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» He Knows Not Where He Be [Open]
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    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:40 pm

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Header20

    Laeticia Argente
    [Tsubine in Disguise]


    For someone of her position, it must be odd to imagine her sneaking out like a teenage girl in love to see a boy her parents didn't approve of. And yet, that is exactly what the Emperor was doing today. Not long from today she would be travelling for a diplomatic meeting, so this was one of the few days she'd have to herself. And while her sister and guests were still asleep, she snuck out. It was a common occurrence for palace staff, so it didn't worry them too much. Of course, worry was happening. The Emperor isn't there and was on her own. The Imperial Royal Guard would laugh at the idea of anything happening to her. "She could beat up even the Royal Guard's commander if she got serious" is what everyone in the IRG would say. But even she wasn't superhuman. And without her armor, even bullets could harm her now.

    But Tsubine believed in her people. If she didn't believe that her people were "good," then she would stay holed up in Laplace and rule from the throne and never experience what the Empire had to offer. Tsubine did her usual routine of paying off the guards at the front gates to let her pass without reporting it. It wasn't even like the guards could do anything to disobey her. She wrote their paychecks and ruled the entire government. She could fire them for whatever reason she wanted to. Not that she would just fire someone for that... she'd just have them re-assigned to somewhere else and have someone she could trust to guard the gate instead.

    The adorable 31-year-old blonde knew her destination from the start. It was a new statue that was being unveiled. It was of the former Emperor that she had slain by her own hands. She felt terrible about it each and every day, but she also thanked him for the opportunity to serve her people in this capacity. Like many Zakatians, she did love the former Emperor. And so, she was going to lay a bouquet of passion flowers and red roses with a single vanilla flower in the center. And those flowers' scents were in her perfume she wore. One of the last things the former Emperor said was a compliment to Tsubine's perfume, so she has treasured it ever since.

    After picking up the bouquet she preordered the day before, she began to run towards the historic district. She could feel the wind racing against her legs as her skirt fluttered in the wind. Thankfully, it wasn't fluttering around too much—or else the panties she decided to wear today would be shown to the world. She eventually reached the statue, although she had missed the speech by the artist about it. Thankfully, it wasn't uncovered yet. But it was not long after she arrived that the tarp covering it was thrown off. And there he was, sword in hand, standing there. It was a striking resemblance that almost made the Emperor tear up. She smiled and clapped, eventually making her way to statue as the crowd phased out. Like many other women, she laid her flowers at the base of the statue. But unlike the rest, she whispered. "I am sorry."

    She took steps backwards to gaze at the statue more. However, even the Emperor didn't have eyes in the back of her head. And before she realized it, she had backed into someone. Knowing her luck, it was probably some member of the Royal Guard tasked with bringing her back to Laplace. Turning around to apologize, she noticed his attire wasn't that of the Imperial Royal Guard... or of Zakat. No, he was definitely a foreigner—and a decently handsome one at that (if only he didn't have the facial hair and was taller).  "M-my apologies. I was paying too much attention to this art and ended up not paying attention." Even though she was 31, she still had her clumsy moments.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Dai Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:20 am

    Zakat had always been one of those places in the world that had seemed always so hostile and unusual. While his life was normal for that of a user of Arcana, to see this world so dominated by technology had been a staggering and strange experience for him the first time he had arrived here. And while he had been to Zakat a number of times since, he had still never really been able to get used to it. Crossing the threshold from Iserlohn's usual districts, however, would be even more of a shock. To be from within a city of great technology and power, moving through and into something that was far more historical would just be something that he did not expect of the place. Sighing to himself as he entered into the historic district, he noted a large group of people starting moving in a certain direction. He blinked a couple of times and placed his hands on his hips, looking around and back up into the sky. "Strange." He sighed and looked back down, before taking a few steps further into the district.

    As he further wandered into the historic zone, he looked around and watched the people as they continued to rush by. Iserlohn seemed particularly peaceful, and it was definitely a nice change from his usual life. He continued to look around, still wandering through the streets--the people that he was following alongside were all heading in a specific direction. Some of these people appeared to have tears lining their eyes, while some of them seemed to be holding flowers of sorts. It seemed almost like a funerary procession. He shook his head and finally reached the waiting crowd, watching as a man started to speak up, talking about his artistic expressions and the ideas that had gone into the creation of what was supposedly 'underneath the tarp'. He tilted his head in wonder. From what he could tell, this was supposed to be a monument to the previous emperor. Apparently, he had died in a 'lawful duel'. He chuckled to himself. What a farce. As if this could really be a thing. Power didn't change hands in a duel like that, did it? Eh, it wasn't his problem. Sighing again, he noticed the sounds of somebody making their rush to get to the crowd. Turning around, he watched a woman running at the back of the crowd, holding a peculiar bolt of flowers. Not thinking too much of it, he turned his attention back to the statue as it was unveiled, watching the tarp drop to the ground. The crowd clapped, and so did Daigoro.

    Eventually, the crowd would somewhat disperse--with some of the people going and paying their respects to the former emperor. Dai, however, continued to people-watch, not sure what to do or where to go from here. In fact, he was so distracted by it all that he didn't notice the Amazon backing into him. He grunted and stepped backwards, rubbing his forehead and looking up slightly at the woman who had backed into him. "M-my apologies. I was paying too much attention to this art and ended up not paying attention." He shook his head, smiling kindly at her, "It's really no problem. I didn't see you coming, either. I normally have guards to warn me of this kind of thing, so I'm not used to paying attention like this." He laughed softly and stepped backwards, in order to take a proper look at her. She had the look of your average Zakatian, though she held herself differently than most. He thought nothing of it, instead simply bowing slightly, "My name is Daigoro Ito. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, even through this unexpected circumstances."

