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Environmental Hatred [Closed] EmptySun Nov 20, 2016 8:32 pm by Tsubine

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    Environmental Hatred [Closed]


    Posts : 225
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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:17 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] SnopyAE_zps1054f6b7

    "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!"  No, they weren't.  It wasn't.  No jokes.  Is Hacil laughing?  Snopy's not laughing.  No one is laughing.  Snopy buried his face into his hands and just groaned in disappointment.  Disappointment in himself.  He had killed bandits, pushed himself to the limit, and he was becoming stronger by the day.  He had recovered from his overexertion fairly well, and stronger rather than damaged.  Yet in the rush to save Nilani's life, he forgot something.  His father's sword?  Nope, he still has that.  His sanity?  He lost that long ago.  No, no.  "How the hell did I forget Ahri."  His legs dangled into the calm flow of the miniature river.  He leaned back, arms supporting his weight as he looked up to the sky.  There is one cloud in that whole sky.  He thought as he noticed there was literally only one cloud.  His legs were chilly, it was a bit cold to be dangling his legs in a river.  Yet he didn't care.  Rather, he didn't notice.  He was still trying to comprehend how he took this long to realize he forgot his pet.  A lot had happened, so it was reasonable to get caught up in the craziness.  Still...  He sighed as he couldn't get the thought out of his head.

    It was early when he left, everyone else was still asleep at the time.  They were probably all up and about by now.  He didn't exactly leave a note that he'd be gone or if he'd be back, but they had been traveling together for a bit.  He occasionally went out on his own, but he usually came back while everyone was still getting themselves together.  Still, looking at the sun, he must have been out here for almost 3 hours.  It was barely starting to rise when he came here.  He was only a short way from where they had made camp, so if they wanted to find him it'd be easy.  As he sat, he began to hum the song his mother once sung to him.  Even though the song seemed to be a tad sad when the words were spoken, and even though he was a little upset, he didn't do it out of sadness.  It was just comforting.  Despite his rather grim expectations as to the conclusion of this whole episode of his life, he was feeling a little happier with the whole thing.  The girls were...strange.  Very strange.  Yet they were, or at least seemed, sweet.  Maybe he was letting his guard down a little, but at the moment, the little bit of joy coming from having friends (or at least temporary comrades) was enough that he didn't mind.  After another 3 minutes, upon finishing the humming, Snopy decided it might be best to head back.  He'd give it another 5 minutes, but that was merely to bask in the relaxation for a little longer.  It'd be rude to keep them waiting any longer.

    Last edited by Snopy Saika on Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:43 am; edited 1 time in total
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:42 am

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Header7
    Hacil Ensandraen

    Hacil was the first of the sisters out of bed. They might have been awake, but she couldn't tell. Most of her reason for being awake so early was because she couldn't sleep anymore. After everything that happened in Aria, Hacil's mind was racing nonstop. Most of the thoughts were unpleasant for her. She kept thinking of what she could have done better at the farm. Snopy should not have taken that arrow for her. She should have already taken out the archer before he could even let the arrow fly. That's what Elwyn would have done after all.

    The other reason Hacil was awake so early was that despite being seen as someone who didn't take her work in the clan seriously, Hacil only slept in when she had been partying too much the night before. Hacil was known for going out and mingling in the town nearest the Ensandraen Clan. She was the only one among her clan that did so on a regular basis, but they were the ones that made her feel at home. There was scorn and distrust at first, but after beating Joachim the Bottomless in a drinking contest she was able to get the village's respect. Well, the tavern's respect.

    Hacil was a master at leaving without making a sound by now, at least in her mind. She snuck to the best of her ability to get dressed inside the abandoned cabin the trio had made camp in. She grabbed her jatahl as she left the wooden hut. She shivered in a cool breeze, wishing she had changed into her thicker clothing. It was hard to call what she wore clothing though. The short skirt and bustier was more akin to lingerie, but Hacil liked wearing it as normal clothing unless it was cold. It made her feel free and different from the others. It was one way of saying she was not Elwyn. Elwyn probably wore granny panties, not anything like this.

    As she shivered again, Hacil tried to warm herself up using her anima. The natural power began to flow, but before long her back began to ache and she immediately stopped. She wasn't going to let those wings come out again. Letting out a sigh, Hacil began to walk around the cabin. She'd do a patrol sweep, then go and meet Snopy, Elwyn, and Nilani for breakfast. She'd, once again, have to provide the fire for that. You'd think one of them would know how to make a fire so she didn't have to every time. Sure, she could make the best fire for cooking, but sometimes she just didn't want to.

    Hacil strolled through the trees, watching the birds and insects. Their chirping and buzzing was broken with muttering from a distance. Hacil crouched down and stalked over to the source of the muttering. She peaked through some underbrush, noticing Snopy sitting there. She smiled a wicked smile and picked up something on the ground. With her target in sight, Hacil threw the acorn at the back fo Snopy's head. With a satisfying thunk, she smiled and giggled ever so softly. "Mornin', Snopes," Hacil called out from the bushes. "Sleep well?"
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    Age : 224

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:04 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] ElwynNilani_zps76d89bc4

    The days have been calm and the nights have been calmer. Elwyn helped Snopy with his training anytime he felt up to it, which was more often than she expected. It had been a week since they left and followed Hacil's hint about Nahbe's possible location and things were going pretty well, for now. The eldest of the elven women was the last to rise. Laying next to her was the youngest, clinging to Elwyn like a child to her mother. Elwyn always slept like a log, barely moving, rarely changing her position. Nilani treated her like pillow often, something solid to hang onto. And Nilani was the second of the sister to wake, just in time to see Hacil walking off.

