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An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] EmptyThu Nov 10, 2016 3:25 am by Serenity

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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:19 am

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    It was hot and everyone was sweating. The rain had stopped a day before, leaving the air humid and making it very uncomfortable, especially for the people inside the houses. And one of these people didn't live here, she was a guest of sorts. In fact, she was asked here. Traces of a certain Arcana consuming disease showed up in the town and she was called for immediately. She had not hesitated once she heard the news and began her travel. That was three days ago. She arrived only a few hours ago and was on her seventh and final patient. It shocked some of the villagers to see her continuously work, to drain herself so much, just to rid the villagers of a disease that they all knew would not kill them. “Just a little more...” she thought, continuously concentrating and focusing her Arcana in the correct area, slowly ridding this young man's body of the darkness that lay within him.

    “There.” she said and finally stopped the flow of her Arcana. Lightheaded, she practically fell forward toward the patient she had just healed, but the onlooking villagers quickly caught her. “Are you alright?” an elderly woman asked and she took in a deep breath, nodding to her with a kind smile. “I'll be fine. I've just used a lot of Arcana...” she replied and struggled to her feet. Once she got there though, she took in another deep breath and smiled to them all. “Your friends and family should be fine now.” she said and took up a rag, wiping sweat from her brow. As she stepped out of the house and onto the road, a woman followed her and announced to a group of people, including a few she had just healed, that everyone was fine. The town suddenly burst into cheer and crowded around Serenity. Serenity sorta just blushed and waved at them, not sure of how to take the attention. It had been a while since she had received so much from so many people, so it made her feel quite awkward.

    “I-I gotta go, okay? If anything happens, don't be afraid to contact me again.” she said, maneuvering her way out of the surrounding crowd. She heard a few more thank yous and then turned away, walking out of the village. As she walked out, something caught her eye. A man was walking in her direction, but seemed quite concentrated on what he was doing. She couldn't even tell if he noticed her or not. One thing she could tell, he was extremely handsome. He was handsome enough to catch her eye and cause her to watch him the entire time he walked passed her. As he continued on, Serenity giggled a little bit and then continued on her way, reaching the far edge of the town and heading toward west toward the forest. "Lovely people..." she thought and began humming a soft tone to herself.

    Posts : 225
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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:10 am

    It was sweltering out, and worse, it was humid.  It had been raining recently, so of course it was.  The village had been hit pretty hard, by both weather and disease.  One man however, was unaware of the situation.  It was hot, but he just kind of ignored it.  Take that heat!  As for the disease, he hadn't been to his home village for a few weeks, so he was unaware of just what had occurred.  He didn't have any Arcana, so it wasn't like he was mune to the Arcana ravaging disease.  On the man's back was a a bow, a quiver, and a spear.  At his hip was a blade.  It was quite obvious from the style of his weapons that he was a hunter.  He kept himself and others fed, and that was his profession.  He had a nice amount of coin on him thanks to how efficient he was, and this was considering that he prayed for every creature he killed. He had done well and enjoyed the last few weeks, though odds were you wouldn't be able to tell from his face. His face was constantly calm, though one who was observant would also see content within his face. It was a subtle content, but it was there. His hearing was acute, and he heard something loud that sounded like cheering in the distance. He brushed it off as nothing worth worrying about and just kept heading to his village.

    Upon entering his village, he contemplated heading straight home. However, he had used several of his enchanted arrows over the weeks in a few emergency situations. He was down to 10 so he wanted to restock. Thus he changed his destination to his childhood friend Annika's house. She would hopefully have some prepared for him, but if not he'd just ask her to make some and he'd pick them up later. The villagers were in high spirits. As he walked past, several people greeted him. "Hey Solon, you're back." Solon turned and nodded to the man. "Hi. What's going on? Everyone seems to be in a good mood." "While you were gone a bunch of people got really sick. The healer Serenity came and cured everyone just a short while ago." "That's good. Have you seen Annika?" "Not in a few days, she's probably at home." "Thanks." The exchange was short and sweet, but with most people Solon wasn't really a talker anyway. In fact, he never really was a talker ever. He turned at the next corner and continued walking. He was focused on where he had to go so he didn't even react to, or even notice, the woman who was walking past him. It was a shame, because he'd have probably liked what he saw. He continued on for awhile, past cheering crowds of people until he finally reached Annika's house. The house was a tad eccentric by the village's standards. She didn't care if he walked right in, so he did just that. Immediately on walking in he flipped a switch and with a quick surge of Arcana the living room lights all shot on. There were many names for it, but Annika liked to call it magitech. A mixture of magic and technology. Her house had it all over, and it emulated a lot of functions that might be seen from electric power or in major Arcadian cities. Enchanted items empowering mechanisms to do a certain task.