    Last edited by Dai on Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:03 am; edited 1 time in total
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Tue Sep 02, 2014 1:35 pm

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Header20

    Laeticia Argente
    [Tsubine in Disguise]


    Tsubine blinked twice at the man. He surprised her, honestly. It's not that she expected to be yelled at, but he just seemed so kind with his words. There was also his mentioning of guards. He may be shorter, but he seemed to be someone of importance. "That is a compliment. My sister always told me she could spot me a mile away in a crowd, so to know I can blend in enough to not be seen is flattering." However, she would put her own importance aside for now. This was a nice man whom she had bumped into. And what's better, at least in her mind, is that he tried to strike up a conversation. Her people skills are increasing!

    This red-haired man took a step backwards and bowed ever-so-slightly. "My name is Daigoro Ito. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, even through this unexpected circumstances." Tsubine giggled a bit while returning that slight bow. It was involuntary in the sense of showing respect. She had been the Emperor for 7 years, and every day it seemed like she'd have to show some respect to someone. Not that she was complaining. She was a servant of her people—they had her respect first and foremost. "It is a fine day to have the pleasure of meeting a gentleman such as yourself, Mister Ito." In a more Zakatian fashion of greeting, Tsubine reached out to him with her right hand to offer a handshake. It may be a masculine way of greeting, but it was also the politician's way. "I am Laeticia Argente."

    However, even if this man was a gentleman, he stood out. He stood out so much so that Tsubine almost couldn't help staring at him. After catching herself in the act, she cleared her throat. "If... you do not mind my asking... and this may sound rude..." Tsubine's tone was full of nervousness, one thing people do not expect from their Emperor. But she couldn't help it. The question about to slip out of her mouth seemed so rude, but it was a valid question. "But you are not from around here, are you?" Maybe if she put a bit more thought into it, it may have come out better.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Dai Thu Sep 04, 2014 6:12 am

    She giggled and returned his bow, something which automatically drew a small smile across his lips. She was quite interesting--certainly a little plain, but not in a forgettable way. No, instead he saw her as someone with an attractive streak, despite her plainness. He looked her over once more, attempting to place whether or not she was someone he recognized. "It is a fine day to have the pleasure of meeting a gentleman such as yourself, Mister Ito." He chuckled to himself, nodding to her, "I am Laeticia Argente." That was an interesting name. He chuckled again, placing his hands on his hips and looking around at their surroundings. It seemed that people were clearing out after the ceremony. Few humans had the patience to stick around after such an event, and this woman's attempt at making conversation interested him. She did not have the appearance of a bad person, which was good. Reaching up, Daigoro adjusted his hair ornament, trying not to make it obvious. He looked at her again, noticing that she was staring for a moment. He caught her gaze and she looked away, Dai giving another little smile at that response. "If... you do not mind my asking... and this may sound rude..." He tilted his head. "Go ahead and ask." He tried to be pretty open with any people who asked him questions. "But you are not from around here, are you?" He blinked a couple of times.

    The silence remained for a few seconds. He tilted his head to the side, and then started laughing softly. "I didn't expect that kind of question. Yes, you're right. I'm certainly not from around here at all. What made it obvious--my style of dress, the way I held myself, what?" He chuckled softly and winked at her, tapping his forehead. "I'm from Arcadia, if that makes thing seem any better. I just tend towards wandering, since I don't have much else to do in with my life." He looked to the side and stretched outwards, yawning a little bit. Travel made him tired. "But enough about that--you wouldn't happen to know anywhere I could get a good meal, do you?" He didn't notice the eyes watching the pair from the shadows.

    Last edited by Dai on Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:02 am; edited 1 time in total
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:27 pm

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Header20

    Laeticia Argente
    [Tsubine in Disguise]


    The silence was terrifying. It was like waiting on the sentence from a judge on if one would go free or to the gallows. She was hoping it wasn't too offensive... but she wasn't one to really know how to ask where someone was from. After all, most of the time she was told who they were and where they were from before ever seeing their face. Thankfully, a small laugh eased the tension brewing around in her body. She smiled, thinking Thank goodness... to herself. He seemed a little less hard-to-approach than most foreigners in this city, so maybe this was a true blessing in disguise.

    "I didn't expect that kind of question. Yes, you're right. I'm certainly not from around here at all. What made it obvious--my style of dress, the way I held myself, what?" As he poked his forehead, Tsubine shook hers.  "Mm-mm. It was both, as well as the way you speak." Even though he wasn't from here, Tsubine felt just as comfortably talking to him as she did her own countrymen. "I'm from Arcadia, if that makes thing seem any better. I just tend towards wandering, since I don't have much else to do in with my life." Tsubine caught that like a cat eyeing a mouse. It may not be the time for political discussions, but the fact he was from there of all places interested her. She had planned on going there in the next few days, so speaking to an Arcadian might help her gauge the situation there.

