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    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:30 am

    That same night and the two after her wonderful time with Tsubine, Luxanna didn't have a normal sleep. She laid her head down on the pillow, closed her eyes, and fell into the wishful visions only granted to nights sleepers. And through these nights, the wishes that seemed to flood through Luxanna's mind had taken over her dream-scape. The first night, Luxanna dreamed of a woman in a dark blue dress dancing with her to classical music. They moved gracefully along the dance floor until finally they shared a passionate kiss that caught the eyes of everyone.

    The second night, Luxanna dreamed of a green valley, a picnic blanket, and the head of a beautiful woman laying on her chest. And then on the third night, Luxanna dreamed that she was laying in a large bed, naked, with a that same beautiful woman laying beneath her body as she worked to pleasure her in ways only a lover would. Luxanna dreamed through out the entirety of these nights, and when the sun shined in through the curtains the fourth morning, she sat up, and silently thought to herself, for she remembered every single one. The main thing about these dreams was the woman who kept showing up: Tsubine.

    It was difficult for Luxanna to comprehend what had been happening in her mind the past few nights. With all of this on her mind, she may have seemed a little off to Tsubine, Eira, and Lunaria, but nothing too major. She was a little quieter, dazed out a lot, and obviously had something on her mind. If anyone asked about it, she'd smile and shake her head and politely explain, "There is something, but until I'm sure exactly what I want to do about it, I'd prefer not to worry anyone over my own personal matters. I promise you, though, you'll all find out pretty soon." Anymore on the matter would be waved off or politely declined; she couldn't admit that she wasn't able to stop thinking about Tsubine.

    And finally, on the fourth night, Luxanna had one finally dream that seemed to bring it all together. This one had everyone in it: Tsubine, Eira, Lunaria, Pariah, Masamune, Nadia, Serenity, and most other friends that came to her mind. This dream was of a big event, one that made Luxanna's heart soar. As she rolled over in her bed, she smiled and held a pillow to her chest. "I love you..." she muttered the words in her sleep, but was some how able to tell what she had done and her eyes snapped open in surprise. She quickly sat up, glanced out the window to see that it was morning, and then took in a deep breath, smiling happily as she got up and began to get dressed.

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:57 am

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Header7

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Mornings were always a pain for Her Excellency, the Emperor. The bright sun, the crowing birds (which had been requested to be shot, even if it took "those damned anti-ship cannons"), etc. were all just annoyances. But lately, even those were ignored by Her Excellency. She smiled as she rose, a sight few saw. She had not had any notable dreams, but her sleep had been much better.

    "Good morning~" She called out to no one in particular as she looked outside the massive window overlooking the harbor. She was half-exposed—dressed only in a stark white robe. She spun around and closed the curtains, even humming a small tune as she finished her morning shower. Dressing herself, she practically skipped down the halls. She smiled and waved to each of the guards she passed—all of whom only looked confused and saluted her in return.

    The Emperor descended a single flight of stairs to end up on the second floor of Laplace, and immediately went to her office. She left the door open, and cracked the window to allow a nice breeze to flow through. She began to hum again as she began to file paper after paper away—happily signing her name to each.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:45 am

    There was something about this day that was so different than the past few that had passed Luxanna by. The air felt clearer and lighter. She felt clearer and lighter is what was really going on. Luxanna's final dream had allowed her to confirm something to herself. She had actually spoke the words "I love you" out loud while sleeping, waking herself up in the process. She couldn't believe she had actually done that, but at the same time, it really wasn't too shocking either. With the way her mind had been going lately, something was bound to happen. Tsubine had barely left her thoughts. When she was in the same room as the woman, Luxanna felt at ease, happy, and calm. When she wasn't in the room with Tsubine, Luxanna felt anxious and wanted to go find her. After last night, she knew exactly why this had been happening and decided that some time soon, she was going to admit her feelings for Tsubine. The only problem with this was that Luxanna still did not think she deserved someone like Tsubine. The position of Emperor wasn't even the issue; it was how wonderful, beautiful, determined, kind, and gentle Tsubine was. How could someone like Luxanna deserve someone like Tsubine? It didn't feel right, but if loving her was wrong, Luxanna did not want to be right.