    "Annika?" He called in an attempt to get her attention. No answer. "Annika?" He called a bit louder. No answer. "Annika, hello?" She's not sayin anything! Solon assumed she wasn't home, and was about to leave when he heard something faint. He recognized it despite how quiet it was. He headed straight for Annika's bedroom and upon opening it, found her in bed. She looked terrible. Her usually vibrant and perky face was pale as can be. Her normally neatly done hair was an absolute wreck. "'re sick." Solon said bluntly. There was no need to ask. Annika would never look anything like this without being ill. "Yeah...Chronic Arcana Eradication...a lot of people around town got it." Her voice was weak. Normally this disease didn't cause this kind of drastic effect, but Annika was Arcana rich. It was probably ravaging her worse than the average person. "There is supposed to be a healer...coming...she didn't miss me...did...she?" Solon didn't say it out loud, but in his head he was thinking "You've got to be kidding me". Solon turned around. "Hold on. I'll be back." He didn't have to say more than that, as Annika knew from the way he said that exactly what he was going to do. As he left the room, he swore he heard a weak raspy "hurry". She wasn't going to die, but the pain had to end. Solon now had to go find this healer who missed his friend.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:31 am

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    It had probably been ten minutes since she had left the village. The rush of being in the village, surrounded by so many people, was finally calming down. She had a couple days journey ahead of her now. She really just wanted to get home. Entering the forest, she began her tedious journey over uprooted trees, small hills, patches of dirt, random holes, and the passing by a little creatures here and there. She wasn't really caring whether she stayed clean or not, that wasn't the issue. There was just no path for her to follow to get home through the forest. She knew how to navigate through, that wasn't a problem. It was just the constant obstacles that stood in her way to allow her an easy travel that bothered her. Not even a minute in and Serenity felt her dress tag on a branch and had to gently tug it away. A moment after that, she stepped into a small hole and fell forward. “Eep!” she said as she brought her arms out in front of her and caught herself from falling face to floor.

    “Oi... Serenity, be careful!” she told herself, knowing how clumsy she actually was. Serenity stood up and dusted her hands off by clapping them together a few times. She continued her walk forward, but about two minutes in she heard something. She froze and turned around to look, but saw nothing there. She couldn't sense any darkness or ill intent near her, so it must be fine. She smiled and continued on her way, hopping over a fallen tree trunk. As she landed, she heard the noise again and looked around. It sounded like a low growl, not something she was used to hearing. She stepped forward a bit, still quite aware of her surroundings because she heard the strange growl again. As she stepped forward, it got louder and she looked around a tree. “Oh...” she giggled a little bit when she realized it was just a full grown bear, as if that was something to giggle at.

    Now, Serenity wasn't stupid. She wasn't going to stay near it, no. It wasn't looking toward her, so she hurried on her way, quickening her pace until she felt she was away from it enough for it not to see her. At least she felt safe thinking it was far enough away. She may have been able to sense ill intent in humans, but she had yet to master the animal part of that ability, so she wasn't taking any chances. She'd be stupid to. As she continued on her way, she suddenly heard the loud thumping of footsteps, but not of any kind. Had it seen her? Serenity's eyes widened and she snapped her head around to see what was coming. Yes, it had. This full grown, extremely large bear, especially in comparison to her tiny form, was charging at her at full speed. As it came close, the only thing Serenity felt she could do is jump, so she did. She jumped off to the side as it attempted to take her down. It's claw grazed her arm, but it ended up, missing the rest of her. "Ahh! Someone help, please!" she screamed as she got up and ran back toward the village, hoping someone there would help her.

    Posts : 225
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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:10 am

    As Solon left his friend's house, he realized that he had no idea which direction the woman had gone in. He didn't even know if she had left town yet or not. He hadn't exactly gotten that detail from the man who had initially greeted him. He came across a woman walking nearby. He needed to figure out where Serenity went, so asking around was probably the best bet. He walked up to the woman. "Have you seen a woman by the name of Serenity?" The woman shook her head. "I haven't seen her since this morning. I don't know where she is." Solon thanked her regardless and kept looking around. He asked another man, same general answer. However, he came across a child, and while he doubted a child would come up with anything useful, it was worth a shot. "Excuse me, have you seen someone named Serenity?" The child looked up. "You mean that healer lady? She left town a little bit ago." The child pointed off in the direction she left. He thanked the child and immediately began moving in that direction. Solon wasn't one to run often, but his life would be a lot easier if he did. If she got too far away, he'd have to go all the way to wherever she lived. It didn't help that odds were Annika wouldn't last that long. With her body ever so weakened, she could get ill with something far worse.

    Solon ran, quickly leaving the town and immediately stopped and crouched down, placing his hand on the ground. A broken twig, recently broken, something has very recently come by here. He was probably on the right track. He observed the twig's position, she had slightly changed angle and was heading about 10 degrees to the right of the original trajectory he was following. He went on and continued. He just kept walking, one might not even be able to tell he was following a trail. Yet, as if he was psychic, he stopped and crouched once more. This patch of dirt, there was a footprint. The kind that required shoes. He was definitely going the right way. She appeared to be going in a straight line, hinting that her destination was probably directly in the direction she was traveling. Solon continued to move on. He dodged all of the obstacles almost instinctively. There was almost a rough grace to how he moved over everything. It wasn't like a gazelle obviously, but he moved as if he was running across an open plain. Finally, as he came across a fallen tree trunk. There was nothing notable on the trunk, but there was definite signs of a "landing" or impact on the other end. However, nearby he saw something else. Fresh bear tracks. I'd better get to her before the bear does. He knew what the local bears were like, and the type of bear usually around this area were aggressive.