    Nilani sat and waited. There was no reason to leave camp. Hacil would return and so would Snopy, she hoped. She sat in silence for some time, waiting for Elwyn to wake, but the eldest sister did not wake for quite some time. When she finally did, Nilani was the only one here to greet Elwyn for the new morning. Elwyn smiled as she sat up, leaned forward, and cracked her lower back. "Not very comfortable, is it?" Nilani asked with a soft smile. Elwyn shook her head and rubbed the back of her neck. "I'll never understand how you stay perfectly still as you sleep, even when you're uncomfortable with your bed." Elwyn just smiled and tapped Nilani's nose, "Trained myself to."

    "Where are Snopy and Hacil?" Elwyn asked after looking around and noticing the two's absence. "Hacil walked off and when I woke Snopy was already gone. They'll return soon." Nilani said hopeful. Elwyn's eyes narrowed momentarily as a few particularly racy thoughts rushed through her mind. "Mm... Doubt it." she mumbled and stood up. She sat back down on a fallen log and Nilani joined her. "Doubt what?" Elwyn just shook her head as she pointed through a few trees. "There they are, near the water." Elwyn said and Nilani perked up when she noticed the other two. She quickly stood up and went over to Hacil and Snopy. "Good morning!" she jumped through the trees suddenly to try and startle them.


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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:46 am

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] SnopyAE_zps1054f6b7

    He hadn't even had the chance to fully push himself up when an acorn bonked him on the back of the head.  He just froze up, blinking twice.  Did he just get assaulted by a bloody nut?  "Damn it you stupid rat with fur."  He blinked more as he heard the sound of a giggle.  Umm...  "A squirrel giggling...that doesn't seem right."  He turned to see Hacil greeting him.  "Wait you're not a squirrel."  He spun himself a bit, legs now out of the water, at least for the moment, so he wouldn't have to uncomfortably bend his body to look at her when talking.  "Eh, about as well as usual.  Not like I've slept in a bed that didn't feel like a rock since..."  He stopped to think.  How long ago was it he had to sell the good bed and use one that felt like a rock?  In hindsight, he realized, he probably could have saved money not buying the bed that was no better than a floor.  "I dunno, 2 or 3 years ago."  Of course now that was gonna bug him.  Why was his new bed even worth anything?  It was just a rectangular slab of rock.  He could probably have basically learned to carve rectangles in rocks and gotten rich if THAT'S what people called comfortable.  "Wait Snopes."  He blinked, he was doing a lot of that today.  "  Ew no that doesn't sound good...wait Snopes?"  His brain was currently in the process of short circuiting.  Like he was used to his mother and sister saying that, now that someone else was his brain was just failing to process it.  "I'm sorry Snopes?  Where'd the nickname come from?  I mean...I guess I don't have a problem with it...but Snopes?"

    Well one of them was up.  He couldn't guarantee the others were expecting Hacil to come and fetch him, after all he's heard enough of their history by now to know there is some serious dysfunction going on, but at least that knocked out one of them.  Actually come to think of it, Hacil had a really bad habit of appearing whenever he hummed that song.  Well to be fair the first time she was lying injured and couldn't move the first time, but it was still weird.  Something about her comment on him not sounding all that good (though she put it more nicely than that) made him a little more self-conscious of singing if others could hear it.  "You know your timing i-"   "Good Morning!"  "Holy mother of Aurora!"  He shouted jumping slightly.  Not like jumping to his feet, but the startled flinch people do when spooked.  He looked at Nilani, with ever the more blinking.  His face went from one of being startled to a "really?" look.  He let a puff of air escape his lips.  "Jeez Nilani.  Was that really necessary?"  He shook his head a bit.  "That somehow startled me worse than when one of those stupid poisonous snaked fall from a tree at my feet 2 days ago."  Seriously, he jumped, but it was backwards.  Which, considering the snake, was a good thing.  Seriously those little shits didn't like him.He wasn't really upset with Nilani, though he did realize he was coming off like he was.  Namely cause that was a spook he didn't need.  Still.  "On the bright side my hiccups are gone."  He laughed a bit.  He didn't have hiccups, and Hacil could easily foil his lie.  Still it was insanely small of a lie, mostly a joke, and it was in good heart so even if she did oh well.  "Morning everyone.  I was actually about to head back before little miss Nickname over here made my brain short circuit."  He made a head motion towards Hacil as he said little miss nickname. "Sleep well?" He turned his head to Hacil. "Applies to you too since I never asked."
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:50 am

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Header7
    Hacil Ensandraen

    "I didn't think" I was that hairy, she thought for a moment. Then, Hacil thought better of such a comment. It was way too improper. Despite the half-second stutter, she continued. "I had that big of teeth." She smiled a toothy smile, and she did not have large buck teeth like the squirrel she was being compared to. Hacil took a handful of leisurely strolls to get a bit closer to Snopy as they talked. "Considering we've been sleeping on the ground for this past week, I'd say we both know how sleeping on rocks is."