    Fully dressed, hair brushed, and a little bit of make-up put on to make her eyes and skin shine some, Luxanna finally stepped out of her room and began making her way through the halls. She happily waved to the guards that she passed by, who had finally loosened up after her antics over a month ago. She even ended up apologizing to as many of them as she could remember so they'd stop feeling like she was nothing more than a pest. She had to do something; Lunaria was apparently still getting complaints about her 'suspicious activities'. Luxanna was surprised that Lunaria still even trusted her after some of the rumors of 'brainwashing the Emperor' made themselves known. Lunaria knew exactly what was going on though, and brainwashing wasn't a part of it. Otherwise, Luxanna would likely have been turned into one hell of a puppet by now. By the time the thoughts of the past few days finished collecting, Luxanna turned a corner to see Tsubine walking into her office. She blinked a few times and smiled, running along through the hall way until she made it up to Tsubine's door.

    Luxanna stopped when she heard Tsubine humming a tune and just listened for a bit. Tsubine seemed pretty happy, which just made Luxanna feel even happier than she had before. She was about to walk in, but decided against it. First, she turned herself invisible and then slid in through the open door. Luxanna walked around her friend a bit, just watching her. Most would have called her creepy or some sort of stalker, but Luxanna didn't care at all right now. She just wanted to be able to see Tsubine in this happy state. After a couple of minutes, she stepped up beside Tsubine and 'walked' her fingers up Tsubine's sides, to her shoulders, and then down her arms. She didn't know whether Tsubine would be used to someone being invisible around her, so she didn't know whether this would actually scare. She had to try though; she loved seeing Tsubine's reactions to things like this. She was just too cute!

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:01 pm

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Header7

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine oculd not help but to be happy today. It was just starting to warm up in the middle of Aurora, and winter's cold breezes were morphing into spring's cool ones. She had a paperweight—which was a golden falcon—placed atop the paperwork she signed, and she was slowly whittling down the unsigned papers. The ink pen danced in her hand as "TSUBINE VON ZARKONHEINZ" was signed and the date of "FEB 09 501AE" inscribed upon everything from land documents to ideas for new laws.

    Even if Luxanna had been standing there visible, it would have taken her a moment to break out of the trance. All she wanted to do right now was continue humming and sign the paperwork. After the work was done, she could go and have some fun. Maybe Luxanna was aroun—Tsubine tensed up and nearly threw herself out of the chair as soon as she felt fingers on her side. Before she could scream, she pressed a button on the desk which closed the door.

    Tsubine batted the walking fingers away, knowing full well who they belonged to."T-that is not funny!" Tsubine's smile faded for just a moment, but her heart did not calm down. "You are very lucky I know how your fingers feel or else I would have pressed the alarm." She teased Luxanna a little, and then she placed the ink pen back in its well and moved the stacks of paperwork away. "So, how are you today?" The sun shining from behind them entered the window, giving Tsubine an almost saintly look...

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:02 am

    If Tsubine had actually thrown herself from her chair, quite like last time Luxanna startled her, Luxanna was completely ready to try and catch the woman or fall with her. This time didn't go as 'startling' as the last though. Luxanna giggled as her fingers were bat away and allowed herself to reappear. "Oh, so you've memorized my touch already, have you? Seems I must do something new to catch you off guard." Luxanna said in a flirtatious tone, moving over to sit in a chair, "That was cool though." Luxanna pointed toward the door, talking about the fact that a button had apparently closed it.