    "Arcadia, hmm? I spent a few years of my life there. It is a beautiful country. Not as beautiful as our Empire, of course." Tsubine was proud of this country she ruled. Every country had its merits and its downsides, but Zakat's charms seemed to fit her more than any other place. "But enough about that--you wouldn't happen to know anywhere I could get a good meal, do you?" The Emperor was liking this guy. He seemed very... not so much carefree, but more relaxed than anything. Even with that civil war going on in his homeland, he was still able to be a normal person.  "Of course. I will lead the way." Tsubine started to turn around, but stopped and rotated her head towards him. "And it will even be my treat, Mister Wanderer." She once more giggled at him like a schoolgirl even though he wasn't her type. In fact the person who was her type was far closer to her than she realized.

    Tsubine began leading the Arcadian man through the historic district. The middle of the district is where they were walking and it was effectively a giant pathway. On either side were rustic buildings—everything from antique shops to museums to cafes and restaurants. Everything one could want old-fashioned they could find here. In the middle of the path was the occasional statue of a former Emperor or person of interest about thrice as large as they stood in life. "Is there anything you have tastes for? I am sure there is a shop here for any kind of taste..." Tsubine didn't know of too many restaurants personally. She knew of their names and what they served, but few places ever had to deal with her eating there. Normally, it would be a treat to have the Emperor to eat there. However, Tsubine always felt bad if she ate somewhere other than Laplace. Restaurants had to be cleared, and she'd be the only person (unless she had guests) there. All the food had to be double checked, and it put so much stress on the staff. That's why she loved getting out of Laplace on her own, so she could experience these restaurants for herself. And this time, she had someone with her! If he wanted to try something special and Zakatian, then Tsubine had a secret up her sleeve... or rather, up her thigh-high, as that was the only place she could keep a card and it not slip out.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Dai Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:39 pm

    "Arcadia, hmm? I spent a few years of my life there. It is a beautiful country. Not as beautiful as our Empire, of course." He had to force a small grin at that one. He would agree with disagree with her, rather than arguing the semantics of beautiful countries; especially since he found the beauty of Arcadia far superior to the looks of Zakat. That was probably bias speaking, since Arcadia remained his home after all. "Of course. I will lead the way. And it will even be my treat, Mister Wanderer." He raised an eyebrow at her giggle, but thought nothing of it and followed her lead instead. If he were a lesser man--or maybe just a man who noticed things like that--he'd have probably (mistakenly) thought that she was coming onto him. Unfortunately, it remains to be said that Daigoro Ito was not a very perceptive man; especially not in regards to people and their feelings towards him--much to the chagrin of a certain bodyguard he knew nothing of. Instead, he simply followed her through the historic district. What else could he do in a situation such as this?

    He looked around as the pair walked through the streets, passing by antique shops and the like--these places most certainly interested him. He was certain he noticed a couple of stores to do with old Arcana, but most people ignored them as they went by them. If he recalled correctly, Arcana wasn't really a thing in Zakat. He continued to follow her, passing by a police officer the size of a mammoth handing out citations and the like to a group of babbling idiots. A particularly tall man walked past the group and he could've sworn that the officer got a little bit taller. He shrugged, took it as being a trick of the light and continued to follow Laeticia. "Is there anything you have tastes for? I am sure there is a shop here for any kind of taste..." He blinked and looked around a little bit. There were a ton of shops, certainly. Instead, he decided that he was in Zakat--therefore... "You know, I haven't ever really had the chance to sample proper Zakatian cuisine. Is there anything in particular you'd want to show me? Not anything too plain and common, either--unless it's not within your price range, in which case I'll pay for us. He nodded at her, waiting for her response.
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:57 pm

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Header20

    Laeticia Argente
    [Tsubine in Disguise]


    "You know, I haven't ever really had the chance to sample proper Zakatian cuisine. Is there anything in particular you'd want to show me? Not anything too plain and common, either--unless it's not within your price range, in which case I'll pay for us." Plain? Common? Such words were not in her dictionary anymore—especially for treating someone like this man. He smile quickly turned a little confident. "A surprising answer, but it is one I can help the most on. Come, come." Laeticia grabbed on his wrist and began pulling him along.

    For a normal thirty-one-year-old-woman, this was a little odd. But she was no normal woman. She had the look of someone in her mid-twenties at the most, thanks to her mother's beautiful genetics. She'd pull him along in ways so that something would be blocking the pictures of the current Emperor. Most of them were recruitment posters for the Imperial Army, so it was easy to block them as she tugged Daigoro along. After a few hundred yards and ten more Emperors, Tsubine stopped in front of a restaurant. The interesting thing about this restaurant was that besides the small area for the employees and restrooms, there was no "inside." The entire place was outside at a street corner. Well, there were no cars in this part of Zakat, just the occasional bicycle.

    "Come, let us sit." She had not yet let go of his arm, and took him over to a table which marked the street corner. There were only a few people stopped here, as this was not a rush hour for eateries. A waiter, a charming young man no older than 23 hurried over. He did not look to be Zakatian, but there were many foreigners in Iserlohn. It was town built for trade and defense. "Thank you for choosing our restaurant this afternoon. May I start you off with something to drink?" Tsubine nodded and happily took the menu the waiter was handing to them.

