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    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Post by Serenity Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:04 pm

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    Everything in Laplace finally seemed to calm down. Tsubine was awake, Lunaria and Eira's worries were sort of calming, and Luxanna was finally able to walk around without driving the guards insane. Although it was very fun for her, Lunaria and Eira were sick of hearing complaints about her walking around as just a head, hiding around corners, and going where she wasn't allowed just because she could. Lunaria had assured them that Luxanna was an honored guest and that she was not go be messed with, which was the only reason she hadn't been completely banned from the castle during Tsubine's absence. It also helped that none of them could find her in the first place...

    Now, Luxanna was in need of one thing: a bath. She gathered up some of her soaps, towels, and some new clothes to change into. She made her way down the long hallways until she got to the one she often used, but as she went to open it up, she was stopped. "I'm sorry, Miss Luminere, but that bath is in use. If you follow me, there is another a bit of the way down." Lunaria told her. The woman had never steered her wrong before, so Luxanna didn't hesitate to listen. Lunaria led her down the way, but kept going after two more hallways. It was a bit farther than Luxanna originally thought it would be. "Sorry about that. Here you go." Lunaria opened the door to bath and Luxanna went in.

    "Thank you." Luxanna said with a smile and stepped inside. It took a bit for the bath to be completely ready, but once it was, Luxanna stripped herself of her dirty clothes and tossed them into a bag she had brought with her. She slipped into the warm water of the bath and just began to soak and relax for a while. After a few minutes of relaxation, she felt it was time to actually get clean and began washing. As she did this, she could have sworn she heard a giggle and looked around, covering her bust. "Who's there?" she asked, but heard nothing else. She began washing again and then heard the door shut, but once again got no reply when asking who was there, and so she continued.

    Once she was finally finished, she stepped out of the bath and used a shower section to fully rinse her body off. Soaking in dead skin and used water was not how she was going to feel clean. She finalized her bath by rinsing herself completely and then walked around to find her towels. When she felt they weren't there, she looked around for them and couldn't find anything. "What the hell?" she thought as she looked around, but then remembered that giggle. She knew she wasn't imagining things! Luxanna took in a deep breath and cloaked herself. Back to being the invisible blonde woman, Luxanna stepped out of the bath naked, a breeze chilling her skin the moment she stepped out.

    "Aye." she shivered and hurried along, still covering her breasts even though she knew she couldn't be seen, "I swear, I'll kick their asses..." Luxanna was getting closer to her room, but it was absolutely freezing at this point. She made it to the bath that she usually took one in and stepped inside, assuming the person who had been using it before was gone. But when she turned around, Luxanna's eyes widened. If she wasn't invisible, she would have been redder than Masamune when he realized what Nadia's glass statues actually were. Tsubine, the Emperer of Zakat was sitting in the bath. Luxanna looked around to see if she could find a towel, but they were on the other side of the room.

    "Shit..." she thought as she began tiptoeing across the room. As she went, she stupidly quickened her pace and found herself slipping on some soap and water she would normally have seen; damn steam. "Ah!" she yelped and lost her balance completely, falling back into the same bath as Tsubine. She froze under the water for a moment, not realizing her cloak had come off, and then slowly raised from the water. She looked around to see where Tsubine was, knowing that no matter how hard she tried, there was no way in hell she could hide that splash. Clearing her throat, Luxanna 'dismissed' the already fallen cloak and came out from the water. She acted as calm as she could, "Hello."

    (December 25)
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

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    Post by Tsubine Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:28 pm

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    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Even if a bath may not clean you, it doesn't mean you shouldn't take one. They feel so damn good, especially when there's so much hot water and steam and bubbles... And that's exactly how the Emperor liked her baths. Not so hot that it'd scald the skin, but just enough that it'd keep you hot for a moment before cooling down to be like a nice, warm bed on a wintry day.

    She had just finished refilling the bath after shaving—it had been a little too long since her last trim—when she lowered herself into the hot water... She started just sinking deep, almost to her chin even. She liked the way water felt around her body. She felt both heavy and weightless, and the feeling of being surrounded like that was oddly comforting. She wished she could stay in the bath forever, but her skin would be terrible if that were to happen.

    Tsubine had leaned up to where the two pink bumps on her chest were half-out of the water when... kersplash. She almost screamed, but she was in shock moreso than scared and instead jumped up. If someone wanted to sneak in and assassinate her, why do it in the bath?! The person raised from the water, as if they were once invisible. Thankfully, it was... well... wait... thankfully?! Why was she thinking thankfully?! Luxanna falling into the bath was in no way a 'thankfully.' "M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Miss Lu-Lu-Lu-Luminere?!" She didn't even bother to cover herself up yet. She just stared at Luxanna, aghast. "W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-why a-a-a-are you he-he-here?!"

    "W-w-w-w-w-why are you in m-m-my bath?!" She was trying to keep her voice down so the guards didn't burst in... She didn't need more people to see her bo—SHIT. Luxanna could see everything on Tsubine's front. Tsubine turned redder than the reddest lobster and dove back into the water, tightly crossing her legs and covering her chest.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

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    Post by Serenity Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:12 am

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    Oh this was so embarrassing! Luxanna did her best to keep calm and acted as if everything was planned. Nope. She never messed up. She intentionally slipped on the soap and strategically landed in the bath after bribing someone to take her clothes from the other bath. Yep, that's how this went. Oh god, she couldn't even lie to herself that badly, but before she could really even reply, her eyes caught a glimpse of something that she couldn't tear them away from. Tsubine was naked and so was she, but Luxanna wasn't currently giving a frontal view of her chest. She blinked a couple times, impressed at how beautifully shaped Tsubine's chest was. For a moment, she was tempted to touch.