    When Snopy stammered on his nickname, Hacil was caught off-guard. Shit, she thought angrily, [/i]I did it again.[/i] "S-sorry," she flustered, "It's an old habit. I gave nicknames to friends. I stopped doing it but I guess it came back..." I stopped because I stopped having friends, she snapped at herself. "If you don't like it, I can stop." Hacil sounded earnest. Snopy was the closest thing to a true friend she'd had in years, and Hacil was feeling attached to the buzzes he caused within her.

    Thankfully, Nilani startled the buzzes right out of her. Hacil yelped and took a step forward, stumbling. She braced herself against Snopy, who thankfully was just strong enough to keep them both from tumbling into the creek behind them. Her cheeks rose into the color of her eyes as she realized the pose she was in. Hacil liked reading. Her favorite genre was romance (followed by thrillers). The cheesy pose she was in was just like that in about half a dozen books she'd read. She quickly backed away, her head low so her blush would be hidden.

    "G-good morning, Nilani." She looked up sheepishly. Her eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of Elwyn through the foliage. Great. She had probably blown all of the work she put into getting on Elwyn's good side just now. "Good morning to you too, Elwyn," she called to the foliage. When Snopy mentioned the snakes, that at least helped her cheer up a bit. There was a lengthy discussion about the difference between venomous and poisonous. Usually, snakes are venomous. These, however, were actually poisonous.

    Hacil flustered again when she was given a nickname. "I slept okay, I guess," she lied after the others had answered. She knew she didn't sleep well. She hadn't for a week. Changing the subject, she turned to Nilani. "You still feeling okay?" Hacil's eyes sparkled with the care of an older sister. "And you?" She turned to Elwyn, now with the concern of a younger sister deep within her eyes. It had only been a week since they left Aria, and she was genuinely curious as to their condition. Nahbe was a priority, but keeping Elwyn and Nilani healthy was more of one.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:46 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] ElwynNilani_zps76d89bc4

    Seeing the two of them jump was joyful for Nilani. She giggled and put her hands behind her back, but the rest of their reactions were not what she expected. Snopy seemed upset and Nilani wasn't entirely happy about how close the two of them currently were. The little smile she had been holding recently fell into frown and she sort of slumped over like a puppy who was being scolded. "Sorry." she whispered glancing back and forth between the two of them. She looked away, off into the forest and tried to comprehend her current thoughts. Snopy then clarified that he had hiccups and they were now gone, so Nilani felt a bit better, though the smile did not return. "Good morning." Nilani replied shyly when Hacil greeted her. Nilani was actually acting normal. She had always been the shy one and her outgoing behavior was more odd than anything. This was how she normally was.

    Elwyn was indeed watching through the foliage, but when she heard Hacil saying good morning, she stood up and made her way over. "Good morning, Little Miss Nickename." she said even with a bit of a genuine smile. Nilani just nodded to Hacil's question, though Elwyn raised an eyebrow at the youngest sibling and put her hand on Nilani's forehead, but removed it a moment later. "I'm well. We should eat and get going soon. We'll stop around noon to have an hour of training," Elwyn looked to Snopy, "Rest for an hour afterwards and then get moving again, as long as nothing stands in our way at least... That plan sound good?" Nilani nodded and Elywn looked to the rest for confirmation.


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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Mon Mar 07, 2016 7:56 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] SnopyAE_zps1054f6b7

    Snopy laughed a little at the teeth comment. "Neither did I, but now..." He said with a bit of a grin on his face. He shook his head though, indicating "no you don't have big teeth". Of course when he stuttered on the nickname thing, Hacil lost her composure. Son of a bitch. He thought. "No no no. Nooooo. It's not, I mean. Well it's...somehow...sister." He immediately turned towards the river. "Screw this." He put his hands in and splashed his face with cold water. "Okay. Now then, lets try this again in English. I don't really mind. Just last time I was called Snopes was by my mother and sister, whom, short version, I haven't seen in a really long time. Jeez that was weird." Seriously that was weird, normally he doesn't have that kind of issue. Granted it did hit him right in the emotional baggage. Everyone in the universe has that though so he isn't that strange.

    Then the others showed up. Oy vey. It wasn't his intent to kill Nilani's mood, and now that he had he felt bad. "Hey Nilani. I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. I've just had a lot on my mind this morning. I'm a little out of it." Seriously, he felt bad. He crossed one arm across his abdomen with the other hand on his chin thinking. Though he didn't know how he could improve her mood, even though he wanted to. He glanced up as Elwyn referred to Hacil by the nickname he had apparently given her. He listened as Elwyn described the battle plan. "Sounds good." He said pulling his feet out of the river. As he went to stand up, he felt something poke into him. "Ow." He said quietly, like when one feels a small but irrelevant pain. He clutched onto what poked into him and picked it up. An arrow head. "Huh." He had no idea it was a little different than the usual ones humans often made, it was actually crafted by an elf, or at least like one would. He shrugged though and dropped it back on the ground. In his eyes there was no reason to see anything strange. These weren't exactly untraveled woods. Hunters were bound to pass through at the very least. He finished pushing up to his feet. "By the way, what's our food supply look like at the moment? We're probably gonna need to get some more soon if I'm not mistaken."
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:14 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Header7
    Hacil Ensandraen

    Hacil's ears slumped more than she did when Elwyn called her that nickname. She was hoping that Elwyn hadn't heard that... "I think that plan sounds good." Hacil probably would not have objected to any plan Elwyn called for, unless it was a full retreat. Hacil was going to make contact with Nahbe at least, and bring her back at most. "I can go ahead and start the fire," Hacil said begrudgingly. She really didn't like starting the morning fire.