    Tsubine would be the one to order her drink first. "I will have a glass of kvass. Strawberry and mint, to be exact." She and the waiter both waited for Daigoro to answer. After he'd order, the waiter would bow slightly and then head to the small building to the back which housed the kitchen. Tsubine began to look at the menu, seeing if anything had changed. "Since you do not know our cuisine, might I suggest something? If you are someone who likes meat, I must suggest the lamb shashlyk. They are like kebabs, but only with meat and fat. If you are not wanting something of that sort, I would say try the beef or crayfish solyanka. It is a thick soup with many ingredients, main of which are pickled cucumbers with brine. They are both traditional dishes, and this place has the best of both." Of course, she was talking for a restaurant. The best place to get food for her was actually her personal kitchen staff at Laplace.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Dai Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:34 am

    "A surprising answer, but it is one I can help the most on. Come, come." He tilted his head to the side, watching her reaction carefully. He waited for a moment, before suddenly feeling a small hand wrap around his wrist and start pulling him along. He didn't react completely to this, but almost lost his balance from the surprise. Catching himself in time, he started to follow along with her, being led down a variety of paths that made no sense to Dai, but probably all the sense in the world to Laeticia. He simply allowed himself to be carried down the street, not too worried about where he was being taken. He didn't seem to notice the shadows on the rooftops following the pair; though why would he? His vision was forwards, not up and about. He had better things to worry about than a shadow.

    After a few hundred more yards, the pair came across a street corner. He stopped and started taking long breaths, he wasn't exactly used to running long distances in such a short period of time--while it wasn't to say that he was unfit, Daigoro's strengths really did not involve long distance running at all. He stretched out and caught up his breathing, before standing up straight and looking at the building before the pair. He tilted his head to the side once more, attempting to study the place. He still felt a light hand grip around his wrist, pulling him along into the fray. "Come, let us sit." He simply nodded and allowed himself to be lead to the table, taking a seat across from Laeticia and finally being let go of. A waiter hurried over to the pair and spoke, "Thank you for choosing our restaurant this afternoon. May I start you off with something to drink?" He let Laeticia order first, and noted that she'd ordered a Kvass. He looked down at his menu and read the description, deciding that it didn't sound too bad--"I'll have a Kvass too; blackberry." The waiter nodded and took their orders, leaving for the kitchen. With this, Laeticia began explaining the cuisine to Dai.

    "Since you do not know our cuisine, might I suggest something? If you are someone who likes meat, I must suggest the lamb shashlyk. They are like kebabs, but only with meat and fat. If you are not wanting something of that sort, I would say try the beef or crayfish solyanka. It is a thick soup with many ingredients, main of which are pickled cucumbers with brine. They are both traditional dishes, and this place has the best of both." He chuckled softly, "That lamb shaslyk sounds like something my mother used to make; I may have some of those when the time comes. And you say that, but I dined at Laplace once..." He looked momentarily pensive, "Back when I was... twelve, I think. My parents had been invited for a meal by the Emperor, Yulian Korovin, on account of my mother, or something. I don't know the entire story. It remains the best meal I think I've ever had the chance to try, though I remember nothing but the tastes." He smiled to himself, snapping out of memory-mode, waiting for the waiter to arrive once more with their drinks.


    "Heheh, got him in my sights." The male kneeled down, aiming through the weapon and pointing it at the back of the head of the red-headed male. "Finally, that goddamned lineage ends here." He laughed softly, about to pull the trigger--when he felt the end of a weapon plunge through his back. He turned slowly, seeing a beautiful woman standing above him. "" His vision went black.
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Thu Oct 30, 2014 3:20 pm

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Header20

    Laeticia Argente
    [Tsubine in Disguise]


    Tsubine was surprised that he ordered the same thing, even if it was a different flavor. Pleasantly surprised, actually. She had no idea that he had been to Zakat before, but most foreigners didn't seem to appreciate kvass like Zakatians do. It was simple, cheap, and most importantly, tasty. She used her almost-too-long legs to scoot a little closer to the table and to her guest. Yes, this man was her guest, even if he didn't know it at the time. Something told her that she'd be taking him all over Iserlohn today.

    After her explanation, she had already decided on her meal. "That lamb shaslyk sounds like something my mother used to make; I may have some of those when the time comes. And you say that, but I dined at Laplace once..." Tsubine's eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly. She was taken aback, but it was more in a "do I know you?" form. "Back when I was... twelve, I think. My parents had been invited for a meal by the Emperor, Yulian Korovin, on account of my mother, or something. I don't know the entire story. It remains the best meal I think I've ever had the chance to try, though I remember nothing but the tastes." Now her eyes widened. It was out of surprise this time.

    But just as quickly as they widened, the youthful gleam disappeared. "I see, that must have been a very exciting experience." She no longer sounded as excited as memories of the Emperor Korovin's final moments began to flash in her head. "I had the plea—honor of meeting him twice. You may not believe it, but I once served in the Imperial Army. I met him at our graduation from the academy as well as during a random inspection." Tsubine's hands had long-since disappeared under the table, her fingers intertwining with one another. "He seemed to be a very kind man..." Tsubine looked to the skies, as if she was looking at the afterlife. "It must have been wonderful to have dined with him..."

    Soon, the waiter returned with their drinks. Tsubine's was slightly more pink than a normal, unflavored kvass. Daigoro's was much darker, thanks to the blackberry flavoring. "Would you like an appetizer?" Tsubine took the charge on this one. "Ah, no thank you. We would just like to order." Tsubine didn't want to seem like too much of a glutton, so she just wanted to eat something. Not to mention, she wasn't that hungry. "I will just take some lamb shaslyk—with fat. I will take rolls as my side." She smiled and handed the menu back, waiting on Dai to finish.