    Luxanna's hand came up from the water and smacked her own face. "Get that out of your head now..." she said, her face finally freeing the blush that she had kept trapped. "I-I-I-I am so s-sorry, Emperor!" Luxanna began to explain, but once again found herself glancing down to Tsubine's breasts. Tsubine seemed to have caught it to because that was about when the woman covered herself up. Luxanna looked away again, her face even redder than before. Not only had she seen the Emperor's breasts, but she got caught doing it. Oh god, she was probably in so much trouble. How in Rydia's name was she going to explain this? Luxanna took in a deep breath and turned back to Tsubine.

    "I apologize greatly for the intrusion, but I was told to take a bath in the one a few hallways down from here. My clothes were stolen, so I had to use my invisibility cloak to get back to my room. I was wet and freezing cold, so I assumed that I could come in here and grab one of the extra towels that were usually in here. I did see you in here, but thought I could sneak passed and use the steam as cover for your privacy." Luxanna explained with complete honesty, her head lowered slightly in shame, and then she pointed toward the soap on the ground, "I was unfortunately caught off guard by that and slipped. I lost my balance and fell into your bath. I do hope you can forgive me for this..."
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

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    Post by Tsubine Wed Dec 10, 2014 3:55 am

    Splash Down [CLOSED] Header25

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    This was the definition of embarrassing. The woman she was (subconsciously) crushing on had just randomly crashed into the bath. Both were completely naked, although Tsubine had yet to notice even Luxanna was. She was more concerned about what Luxanna saw or didn't see. She had not felt so exposed in her life. She was embarrassed when doctors had to see her body... The only two people she felt any semblance of comfort around naked were Eira and Lunaria.

    Luxanna was not one of those people. Even though she was a woman, it was weird! She wondered what it'd be like if Luxanna was in Tsubine's position—naked with someone star—wait. That's when it all clicked. She could slowly see the outline of Luxanna's chest... and then the outline filled with color and then detail. And now she couldn't get her eyes off of Luxanna's chest.

    Luxanna lowered her head in what appeared to be either (or both) shame or respect. "I apologize greatly for the intrusion, but I was told to take a bath in the one a few hallways down from here." Tsubine glanced up to Luxanna's head, and then back down. "My clothes were stolen, so I had to use my invisibility cloak to get back to my room. " Once again, she couldn't help but to return her gaze to Luxanna's body. "I was wet and freezing cold," and Tsubine could definitely tell Luxanna was cold, "so I assumed that I could come in here and grab one of the extra towels that were usually in here. I did see you in here, but thought I could sneak past and use the steam as cover for your privacy."

    "I was unfortunately caught off guard by that and slipped. " Luxanna apparently pointed to something, but Tsubine was looking something else that was slightly pointed. "I lost my balance and fell into your bath. I do hope you can forgive me for this..." It took a few seconds for Tsubine to snap out of it and realize Luxanna wasn't talking anymore.

    "I... really do not know what to think, Miss Luminere..." She was very confused. "I do want to forgive you, but I can not really say you did anything necessarily wrong... You were not in here to peek at me or anything..." She shuffled and re-crossed her legs. "But... " Tsubine began to stop thinking as she spoke. "Si-since you said it was cold... w-why not stay in here... and warm up?" Something flashed in her mind as she said "warm up," and what she saw was definitely a good thing... but it was something she didn't quite understand.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

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    Post by Serenity Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:46 pm

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    When Luxanna didn't get a quick reply, she raised her attention to see that Tsubine was actually staring at her breasts and oh my god did this catch her attention. After a few moments, Tsubine seemed to snap out of her trance. The time it took gave Luxanna the slightest ego boost though. She remembered that there was a time before that Tsubine had become entranced by her ass when she fell. Luxanna couldn't help but wonder if this attraction went a bit deeper. When Tsubine finally spoke up, Luxanna could not help but watch her closely. Seeing this beautiful and well-equipped woman cross her legs, Luxanna found her eyes tracing the edges of Tsubine's frame, as if to memorize every curve she possessed. Yes, Tsubine was being checked out, and it wasn't hidden.

    "Sure." Luxanna replied with a small smile, a flirtatious underlying tone to her words as she continued, "I have no problem warming up in the bath with you." Luxanna lowered herself into the water fully, leaning back against the side of the tub and let out a heavy relaxed breath with closed eyes. "It is quite comfortable here. I wasn't expecting to leave my bath only to end up in another." Luxanna explained and then opened her eyes again, looking to Tsubine. "So how are you feeling, Emperor?" she asked in concern, "Is your wound healing up well?" Luxanna waited for the Emperor's answer and then decided to take it a step further. "So, is it true that you're into women?" she asked suddenly, "I remember Eira, well... excuse my wording, but... calling you a 'useless lesbian' a while back."
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

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    Post by Tsubine Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:14 pm

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    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    To be honest, Tsubine had no idea why Luxanna was checking her out. Tsubine had some attractive features, sure, but nothing that a woman like Luxanna should be attracted to... right? "Sure. I have no problem warming up in the bath with you." Tsubine blushed with the tone... as well as the with you. It was like Luxanna was specifically doing this for her, and this was making Tsubine's heart race. "It is quite comfortable here. I wasn't expecting to leave my bath only to end up in another." Tsubine nodded, still trying to do her best not to let her eyes wander again.

    "So how are you feeling, Emperor? Is your wound healing up well?" She raised her one free arm to wave Luxanna off. "Please, we are in private. I feel uncomfortable being called 'Emperor' or 'Your Highness' while in the bath." The boundary between public and private for the Emperor was drawn most heavily in two areas—the bathroom and the bedroom. Only in emergencies was she allowed to be disturbed in either area. "But I am fine. My arm is sore still... but I am lucky it will only scar. My cheek still is a little sore though." She teased Luxanna a little, smiling with the reminder of Luxanna's slap.