    "I'm actually doing pretty well... Had an amazing sleep last night." Luxanna crossed one leg over the other and placed her hands in her lap, "What about you? How was your sleep?" Luxanna froze for a moment, staring at Tsubine as the light hit her face just right. She blinked a few times and lightly shook her head, trying to settle her thoughts and not make her expression too obvious. Once she regained her composure, Luxanna cleared her throat and brought up a content smile. "Have you had breakfast yet? I just woke up, so I was wondering if you'd join me, unless you're busy of course..." Luxanna said and stood up, holding her hands behind her back, "Oh... right." she suddenly remembered something important, "I was also wondering when the meeting between the territory leaders was going to happen? I know things like that take a while to plan and with travel time between nations... Have you heard anything from the rest of the leaders? I figured it would take quite a bit of time to get that done."
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:05 am

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Header7

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine giggled slightly at Luxanna being unable to fully startle her. "I would love to see you try." She smiled back challengingly. Tsubine loved to tease Eira, and Luxanna was a new challenge for her. Not just because it was a new person, but because Luxanna brought forth teases Eira would never do—such as the dragon-sized suppository she jokingly got for the Emperor. Tsubine relaxed and pressed the button again—unlocking the door but not opening it.

    "I..." Tsubine didn't know how to fully respond to Luxanna's question. She didn't want to say "I feel like I'm being carried by an armada of butterflies," as that would give off way too many different vibes. "I am very good." She smiled again, crossing her legs in the chair. "I am glad you slept well. I did as well, although I have been sleeping much better lately altogether." She did not know the cause of her new sleeping habits, but she did enjoy them.

    Something else she enjoyed was spending time with Luxanna, so when she offered for breakfast, Tsubine immediately rejected the assumption she was too busy."No, no. I can easily make time for you, Luxanna." She un-crossed her legs and closed the window behind her as she stood up. Putting another paperweight on the unfiled papers, Luxanna turned to her and asked about the meeting coming up.

    "The last messenger arrived yesterday. I had to work out a few things with the Regent-General of Brauk, but that is now settled. They all agreed to come—and to come here as well. We will be having it in one month, on March Fifteenth. We will be finalizing security over the next month. It may be hard to get in and out of Laplace, so if you have some duties to take care of between now and then I suggest you take of them as soon as possible." Tsubine walked up to Luxanna and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Besides, I would rather have you return sooner than later if you did leave."

    "Now, come, come. We shall go and eat in my study. I do not feel like walking down another flight of stairs at this point." Tsubine smiled as she led Luxanna across Laplace's North Wing and into the South Wing. There, they entered the massive study they were in together only four days before. Tsubine rang a bell as she took a seat across the small table. A maid entered and bowed, and Tsubine turned to Luxanna. "What is it you would like to eat?"

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:17 am

    Oh, oh, oh! Wait a minute, now! Was that... Was that really a challenge?! Did Luxanna just get challenged by Tsubine? Oh, ho, ho. Yes. Yes, she did. That just started a chain of events that Tsubine might not be able to handle, especially if she ever got caught walking through this massive palace at night. Oh, no, no. Yes, this was going to be fun. The look on Luxanna's face told it all. She was ready to take up that challenge and all she did to confirm it to Tsubine was give a smirk and nod.

    The two of them talked for a bit and Luxanna was happy to hear that Tsubine had also been having a good morning. Not much had happened, but they both seemed to be in great moods. Luxanna found it hard to realize that her entire mood was directly connected to the fact that she was here with Tsubine. Just being able to talk with her was enough. Luxanna took in a deep breath and nodded. "What did the Regent General need confirmed?" she asked, unsure whether she had permission to have that information or not. If she wasn't, that was fine and she completely understood. As Tsubine explained the rest, Luxanna noted it all and made sure that she'd remember it. "Alright then. I stopped all transfers coming to Zakat from the Noir. Although we are also based in Arcadia, we haven't contacted Cieria or Brauk yet... I'd rather no one be suspicious of the Noir. We'll continue that business once the Head's are able to feel safe back home in their own territories."