    Solon continued to follow the trail for a little while before he heard something, a scream. He also heard the sounds of a rampaging bear, which was hard to mistake for ANYONE who had ever heard a bear in their life. Solon hopped another trunk and began moving in that direction. Once he gained some ground he called out. "This way! Hurry!" He called as he continued moving towards the shout.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:34 am

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    As she was heading back toward the village, running and screaming her head off, she felt her leg catch on a vine that laid across the ground. "Ahh!" she screamed again and fell. Hearing the bear coming, she rolled off to the side, hoping it would not trample her and she was right. It passed her up again and let out another roar. It turned back toward her as she got up and began running off toward the right. She heard it running again, but it was getting closer and closer. She wasn't going to be able to out run it. Like very idiot in a horror movie, she glanced back to see how close the bear was and saw it ready to pounce. Quick thinking made Serenity jump toward the right at the next tree, causing the bear to pass her by again, but not without her twisting her ankle. She winced and screamed out for help again, tears beginning to form in her eyes as she began to feel like she was going to die. Her heart began racing, her body was heating up, and she was beginning to panic. The bear shook it's fur and turned back toward her. She was so frightened that she couldn't move. It growled at her, closing in from it's ten foot distance. She began crawling back away from the bear, but it just kept coming.

    "S-Somebody... H-Help..." she whimpered and resigned herself to death when suddenly she heard it. The voice of a man calling out. She snapped out of her fear caused freeze and hopped to her feet. "Help! I'm over here! Please help me!" she screamed again, running toward the direction she could hear the voice. The bear was closing in from behind her. Serenity tried quickening her pace, but she ended up falling again. Kicking off her sandals, Serenity felt her head lightening and her vision going blurry. "I'm gonna die..." she thought to herself as she got up and ran out of instinct, ducking under a few low branches and running more, "I'm gonna die... I don't wanna die." The thoughts of death ran through her mind, repeating over and over again as she ran toward her only source of hope, the voice that she heard. In fact, she kept running. Even if she came into the man's view, Serenity's fear had completely taken over. She just continued on running and running and running, not even knowing whether she was going in the right direction. All she knew at this point, all she could think to do was run, was to get away, was to get to safety. So that's what she did; she ran.

    Last edited by SerenityVerdant on Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:54 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 225
    Join date : 2013-12-07

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:07 am

    As he moved in, it became increasingly obvious that whomever it was was panicking. She called back, and as he heard her he quickened his pace. Honestly he didn't need the additional info on her direction, he KNEW exactly which direction she was in. Granted, she couldn't know that. He heard her coming in his direction, and the bear close behind. They were obnoxiously close, in fact he thought he could see her in the distance. Immediately he began to draw his bow. As the girl passed him by, he planned on giving the bear a nice little gift. Of course, he didn't have time to worry about preparing the meat of the bear. Rather than just kill it and leave it to rot, he planned on trying to scare it off. Granted he knew how persistent some bears were. He was fully prepared to kill it if he had to to get it off their back. "Get behind me!" He called as the figure approached, by now it was obvious it was a woman. As the woman ran past him (which she would inevitably do because even if she ignored him she'd just keep running) he was prepared to fire. He drew the arrow back, elbow perpendicular to his body, back straight and closed one eye to aim. He raised the bow up and down a little bit, left and right a little bit until his aim was precise, this all happening within the course of 2 seconds. No matter where the bear was, he kept locked onto his target location.

    His target was the joint connecting the bear's front left paw with its body, 1 cm to the left of any muscle to prevent permanent damage. That was enough to scare away plenty of animals, and without permanent damage it'd be in pain for awhile but it'd heal and move on. Bullseye. He relaxed his fingers and the arrow was sent flying. Thanks to the power of his bow, the arrow was sent flying at immense speed and took no time at all to land. He hit the bear right on target. It hit the joint without actually striking any muscle or major arteries. The bear keeled back onto its hind legs as it cried in pain. Immediately Solon pulled out another arrow and nocked it. "I don't want to kill you...turn back now." Normally Solon wouldn't target a spot like a limb that they need to be mobile if he planned on letting it live. However, these bears were tough, and they weren't completely crippled by a strike at that spot. However, any unnecessary chases would be unpleasant for awhile. The bear returned back onto all fours and let out a fierce roar, obviously it intended to keep trying. Shame. Solon immediately aimed for the same spot on the other paw and released. Bullseye once more, but still not fatal. "Not going to give up?" Solon lowered his bow, he had no intent to fire another arrow. However, this bear was particularly strong. THIS would have crippled it to where it shouldn't logically be able to chase, but Solon could tell...this bear could still run. The bear roared and finally began to charge. "Fierce, I respect that."

    Solon drew his sword, and as the bear charged he ran forward slightly. The bear pounced and opened his mouth for a powerful bite. Solon stepped out of the way and swung his blade, swinging it right into the beast's mouth. This completely stopped the beast's momentum as it cried in pain, but still struggled to get at Solon. Farewell. Solon increased the force in his arm and with one swift motion the sword cut into the beast's head from its mouth and slew it. The bear collapsed over and lay motionless on the ground. Solon pulled out a cloth and wiped the blood from his blade, before promptly sheathing it. Solon turned. If the woman was close by and stayed by him like he asked, he'd have told her she's safe now. If she was further away, he'd call out loudly enough for her to hear however far away she was.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:53 am

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    Serenity's biggest fear in life was death. The entire thought of it had the ability to cripple her mind. Today, she thought she was going to die. Because of that, she could only think of one thing: run. She kept running, even passing her rescuer up like he wasn't even there. The fact was, she had her own serious version of tunnel vision at the moment and nothing else mattered. She didn't even realize when she couldn't hear the bear behind her anymore. In fact, she kept running for a good twenty seconds after she the bear had stopped. The only reason she stopped at the twenty second mark was because, once again, she fell. It wasn't that she tripped over anything, no. She came to a section of the forest that was thick. She kept on until she put her foot down and it went farther down than she had expected. Serenity had suddenly come to a very, very steep hill. Her body tumbled forward. "Ahhh!" she screamed loudly as she rolled down the hill. Her body hit rocks, wood, and even a tree as the momentum carried her farther and farther down. Finally, the ground leveled out and Serenity's body slowed down until it came to a halt.