    Tsubine unwrapped her silverware and began to spin it within the kvass. She stared at it, but quickly glanced to the waiter as he was taking Dai's order. After he finished, Tsubine would lean towards her guest slightly, removing the spoon from her kvass. She motioned for Dai to lean in as well so she could whisper to him. "I believe this is poisoned." She brought the spoon out just enough for Dai, and Dai alone, to see the entire scoop end was solid black. "There is a law that all restaurants are to provide pure silver silverware. It raises prices, but it prevents poisoning. It's why silver is one of the chief exports we get from Brauk." After that little lesson, she leaned back. "We should not do much to attract attention."

    The way she spoke was as if she had dealt with situations like this before. It could just be her military training, but Tsubine knew it was not just that. "I don't think it would be someone out for my head..." Tsubine began to look around, her eyes checking out what staff she could see as well as the two other occupied tables. "...but I apologize if I seem rude, is there any chance someone is after you?" This was turning odd, and she wasn't going to stand for an assassination attempt.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Dai Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:50 am

    "I see, that must have been a very exciting experience. I met him at our graduation from the academy as well as during a random inspection." He blinked a couple of times, nodding slowly. He had not really had the chance to meet with the previous Emperor--no, he had maybe spoken to him in passing, with the usual childlike innocence that one would have at the age of twelve. "He seemed to be a very kind man... It must have been wonderful to have dined with him..." He shook his head, "I barely got to speak with him, nor did I get to associate with him at the time. I may have said 'hello' to him, but my Zakatian was most certainly not up to par for anything further," He laughed at that, "My memory on details of the man himself are also rather shaky."

    "Would you like an appetizer?" Apparently, Laeticia was going to take the lead. "Ah, no thank you. We would just like to order. I will just take some lamb shaslyk—with fat. I will take rolls as my side." Laeticia handed across the menu, but Daigoro felt himself waving his hand politely, "I'll have the same." The waiter nodded and took the menu, before showing himself off. Daigoro reached down to take his drink, before finding Laeticia leaning in closer. His eyes widened as she showed him the head of the spoon, "There is a law that all restaurants are to provide pure silver silverware. It raises prices, but it prevents poisoning. It's why silver is one of the chief exports we get from Brauk." His eyes flashed, "We should not do much to attract attention." He simply nodded, leaning back--actually quite relaxed, considering that Laeticia had just told him that their drinks were poisoned.

    He leaned down, sniffing the drink but not inhaling it, and sighed. "Even here... though you'd think that they'd be better about it. I would've detected this the moment it had touched my tongue." He chuckled quietly, shaking his head, "They're sloppy. Might not be used to operating in Zakat." Laeticia seemed to be looking around with suspicion, before turning back to him, "...but I apologize if I seem rude, is there any chance someone is after you?" He laughed quietly, definitely too relaxed for his own good, "Yes. There is no use in lying, and I apologize for getting you mixed up in all of this. My bodyguard has probably been at work dispatching them from a distance, but the fact that they managed to get poison into my drinks means that they're craftier than I expected them to be." He sighed softly, leaning back into his chair and rubbing a temple, "I guess I should explain fully," he said with a light nod.

    "My family... are guardians of a powerful tool. Specifically, the 'Essence of Arcana', a nigh-limitless library of words that can be brought together in combination to produce almost any spell you can think of. These people are, should I say, intent of ensuring that lineage ends. I didn't think they would pursue me out of Arcadia--I'm the first of my family to really leave on his own. It irritates me that they'd be so brazen to poison not just me, but my company." He frowned, stirring his drink with the silverware, watching it turn black. "I have suddenly lost my appetite for this... kvass. The lamb sounds delicious as well, but I suppose that will be tainted. A pity, really." He sighed. Could he not escape them?
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:04 pm

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Header20

    Laeticia Argente
    [Tsubine in Disguise]


    Honestly, Tsubine was hoping it was her who the assassins were after. This man was a guest of her country. She couldn't let anything happen to him. And... she was worried about him as a friend. She doesn't have many people she can "shoot the breeze" with, and she was enjoying this man's company. Tsubine began to mutter things in Zakatian, specifically a very northern dialect of it which had heavy Arcadian influences. She knew she would be upping security as well as doing an in-depth investigation of this restaurant. For once, she was wishing she had told someone in the IRG where she was going. They could handle this so much better than she could.

    While she was muttering, Dai replied to her question about if they were after him, which was not what she was expecting or hoping. "Yes. There is no use in lying, and I apologize for getting you mixed up in all of this. My bodyguard has probably been at work dispatching them from a distance, but the fact that they managed to get poison into my drinks means that they're craftier than I expected them to be." Tsubine smiled softly, trying to make sure that Dai would remain calm. "Obviously they are not too crafty. This law is nearly a decade old. Any respectable assassin would have known about that."

    "I guess I should explain fully. My family... are guardians of a powerful tool. Specifically, the 'Essence of Arcana', a nigh-limitless library of words that can be brought together in combination to produce almost any spell you can think of. These people are, should I say, intent of ensuring that lineage ends. I didn't think they would pursue me out of Arcadia--I'm the first of my family to really leave on his own. It irritates me that they'd be so brazen to poison not just me, but my company." Tsubine could understand that he was important somehow. Unfortunately, she didn't know exactly what he meant, and blushed as she admitted so. "I... see. It sounds impressive, but I must say I do not understand much of Arcana, despite having studied in your country for a few years. I have no talent in it myself, thus I must rely on the skill of enchanters."