    Tsubine deserved it, but it was still unheard of for someone to slap the Emperor. Tsubine was about to relunctantly remove her arm from her chest when Luxanna asked the second-most-awkward question she could ask. "So, is it true thatyou're into women? " Tsubine's face turned just as red as it was before and her eyes opened as wide as possible. "I remember Eira, well... excuse my wording, but... calling you a 'useless lesbian' a while back."

    Tsubine cleared her throat, trying to think of a good way to answer this. "That is a very straightforward question... But I can not give you such a straightforward answer. Simply, I do not know. Eira calls me such because I have yet to find a man who can catch my eye, but she says she finds me staring at women every now and then. Truth be told, the only thing a man has over a woman is the ability to cause pregnancy. At least that is my theory on them. It remains a question I do not dwell on much... even if Lunaria says that I, and pardon my language, 'need to get laid.'" She sighed with mention of her maid. "Since I answered, what about you? Which are you 'into,' or are you the type to be interested in both?" Tsubine had no idea where else to take this conversation... and just leaving it in silence was going to be worse.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

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    Post by Serenity Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:30 am

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    "So you wish for me to call you by your first name, Tsubine?" Luxanna blinked a few times in surprise. The moment she said the name, she felt like she should have gotten in some sort of trouble. It was something she was going to have to get used to somehow. "I'm glad you're alri-..." Luxanna froze when she realized why Tsubine's cheek was sore. She glanced away, scratching at her cheek sheepishly. If she wasn't going to be in trouble for calling the Emperor by her first name, maybe there was a punishment for actually smacking her. Luxanna could only imagine how  much trouble she'd get in if Tsubine decided to let that little fact slip. The thought made Luxanna's stomach turn. "Yeah... I'm very sorry about that, but at the time... well, you needed it." Luxanna spoke seriously, resisting the urge to remind the Emperor about the permanent scar that now defaced Luxanna's cheek.

    Anyways, subject change! "That is a very straightforward question..." "I see no need in beating around the bush." "But I can not give you such a straightforward answer. Simply, I do not know. Eira calls me such because I have yet to find a man who can catch my eye, but she says she finds me staring at women every now and then. Truth be told, the only thing a man has over a woman is the ability to cause pregnancy. At least that is my theory on them. It remains a question I do not dwell on much... even if Lunaria says that I, and pardon my language, 'need to get laid.'"  Luxanna could not help but chuckle at the comment on "getting laid".

    And then Tsubine turned the tables on her. "Me? Well, I'm a lesbian. I find men repulsive, abusive, and dishonest. Women can often be the same way, but at least they'll feel bad about it. Men often shrug it off to some "logical" reasoning and don't regret anything." Luxanna crossed one leg over the other and set her hands on her knee, seeming ver professional and adamant about her opinion. And then her expression brightened, "Actually, there is a pill that those of Haven, in Arcadia, have started working on to allow men and women to change their gender to the opposite one for situations like childbirth. How they've accomplished this, I do not know, but apparently it's already in it's testing phase and may be released to the public."

    "And before you ask... Yes, I keep up with that study in hopes of having my own child one day... Depending on the woman I settle down with, I would like the option of being able to have her child or she have mine... And you, Tsubine?" That tone shifted to a slightly flirtatious one on purpose. The subject matter of the night was very interesting and Luxanna couldn't help but tease this beautiful woman in front of her... at least a bit. It helped that Tsubine was making it a little easy...
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

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    Post by Tsubine Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:09 am

    Splash Down [CLOSED] Header25

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    It was definitely an odd sound—"Tsubine" in such a casual tone coming from someone other than her family. But it was something she wanted. If Luxanna had called her "Your Highness" or "Emperor" with the conversations to come, Tsubine would not have any inclination to answer. It was just going to be that weird for her. "Yes, I would. At least while in private. Although, I would like permission to call you by your first name as well in return." She waited for the permission to be given or declined, but she felt it would definitely be given.

    "Yeah... I'm very sorry about that, but at the time... well, you needed it." Tsubine shook her head. "No apologies needed, please. I did need it, and no one else would have the gall to do so. I always end up thinking that I am the one shouldering our Empire, but I truly am not... " She remembered how their first meeting went, and the fact that she had struck Luxanna in a similar manner. "I suppose we are even now, hmm?" She smiled lightly, knowing that they weren't going to be completely even... but at least they had both slapped one another.

    Luxanna listened attentively to Tsubine's explanation on her sexuality. It was a hard thing to talk about, as she herself had no idea. She did not have the memories blocked necessarily, but she did not the fact that her only sexual experience was with a woman. As she finished, Luxanna chuckled at the mention of Lunaria's words. It would be less funny were it not for the fact that it was something actually said to the Emperor herself. Lunaria was the only one with the gall to say such things, but even she would not strike the Emperor.

    Luxanna's answer to the question was far more straightforward and to-the-point. "Me? Well, I'm a lesbian. I find men repulsive, abusive, and dishonest. Women can often be the same way, but at least they'll feel bad about it. Men often shrug it off to some "logical" reasoning and don't regret anything." Tsubine could not argue with the logic behind it. It made sense, even if she did not believe in it herself. "Actually, there is a pill that those of Haven, in Arcadia, have started working on to allow men and women to change their gender to the opposite one for situations like childbirth. How they've accomplished this, I do not know, but apparently it's already in its testing phase and may be released to the public."

    That last bit about the pill... it caught Tsubine's attention. She leaned in, actually uncovering her chest as she listened. "Fascinating..." Her entire expression was in awe—and she wanted to know more. "And before you ask... Yes, I keep up with that study in hopes of having my own child one day... Depending on the woman I settle down with, I would like the option of being able to have her child or she have mine... And you, Tsubine?"