    Rolling onto her back, Serenity laid there at the bottom of the hill, her chest rising and falling at a rapid rate as she tried to catch her breath. Her body was in pain, she was still scared out of her mind. What if it was still coming? Would it follow her down here? Still, she couldn't move. Serenity laid there for a few moments when she heard something off in the distance. "Hello?!" she yelled. She wasn't the type of person that usually raised her voice, but this situation seemed to call for it. She struggled to roll onto her side, looking up the hill toward the direction that the call was coming from. "HELLO!" she screamed louder, "I'M DOWN HERE! I FELL! I COULD REALLY USE SOME HELP!! PLEASE!" she screamed out as loud as she could, hoping that she would be found. As she moved, she tried to get up, but her right ankle gave out on her. She looked down to it and saw no visible injury, but that wasn't her specialty. She could tell that she wasn't going to be able to walk. Upon further inspection, her clothing was practically ruined, rips and tears through out the entire outfit. She was also bleeding along her arm where the bear scratched her and down her leg, where something must have cut her while she fell.

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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:11 am

    The girl hadn't stopped at all. A tad annoying he'd admit, but if he came across something he was incapable of stopping and it was trying to kill him, he'd run pretty damned fast. Pride and foolishness were two very different things obviously. Either way, it was annoying. He turned and all he could hear was the sound of things landing on the ground...again...and again. What the hell was going on over there? He began to rather calmly walk in the direction the girl had run. After a little bit, he heard her call. She was at the bottom of the hill, that explains all of the thuds. Solon calmly, and almost casually, went over and around every obstacle as if it was nothing new, because to him it was. As he reached the edge of the hill and looked down, there the girl was. She looked like hell, from this distance he could still see all the tears and obvious injuries. That bear had really done her in. He quickened his pace, she was injured after all, but kept his steady calm pace. "That bear caused some damage." He said abruptly as he finally approached her and leaned down. He took no time in observing her arm and leg. They were bleeding.

    "I should have something to help with the bleeding." He reached into a small bag he had with him and pulled out two clean pieces of cloth. He had also picked up some antibiotics from a foreign merchant from Zakat. It was the kind you put on wounds to reduce risk of infection. "This will sting, but it'll help keep these cuts clean." He dabbed the disinfectant onto the cloth and wrapped one around her bleeding arm. He pressed it and held it for a few moments, before he took the other cloth and did the same to the cut leg. "Are you hurt anywhere else, any pain or feeling like something is...damaged." He paused towards the end as he raised his head up and looked at her face, and ended up looking straight into her eyes. He had been focused on the bear (and then her injuries) so he hadn't gotten a good look at her. However, this girl was quite beautiful. In fact, in the few moments he was looking into her eyes he quickly became smitten with her. She was beautiful, and she had both beautiful eyes and a beautiful face.

    Normally Solon didn't become enamored so easily, but this girl...something hit him. After a few moments of silent eye contact he finally got out the word "damaged" and officially finished his last sentence. "How bad are your injuries?" He got back to making sure she was okay, but it was a lot less detached than he initially was. Sure, he was calm and he wasn't blushing or anything. He kept up his usual demeanor in a lot of ways. However, it was possible for someone to tell that he was taken aback by how pretty she was. He wasn't acting as if he was just healing some random person he didn't care about.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:44 am

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    Serenity had kept looking up the hill, assuming the person calling toward her was coming from there. After waiting a few moments, she heard something coming from a different direction and looked to see someone only slightly familiar. She sat up and leaned her back against a nearby tree as he came toward her and just waited to see what he was going to do. "That bear caused some damage." he said and she looked down to herself. "Most of it is from the fall... The bear did this though..." she said, pointing to the cut on her arm. She was a clumsy one, so falling was quite common in her life. It had been a long time since she had fallen so badly though. This one she actually kept rolling, not just a fall and get right back up again.

    "I should have something to help with the bleeding." he said and began pulling things that were supposed to help her out. "Thank you." she said, watching him. "This will sting, but it'll help keep these cuts clean." he said and started. As he began cleaning her wounds, she hissed in minor pain, not like a snake, but a quick breathing in through her teeth. It was then that she realized who he was. He was the young man she had seen enter the village. He was even more handsome so close. In fact, she was locked onto his eyes and was lowering her head to get a better look. She could tell they were blue, but they were a deep blue that was actually kind of rare. Soon, he got done cleaning her wounds, causing a small smile to appear on her face. She actually felt a bit better, especially knowing she wasn't out here alone.

    "Are you hurt anywhere else, any pain or feeling like something is..." he froze for a moment, just staring at her. She didn't know how to react, excluding a light pink blush that appeared on her face. As he stared at her, she stared right back at him. She couldn't help it. His eyes had her entranced. "...damaged. How bad are your injuries?" he finally finished his sentences and she pushed up a small smile. "Well... my ankle is what prevented me from getting up... I don't know if it's broken... or just sprained. I'm not very good at that kind of thing." she said honestly, speaking with a slightly nervous tone and then changed to a curious one, "You're the man that just went back to the village, right? How come you're back out here?" Serenity kept her head tilted slightly, a sweet smile stuck on her face.