    Dai spun the silverware in his drink, watching it turn black. Tsubine also noticed that, and she sighed a little. She was hoping it was just a tainted flavor or something, but they had two very different flavors. "I have suddenly lost my appetite for this... kvass. The lamb sounds delicious as well, but I suppose that will be tainted. A pity, really." Tsubine nodded and smiled gently. "I will have to treat you somewhere far more safe then. That will have to wait a little while, as it might be hard to get you into such an exclusive place." Tsubine was talking about Laplace, but she'd have to reveal herself to him first. And she wanted to get to know him a bit more before that. She might lose the ability to talk to him casually if he knew.

    Tsubine's vision began to focus on one person. It was a young woman, wearing a rather revealing dress. Tsubine couldn't help but to stare a little. But the fact that she was obviously asking for the bill with a still-full glass and her silverware still wrapped up bothered her. The same waiter that served them handed her a check, and she gave a few gold. And that's when Tsubine's postured stiffened. Tsubine knew the prices for just about everything in Iserlohn. Or well, she knew the averages thanks to quarterly reports. And that amount of gold was far too low for anything on this place's menu.

    The woman excused herself and began walking towards the exit. Tsubine would catch herself watching the woman walk away. Unfortunately, she wasn't checking out her posture, but rather her assets—and boy did she have equity. Tsubine turned back to Dai as the woman exited the restaurant's gates. She was about to start talking when she noticed the woman walking beside the fence next to them. Her posture stiffened once more, but she saw something that made it quickly change.

    Without thinking, Tsubine darted up and towards Dai, knocking the table out of the way. As she was midair, she felt a sting in her left side. She landed, pushing Dai away from the fence. She could tell she had been stabbed. But she did not yell, scream, or even yelp. She stood up and turned to the assassin. "How dare you..." Tsubine's eyes were no longer childlike. It would not look like the same woman. It was as if thirty-one years' worth of maturity suddenly rushed into her as her blood began to rush out. Dai would have been able to see a small wound, caused by what looked to be a small knife, most likely a stiletto knife. "How dare you try to sully the honor of the Emperor by trying to murder a man in front of her?!" Now this was a yell. No... this was an order. This was a direct command from the highest force short of a god in Zakat.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
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    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Dai Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:22 pm

    "I... see. It sounds impressive, but I must say I do not understand much of Arcana, despite having studied in your country for a few years. I have no talent in it myself, thus I must rely on the skill of enchanters." That was fine; he knew of Zakat and its lack of talent in Arcana--he also knew that in exchange, they were the most technologically advanced nation in the world. "I will have to treat you somewhere far more safe then. That will have to wait a little while, as it might be hard to get you into such an exclusive place." He frowned lightly, "I am not sure about that. I'm a mere commoner after all--not to mention a foreigner--I feel that most places with any kind of worth would turn someone like I away." While he said that, he noticed that Laeticia's expression had changed, and that she was watching a rather attractive woman. He slowly turned his head, watching this woman himself as she paid for her meal and left, confidence in every step.

    He wasn't sure what he was seeing as she left the area of the restaurant and started to walk around the fence past them, but his eyes widened. A mark on her neck was apparent and recognizable, and he swore loudly in Arcadian as Laeticia suddenly knocked the table aside, pushing him to the ground. He looked over Laeticia's body, noticing that she'd been stabbed by a small knife that was clearly aimed for him. "How dare you..." He bit his bottom lip and growled quietly in challenge. "How dare you try to sully the honor of the Emperor by trying to murder a man in front of her?!" Daigoro's face blanched, and he looked down at Laeticia. She was... He grumbled something about stupidity and coincidence, before standing up straight and using the table to push himself up, grabbing onto the fence and vaulting over. "I'll take my punishment when it's due, ma'am."

    His feet collided with the woman, knocking her to the ground. Daigoro quickly straddled her, using his own body weight to keep her on the ground. She gave him a sultry smirk, moving her body in a clear attempt to seduce him long enough to distract him--but it would not be enough. "Don't struggle, I know they're keeping track." Her expression changed from a confident and seductive smirk to pure fear, "You... know?" He chuckled, "Of course I do." Reaching down to her neck, he placed two fingers against the tattoo on the side of her and spoke, "Cure." Hopefully this would work--the scarring seemed to fade, and the tattoos vanished from her pores. She rubbed her neck and looked back at him, "The voices are gone.. th-thank you." He smiled at her and got off, allowing her to stand up and re-orient herself. She looked around a little bit before laughing and lunging, knife drawn. Dai sighed.

    "Kill." He said, pointing at her. She simply stopped, all of her body systems simultaneously ending. She dropped to the ground, motionless. "I gave you a chance, and you chose to squander it. A pity." He clambered back up over the fence and kneeled beside Laeticia, reaching down to the wound and running a finger along it, "Cure." It wasn't a deep wound, nor was it a particularly life-threatening one. She had positioned herself well when she covered for him--he could see that military training at work. The wound itself sealed shut, though she would probably be in pain still. "Soothe." It wouldn't be perfect, but most of the pain would fade for now. "I... apologize. It was sloppy of me to be out in public, and I will also take any punishment necessary for killing her. Can you stand?" He did not mention nor inquire about her identity. He figured she'd tell him when she was ready.
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Sun Nov 02, 2014 5:38 pm

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Header20

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    The pain was sharp but she could endure far more than a normal person. A little stab like this wasn't going to be enough to keep her down. Plus, if he had been hurt, it would've hurt her a lot more than that pitiful knife. She called out the honor of the assassin—as if the assassin had honor—and Daigoro began to vault over the fence. If that damn fence hadn't been in the way, Tsubine could have kicked and shattered that hag's skull. Thankfully, Dai took care of her. He just... spoke, and things happened. It was vague, but Tsubine didn't understand what was going on.