    Again, another odd question. What is up with this woman and her questions?! Not that she really minded... she was beginning to enjoy this conversation. "Hmm..." She was blushing at this question too. "First, I find it hard to imagine you being the one carrying a child. You seem to be more of the dominant, or rather, masculine one in that sense." She raised her finger to her mouth and tapped on her lips to try to think about this. "I... do think I would like to have a child. It would have to be with someone I cared deeply for though. If it were with a woman, I do not know which role I would have... I guess it would be up to my partner." She let out a gentle smile with that last bit.

    "Pardon if this may be intruding..." Tsubine looked a little hesitant to actually ask this, "But you said that you are indeed a lesbian... Have you... been with a woman before?" She was honestly curious, thinking on her own experience. "If I am prying, I apologize."

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

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    Post by Serenity Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:09 am

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    "Oh, without question. If you do not like saying my full name, Luxanna, call me Lux." Luxanna said with a genuine smile, a bit of cheer in her tone as well. "No, you're not the only one. You've got many tha will help you." Luxanna said, her smile not fading at all. When Tsubine called it even, Luxanna pointed to her cheek, "Well technically, mine scarred, but yes. We're even. I'd rather not scar the Emperor of Zakat. Too many questions, whether forgiven for it or not." Luxanna giggled a little at the thought, trying to lighten the mood a little bit, since they both seemed to be pretty embarrassed and shy. In fact, with every direction that this conversation was going, it was hard for Luxanna to keep her normal demeanor. She often found herself fighting blushes and forcing the professional demeanor.

    And then it happened. The conversation about changing gender pushed Tsubine into saying something that Luxanna did not know how to take. The moment it was said, Luxanna's eyes widened in shock. She actually sat there completely frozen as she listened to the rest of what Tsubine was saying. That word though, "masculine", kept repeating through her mind like a ringing bell. Each time she thought of it, it made her head hurt even more. When the next question came up, Luxanna took a deep breath, trying to keep up her professional demeanor. "I, um, well... Not entirely. I just know I've never been attracted to a man and truly feel incapable of doing so." Luxanna explained, her voice a little tense, "I-I... Well." She cleared her throat, "I haven't been with anyone, yet."

    And then she broke. Luxanna brought her hands up to her face and shook her head in embarrassment. "Am I really that manly?!" she asked, as if almost in a panic. She looked to both of her hands, her face redder than normal. It was as if Tsubine had hit a nerve of some kind. "A-A-And don't worry..." Luxanna said, laying her head on the side of the tub, "You can ask me anything you want. I truly have nothing to hide. If there is something you want to know and I can answer, I'll do so."
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

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    Post by Tsubine Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:57 am

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    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Luxanna was a truly interesting woman. She had such a different view on the world and she was not afraid to let it show. That view fascinated Tsubine, and she wanted to hear more and more and even more about Luxanna. She nodded attentively as Luxanna talked of her experiences (or rather, he lack of). If she had one, she would be jotting these things down in a diary to look back at later.

    Unfortunately, it seemed Tsubine hit a nerve earlier. Panicking, Luxanna looked down to her hands as she asked if she was manly. "Manly?!" Tsubine began waving her hands back and forth, not noticing just how much her upper body was moving with her shaking. "No, no, no, no, no! You're very womanly! Very! You're beautiful, not manly!" She began to panic, hoping she had not offended Luxanna. "I did not mean it like that! I sincerely apologize." She bowed her head sharply in apology, not realizing she was flinging water onto Luxanna as she did so.

    "You just... seem that you would be the one to take the lead and would rather take care of someone rather than be taken care of." She tried to explain it a bit better, but felt she failed. Luxanna had a womanly side, and she definitely was not manly. I mean, that chest is far from manly. Tsubine caught herself staring a bit more as she explained it, only looking back up once Luxanna had slumped against the tub side.

    "You can ask me anything you want. I truly have nothing to hide. If there is something you want to know and I can answer, I'll do so." Tsubine nodded. It was nice to have "girl talk" with someone other than Lunaria or Eira, whom she had countless experiences with. Luxanna was someone new and fascinating, so she was gladly willing to open up. "And I can say the same about myself. Well, my personal side at least." She laughed at the bad joke she was about to make. "I can not give you things that are classified, even if you are my unofficial advisor."

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

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    Post by Serenity Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:21 am

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    Luxanna's reaction apparently warranted a slight panic from Tsubine. "Huh?" Luxanna turned to Tsubine and blinked a couple times in confusion. She even had Tsubine bow her head to her. Luxanna wiped a bit of the water splashed on her away and reached out to Tsubine, lifting her chin up. "You never need to apologize for something you said, Tsubine." Luxanna said in a soft tone, a little closer to Tsubine than either of them were used to, "It's fine. I guess I can be a little manl-..."  The one thing Luxanna did not want to be considered was manly, so when Tsubine  interrupted her to explain what she meant, it made much more sense. Luxanna calmed down and took in a deep breath.

    "Oh, okay. That... I can accept. I am okay with being taken care of every now and then, such as if I'm sick, but I prefer to be the one taking care of others." Luxanna explained as a sigh of relief left her and she laid her head against the side of the tub. When Luxanna told Tsubine that she could ask her anything, Luxanna was surprised to apparently get the same treatment. "Really?" she asked and then the qualifier was added, "Oh okay. I wouldn't dare ask you about anything classified, unless you needed my help with i-... Unofficial adviser, huh?" Luxanna raised an eyebrow and thought about that. She liked the title, it fit. She smirked at the idea and looked back to Tsubine.