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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:52 pm

    Most of it was the fall, well that was anticlimactic.  Not that Solon was really focused on some kind of suspense or drama.   "Not surprising, the terrain is extremely hazardous."  When he put the cloth on her wounds, as expected, it hurt.  Either that or this girl just liked to hiss, that was equally as likely.  At first Solon was unaware of this girl's gaze and observations.  He was trying to stop her from getting infected.  He's seen infections, they are nasty.  They remind him of tuna, and just the thought of tuna makes him cringe.  That stuff smells nasty!  As he looked up and noticed how pretty she was, he also noticed that she seemed just as locked onto him as he was to her.  For maybe a second or two, a small smile actually managed its way onto his face, but it slowly softened back into his usual composure, mostly anyway.  Not because of any change of mind.  The blush she had was also kind of cute.  "Hmm, I didn't realize you were so beautiful."  He said that without flinching or stuttering or anything.  He just flat out said it, stated it as a fact that she was beautiful.  Serenity explained to him that her ankle was stopping her from standing.

    He went down and looked down at it.  "Even your ankle is beautiful."  He casually said.  It wasn't broken, but it most certainly sprained.  "You're fine, you need to stay off it for at least a day.  Though if you don't give it a few days to heal it could become something worse, maybe infected."  Beautiful ankle must be preserved!  The woman then began to  ask why he was all the way out here.  "I'm looking for a woman named Serenity.  She was healing people in my village and recently left, but I came back to find a friend of mine extremely sick and bedridden.  She's liable to get far sicker if she isn't helped soon."  Solon was aware that this could very well have been Serenity.  "I'm Solon.  What's your name?"  It was strange, Solon only talked this much out of necessity...that and he was enamored with this girl.
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
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    Age : 224

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:22 am

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    "Not surprising, the terrain is extremely hazardous." he said. "Yeah, especially after that rain that swept through recently." she replied with the continuing light pink blush. When he looked up to her, the two seemed to be locked on each other for a few moments. "Hmm, I didn't realize you were so beautiful." he said and her cheeks turned more toward a red tint. He said that with such confidence that she couldn't even assume he was just trying to be flattering toward her. Was it true? Was she really that beautiful? A shy smile formed on her lips as she thought about it. Explaining to him the situation over her ankle, she was taken aback by more of his words. "Even your ankle is beautiful." he said and the blush deepened. Part of her wanted to retreat under a blanket so he would not see her shyness, but another part of her was fluttering away. He was so kind and seemed pretty honest. She had never gotten so many sincere compliments from a stranger before. It was shocking to her. "U-Uh... Th-Thank you." she said nervously, not sure what to do in the situation at all.

    "You're fine, you need to stay off it for at least a day. Though if you don't give it a few days to heal it could become something worse, maybe infected." he said as she looked down to her ankle. "I see... Oh no..." she raised her hands to her face, the blush dropping because of the worry, "Now how am I going to get home?!" She was such a clutz and because of that she was stuck. Trying to change the subject, she asked him about why he was out here. "I'm looking for a woman named Serenity." he said, obviously catching her attention, "She was healing people in my village and recently left, but I came back to find a friend of mine extremely sick and bedridden. She's liable to get far sicker if she isn't helped soon." Serenity blinked a few times at what he said and then glanced back in the direction of the village, well at least where she thought it was, but was likely wrong. After rolling down a hill, it wasn't likely that she'd know her direction. "I'm Solon. What's your name?" he asked, but she was stuck on what he had said.

    "What?!" she suddenly said in a panic, but as usual she didn't raise her voice, "I missed someone?!" Serenity rolled over onto her stomach and pushed herself onto her uninjured foot. She began limping toward the hill, as if she were going to be able to climb it. "I-I-I've got to get back. I can't leave someone sick." she actually tried climbing up the hill, her ankle shooting pain up her leg any time she put any type of pressure on it. She accidentally put too much pressure and ended up falling backward. "Mmm...." she sort of whined, feeling really guilty about missing someone in the village, "What have I done...? I've abandoned someone who needed me. I'm a horrible person." Obviously she was being too hard on herself, since she had no idea that another person in the village was even sick.

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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:16 am

    The girl's cheeks turned even redder than they already were when he mentioned how beautiful she was. Why? At least as far as Solon was concerned, he'd think that it he'd go out and say it like that, that most of humanity would too. After all, he isn't much of a talker, so if he feels something is worth making words over, then it has to be the truth. At the very least it is the truth to him. As he continued speaking his mind, she got even more nervous and seemed to have to force out the thank you through her nervousness. "Why do you sound so surprised? I'm sure you hear things like that on a daily basis." Solon doesn't know shit about how people really act around pretty girls half the time, otherwise her nervousness would make more sense to him. When Solon brought up how she'd have to stay off her ankle, she began to panic because she didn't know how she'd get home. "No need to worry. You can just rest at the village. If I had to I could probably carry you." As he introduced himself and explained what he was doing, the girl suddenly went into an extreme panic. She missed someone, well he found Serenity all right. She was more adorable than one would expect some great healer to be. She stood up and began trying to climb the hill as she panicked.