    "And I don't think that I've got anything to do personally..." Luxanna thought about it for a moment and then shook her head to confirm, "If something comes up, it better hope it comes up at least a week before the meeting. After that, I'm not leaving." Luxanna and Tsu began making their way to the South Wing as the two of them talked. Luxanna made a point to stand until Tsubine sat and then sat herself. Though she knew she probably didn't need to, she did this out of respect. It made her feel a bit more comfortable. Tsubine rang a bell and soon a maid entered the room. When Luxanna was asked what she wanted, she thought for a moment and then smiled. "Would a blueberry muffin with butter on the side and some orange juice be too much of a bother? And if I can, I'd like it to not have any pulp..." Luxanna asked as nicely as she could and then looked to Tsubine, "The last time I had pulp in that stuff, I almost choked to death. I don't know why. I just can't handle it." Once Tsubine ordered, she'd looked back to see that Luxanna was just staring at her. She understood why she couldn't tear her eyes away from Tsubine and it didn't bother her. She just smiled bigger when Tsubine saw.

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:53 am

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Header7

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine had no idea what she had gotten herself into. However, she felt she could handle anything Luxanna threw at her. She had handled getting startled by that plastic thing, so she could take other things far easier... right? Right. Hopefully. Right. Anyways! Tsubine began to talk about the Regent-General and how things had to be settled. "Ah, he only offered to use one of his locations for the meeting. I had to decline. I still feel uneasy traveling."

    Tsubine then escorted Luxanna to her study, and they continued to have small talk about everything from the Noir to if Luxanna would leave and even how nice the Regent-General seemed from his letters. After arriving, Luxanna finally sat down... although Tsubine felt a little bad about Luxanna waiting on her to sit down. The maid came in and Luxanna ordered first.

    It was no complex order, and the maid bowed. "It would be no problem, ma'am. Your Excellency?" Tsubine thought for a moment. "I will have..." She smiled as she decided what all she wanted."Two biscuits, an orange, a sausage patty, six strips of bacon—crunchy, two pieces of toast, and pulp-less orange juice as well. Bring grape jelly, two sticks of butter, and the peanut butter as well." The maid bowed again. "Yes, Your Excellency." After taking their orders, she retreated downstairs to the kitchen.

    Tsubine turned to Luxanna and smiled again—realizing that Luxanna was smiling and staring happily at her. "So, is there anything you would like to talk about?" Tsubine had only boring business talk at this point, so she was hoping Luxanna had something else to talk about.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Sat Jan 03, 2015 6:49 am

    There was a moment of shock when Tsubine began ordering. Just hearing the deliciousness of Tsubine's order almost made her reconsider her own. She chose not to because every time she did that, she ended up wasting food. She was not going to waste food in this house, no. When Tsubine turned to her and asked about something to talk about, Luxanna only smiled more and shook her head. "Nothing in particular, though I am surprised you have such a healthy appetite." Luxanna said, bringing her elbow down onto the table and laying her chin on her hand.

    "There was something I had thought about earlier, though..." Luxanna narrowed her eyes as if she were trying to recall, "Oh yeah, I saw Eira in the hallway, but didn't get a chance to talk to her. How has she been doing? I heard her talking to Lunaria a while back, before I left, about going to visit your parents... Have you guys gotten a chance to do that?" Luxanna hoped she wasn't treading on territory that'd be considered a little more than personal. She just knew how much she did miss her own Mom, especially after their conversation before. If Tsubine's parents were still alive, Luxanna would push her to go see them as often as possible, especially if they were on good terms. "Ah, yes... If you don't mind me asking, of course..." Luxanna spoke up again, realizing that's something else she was curious about, "How is your relationship with your Mom and Dad? Do you guys get along well?"

    After a few seconds, Luxanna just realized something, "Aren't you and Eira twins? I missed her birthday too, didn't I?" It seems, Luxanna wasn't the only one who missed someone's birthday.