    Hacil looked over to Snopy as he exclaimed in pain. "Watch out for crayfish. They'll nip at your toes." She was about to make a comment about bathing in the creek too, but remembered who the rest of her company was. Nilani nor Elwyn needed to hear such lewd comments. "Last I checked, we are low... We'll definitely have enough for breakfast, but anything after that is pushing it. If we go with Elwyn's plan, I can hunt while you three train... Provided we'll have enough time for that."

    "Um, Elwyn?" Hacil called out to her sister. "If we don't find Nahbe in Cieria... what will we do then? And..." Hacil swallowed. "Would you be mad at me?"
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:36 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] ElwynNilani_zps76d89bc4

    Nilani turned quickly back to Snopy when he called for her. She blinked as he explained himself and she turned way slightly before shaking her head. "No. I'm fine. You didn't upset me or anything... I just..." Nilani stopped right there and froze mid statement for a couple of seconds before speaking up again, "I don't know. I'm fine though." Elwyn narrowed her eyes curiously at this behavior and then looked to Snopy with a raised eyebrow before continuing on about their plan for the day.

    Alright. The group had an agreed upon plan, good. Snopy brought up a good point. They were getting rather low on food. Elwyn had ways of getting food for all of them, but liked Hacil's plan better. "Good suggestion." Elwyn replied and nodded to Hacil approvingly. "Let's get th-..." Elwyn was ready to get back to camp and eat, but was stopped when Hacil spoke up. "Yes?" She raised an eyebrow at her younger sister. She had forgotten how much they used to fight at home. This wasn't home and their fighting was so much less, but Hacil was still worried about it. Elwyn couldn't blame her. "If she's not there, we'll look somewhere else. I won't be mad at you, not for that. First clue we've had in months, you know. It's because of you that we even  have a lead..." Elwyn spoke this sincerely, but there was little emotion on her face. "Come on... Let's eat." she said and motioned for the others to follow.


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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:09 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] SnopyAE_zps1054f6b7

    There was an odd amount of tension in the air, but the strange part was it wasn't directed at anyone. When he went to make Nilani feel better, it didn't seem to...make sense. She said she wasn't upset, but she was acting pretty upset about SOMETHING. And she wasn't upset until after they reacted, so it only stands to reason they had SOMEHOW upset her. "You...just?" But she just brushed it off as she doesn't know. "Uhhh.....huh." He said, obviously not buying it. Elwyn looked to Snopy with a raised eyebrow after looking towards Nilani. Upon seeing this he just did a shrug with that awkward half smile that doesn't really look like a smile that basically says "Don't look at me, I have no idea what's going on." As he got up, Hacil mentioned that the crayfish will nip at his toes if he isn't careful. "Guess that puts my plans for a nude swimming party on hold." He said in an incredibly blasé manner, as if that wasn't a weird thing to say. He was shaking his head with a goofy grin on his face though. He was actually mildly surprised he said that one. Especially in front of a bunch of chickadees.

    Hacil then spoke up about some personal sister issues. Snopy knew this wasn't his business, so he just looked to Nilani. He patted her shoulder twice as he passed. "I'll be back at camp whenever you're all ready." With that he simply headed back to camp to leave them to their problems. He still didn't know them well enough to have any place with even the smallest suggestions, so it was best he left them to it. He had a good relationship with his sister anyway, so he couldn't associate with half of their quarrels. As he arrived back in camp, he gathered some nearby wood and put it together for a fire. He didn't quite have the materials to start the fire, not easily anyway, so he left it at that. It'd make the other's lives easier with what he had already done anyway. That exchange back there was...strange.
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
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    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:48 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Header7
    Hacil Ensandraen

    Hacil's ears perked up when Elwyn said she wouldn't be mad. Things were bad back at the Ensandraen clan, but out here... Hacil loved it. Elwyn didn't get mad like she used to. Hacil didn't have to listen to griping and complaining. Why can't they just live here? Because that's the easy way out, her mind told her. Elwyn never took the easy way out, and that's why Hacil practically worshiped Elwyn. Hacil darted past the trio, smiling gently. "I'll go make the fire for breakfast~" There was a strange twang of elation in her voice as she practically frolicked off.

    An hour later, breakfast was cooked and eaten. It was bland, but edible. Thankfully, Hacil just made the fire. She didn't cook. "You know, instead of hunting... Is there a village nearby? I know I saw a road in this direction, and it seemed well-worn. There should be an inn or something. We could buy some vegetables or meat from them instead of hoping we find a rabbit or a squirrel or something." Hacil was getting tired of squirrel. "I could also go for some ale or something..." Hacil continued a bit sheepishly. She had been missing the warm buzz of alcohol.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:14 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] ElwynNilani_zps76d89bc4

    Nilani wasn't interested in their conversation, nope. When Snopy tapped her shoulder, she turned toward him. As he began walking off, she hurried to his side and wrapped her arms around one of his. She said nothing else and didn't even look at him. She just walked with him back toward camp until the others kept up. Elwyn was surprised by both the question and the reaction she got from Hacil when she anwered. It had been a while since Hacil actually kept calm when asking her about anything. Was the village that toxic to their relationship? Elwyn knew that their views on home were very different, but seeing Hacil get so cheery and go cook breakfast made Elwyn's entire demeanor lift. Her smile was sweeter than it had been in a very long time. The smile dropped when she saw Nilani holding onto Snopy though. "Mm..." Interesting... Elwyn walked over to camp with the rest.