    She was insane about it, she began to cause herself physical pain in her attempt to find the village. She went on about how she was a horrible person. Solon just stood there and stared blankly. "...what?" He couldn't comprehend how she was considering herself a bad person. "Your reaction says the exact opposite." Solon stretched his arms in front of him for a moment, and just casually strolled over to the panicking girl and just picked her up. She was in his arms, princess style. "A horrible person wouldn't panic like that, now come on. I have a friend that needs healing, and your ankle needs to be put on ice." He said nothing about how he just picked her up, he thought nothing of it. All it was was him trying to make sure she didn't agitate her ankle more than it already was. She was a light little thing, she'd probably be more pleasant to carry if he wasn't feeling all the rips in her clothing. He wasn't feeling the skin underneath or anything, just the shredder parts of the clothes that were dangling off and rubbing on his arms was mildly uncomfortable, not that anyone would notice unless somehow his arm turned red. Solon began heading in the exact opposite direction that Serenity had attempted to go. That was where the village was after all. "You're probably gonna need something to eat when we get back, you're going to need the energy so your wounds will heal faster." Solon was surprised his voice wasn't hurting. When a beautiful girl whom he was smitten with and his childhood friend are both in terrible condition, he had a lot of reason to use more words than normal.
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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:35 am

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    "Why do you sound so surprised? I'm sure you hear things like that on a daily basis."

    "No, no, no. I am rarely complimented about the way I look." she said, waving her hands out in front of her, "I've always thought I was average, nothing special." Oh my was this man flattering. He was making her heart race. She didn't know how to react to such kind words. "No need to worry. You can just rest at the village. If I had to I could probably carry you." he said and she shook her head. "I'd rather not trouble you. I can try and walk." she replied with a tinge of confidence in her voice. She was going to try! The two introduced each other, but Serenity's mind was on the person she left sick. She wasn't exactly in the condition to heal any one else. She had healed so many that she wasn't sure whether she'd be able to take it. Oh well, she'd still try! And she was proving that on the walking part when she tried climbing up a hill to get to the village girl. Unfortunately, she hurt herself again and ended up falling back. After being too hard on herself, Solon came toward her and sort of swooped her up into his arms.

    "A horrible person wouldn't panic like that, now come on. I have a friend that needs healing, and your ankle needs to be put on ice." he said and she agreed. She was in his arms, so there wasn't much arguing with him at this point. "O-Oh. Okay then." she said her body curled in a bit as she laid in his arms, her own arms laying over her stomach. She thought of holding onto his neck to make it easier, but she felt a little too nervous to do it. He was a strong one, able to pick her up so easily. Sure, she wasn't that heavy and she had a small figure, but she wasn't expecting it to be so easy. Before now, she couldn't remember the last time someone had picked her up. "Ending up in the arms of attractive an attractive man... I'm a lucky one." she thought to herself and looked away to hide her blush and smile.

    "You're probably gonna need something to eat when we get back, you're going to need the energy so your wounds will heal faster." he said. How'd he know? She blinked a couple times with a slightly surprised expression as she looked at him. "How'd you know that?" she asked tilting her head to the side, waiting for his answer and then saying, "It's okay... I'd rather heal your friend first. The pain isn't fun to deal with." Serenity was immune to this disease, but she had seen enough people with it to know the amount of pain that a person could be in. She wasn't taking any time to heal the girl. She had already skipped her once. She's been in pain long enough.

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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:25 am

    Really? She wasn't often complimented on her looks often? That made zero sense, zippity doo da. She thought she was average? "Have you looked in a mirror? I don't see how you can get anything less than beautiful from that image." One can only imagine what he'd be like when he's trying to win someone over. He'd probably be the same, only it'd be intentional. There isn't much he could do more than this besides flat out stating his interest and asking if the interest is mutual. She said she wouldn't need to be carried, but then proceeded to just fall down the hill and hurt herself. He said nothing, he felt what just happened was enough to say that she shouldn't be trying to walk on her own. When he swooped her up in his arms, you'd expect it to turn into some scene from a fairy tale. She just curled up into his arms. Her body was warm in her arms. You might be thinking "of course it is you dipshit, she is alive so she will be warm." But this was the kind of warm that you only really notice when you are interested in the person you are carrying. Not much different, but you actually notice the warmth in those situations.

    This girl though shocked him in a lot of ways. When he brought up the need for food she looked at him surprised. "How'd you know that?" What kind of question was that. She was lucky he was completely smitten, otherwise confusion might have...well admittedly he'd probably just answer it calmly and move on, but still, no chances! "The body needs energy to function, and if someone is recovering from anything they need to be nourished." He said it just straight out. No confusion, or sarcasm, or "what the fuck are you stupid." He wasn't even any of those 3 at this moment. He just answered and if there was some detail he wasn't understanding about her question she'd be able to explain it. Serenity went on to say how she'd rather heal his friend first. "I appreciate it, and I'm sure she will too." They were nearing the village at this point. "Kind and beautiful. I like that in a woman." Would you believe he actually wasn't making a move right then and there? He was just saying what was on his mind. He knew this wasn't the time to be making moves on her. She was injured, his friend was sick. Granted, he realized that it might be mistaken as him making a move on her. "Sorry, this isn't an appropriate time to be saying things like that. You're hurt, my friend is in bad shape, you have bigger things to think about. I apologize." For all he knew she wouldn't have minded if he didn't say any of that apology, but anyone with a shred of decency knew that when people were injured comments that sound like you're trying to court them is a no no. "I'm not an expert on magic, but just make sure you don't overdo it. You're hurt too, remember that."
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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:59 am

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    "Have you looked in a mirror? I don't see how you can get anything less than beautiful from that image." Serenity's face went from slight surprise to shock, confusion, uncertainty, and even embarrassment. Her cheeks lit up like a red light at an intersection and she covered her face completely with her hands, looking up at him by peeking through two fingers with one eye. He had her off her guard completely. She didn't know how to react and was unable to keep her composure. "The body needs energy to function, and if someone is recovering from anything they need to be nourished." he said and Serenity puffed up her cheeks in a playful pouty manner and knocked once, softly, on his head. "I meant how did you know I was out of energy!" she said to correct him and then crossed her arms along her chest. She was sure to make him understand that she'd not eat a bite until the village girl was healed. She couldn't stand the idea of someone being in pain for long just because she was hungry.