    After a moment, the woman looked to be better and stood up. Tsubine wasn't going to let her go... but she charged at Daigoro once more. And that's when Tsubine understood how fearsome of a person this Daigoro person was. "Kill." That woman stopped, as if her time had completely ended. And she fell over soon after, dead. Tsubine was a little impressed, but moreso worried that she wasn't alone. She turned around to see the waiter was nowhere to be seen. The next thing she knew, Daigoro was kneeling behind her, running a finger across the wound. She tensed up a little, but she could feel it closing. This man wasn't half bad it seems. Soon after, he spoke another word, and it was like she had taken a painkiller... without the side-effects. She may try to keep this one around.

    "I... apologize. It was sloppy of me to be out in public, and I will also take any punishment necessary for killing her. Can you stand?" Tsubine was leaning against the fence, but this was fine now. She nodded and forced herself up. It was a little painful, but nothing that would keep her from escaping or fighting. She then shook her head. "No, you should not apologize. If anyone should, it should be  me." She had lied to him from the beginning, and she did feel bad about it. "I suppose it is obvious now, but you were potentially just saved by the Emperor just now." She gently smiled, as if she were trying to make the situation a little more light-hearted.

    "I apologize for deceiving you about my identity... but I can not walk around like a normal person unless I do so. And the only thing I have lied to you about has been my name." She wanted to try to get him to trust her, but she felt he would trust her. "Actually... I believe you now know more about my past than even some of my closest retainers. Oh, and Zakat has great protection for self-defense. I also think you have a rather trustworthy witness." She giggled a little.

    "Someone is going to report this, so I expect my guards to be here soon. But for that lapse in time, we will be forced to defend ourselves. The waiter has yet to check on the situation, nor has anyone inside." The Emperor sighed. "I am going to have to shut this place down. I really liked this place too..." She whined slightly, not wanting to take away one of her favorite eateries.

    "It might be better to find a police bo—" A sound familiar to the Emperor roared through the streets. It was like a glass bottle breaking against the hot summer pavement; loud and gut-wrenching. Tsubine turned to see a smoking, steel barrel coming from the employee's entrance. She couldn't feel her left arm. Tsubine didn't even say anything as she began to sprint across the field of tables. The remaining guest tried to do something, but Tsubine vaulted over him. By doing so, she put herself airborne. She extended a leg as she encroached upon the shooter. Her foot made contact with his terrified face. He wasn't able to get a second shot because he wasn't expecting the Emperor to charge at him.

    The impact was enough to incapacitate if not kill him. Tsubine didn't care much as she retreated to the wall. She placed her hand on her left arm, noticing blood. She could feel a hole going through it. "Lunaria is going to kill me..." And then, the man in the unseasonably heavy clothing stood up and turned to Daigoro, taking off his coat to reveal heavy armor. He reached under the newspaper to get a pair of spiked brass knuckles. "Mister Ito... you have Imperial permission to kill him as you see fit." Tsubine spoke up from her sitting position as she tore off part of her shirt to create a tourniquet. unfortunately, Tsubine didn't realize the types of bullets that he was using. If they had hit Dai, it could have been much worse... as they seemed to react harshly to Arcana.

    The Oh-So-Sexy Admin

    Posts : 429
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : In yo' house, stealin' yo' bacon.
    Job/hobbies : Student, Writer, Actor, Badass.
    Humor : Sarcastic, with a minor dash of pervy.

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Dai Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:23 pm

    "No, you should not apologize. If anyone should, it should be me. I suppose it is obvious now, but you were potentially just saved by the Emperor just now." He chuckled quietly, shaking his head. "If you say it to be true, then I suppose it is." He believed her, though it seemed rather incredulous that his fate would be so tied to the Emperor of Zakat, even now. He did not know what his mother's relationship with the previous Emperor was, but he had figured it to be something important to be allowed to dine at Laplace. He would have to do research on her name with the others eventually. With a soft sigh, he turned to her and looked her over. "Actually... I believe you now know more about my past than even some of my closest retainers. Oh, and Zakat has great protection for self-defense. I also think you have a rather trustworthy witness." She giggled, and Daigoro could not help but laugh himself. "I see. I suppose that I'll be able to use such a powerful ally to secure my own safety."

    "Someone is going to report this, so I expect my guards to be here soon. But for that lapse in time, we will be forced to defend ourselves. The waiter has yet to check on the situation, nor has anyone inside. I am going to have to shut this place down. I really liked this place too..." Dai was sure that the Emperor would be able to quite easily get some new and decent chefs for this place. He nodded and looked around, taking in a deep breath. He had been certain that Senhime was around, though where she was he did not know--if nothing else, she was probably taking care of business in the surrounding rooftops. He accepted that he was safe from assaults from outside of the cafe, and made certain to defend himself while within. "It might be better to find a police bo—" His eyes widened at the sound. It was loud, and like nothing he'd ever had the chance to hear before. He turned to see what was going on, and watched as Laeticia charged at a man who had made the noise. What sorcery was that? Daigoro was immediately frightened, but steeled himself as quickly as he could have as Laeticia kicked down the person who had injured her. As she fell, another person stood up.