    "So... since I'd rather not talk business, politics, or anything along the stressful route..." Luxanna looked around, obviously thinking of something to ask. She even leaned back a bit, allowing her bust to come out of the water more, revealing everything but the very bottom of her breasts. She was testing Tsubine, that much was obvious to anyone watching the two, but might not be so obvious to Tsubine herself. If she caught Tsubine looking again, Luxanna would confirm that Tsubine more than likely was a lesbian or bisexual. Breasts were amazing, so Luxanna couldn't blame her. In fact, Luxanna's breasts were amazing, so she definitely couldn't blame. "What cup size are you?" she spouted out.
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    Post by Tsubine Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:46 am

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    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Don't look.
    Tsubine's eyes were hurting from trying to force them to stay focused on the two circles she needed to. It wasn't as much that Luxanna was showing them off as it was that damn they looked good. And now there was even more of them sticking out of the water! Resist! The Emperor must have a stronger will than this! Look, don't look, look, don't look, look, don't look...

    The words kept repeating in her head. Unfortunately, the more she focused on trying to shut up the words... the less she focused on doing what she resisted doing. She glanced down and could definitely see why she was telling herself to look. As Luxanna thought, breasts were amazing—and her breasts were in a league of their own and then some. It took Luxanna bringing up a question for Tsubine to look back up. "What cup size are you?"

    "Haaah?" Of course it was a question about what she was staring at. Tsubine glanced back at her own chest, then to Luxanna's, then back to her own. "I... uh..." She placed her hands on her cheeks and leaned down in embarrassment. "This... is embarrassing, but I actually do not know..." Her volume dropped sharply. "It has been seven years since I have bought clothes for myself, and all of my clothing now is tailored to me... So no one has told me whether or not it has changed."

    The Emperor stared at her own chest, watching the water beads begin to slide off. She was even entranced by her own cleavage! This isn't right. "I was a C back then, but... I do not believe that is correct anymore..." She looked back to Luxanna, making an awkwardly-forced smile. "I feel ashamed that I do not know even that about my body..." She didn't know it... and she felt she should. Most women knew their cup sizes, but for some reason, even though she picked on Eira about their bust difference, she didn't. It was embarrassing.

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    Post by Serenity Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:22 am

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    "You don't know, huh?" Luxanna tilted her head back and to the side and then right back to Tsubine's chest. She stared at them without hesitation or any shame behind her gaze. Why not? They were in the bath together and Luxanna blatantly said she was into women. If Tsubine didn't want her out of this room by now, then there is either a reason for it or she just doesn't care. Either way, Luxanna felt like tonight was going to be a fun night. Why? Because she was about to see exactly how far she could push Tsubine in a situation like this. "That's actually kind of cool. I wish someone would just make me a perfectly fitted dress." Luxanna said, still staring at Tsubine's breasts.

    "Now..." Luxanna slid across the bath to sit next to Tsubine, leaning into the woman a bit, "You know I've never been with anyone, so have you?" Luxanna was obvoiusly being a little bratty about this, but as she asked this question she did something a little odd. Without any shame, Luxanna brought her hand up from the water and grabbed onto Tsubine's breast. She brought the other one up half a moment later and grabbed the other with her free hand. "Wow..." Luxanna looked impressed, blinking a couple times as she tightened her grip just a tiny bit, doing a bit of 'squeeze squeeze' before speaking, "You're at least a D now, maybe even a double D. There is no way you're still a C."

    Glancing up to see how Tsubine was acting with this now happening to her, Luxanna did a final squeeze before moved back away from her and letting go of that lovely chest. The only thing she found odd was that she actually wanted to return to touching them. She felt this strange tingle in the palms of her hands, like she never wanted to let go. She was confused by this feeling, but shrugged it off as quickly as possible. "For such a beautiful woman, I'm surprised you're as shy as you are." Luxanna said with a soft smile, "You shouldn't be. Not many woman are in your position, as strong, as kind, and as beautiful. You should try and loosen up, and have a little fun. Lunaria says you need it."
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    Post by Tsubine Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:57 am

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    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine could feel Luxanna's eyes tracing her bodily curves. But she couldn't do anything to avoid the gaze. Not to mention, she was getting used to it. It wasn't every day that someone got to check her out. Nor was it every day that a woman checked her out. "That's actually kind of cool. I wish someone would just make me a perfectly fitted dress." Tsubine smiled and nodded. "Then I will have one made for you. I will accept no arguments." She wouldn't let Luxanna argue that. If she did, she would just repeat "no arguments."

    "Now..." Luxanna slid across the bath to be beside the Emperor. As she inched closer, Tsubine's heartbeat escalated from a trot to a full-on gallop. It was all she could do to keep from looking at her assailant's breasts—and what made it worse was Luxanna leaning in. "You know I've never been with anyone, so have you?" "I..." Tsubine began to answer, but she was interrupted. Not by a word, but by a feeling.

    "I... I... I..." She repeated that a few times as she realized that Luxanna was grabbing not just one but both of her breasts. The moment she began to to squeeze, that is when it took an interesting turn. Tsubine didn't even hear Luxanna go "wow." Tsubine's body twitched and tensed with the the first squeeze, her mouth letting a small moan escape as it did so. "You're at least a D now, maybe even a double D. There is no way you're still a C."

    Now, Luxanna would know one thing about Her Excellency the Emperor—she seemed to have rather sensitive breasts. Or at least, they were being sensitive right now. And although this was surprising and unexpected, Tsubine could not bring herself to bat Luxanna's hands away. She felt a bit of strange pleasure from this, and her legs shifting from being crossed one way to another was proof of it. Her left eye closed as Luxanna continued to fondle the royal cleavage, opening only seconds after Luxanna was done.

    Tsubine did not move away or even cover up her chest. She did look away, her face even redder than before. The only thing that was really different besides that was that her legs were far more tightly crossed. Although, if Luxanna truly tried—they would open as if her subconscious had an override switch. Tsubine didn't really know what to think about this. She had just been fondled by her unofficial advisor. And it felt good. "For such a beautiful woman, I'm surprised you're as shy as you are. You shouldn't be. Not many woman are in your position, as strong, as kind, and as beautiful. You should try and loosen up, and have a little fun. Lunaria says you need it."