    "I appreciate it, and I'm sure she will too." he said and she smiled, merely nodding to him as a reply, "Kind and beautiful. I like that in a woman." She tensed again and covered her face like she had before, even looking through her fingers with one eye, exactly like she had done before. The blush returned almost immediately so she kept it that way until the warmth in her face would calm down. She couldn't even make a remark. "Sorry, this isn't an appropriate time to be saying things like that. You're hurt, my friend is in bad shape, you have bigger things to think about. I apologize." "No, no... I-It's okay. I appreciate all the compliments." Serenity said, lowering her hands from her face, "It's not often that I am made to feel beautiful, so it's a nice feeling, especially since I'm sorta a little banged up." Serenity playfully wiggled her legs a little bit, referring to the dirt she had all over her and the fact that her ankle was broken.

    "I'm not an expert on magic, but just make sure you don't overdo it. You're hurt too, remember that." he said and Serenity sorta just shrugged it off. "Yeah, but mine only causes me pain when I stand on it." she said and then she realized something, "Hey... You're the one that came to help me... That means you saved me from the bear, right?" Serenity tilted her head to look up to him and then smiled, "Thank you so much." Her tone was as gentle as the wind, sincere and sweet. "Oh, oh, but what happened to the bear, is he okay? You didn't kill him did you?" Serenity looked at him with hope, but she'd understand if he was forced to. She refused to take a life, including an animals, unless she was hunting, but that doesn't mean that everyone else in this world had to. And she accepted that.

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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Sat Mar 29, 2014 4:29 am

    She wasn't helping him not compliment her with her reactions. Her face lit up red and she hid behind her hands, just one eye peeking out. When he brought up how the body gets energy and uses it to heal itself she got all pouty. She even knocked softly on his head. Well she should have said what she meant in the first place. "You apparently spent earlier today healing disease with your magic, then I caught you running as fast as your legs could carry you from a bear. I figured you were tired after all that." Logic! He continued on. The entire time he was walking he had been expertly maneuvering the forest like obstacles weren't even there. He told Serenity they'd appreciate it and threw out his comment on her being kind and beautiful. She was seriously adorable. After he apologized, she went to tell him about how it was nice to be made to feel beautiful. "You are making it pretty hard for me not to compliment you. You must take good care of your body to be so stunning, and so many of the things you've been doing are really cute."

    After this he told her not to push herself. She did mention that the only pain she had was when she stood on it. "Doesn't hurt to at least be a little cautious." This was when Serenity brought up the bear. She asked if he was the one who saved her. He merely nodded, all the understanding Serenity would need was in that nod. She then brought up if the bear was okay. He shook his head. "I delivered two non-fatal, non crippling shots as warnings. After each one it didn't relent. With two arrows lodged in it it still charged at me and I had no choice but to finish it." Solon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "That bear was strong and had a ferocity rarely seen even in bears. A worthy creature, with my utmost respect, may it rest in peace." He hadn't had the time to properly offer the bear his prayers and respects due to Serenity, so he offered them now with his words to Serenity. "I hate to just kill an animal and leave it to rot, but I had no choice this time. But at the very least I can offer it my respect and prayers." Solon went silent as he offered more silent respect to the bear. After a few moment he'd continue conversing with Serenity and whatever she said or brought up.

    Soon though they arrived in the village. People saw Serenity injured and on Solon's back and immediately crowded around and wondered what happened. They all wanted to know and were worried if she was alright. "She's fine, please make some space for me to move through." While some people did question it, Solon wasn't exactly a man you simply said no to. Thus, everyone moved out of the way and allowed him to move on. He lead Serenity through the streets until they came to Annika's house. He tightened his grip on Serenity and held her even closer in order to balance her as he craftily turned the doorknob and opened the door. He used his elbow to flip the switch that activated all of the "magitech" that Annika had created. "Annika." He called out calmly as he headed toward her bedroom. She was exactly where he left her. Annika, normally one who would turn heads with her looks and confuse people with everything else, looked horrid and was too weak to invoke much of a reaction besides sadness or pity. In fact, she looked worse than when he left. "As you can see, she is in pretty bad shape." Which girl was he talking to? The answer is yes. Solon went over to a wooden chair in the corner and gently placed Serenity on it. Then he lifted it up, just as effortlessly as he had carried Serenity on her own, and brought it over to the bed. "You sure you don't want to eat something before you heal her? Don't exert yourself too much." A weak chuckle could be heard from Annika. " usually don't have much to say...that's more than I've heard you speak in awhile." She chuckled for a bit more before it turned into a rather painful sounding cough.
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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:58 pm

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    "You apparently spent earlier today healing disease with your magic, then I caught you running as fast as your legs could carry you from a bear. I figured you were tired after all that." Serenity honestly had to fight sticking her tongue out at him. Part of her felt like he was making fun of her for not realizing things that should be common sense, but she brushed it off a bit. Serenity looked around, noticing how he practically glided over the forests terrain like it was nothing. God, she felt like a dummy again. "You are making it pretty hard for me not to compliment you. You must take good care of your body to be so stunning, and so many of the things you've been doing are really cute." Serenity had no idea how to react again!!! She stared at him a bit, blinked once or twice, and then her face lit up like a thermometer. "You're making me blush so much, my cheeks are going to explode..." she said in a tone that could easily convince someone that she thought that could actually happen. She even rubbed her cheeks a bit to calm them down. She also wanted to go on a rant about how she only ate organic foods and cooked for herself for allergy reasons and all of this stuff, but she decided against it.