    A man in a particularly heavy coat threw it off and grinned at Dai, putting on a pair of spiked knuckles and tapping them against his heavy steel armor. Dai growled quietly, preparing himself for the onslaught of attacks. He watched as the man suddenly charged forwards, at a much higher speed than Dai had originally expected. He yelped as he dove to the side, the juggernaut of a man crashing into the fence and turning around with surprising agility. "Fuck..." He reached around to grab at his staff, but had to dive out of the way again. "Fuck this. Personal Altered Form: Greater Agility!" His muscles tightened and he pushed off of the ground, moving at a higher speed than originally. He wouldn't be able to control himself for long enough to get a Kill spell off; the last woman had dove right at him from an obvious position, but he couldn't time this one! He'd have to work with other spells for now. Breathing out and avoiding each of the man's charges, Dai started to look around to see if he could take advantage of the situation. He quickly came onto an idea, and held a hand forward, just as the man started charging again.

    "Barrier Blade Wall!" A wall of steel sprung up and threatened to cut the man as he attempted to pass through it. Apparently, though, he didn't give a damn, crashing through the conjured wall of steel and breaking it apart, charging through unharmed. While it did slightly slow him, Dai still had to dive out of the way of his charge with wide eyes. "Anti-Arcana Armor, or just tough?" He decided to test this theory, holding up a hand. "Selected Burning Corrosive Bolt!" A flash of red and green blasted out from his finger, hitting the man's armor. While the fire was bounced off harmlessly, the acid seemed to take hold and start eating away at it. He grinned to himself and jumped out of the way pre-emptively--just in time, it seemed, to avoid the next charge. "Selected Cramping Corrosive Bolt!" He yelled, another bolt streaking through the armor and into the man's stomach, beginning to burn away at his flesh but also causing a great deal of pain. Dai closed one eye as he heard him screaming out loud, deciding that he needed to finish this as quickly as possible. He pulled a staff out from his side and pointed it at the man, the end glowing with a spell that he had prepared earlier that day--in case of a situation like this. "Selected Force Bolt!" A bolt of pure force, much larger than what you'd seen before, came out from the end of the staff and erupted through the man's body, causing him to fall over and die within a manner of moments. The magic of the staff vanished, and Dai dropped to one knee with a grumble. He'd already used a lot of energy.

    Quickly moving towards Laeticia, he kneeled down beside her and tried to heal the wound--but it rejected his magic. He tried again, but nothing. Swearing to himself in Arcadian, Dai looked around to see if he could find anyone. Nobody came into his sight immediately, until the sounds of trained marching approached. Guards spilled into the area of the restaurant, and immediately rushed towards Laeticia. Cries of 'My Lord' made things clear at the time, and Dai was sure to step out of the way as they got her onto a stretcher and prepared to take her for medical attention. He was ready to excuse himself, when he felt cuffs lock around his wrists--not any cuffs, but ones that clearly restricted the usage of his Arcana. He sighed softly, accepting his fate and not resisting. His staff was taken away from him--though it was basically just an inert stick now--and they started to read him his rights. He simply nodded in acceptance--hopefully he'd be freed. If not, then he was more than willing to accept any necessary punishments.
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Empty Re: High and Mighty Color [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:48 am

    High and Mighty Color [CLOSED] Header20

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine knew this pain. She knew it all too well. She hadn't actually been shot before. Well, not by a bullet. She had been hit by paintballs in training drills, but that was all. This was the real deal, and boy did it hurt. She could feel the gaping wound in her arm—the blood slowly ruining her starch-white shirt. She sighed, thinking of Lunaria's scolding her for ruining it. She didn't have a chance to do anything, or even see Dai's fight. She was focusing on staying alive at this point.

    Eventually, Dai was able to defeat whatever came across him, and so he made his way to the almost-helpless Emperor. He couldn't do anything to help her wounds, and her makeshift tourniquet wasn't working. Tsubine then had a bit of an idea in her drowsy state. She took her ribbon from her hair, slid it over her arm, and then re-tightened it. As Dai tried to help her, she only smiled weakly. Well, it wasn't weak. Her smile was powerful. It radiated with enough passion and underlying ferocity that it was far from being weak. Her passion was not that of love, but that of thanks. Had it not been for Daigoro, she would not have learned of these problems. But it was also because of those problems that her anger swelled. So no, her smile was not weak. The only thing that was weak at this point was her body. "Please, do not worry. I will be fine. The Imperial Royal Guards are nearly here."

    As she was helped up by her guards, she could see Dai being put into shackles. She was placed onto a stretcher and given a minor painkiller. She tried to sit up, only to be pushed down by a pair of doctors. Shooting them a glare, they knew not to do anything like that again. She leaned up, this time unobstructed. "Do not arrest that man. He is why I am alive right now." The guards halted, and looked to the manacles around Daigoro's wrists before releasing them. "He is to be given Class-A privileges—and place him into protective custody." Tsubine's body then began to weaken, as the anesthesia was kicking in. "And... take him to... Laplace... I wish... to thank... him..." And with that, the Emperor was unconscious.

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