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:09 am

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Header7

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine blushed a little at Luxanna's comment about the appetite. "I have to eat a lot else I will be exhausted. My diet effectively tripled from when I was a small girl thanks to all of the stress being Emperor entails." She was slightly embarrassed now that Luxanna had pointed it out. She knew she ate a lot, but Luxanna was making it sound like she ate too much.

    And then a harder question hit. Tsubine looked a little dejected as she had to answer."I am afraid not..." She reclined in her chair—sighing as she did so. "All of this talk of the meeting, my getting shot... It all has happened so quickly and suddenly that I have yet to have a chance to visit them. We had been planning on returning after my birthday, but I have been in and out of meetings all month." Tsubine really did want to see her mother and father, and she hated that being the Emperor impeded on that.

    Tsubine was stuck on Luxanna's next question. "Ah... I should probably tell you..." She seemed a little fidgety and nervous. "I... actually have not seen them since I left for Arcadia all those years ago... I had planned on returning after earning some money by being in the military... But then I became Emperor and have not had a good chance to do so." She explained a little awkwardly—not really liking the fact she hadn't seen her parents in so long. "I have invited them to come visit, but my father always seems to get ill when the time comes... I have been in contact with them, however. I now plan to visit my parents with Eira in tow soon after the meeting next month. You should come along as well—I am sure my parents would love to meet you."

    Speaking of family, there was one other member of Tsubine's family—Eira. And Luxanna remembered they were twins! Tsubine was a little glad she did remember. "Yes, but it is not her birthday which is a national holiday." She joked slightly. "But no, we had a small celebration for her. It was nothing too big, as we have yet to finalize the matter of her... past indiscretions."

    "Come, come. Let us speak not of family for now." Tsubine was trying to get off of the subject of family for now, as she did feel very bad about not seeing her folks so often. A few more minutes of small talk later, the food arrived. Luxanna's muffin was... about twice-and-a-half the size of a normal muffin. Tsubine had passed along a secret message to increase the size of it to match the fact that she had ordered a larger plate.

    One maid placed glasses in front of both Tsubine and Luxanna—and then poured each a glass of pure, unadulterated orange juice before leaving the pitcher on the table. The other maid placed the food in front of both, with each being given a stick of butter to spread. "Thank you. It looks delicious. I will call for you when we are done." The maids bowed and retreated outside, shutting the doors once more.

    Tsubine looked at her food, and began preparing each of them. "Do not wait on me—please, eat when you are ready." She buttered the toast, then each of the biscuits. Then came the sausage and jelly being spread inside of the biscuits (not together, of course) and the peanut butter on the toast. After everything was done—she began. Crumbs from the biscuits did not start flying away, but she was eating fast and hard. She had manners, but they were more for the man of the family rather than a woman. As she finished the first biscuit (the one with the sausage) in only a few bites, she looked to Luxanna. "How is it?"

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Sat Jan 03, 2015 9:11 am

    "What are you blushing for? I'm impressed as hell." Luxanna said, knowing that blush wasn't a positive one, "For a woman to be able to eat healthy like that and still have god-like figure, that's an impressive thing. Not only that, it shows exactly how much of a hard worker you are." Luxanna looked at her with an expression that said 'you better understand what I actually meant by that'. She did not want to be misunderstood, especially about something like that. Women were very self-conscious about their bodies, so she was only complimenting in truths.

    This conversation about parents did not go where Luxanna thought it would go. She was actually a little off put that Tsubine hadn't been able to make time to go see her parents. That wasn't cool, at all. And because of this, and her attachment with her mother, Luxanna was not entirely sure how to react. There was definitely no anger, but more confusion and disappointment than anything. She found herself scratching the back of her head. And when she mentioned that her Father had apparently been getting sick when he was supposed to travel, Luxanna even got worried about that. She kept a straight face, but for a man to get sick often enough, there was a chance that there was something even more wrong than originally thought. Tsubine needed to go see her parents. "We have... a month." Luxanna said, her tone a little solemn, "Maybe we can all go visit them a bit sooner? I mean... If your Father is getting sick, does it not worry you that maybe something is more wrong than they're letting on? I hate to put that thought in your head, but I watch my Mom die... I couldn't imagine how I'd feel if she got sick and I wasn't there when she passed." Yes, the conversation dropped into a more dark corner of life, but Luxanna meant what she said, "I think it'd be good for you and Eira to get out there pretty soon."

