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    Natalie Bonvalet [Approved, No Tier]

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Natalie Bonvalet [Approved, No Tier] Empty Natalie Bonvalet [Approved, No Tier]

    Post by Serenity Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:55 am

    Human Template


    Name: Natalie Bonvalet
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'5”
    Weight: 130

    Debt: 22,782 gold


    Natalie Bonvalet [Approved, No Tier] Picture3_zps5bf8a7e5



    Confidence isn't something that people are easily able to understand. Confident people often come off as self-centered, conceited, or full of themselves. Natalie Bonvalet is one of these people. Natalie is not as stuck up as many people assume. She merely has the confidence to seem like she is. Well, actually, the confidence she seems to have is a pretense. She walks around with her head held high, a confident smile, and her demeanor just oozes 'I look good'. Does she feel this way? Not at all. Actually, Natalie is extremely insecure and thinks very, very low about herself. She doesn't understand how anyone could think she is beautiful because of it. The reason she feels this way is because she knows more about herself than anyone. The way she acts pretty much just makes her feel even lower.

    Natalie's demeanor consists of the fun-loving, energetic, confident, bold, party girl that doesn't seem to have much of a care in the world. This is the woman that she let's people see because this is exactly who she wants to be. Natalie goes out on dates very, very often, rarely with the same guy twice. She hits the clubs, bars, and any other party she can think of every weekend. Natalie can often be a little blunt, saying things that many people wouldn't say and often embarrassing others in the process. She doesn't do this to be mean, but to get the attention off of her and onto someone else, to break awkward silences, or to just entertain herself and other people. Natalie loves to have as much fun as possible, but this way of behaving puts her in bad situations and makes her feel worse.

    Natalie is very sweet, even with her odd quirks, and there is one thing that she really does want out of her life. That thing is to just find someone who actually loves her. She doesn't think it's too much to ask, but she hasn't found anyone that seems to fit that description. Natalie has been used on many occasions. Living in the tourist city of Arcadia can do that to you and since she goes on date after date in this almost obsessed desperation to find love, she can't really be shocked. She tells herself that 'this guy will be the one', but it never is. It's usually just some guy who wants to get her into bed. Each time something messes up, she has to fool herself into thinking that 'it was just one guy' and that 'there are many others out there'. And no matter how many times she tries, nothing changes about this.

    Because of how many dates she does go on, how many men she's hung out with, even the people she is closest to treat her or think of her as a slut. The truth behind the matter is, she's not. Natalie does not deny herself the pleasure of the male body, no. When she gets that itch, like every other woman out there, she does what she can to scratch it, but it's surprisingly not as often as you'd think. Does Natalie correct the assumptions about her sleeping with many men? No, she doesn't. She doesn't see the point in doing so. For one, she doesn't think anyone will listen if she told them the truth anyway. And for two, she thinks little enough about herself that trying to make herself seem 'better' in any sort of way feels like a lie. Because of this feeling, she just let's it fly and mentally agrees.

    Side Notes: Natalie is horribly afraid of heights; she can't stand on a ladder without freaking out. Natalie is also allergic to peanuts and cats. A peanut can send her to the hospital or grave while a cat can keep her nose stuffed up and her eyes puffy for hours. She prefers to avoid them both. Natalie also doesn't like bugs or rodents, especially rats; their tails freak her out. Natalie does enjoy sweets; caramel is her favorite. Her favorite color is light blue. She is a pretty good cook, though nothing chef-like. Natalie's favorite flower is the Hydrangea. She sleeps completely nude, unless she is sharing the bed with someone, and curls up against something, usually a pillow.

    History: Natalie was born to a nice family in Iserlohn, the Capital of Zakat. Her father was a weapons developer and her mother was a seamstress. Natalie grew up as the ugly kid in school and was always picked on and humiliated by the other students. She was very foolish in trusting the other students and was lead into many traps, one causing her to get a bucket of watery mud dumped over her head. Another trick came when a boy pretended to ask her out, took her to the back of the school, and then he and his friends humiliated her by dumping paint on her and taking pictures to show everyone; they were later expelled and Natalie transferred schools over summer break. After a nice long vacation, Natalie had developed quite well and become the beauty she wished to be, so things didn't change.

    At her new school, she was shunned by all the girls almost instantly. She became popular with the guys, but it wasn't for reasons she wanted. It wasn't because she was a good friend, but because she was 'hot' and they wanted a piece of her. When the girls noticed this, they tried humiliating her again, but were only embarrassed by the guys who defended Natalie from them.  Of course, Natalie wasn't as stupid as they seemed to think. She knew the only reason they were defending her was because of how she looked. So to make the rest of her years in school less miserable, she took advantage of it. She became friends with as many people as she could and within a short time practically became untouchable. If she was insulted or picked on at all, she'd be defended by one of her fake friends.

    The final moments in school came and their was a big dance. Natalie was voted "Queen", which didn't surprise anyone. She was also required to make a speech and what she said shocked everyone and made many feel guilty. Once her speech finished, with the silence of the room, the breaking of the crown and the throwing of the fake bouquet that was handed to her, Natalie walked out of the room and away from all the people she considered morons to never see them again. From there, Natalie said goodbye to her family, moved to Arcadia, began wearing conservative clothing, and then tried to find an actual friend or someone to love her. She met a woman by the name of Alisha. The two became very good friends and were inseparable, but things changed when Natalie met her husband.

    Natalie stayed them for a time because her apartment was ruined when a pipe burst and flooded the place. One day, Alisha wasn't home and Natalie walked out to see her husband laying on the couch naked. Although Natalie tried to avoid him completely, he went after her and chased her into her own room. He was able to pin her for a bit, but she fought hard and ended up kicking him off of her. She screamed at him and began crawling away right as Alisha walked into the room. Alisha wasn't stupid and didn't blame Natalie. Instead, her husband was kicked out and divorced, but Natalie could not handle what happened. She apologized a thousand times and had to leave. The next place Natalie went was Varedia, where she stopped being herself and started doing anything she could to have fun.

    Unfortunately, this act she began putting on just to have fun was ruining her. The tourist location of Arcadia brought in new people all the time. She met just about everyone she could, but none of them were ever sticking around to become real friends. She went on date after date, but they all ended up being men who just wanted a one-night-stand while they were away from their wives and girlfriends. Natalie ended up very sick of the pattern and found a bar when she was in desperate need of a drink. She got drunk as hell one day and spilled all of her guts to the guy who owned it. To this day, this is something that she doesn't remember at all, but since then she has been able to trust Izumo to be there for her no matter what. It's too bad his buddy Logan seems to just despise her though...


    Type: None/Normal


    Equipment: N/A
    Skills: N/A

    Last edited by Serenity on Sun Mar 13, 2016 3:25 am; edited 8 times in total
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Natalie Bonvalet [Approved, No Tier] Empty Re: Natalie Bonvalet [Approved, No Tier]

    Post by Serenity Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:28 pm

    Agility: 3
    Durability: 3
    Endurance: 3
    Speed: 3
    Strength: 3

    Energy Control: 3
    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Natalie Bonvalet [Approved, No Tier] Empty Re: Natalie Bonvalet [Approved, No Tier]

    Post by Tsubine Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:31 pm

    Application Checklist

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    • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [×]
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    • 15 sentences for personality [×]
    • History is 10 sentences [×]
    • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [×]
    • Powers are described reasonably enough [×]
    • Application is not in First Person [×]

    Comments/Notes: That last paragraph of her personality surprised me. We are corrupting you.
    Tier: No Tier
    Level/Points: Untrained (0)

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