    Food was eaten and everyone was ready to go. Nilani was keeping herself close to Snopy at this point. She wasn't clinging to him this time, but she was staying near him. When they started going, Hacil brought up a good point. "You found a road?" Elwyn asked and looked glanced around to see if she could see it. "Better than hunting. Not entirely sure I'll join for a drink, but we could likely get a map or directions..." "Maybe get more hints?" Nilani added and Elwyn nodded. Elwyn looked over to Hacil and motioned for her to lead. "Alright then Hacil, we're following you now."


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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:08 am

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] SnopyAE_zps1054f6b7

    Snopy was a little caught off guard by Nilani clutching onto his arm as he went to walk back. He didn't pull his arm away cause he still felt bad about earlier, but he didn't know how to feel about this. It seemed like something a child would do, but he had learned enough from these escapades that she was about 19, so it threw him for a loop. As they went and ate, Nilani continued to stay close to Snopy, yet he didn't quite know how to inquire as to why. He just let it go, she wasn't hurting anyone. He didn't quite understand the dynamic between those 3 so there was plenty he might not be realizing. "A village, well this aught to be good." Snopy stood up as he finished his breakfast. "From my experience, this can go one of two ways. Incredibly well, or incredibly poorly." As he said the latter option he picked up his crossbow and strapped it to his back. He quickly attached both the quiver and his sword to his hip. "I'm gonna just pray for the former, I'm really tired of dodging arrows, or failing to dodge arrows, as it were."

    So the merry band began to follow Hacil. They followed her through a house, they followed her with a mouse. Okay, there was no house, but there were forest mice! It wasn't too long before the road Hacil mentioned was located. "Ah, human village. Well this aught to be good." They followed the path, Snopy was actually pretty prepared to pull out one of his weapons in a moment's notice. Admittedly, the crossbow would take a few to load properly, but still. "Steady Ahr....riiiiight." A puff of air escaped his lips. "Right. World's best pet owner." He rolled his eyes at himself as he went back into alert mode. There was the villiage. It was at a lower elevation, so retreating would be a bit of a pain in the ass if they had to. It would make arrows harder to fire at them though if they got to high ground. It was a small little quaint village, typical of Arcadia. Except... "That has got to be one of the least healthy looking villages I've ever seen." Snopy began to count. "I see at least 5 buildings...burned to the ground. Look." He pointed. "None of them near each other, separate fires." If they were near each other, it could be inferred that it was one fire. But that distance made that impossible. He wasn't even going to mention some rotting cattle he saw in the farm.
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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:30 am

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Header7
    Hacil Ensandraen

    Hacil nodded. "This is the biggest road from Aria to the port closest to where they said Nahbe went. She might have passed through..." Hacil didn't snark at Elwyn. Hacil only had seen Elwyn drink ceremonial alcohol. Nothing for fun or anything. Hacil pointedly refused the ceremonial alcohol. She didn't want drinking to feel forced. It should be a social thing, nothing hard-wired into people.

    "I assume... bandits? But why this out-of-the-way town? It's not like they'd have anything... Even Stratford," she referred to the small town she visited back at the clan, "doesn't get bandits. It has to be just as out of the way as this one... Snopy, I'd say get your crossbow ready." Hacil used her jatahl as a walking stick, so she was already ready. "That's what we should do, right Elwyn? Go in cautiously?"

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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:50 am

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] ElwynNilani_zps76d89bc4

    The village felt unapproachable. Everything about it rang danger in the back of Elwyn's mind, but they desperately needed supplies. "That looks about right." Elwyn agreed with Hacil. Elwyn's eyes were narrowed. She looked around the village for some sort of sign of life, but wasn't seeing much. Her mind was distracted by burnt buildings and the rotting cattle. She was almost afraid to breathe through her nose because of the smell lingering in the air. Hacil asked for advice and got a quick glance from Elwyn. She looked to the town again and then back to Hacil. "Yeah. Weapons out, guard up, don't attack unless attacked first..." Elwyn said as she took the bow off her back and placed her fingers on the string. Anyone who saw her use this bow knew that the arrow formed out of a crystaline looking ice when she pulled the string back. It was her most basic and mastered way of forming ice. Elwyn glanced to Nilani, who was getting nervous. She had a bow too, but she wasn't anywhere near the fighter that Hacil or Elwyn were. She was sure Snopy was getting better than she was at this point too. "You okay?" Elwyn asked. Nilani just nodded nervously, pulling out her own little short bow, but realized she had no arrows. She looked to Elwyn in a panic and Elwyn formed a quiver and ten arrows all made of ice to attach at Nilani's back. With nods from each, they were ready to move forward.