    "I can not really help but to be conscious of my body... I... feel like my height intimidates people..." Tsubine began to intertwine her fingers, fidgeting as she continued her response. "I really... do not know much about what to do to have fun. I am thirty-one years old and the Emperor of Zakat. I can not just do everything I want to do... Plus, I do not even really know what all I want to do. I have so much I can, there is not much to dream on." She thought for a moment, made a whimper then continued. "Although... Miss Lum—sorry, Luxanna," she giggled as she corrected herself, "I do feel I can trust you with this..."

    "There are times when I do sneak out of Laplace under the guise of one Laeticia Argente. I do this so I can have some semblance of a normal life. I like to be able to go into flower shops and not be praised or bowed to." She sat there for a moment, still unsure of what the hell just happened and why she enjoyed it. "And... to answer your question from before... I...." she turned back away from Luxanna, lowering her head, "Yes... I have..."

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    Post by Serenity Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:33 pm

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    Oh-ho-ho-ho... If Luxanna were more bold, there were so many ways she could take this. Tsubine's reactions were beautiful, cute, sexy, and arousing all at once. This beautiful woman was so shy, it truly shocked Luxanna. Had she never been touched in this manner? Or was it there sheer shock of being so boldly touched in such an unexpected manner? Normally and logically, it was the latter of the two. Luxanna understood this. Luxanna wasn't even sure why she was in such a grabby mood in the first place. Usually, she'd be much more reformed and composed, but right now there was something about this situation and this woman that was driving her mind up the wall.

    Tsubine went on to explain a few things that made Luxanna understand a bit more. It would be hard to have fun while being the Emperor. There was a moment where Luxanna heard the word "miss" coming out of Tsubine's mouth and Luxanna immediately raised an eyebrow. Whether it was Luxanna's expression or Tsubine just realizing it herself, the mistake was corrected quickly and Tsubine remembered to return to their first name basis. After being able to fondle those wonderful fun-bags that hung so perfectly from Tsubine's chest, there was no going back to formalities, except for in the company of those of similar standing. Still, Luxanna continued to listen to Tsubine. It was a little surprising to realize, but Tsubine was apparently about to trust Luxanna with a secret of hers.

    "There are times when I do sneak out of Laplace under the guise of one Laeticia Argente. I do this so I can have some semblance of a normal life. I like to be able to go into flower shops and not be praised or bowed to." Luxanna blinked a few times. "I see..." she said as if she had realized something, "I think you'd have a lot more fun if you went out with someone else... You could still be in disguise, but being alone and trying to have fun is not always the best answer. Next time you go out, I'll go with you. It might help you ease up a bit." "And... to answer your question from before... I...." "Hm?" "Yes... I have..." Luxanna blinked a few times, trying to remember what she might mean.

    "Oh. Alright then. So you have been with someone?" Luxanna quickly confirmed the thought and then sat up straight, interested in this, "Do tell, if you don't mind, of course."
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    Post by Tsubine Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:23 pm

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    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    "This is something which only my sister knows anything about, so I would like it to be a secret." Tsubine was trusting her with so much. No official documents state that the Emperor had left Zakat, even before her ascension to the throne. That is because she was doing this under the same borrowed name. Laeticia Argente was truly a traveler based on the documents on her. "I... studied in Rydian, the Arcane university in Colburn from when I was eighteen up until I was twenty-one."

    "I, of course as you know, have no talent with Arcana itself... although I am capable of using Arcane Items, which is what I trained in. That is about the extent my sister knows." She began to speak more seriously, turning her head slightly away to stare at the frosted skylight which provided no light into the room at this hour. "During my first year there... I had problems. It was hard adjusting to the new culture I was surrounded by. It was fascinating and intimidating. And then I was assigned a tutor. It was funny too... I had gotten lost on my first day, and the tour guide eventually found me. It was not until I was assigned a tutor that we saw each other again."

    The Emperor cleared her throat. She put extra emphasis on the first word, just so Luxanna would know that there was to be no mistaking the gender of her former lover. "Her name was Lydia Harttmann. She was a beautiful senior... She had gorgeous white hair and the largest bust I have seen on a woman. We... did have some... experiences, but I was never as 'good' as she was... so it ended up being a little one-sided. Although, I think she liked seeing me like that rather than she herself being the more submissive one... She disappeared the night of her graduation... I never heard from her again." Tsubine described Lydia not in a way that someone described an ex. Instead, it was more like was describing a friend, albeit one whom she lost contact with.

    After finishing the explanation and letting Luxanna reply, she then smiled and turned to her unofficial advisor. "And I would love to have you come along with me on one of my excursions. The guards do not care too much for you it seems, so they would turn a blind eye to letting you out of Laplace." She would love to take Luxanna to some of the places around the city. She might even be able to take Luxanna to a movie, or the Eye of Maxim—a large Ferris wheel constructed in honor of the former Emperor Maxim Kirsanov. The thoughts of what fun she could have with Luxanna caused her to turn back to another subject, although she seemed a little less embarrassed about it. "So, Luxanna, you have asked of my bust size... I feel it only fair that I ask of yours."

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    Post by Serenity Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:36 pm

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    Now, there were a few things that Luxanna was able to take notice the moment Tsubine started telling her about everything. Although it was something she assumed, Tsubine has no Arcana; she's an evoker. That theory was just confirmed. The seconds was that Tsubine did travel out of the country, but the reason for it was a little shocking. She didn't peg Tsubine as the type of woman to head all the way to Rydian Academy. But then the more interesting things set in; Tsubine actually put a bit of emphasis on 'her' when she was talking about this woman that she had been with. This made Luxanna smile. It was like Tsubine wanted Luxanna to know that she was indeed into women.

