whomever it was had been here. She looked around. But she seemed convinced. She hadn't shaken the difference between the dream and reality. After a second though, it seemed to click. Yet, even as she tried to control her breathing, she broke down even harder. She just grabbed onto Ujiyasu and cried into his chest. She was so upset he could feel the tears soaking through. He sighed. This was worse than he thought, there was no telling what pushing her away could do. He merely took one of his arms and wrapped it around her, letting her cry herself out. She'd burn out eventually. He knew that if he really tried, he could probably manipulate the shit out of her. She was vulnerable, it probably wouldn't be hard to nudge her the wrong way and get results. Still. His conscience was getting in the way. "Just relax. As long as you're with me, you're safe. It doesn't matter who he is, he won't be around. Just try to relax."
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    Post by Serenity Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:25 pm

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    Lanai was able to calm down quite easily the moment his arm went around her. She did half-expect to be pushed away. She felt like a burden, like she was only annoying him. His words may be have been chosen perfectly or very poorly. Only time would decide. Saying that being with him would make her safe might be a blessing or a curse. Lanai looked up to him and smiled a bit. Her eyes were red from crying. She wiped the tears from her face and pat his chest. "S-Sorry. I-I messed up your shirt, didn't I?" she looked innocently at him, wondering if he'd be upset. It was then that she realized how late it was. A mere glance at the night sky showed her. "Oh my... Did I wake everyone up?" Lanai asked guiltily, "I'm sorry! I... I haven't been sleeping well at all. I didn't sleep most of the time that we were at the inn because I kept having nightmares. I forced myself to stay up... I was trying to forget it all, but it won't go away!" Lanai looked like she was about to cry again, but she held those tears back, took a deep breath, and calmed down. "I didn't mean to wake you... I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!"


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    Post by Schnockles Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:32 am

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    As he comforted her she seemed to calm down. He must have said or done the right thing cause she seemed to be calming down. She looked up and smiled a bit. This girl almost seemed bipolar or something. Literally every time he looked at her face it was shifting from smiling to crying or vice versa. As she wiped the tears away she apologized for the shirt. "I doubt there will be tear stains. Don't worry about it." Then she seemed to realize what time it was. "Everyone in this house at least." She began to explain why she seemed to be so tired, as well as avoiding sleep. He shook his head. She was depriving herself of sleep to avoid nightmares. Yet whatever problems she had would be 10x worse if her bodily and mental health suffered from lack of sleep. "You won't get any better without sleep. You don't seem to use any common sense, just withering yourself away isn't going to solve anything." He said it so many times to take care of herself. And they only knew each other 5 days. "Staying awake won't stop the nightmares. You'll collapse, still see them, and you'll be miserable and sick while you're awake. You need to sleep. You need to eat." He actually pinched the bridge of his nose a bit. "Don't worry about it. You had a really bad nightmare, that's fine. But take care of yourself. I'm not upset about you waking me up. I'm upset you keep refuse to take care of yourself." He stood up. "I don't know how to help in the long run, but do you think you would you sleep better if I stayed in the room with you?"
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    Post by Serenity Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:16 am

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    Lanai was being scolded! It was her fault, kind of. She was scared to sleep because of the memories returning. Whether it was a bad dream or not didn't matter when she knew they happened already. It was heartbreaking and stressful, so it felt easier to avoid than to keep dealing with it. However, she needed sleep. "I know, I know!" she replied with a frustrated flail and pout, "I have common sense, but sometimes it goes away when I'm scared." Lanai listened to Ujiyasu, but she didn't know whether she wanted to actually listen to him. Sleeping was scary, even if it was something she needed. She wanted to avoid the nightmares the best she could. So when he brought up the idea of staying with her, Lanai looked shyly at him. Her cheeks turned really red and she tilted her head a bit.

    "I-I don't know... I-It might. I-I do f-feel better when you're there... I mean, um... W-Well, if you don't mind it. I just... I-I don't want to give your family an odd impression. We have only known each other for a few days and sleeping in the same room in your family's house is much different than sharing an inn..." Lanai just began to ramble on and on, "Well, getting an inn room together might even be more suspicious, but that doesn't matter. This is your home! I would like you to be in here, but if it's going to be a problem, it might be worse... Though, me waking you up in the middle of the night with screaming is not good either. I guess it's okay, so where should we be? Your room or the guest room?"


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    Post by Schnockles Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:58 pm

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    Half of it really wasn't a big issue. What happened is the kind of thing that can fuck a person up mentally. Even when she first didn't eat, it was at least because she knew it would just come right back up. He sighed. "Just try to eat at least. Eating less than you need isn't good, and you don't want it to become habit either." She just started to ramble on and on. Yes, this is actually the one time where he really saw her as imposing. Not because it was affecting his schedule or routine, but because he knew his parents. Ever since it happened all those years ago, they've gotten insistent. Still, maybe she'd feel better if she could at least go a few hours before a nightmare sets in. "It doesn't matter where. You'll be getting the bed either way, I can just nap in a chair if need be. You need to try to sleep, but if worst case scenario happens, I'll just stay up with you. You don't have to go through it alone." The fact that he barely knew her made some of the situation a little grating, but she really did need help. Maybe if he went out of his way to make her comfortable her mind might be able to start relaxing. It wasn't full proof, and what little information he had meant he was just grasping at shadows, but it was worth a shot. "My bed is a little more comfortable than this one, but it's up to you which room we decide to stay in. We'll take this one step at a time, and hopefully it won't be long before the nightmares go away, okay?"
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    Post by Serenity Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:57 pm

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    Lanai nodded happily in agreement. She was hoping that this would work. She felt better with someone else there and Ujiyasu had proven to be really nice, so it was even better that it was him. "Let's go to your bed then." she said and followed him to his room. Lanai curled herself under the blankets and kept sitting up to watch him for a bit. "If you change your mind, push me over. I don't care about sharing a bed; you won't do anything while your parents are in the next room and neither will I. That much I can tell. Nothing wrong with sharing if we trust each other, and I trust you, so... Goodnight!" Lanai rolled over in the bed and wrapped her arms tightly around one of the pillows. She quite obviously left space for him to join her if he wanted. And so for that night, Lanai was able to sleep.

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