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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:34 am

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] SnopyAE_zps1054f6b7

    I see where she is coming from, but I have a bad feeling about this.  Somehow, even though every bit of logic said it was the safe thing to do, he felt like drawing their weapons was going to somehow backfire.  Still he took the crossbow out, wound it back, and loaded in a bolt.  He's glad thing thing wasn't a hair trigger.  Not that it would have been an issue, or his finger is unstable.  He just is glad it isn't, it's safer that way.  Everyone geared up, or in Nilani's case was geared up.  He moved forward, actually towards the front, which considering he was holding a weapon for the backline was odd.  Most of them were ranged, and two of them were mobile.  Everything had to be mobility nowadays.  They descended upon the town, and it was eerily quiet.  They couldn't find a soul.  "I"  The smell of recently cooked food drifted through the air.  Even if they weren't showing it, SOMEONE was around and had prepared food within the last 10-15 minutes.

    "We're probably not-"  Snopy jumped back as an arrow shot out and landed in a building near him.  "NOT TODAY!"  He shouted and pointed at the arrow, before pointing in the direction it came from and preparing to fire if necessary.  "Alone."  He finished his sentence that had been cut off by the arrow.  "I don't know who you are, but we don't want to fight you."  That's when a man came out of the building that was placed behind Snopy, dagger in hand and about to stab him in the back.  Snopy flipped around and...accidentally decked him across the face with his crossbow.  "...oops.  I meant to do that."  Snopy could feel another bow being drawn, with his "I'm tired of these arrows" sense and jumped to the side.  "Liars!"  One voice shouted.  More people were showing themselves, usually behind others who showed themselves, armed.  Liars, what?  "Murders!"  Another shouted.  These people were clearly the villagers.  No way they were the bandits.  "Wait a second, we aren''re mistaking us for someone else."  He kicked the dagger away from the man he just disarmed before stepping out of immediate range, in case the man went to grab at him.  The path they came from was still pretty clear, so he began backing in that direction.  They may need to make a hasty retreat.
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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:12 am

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Header7
    Hacil Ensandraen

    Hacil was not surprised by the reaction. Bandits would have caused everyone within a mile to be suspicious—and armed. How cute though. The little farmers thinking they could stop Hacil. Even cuter was their thought that they could stop Elwyn. Snopy and Nilani on the other hand... Hacil sighed and took a defensive position in front of the two combat-inexperienced. "Listen, you stupid humans," Hacil barked out, "we're not the bandits that raided your village or whatever. We just got here last night, and we were just following the road. That's it."

    Hacil eyed the villagers she could see warily. She felt the heat building up inside of her, and she was getting ready to use her Anima to cause a diversion if things turned sour. "We don't want any trouble. We'd like to buy some meat or vegetables and then we'll be on our way." Hacil heard a thunk as a nervous young man's arrow missed by a yard. Hacil looked at him with pity. It was the kind of look a woman gave a man when his private bits didn't match her hopes. "We could just rush through and ignore this little shithole," Hacil muttered to her family and friend.

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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:04 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] ElwynNilani_zps76d89bc4

    "Snopy!" Nilani shouted when she saw the man about to stab him. Elwyn looked over to see Snopy's reflexes had improved and smirked, but her attention was brought right back to the situation unfolding around them. Elwyn was a good observer and could tell these people weren't but farmers and millers. "Mm..." was the only thing she said before looking around closer. When arrows would fly so randomly, she raised an eyebrow at where they landed and then the person who shot them. Hacil did well in trying to calm them down, though Elwyn would later comment on the "stupid humans" part being a little unnecessary, even if true. "Elwyn... What do we do?" Nilani asked right before Hacil brought up ignoring this place. "Hm... You're right." Elwyn said in reply to Hacil, "But I'm not so sure that's the best idea... I don't feel threatened by these guys; I feel more pity than anything else."

    "Lower your weapons. If things go sour, I trust your ability to handle the retreat while I subdue these people, okay?" Elwyn had just given Hacil the job she'd usually give her own lieutenant (or a rank similar in their clan). "And you speed him up." Elwyn looked to Nilani, who nodded nervously and moved closer to Snopy as she put her bow away. Elwyn then followed her own orders and placed her bow on her back, curious as to how these people would react to the lowring hostility. "My sister speaks the truth," she called out to the frightened villagers, "We do not come to harm anyone. If we did, we wouldn't have been cautiously approaching in the first place. Your home, it's been torn to pieces, burnt down, and your provisions seem to be lacking... I doubt this is normal, so tell me... Who is your leader?" Elwyn immediately called out for the big guy. Even without weapons out, though it was to show they weren't hostile, Hacil and Elwyn could probably destroy this entire village with a couple waves of their hands. The two of them were always armed and dangerous.


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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:42 am

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] SnopyAE_zps1054f6b7

    "The fuck you just call me?" Snopy turned to Hacil and blinked, head cocked to the side. Like what? "Well that was just uncalled for." Snopy threw one hand up while the other continued to hold the crossbow. "Well first impressions are going wonderfully. This is going wonderfully. Everyone having fun here?" He shook his head as Elwyn gave orders and went to diffuse the situation. I can't promise that at the end of the day I won't punch every last one of you, except Nilani. He thought to himself, knowing he wouldn't do it. He'd never. With a sigh he lowered his weapon. "Think about it. If we really meant harm, would I have just disarmed him and then left him there?" The people didn't even begin to flinch when Elwyn spoke up, but for some reason Snopy's words made them begin to ponder. "Why...why haven't they killed you?" One man said looking at Snopy. Snopy looked back. Blink. Blink. "Because killing people is rude? Is this a trick question?" He blinked some more. "But they're murderers!" Another shouted.