    "Interesting..." Luxanna said with a smirk once Tsubine finished her explanation, "I can definitely see you being the more submissive of the two. If you're both the submissive type, though, I will say that it probably wouldn't have worked out even if she hadn't disappeared. Two submissive people don't work out for long because they both prefer to not lead. If one is being forced to lead when they don't like it, it'll fall apart... I am curious as to where she vanished too. It must have been upsetting to have the first person you were with to just vanish on you. Did it bother you at all? Do you know where she went?" Luxanna tilted her head a bit, allowing Tsubine to answer her.

    And with that next, even more interesting question that Tsubine popped out with, Luxanna smirked again. This woman definitely had her wanting to do things she normally wouldn't do. Why did she feel so bold? So aggressive? It was odd, but she was liking it. "Here." Luxanna said, reaching out to Tsubine's wrist and bringing her toward her. The next thing Tsubine would know, Luxanna had placed her hand on her breast. "Why don't you tell me? It's something that, I believe, every woman should know how to do." Luxanna said, obviously joking since this was just a reason to make the Emperor blush, "If you have to, compare mine to your own and see what you come up with."
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    Post by Tsubine Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:02 pm

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    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    "I can definitely see you being the more submissive of the two. If you're both the submissive type, though, I will say that it probably wouldn't have worked out even if she hadn't disappeared. Two submissive people don't work out for long because they both prefer to not lead. If one is being forced to lead when they don't like it, it'll fall apart... " Tsubine didn't know how to think about that. She was the Emperor—the leader—so why would she be seen as submissive? Maybe Luxanna knew more about this subject than Tsubine did, even with the lack of experience? Or maybe it was the thought that she would want a break from leading and rather have had someone lead her.

    "I am curious as to where she vanished to. It must have been upsetting to have the first person you were with to just vanish on you. Did it bother you at all? Do you know where she went?" Tsubine thought for a moment. "Mm... It did bother me. I fell into a depression until the start of the next semester. Thoughts of her still lingered for a while after... And no, I am afraid I do not know where she ended up. We were supposed to meet after the graduation ceremony... but I did not find her..." Tsubine did not really want to continue with the subject, so she brought up the subject of Luxanna's bust.

    Unfortunately, it seemed to be the wrong right thing to do.

    The next thing Tsubine knew, she was feeling... well, it was definitely something she had felt before. It was different though. For some reason, the semi-squishy flesh that made up Luxanna's chest definitely felt different. And it was the good kind of different. "Here." Tsubine just stared. She was staring both at the grabber and the grabbed. "Why don't you tell me? It's something that, I believe, every woman should know how to do." Tsubine froze from the inside out with Luxanna's tone. "I... um... I... uh..."

    "I..." No matter what, Tsubine was stuck. Even if Luxanna's hand left Tsubine's, the Emperor's hand wasn't leaving that just yet. "If you have to, compare mine to your own and see what you come up with." "Umm..." Not really knowing what to do, nor realizing she was joking, the Emperor decided to grab her own breast with her free hand. She hesitated for a moment, but eventually latched on just like she was latching onto Luxanna's. Going only by what she knew Luxanna did, Tsubine squeezed herself once—wincing and letting out an erotic whimper—before doing the same to Luxanna.

    She liked that feeling, but she seemed to prefer being the one squeezed rather than the squeezer. She repeated it once more, although with less of a whimper and more of a gasp. "I... think we... are about the same size?" She took a few more seconds of just holding on for dear life before retreating her hand back to her side. "I am sorry... It is something I do not know how to do..." Tsubine actually looked a mixture of embarrassment (from both the fact she just squeezed Luxanna's breast and the fact she didn't know) and shame from not knowing...

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    Post by Serenity Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:29 pm

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    Luxanna watched Tsubine with the most interest she had in anything in quite some time. She was surprised to feel the slightest squeeze coming from Tsubine's hand, but she was able to control herself just enough not to let out any sort of sexual moan, unlike Tsubine had been. Luxanna figured that the two of them might as well have had sex at this point. At least then, this overwhelming urge to kiss Tsubine would have faded along with the stronger urge of touching her to see how loud she could get her to moan. Even with these thoughts on Luxanna's mind, she held herself back for the sake of Tsubine, the Emperor and her new friend. "It seems Eira and Luna were right..." she thought.

    "No, no. There is no need to apologize." Luxanna giggled a little at Tsubine, "For one, I was joking about everyone needing to know how to do that. It was honestly an excuse to get you to touch and squeeze my boob. You can blame Lunaria and Eira though. They've been trying to convince me to see how far I could get you to go when you got better. Apparently, you need to get laid and have some fun, and I've been told by a friend that I do too. They think I should show you. It's not like any woman needs to get laid. It's easier not to have to deal with the other woman, lay in bed, and have some fun all on your own." Luxanna smiled a bit and looked to Tsubine, but then a thought came to mind.

    "You..." Luxanna looked at her suspiciously and then smiled, giggling a little, "I have to ask... Do you even, you know... masturbate?"
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    Post by Tsubine Wed Dec 17, 2014 1:16 pm

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    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Luxanna giggled as she explained something painful to Tsubine. "A joke...?" She mumbled and interrupted her partner-in-bathing. A joke caused her to grab... her. Her legs tightened and her body shifted a little away from Luxanna. As her partner-in-bathing continued, Tsubine's embarrassment only grew. "Of course it was them..." The more she thought about everything that happened, the more she thought that Luxanna was only doing this on orders of Lunaria and Eira.