    It was then that Luxanna remembered they were twins and put two and two together about their birthdays. How she had not realized this before, she didn't know. It was just nice that Eira hadn't tossed a vase at her head or something like that since she returned. Of course, with the concentration Eira and Lunaria seemed to have about getting Luxanna and Tsubine together, which Luxanna no longer minded, it wasn't to surprising that it slipped her mind. She'd just have to mention it some time later, just not now. Luxanna did agree that the conversation about family needed to end. It felt like a touchy and sensitive subject for the both of them. The two of them talked about a few more things until the food came and Luxanna was jaw-droppingly shocked at how big her muffin was. "No way!" she said and sat up perfectly straight in her chair, leaning over the thing. If one didn't know better, they probably might have thought they saw Luxanna's eyes pop out of her head in a cartoon fashion, but that was impossible. She glanced up  to Tsubine as her food came and smiled widely. Once she was told to eat, Luxanna cut off the muffins top and sliced the bottom into two pieces, spreading butter over the first.

    "This... is amazing!" Luxanna took the first bite of her muffin and looked as if she had fallen into food heaven, "So good. So big! Are all the muffin's in this place made to be this huge?! Hehehe. Awesome." Luxanna's smiled brightened; she obviously had a thing for muffins. "So... I was thinking." Luxanna spoke up a little shyly after finishing a couple bites of her muffin, "Once all of the drama around here calms down, the meetings done, you've seen your parents... If you-..." "Emperor?" A voice suddenly interrupted and Luxanna's head hit the table. "Out, out, out!" Luxanna flailed her arms and was about to toss a piece of her muffin, but Lunaria just smiled like a brat and re-closed the door. "Oi..." Luxanna set the piece of muffin down and covered her face with her hand, speaking into it, "Would you... go out with me? Like... maybe... to be my... girlfriend... you know... yeah..." Luxanna's face was tomato red and she knew it, so she kept her hand over her face and just peeked through her fingers.

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Sat Jan 03, 2015 9:33 am

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Header7

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine was glad Luxanna liked her little surprise. She was even more glad she liked the muffin itself. "No, no. This one was made especially for you. I am glad you like the larger version though. It seems that muffins are not the only thing you like large though." Tsubine joked about her gag gift. Even if she didn't "like" the gift, she liked the fun time they had joking about it.

    Luxanna was about to bring out a taboo topic when Lunaria tried to interrupt. Tsubine turned to Lunaria, and Luxanna flailed her out. Tsubine blinked and turned back to Luxanna, who was now covering her face. "Would you... go out with me? Like... maybe... to be my... girlfriend... you know... yeah..."

    "I..." Oh how unexpected! "I..." Oh, how much it warmed her heart to hear that! "I..." Oh how those words echoed in her ear! "I..." Oh how sweet her voice was! "I..." Oh how Luxanna had surprised her! "I..." Oh how much she wanted to say "yes, take me now!"

    But alas, the heart is a fickle thing. And what is more fickle is the brain. Logically, Tsubine should say to give her some time. She would have to consult Lunaria and Eira... but then she realized. Those two had been egging them on to be a couple from the get-go. But even without Lunaria and Eira's input, she still would have to inform the Grand Council... but that was only logically thinking.

    "I do not know...." Tsubine set her food down and stood up—pacing back in forth with her hands moving as she spoke. "You... you make my heart erupt when you are around and it yearns to soar towards you when you are away. You make my body feel like I am being lifted into the skies by an armada of butterflies. You make me smile and laugh when I see your face, and I grow distant and sad when I can not."