    "Who the fuck is they? These 3? They wouldn't hurt a fly." He looked straight at Hacil. "Well on purpose." "Then you know not much of those barbarians." A small, slouched over, elderly man stepped forward. He had eyes that looked perpetually closed and a Nietzsche mustache. "For it is their people that have ravaged our land." Snopy blinked a few times. "I assume you're not talking blondes?" The old man looked towards Elwyn, staring her straight in the face with his unopening eyes. "Does your cruelty know no bounds? You've taken our homes, our cattle, and our children. What more do you want?" Snopy turned to the others very confused. "Umm...did they ever answer my "Who the fuck is "they" question?" The old man slammed his cane down. "They are ELVES!"
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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:08 am

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Header7
    Hacil Ensandraen

    Hacil rolled her eyes, even though Snopy couldn't see it. "Oh hush, you're our stupid human." Hacil spoke with a tone of amusement. "You don't count." The group stood ready to pounce, but Elwyn was right. These weren't warriors. Most of them probably weren't even hunters. Hacil threw her polearm onto the back of her neck, placing her forearms on it to keep it balanced. Her chest poked out a bit more, but she couldn't look more relaxed and casual if she tried. If she had some gum or something, that might help though."So long as you don't mind me knocking a few out."

    "He makes a fantastic pack mule," Hacil said with all the sarcasm she could muster. Snopy's glance toward her caused Hacil to frown. "Hey, at least I can hit a fly," Hacil snapped. Hacil listened for a moment, deciding any more quips probably would hurt what diplomacy was going on. Plus she thought she could feel Elwyn glaring at her—even if she actually wasn't. When the elder came out and spoke his peace, Hacil raised an eyebrow as high as she could. This man must be drunk or something...

    Then Hacil looked around and saw the fearful racism burning in their eyes. No. He wasn't lying. He wasn't mistaken either... "...Elwyn, is there a clan near here that you know of?" Hacil asked quietly, then spoke a bit louder so the elder could hear her. "Our kind usually won't do this sort of thing..." Unless it's deserved, Hacil thought. "We won't, at least," she shrugged and continued to watch for her cue to knock some people around.

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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Mar 09, 2016 5:31 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] ElwynNilani_zps76d89bc4

    Nilani was ready to run. Hacil was ready to fight. Elwyn was ready to talk. And Snopy... He was apparently their pack-mule. That was the perfect way of making these people understand they weren't here to cause them harm! Elwyn didn't glare at Hacil, but she had to resist sighing out of irritation at the comment. It wasn't helping their situation. "I do not know of any clan acquainted with the Ensandrean that would be foolish enough to attack human villages so openly, or frequently..." Elwyn explained clearly so everyone could hear, "However,  I have heard of some more savage clans migrating from the south, usually out of the brush in Cieria. Since we're getting closer to the border, it's possible we may be traveling through lands that have recently been settled by that type of tribe."

    Elwyn stepped once toward the elderly man and spoke firmly. The "leader" demeanor took over. "I am not sure how common of a sight my kind have been to you over the years, but we're not new and we're not all the same. There are over fifty clans that I have personally had contact with throughout the years and none of them behave in the manner you're speaking of. If what you're saying is true, then this is a group of bestial elves with no regard for the treaties that have been made between the elven villages of Arcadia. They're either ignorant of the regulations set forth, or ignoring them completely. Either way, they need to be dealt with." Elwyn looked around the village once more, "I can't imagine you will be able to handle much more from these vicious attacks, so... Where are they?" The leader demeanor dropped the the eyes of a warrior came forward along with the tone of someone ready to kill. Elwyn was ready to do what needed to be done to end these incessant attacks.


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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:44 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] SnopyAE_zps1054f6b7

    "Cute." Snopy responded to Hacil's pack mule comment. He wasn't really upset initially, but now she was wearing on his nerves a bit. He just sighed and shook his head as Elwyn began to speak up. He put one hand on his hip and just stood there, listening. The details meant nothing to him considering he is neither a diplomat nor a warrior. He was being relegated to emissary though seeing as he was the only human who didn't seem to want the girl's dead. "How surprising the elves need directions to their own." "Oh my god." Snopy shouted out. "Listen, you've gotten your village demolished. And I feel for ya, I REALLY do. But, riddle me this. You kill us here, nothing changes. You'll still be attacked. Then lets say you tell us nothing. If they WERE with this group ravaging you, nothing changes. If they aren't, we leave. Nothing changes. But what happens if you give us directions to them? These girl's are some of them? Nothing changes. These girl's aren't, and they somehow stop said elves from ravaging your lands, you can get back to your peaceful lives." Snopy was rubbing his temples as the elder just looked at him. "Just play the odds man! Consider your situation, do you REALLY have anything to lose?"