    Even though she let Luxanna grab her own breast, she was hesitant to continue this. She felt ashamed she couldn't catch a simple conspiracy and let her emotions get the better of her. It wasn't until Luxanna said someone had told her the same thing that Tsubine even looked towards Luxanna. The fact that maybe she was in the same boat, and that was why Lunaria and Eira had pushed the Lady of the Noir to get this close to the Emperor... well, it was a lot better than "Oh, Lunaria and Eira asked me to squeeze your chest—you don't mind, do you?"

    Truth be told, Tsubine had missed the sensations Lydia provided. She had tried long, long ago to try and replicate them to no avail. And so when Luxanna decided to bring up the subject of self-satisfaction... Tsubine knew what to say. However, she didn't know if she should say it. She let out a couple of audible mmms, as if she wanted to hold out from Luxanna—to tell her to ask Lunaria and Eira about it. Frankly, she was pouting. A thirty-one-year-old Emperor was sitting there, in the bath next to a stunning woman, pouting.

    After a tense battle with herself, she finally spoke up, albeit at a low volume. "Lunaria..." As she spoke, her volume gradually increased. "She has told me to... but I can not bring myself to do it." She still couldn't bring herself to look to Luxanna. She was still a little upset. "The only experiences I have had in a more... explicit manner have been with another person... so I suppose you could say that I do not really know how." And then... she finally looked over to Luxanna, motioning with her hands to explain the size of what she was about to speak of.

    "She tries to explain that using certain 'instruments' would do better than just my hands, but they all look so intimidating... or at least the ones Lunaria has shown me." The sizes were exagerrated, but they are what Tsubine saw when she laid eyes upon them. "I keep repeating to myself that they would never fit without breaking something..."

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    Post by Serenity Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:21 pm

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    Luxanna was stuck. She knew exactly what Tsubine was describing. As she stared at Tsubine, listening to every word this woman was saying, Luxanna's jaw dropped. She was unaware of the overexaggeration that Tsubine was putting on Lunaria's apparent gadgets. As Tsubine continued explained, Luxanna's head slowly tilted all the way to the side. "I see." was her reply and then the room fell silent. Luxanna had to recollect her thoughts for a few moments and then took in a deep breath, slowly letting it out as her thoughts formed. "Well, I wasn't expecting that." Luxanna said, brushing her hair back with her hand, "Thanks to Nadia, I've only seen a few of those, never used."

    "Why is everyone so concentrated on getting you to be with someone?" Luxanna asked, probably bringing up a sore subject, but she was risking it, "There is nothing wrong with being a young single woman. You have years to come before you'd need to worry about settling down... So why are they freaking out at you?" Luxanna was trying to pull the conversation into a less 'boob grab' subject. She even fought her urges to stare down at Tsubine's breasts, and those urges were strong. After Tsubine would answer, she noticed the bath water getting a little cool. "We've been in here a while. Maybe we should rinse a bit, dry off, and head to dinner or something... I'm kind of hungry."

    Luxanna was feeling her skin prune. She didn't want to continue being in the water for too long. Although it felt good, Luxanna didn't enjoy having dry skin. She'd step out of the bath and use one of the shower to allow herself to rinse off, paying close attention to rinsing her hair. After that, she'd step out and grab two towels, one to wrap her hair in and another to wrap her body in. "Alright... You ready to shock everyone by walking out of the bath with me?" Luxanna said, putting her hands on her hips and smiling toward Tsubine, obviously teasing, "You don't really have to of course. If you want, I can cloak myself, or us, and get out of here without the possible mob waiting for us outside." Luxanna raised an eyebrow, assuming Eira and Lunaria had probably been listening in on them for a bit.
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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

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    Post by Tsubine Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:26 pm

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    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine was stuck at Luxanna's question. She thought for a moment, not really even paying attention that her eyes were slowly turning towards Luxanna's curves. "I think they think that it would help me as a ruler or something... or maybe they think I should be a mother." She giggled, obviously joking with the last part. "I truthfully do not know. But knowing that they have spoken to you about this, I—we will have to confront them." She was proud to have Luxanna as her unofficial advisor and friend (and now, partner-in-bathing), and she was going to use having such a close relationship with her to an advantage against Lunaria and Eira's antics.

    Slowly, as the two's conversation died, so did the water's warmth. Luxanna was the first to bring it up, asking if they should get something to eat. Tsubine nodded and smiled. She had forgotten about why she was pouting moments ago. "Yes, something to eat would be nice." Tsubine was the second to get out of the bath, and she was unknowingly glad it went that way. She got a nice view of something of Luxanna's that she had only seen covered.

    Tsubine took the shower next to Luxanna and rinsed herself off, although she did not take nearly as much time as her partner-in-bathing. Instead, Tsubine had retreated into a closet, grabbing two robes with the Imperial seal on the right chest. She put one on herself, and handed the other to Luxanna. She hadn't even noticed she was standing there without the robe tied. Luxanna had seen all of her once already, and so it was a little less of a concern for her.

    Luxanna, on the other hand, seemed to be a little concerned about appearances. Worrying about if Tsubine would be fine being seen coming out of the bath together. Tsubine's eyes narrowed slightly, and her smile turned impish just as briskly. "If they want to play games—then we shall play games of our own." She spoke as if the joking part was being forced into being serious. Yes, Tsubine was going back to how she was with Eira back in the day. She was going to tease her sister once again, and hopefully rope Lunaria in as well.

    Tsubine waited on Luxanna to put the robe on. She'd try not to stare, but she couldn't help it at times. Luxanna had an attractive body, and even if she were a straight woman she could admit that. Thankfully, it was obvious that she wasn't entirely straight. As soon as Luxanna finished, Tsubine finished tying her own—and then looped an arm around Luxanna's. "Come, come. Let us force their minds to race." She ushered her partner-in-bathing to the door, hoping that someone was watching her come out of the bath for once.

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