    And then she stopped pacing and turned to Luxanna. "There are times where I have wanted to just run up and hug your neck when you return..." She cleared her throat and took in a deep breath. "If... you think you can handle the burden of being my partner... then..." These words were harder to say than she realized—and lumps formed in her throat quickly. "I... would have to say..."

    Her face was red and her body shook. Her bones wanted to split from her body and run, but her heart wanted to stay and be there. She wanted to be there with Luxanna. With that, the final dream of her three-day state of being asleep clicked. The face, she remembered. The voice, she recognized. It was Luxanna. The woman whom she was so excited to see that night in the dream was the woman hiding behind an oversized muffin.

    "Y-y-yes..." She stuttered, and finally exhaled. She began to calm down a bit, but could not yet sit back down. "B-b-b-but on one condition..." Her hands began to dance with one another with anticipation... "I do not want to wait a month..."

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Serenity Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:15 am

    That damn interruption made Luxanna more nervous than she really wanted to be. She could deal with mild nerves, but not with being startled by an overly protective maid who really needed to work on her timing. Once the woman left and Luxanna pretty much forced out what she wanted to say, she sat there quitely. Tsubine didn't answer immediately, causing Luxanna to prepare for rejection. She had apparently caught Tsubine off guard because the woman didn't seem like she was able to spit out a sentence. Luxanna curled her knees up to her chest, hiding her face behind them while she sat nervously in the chair.

    "Mmmm.... I shouldn't have done this..." Luxanna thought to herself. Tsubine was hesitating big time and that was making her nervous. She knew this was a bad idea. Why did she let Eira and Lunaria get inside her head? And when that I don't know came, Luxanna's heart sank, but then everything else was said and Luxanna could only blush. Her heart was pouding insanely hard in her chest and she was nervous, so she kept glancing away from Tsubine and back to her. When Tsubine finally said yes, Luxanna's eyes widened and a happiness filled them that she didn't have before. "Really?" she blinked a couple times and then Tsubine decided there was a condition, which made Luxanna a bit more nervous. The condition was surprising and Luxanna actually had to think whether it'd be a good idea.

    "Are you sure? I'm definitely okay with that, but I gave it a month so you'd be able to get things done and even think on whether thi-... I am something you'd want in your life in that manner..." Luxanna stood from her chair and stepped over to Tsubine, taking the woman's hands, "And being in a relationship with you is no burden, but a blessing, and one that I am quite happy for." Luxanna's heart was finally calming down and then a mischievous smirk appeared on her face. "And once I've proven myself to be a worthy girlfriend, I'll be able to see you naked more often. That is a huge bonus." Luxanna giggled stuck her tongue out, "I will have the most beautiful girlfriend in Aurora."

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Empty Re: Dreaming Of You [CLOSED]

    Post by Tsubine Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:59 am

    Dreaming Of You [CLOSED] Header7

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Ah this was a dream come true for Her Excellency! She could swirl around right now—not giving a care further for the rest of the world. Right now, her entire existence was focused on this room—on this woman in front of her. She could stare into those blue eyes until the end of time, but she didn't want to. She wanted to see what those blue eyes saw and continue that happy glow which radiated from within.

    The glow seemed to dim as Luxanna pondered Tsubine's condition. Tsubine shook her head. "There is not much to be done on my end. There are things you will do on your own, and things we must do together..." Tsubine happily wrapped her fingers with Luxanna's—and she could feel Luxanna's heartbeat through the veins in her fingers. "But if this keeps my heart soaring and even breaks the boundaries of the skies within, I know that this... nay, that you are what I want."

    And apparently what Luxanna wanted was to see Tsubine naked—and that turned her face red once more. "I assure you, you are already worthy enough of a partner for me." They had not been together for five minutes, and Tsubine was unable to think of Luxanna as anything but worthy. And as she complimented the Emperor, Tsubine leaned in and placed a kiss on Luxanna's cheek—right where the scar from their first meeting was. "You already do."

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