    Not entirely diplomatic, but the logic was sound. The elder let out an exasperated sigh. "I do hope the day comes that you get what's coming to you." However, he pointed down to the south. "They made camp in that direction. If you don't get rid of them, don't even think about coming back." The elder then turned and began to walk away, signaling to all the people to allow the group to leave. "Now remove yourself from our village." Snopy sighed, he knew what was going to happen next. "Alright, come on. Lets go off on a crusade of justice that will inevitably get me killed." He didn't wait and just began to walk in the direction the man had pointed, waiting for the others to follow. As they went, he'd turn to Hacil. "We really need to work on your people skills." He'd lead them for a short while before letting someone else, who could likely dodge an arrow, take the helm. But it wouldn't be long before he'd stop. Just stop. "Hey..." He'd take a deep breath and just ask. "You guys don't really see me as just a pack mule right?" Without his pet the thought of being alone was actually suddenly a lot scarier. He'd wait for an answer before asking his next question. "If something happens, you know while we're dealing with these elves or sometime'll protect me right? The thought of dying seems...scarier than it used to."
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:59 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Header7
    Hacil Ensandraen

    Hacil just stayed quiet through most of the banter. She wasn't a people person. Hacil just didn't talk as well as the others. She could get her point across clean as day, sure, but sometimes the little cloud cover is better. You don't want the sun shining down all the time. She rolled her eyes when the Elder spoke again. Hacil really wanted this guy to fall over dead already. He was old, racist, and downright stupid. He wasn't worth the wood his cane was made of. As they began to leave, Hacil's ears slowly drooped.

    Hacil rolled her eyes as Snopy commented on her people skills. "Sorry that I wasn't being nice to the people that shot arrows at us. I get why they did now, but at the moment they just shot at us." This was the Hacil that Elwyn knew and wouldn't like. This was the way that Hacil responded when she was compared to Elwyn and scolded because she didn't do something right. And that's how Hacil felt it was framed. "They're just like any other group of humans..." Hacil muttered under her breath.

    Snopy's question was what caught her flat-footed. She actually stopped walking for a moment. "I..." Hacil was confused. Very. Confused. Why would he ask that? And most of all, why would he even question that? "Of course we will, Snopy. You're not going to die. You saw what lengths we went through to save Nilani." Hacil smiled a bit, but it was forced. She shrugged and continued. "I know I'd do that to save you."

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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:24 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] ElwynNilani_zps76d89bc4

    Elwyn was not perfect. She was just trained. She knew how to keep a level head better than Hacil and that was showing. The man's comment about needing directions to their own caused Elwyn's left ear to twitch. It was something Nilani had noticed Elwyn do when she gets more annoyed than usual. In fact, no one else ever had paid enough attention to point that out, not even their parents. Before she was able to chime in, Snopy came forward and spoke to these people in a much more civilized manner than Elwyn wanted to. She was good with her own, but it didn't mean she had to be with these fuck-ups.

    "Hacil is correct. They attacked without reason. Elves have notable similarities through their people. Ensandrean's often have very light colored hair. While other clans have darker skin or hair, same eye color, and all have emblems. I doubt we look that similar, beyond the ears, to these brutes that have been attacking them." Elwyn explained as the group began their way toward the savage's camps, "Though, this trip has proven very little on your ways of dealing with people you don't get along with. Not everyone is going to agree with you, believe what you believe, or act like you want."

    The question didn't throw Elwyn off. "You did say that is how we treat him back at the human village," Elwyn brought up and then looked to Snopy, "Though the fact that you didn't catch her sarcasm is surprising. If I saw you has nothing more than a pack-mule, you wouldn't be with us. Mule's are slow and take up valuable time and resources, you do not." Nilani came forward quickly and chimed in, "Yeah! We wouldn't treat you like that, or think of you like that either." she said with a determination to get that out of his head, "You're our friend and I'll do my best to protect you too. Promise!"


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    Environmental Hatred [Closed] Empty Re: Environmental Hatred [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:25 pm

    Environmental Hatred [Closed] SnopyAE_zps1054f6b7

    Hacil really was bad of people. Snopy was beginning to remember exactly why he had avoided people for so long listening to Hacil. He was legitimately worried about these things, and she just brushed them off. She said words that themselves should have been reassuring, but there was nothing behind them. They were empty, like she wasn't taking him seriously. "And she's your sister." Snopy immediately countered Hacil bringing up Nilani. "I had a sister. And I'd go through the depths of hell myself if it meant getting her back, I'd kill to get her back, I'd kill myself if somehow that brought her back." Snopy shook his head. "You did what any decent sibling would do. But I'm not your sister, I'm just some random human you met on the road. And..." Snopy shook his head. "You know what, forget it."

    Next up to bad was Elwyn, and coupled with what he literally just said she did no better. The moment she described pack mules Snopy had a counter for that one too. "The injured are also slow and take up valuable resources." Snopy let out a defeated sigh. But before he could just drop it, Nilani jumped forward. Out of the 3 of them, she was the only one who spoke up and had it actually seem meaningful. Unlike the other two, he actually smiled when he heard that. He wasn't really asking for much, just something that said to him that he wasn't just...there. Nilani was the only one who made it feel like he wasn't just there. "Thank you, Nilani." He patted her head a bit, before looking up to the other two. It wasn't a look that said "you two fucked up", but more of disappointment that he was...disposable. If he wasn't, he figured he'd get some kind of sincerity out of them. "Just forget I said anything." He began to walk on ahead, leading if any of the others didn't pick up the pace. He only stopped when he noticed, planted in a tree, half an arrow. The back end had broken, but the front end was lodged into the bark. "Something tells me we're close." Snopy stood up and turned to the others. "Did we ever discuss the battle plan? How are we gonna do this? Diplomacy first? Guns blazing? Offer them cake to stop?" The last part was a joke, but while it being meant as a joke was obvious, the sense of emotion usually put behind his humor seemed a tad...dry at the moment.

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