    "Doesn't hurt to at least be a little cautious." he said, referring to her ankle. "Yes, you're right." she said with a smile. "I delivered two non-fatal, non crippling shots as warnings. After each one it didn't relent. With two arrows lodged in it it still charged at me and I had no choice but to finish it. That bear was strong and had a ferocity rarely seen even in bears. A worthy creature, with my utmost respect, may it rest in peace. I hate to just kill an animal and leave it to rot, but I had no choice this time. But at the very least I can offer it my respect and prayers." Serenity couldn't help but stare at him now. She had never heard someone speak about an animal with the same value for their life as she had. He was a pleasantly surprising individual. He even offered prayer? That was a little new to her, but something she definitely admired in him. The thing was, she didn't know how to reply. She no longer knew what to say, so she couldn't ask anything. Instead, she lay comfortable in his arms as they walked back to the village, though she did feel slightly guilty for him having to carry her.

    It didn't take too long for them to arrive and when they did, they were met by a crowd of worried people. Serenity sorta pushed herself into Solon a bit more, receding into his arms to get away from the crowd. He authoritatively, but politely, asked them to step aside and they did. Serenity smiled up to him and relaxed a bit. "Thanks..." she said, as if he had pushed them to move aside for her sake. They soon came to the house she assumed was the village girls and was balanced in one arm so he could open the door. "Sorry, I should of done that for you." she said, but her mind was commenting on how strong he had to be to hold her entire body in one arm. "Annika." Solon called out and she looked around. She was carried to a bedroom and when she saw the young girl laying there, her heart skipped a beat. She felt horrible for leaving her here like this. In fact, why wasn't she the first to be seen!? She was worse off than any of the other villagers!

    "As you can see, she is in pretty bad sha-..." Yeah, Serenity didn't even let him finish that sentence. Her arm shot out toward Annika and a extremely bright white light shot from the palm of her hand. "Both of you close your eyes." Serenity said and two seconds later, she increased the power of the spell, so the light got even brighter. Outside, you'd think some sort of freaky experiment was going on in here since spotlights practically beamed through the windows. "You sure you don't want to eat something before you heal her? Don't exert yourself too much." he asked. "Yep, I'm positive." she said, understanding why he was asking, "Keep your eyes closed". She had begun sweating like ten seconds into the heal, showing how tired she was, but she wasn't going to stop. " usually don't have much to say...that's more than I've heard you speak in awhile." Annika spoke up, but Serenity was quite strongly concentrated on healing her. It took about ten minutes, and if Solon still wanted to put her in a chair, he'd have to figure out how to do it while keeping her in range of Annika because stubborn Serenity wasn't going to stop. She had someone to heal and make feel better after she missed her the first time.

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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:58 pm

    As usual, Solon was throwing out his honest opinion.  And as usual, they were so flattering to Serenity that she turned redder and redder.  She finally acknowledged how much she was blushing and made a comment about her cheeks exploding.  "We wouldn't want that.  That would be quite the sight, but I think it'd be prettier if they didn't explode."  Once again, off handed compliments.  That one was kind of on person, but he thought it was kind of clever.  It wasn't that clever admittedly, but it was still smooth.  As he continued on she was mostly silent.  When they got to town Solon made the crowd part faster than Moses parted the Red Sea, not that that happened in this world.  She offered his thanks, but he shook his head, silently stating there was no need.  There really wasn't, they were in the way.  Upon getting to the door she mentioned she probably should have gotten it open.  "Not a big deal."

    Upon finally reaching Annika Serenity shot out an arm and began to heal her.  There was a bright light, and considering his eyesight, it was even more so.  When she said to close his eyes he did so just in case, and it is a good thing he did.  It got even brighter.  He spoke up about food, but his eyes were closed and his head turned.  She was really stubborn.  As Annika spoke and chuckled a bit, Solon wasn't paying attention to her.  Well, he was listening but he was in the middle of something.  "Save your energy."  Solon said as he took his spear off his back.  He held Serenity once more in one arm, and he swung the spear over to the chair and pulled the chair by its leg.  He slid it over and next to Annika's bed, before slowly setting Serenity down.  He made sure to go slow so she could adjust what she was doing as she did it.  Once she was set down he took a moment to stretch out more.  He turned to look away and looked towards a wall.  Even the wall was ungodly bright, but he could actually open his eyes.  "Since you can't safely walk, you can stay with me for a night.  I have a spare bed."  As he spoke he adjusted himself, getting his clothes back in order and his weapons situated.  "Once you're done helping Annika we can get you something to eat, then get you settled for the night."  Solon tried to turn towards her but it really was bright.  " long do you think it'll be before Annika is better?"  Another weak laugh could be heard from Annika.  "Offering to let her spend the night at your place.  You're being awfully..."  She stopped and coughed a bit before continuing.  "...generous."  She turned to Serenity, eyes still closed though.  "He must have...taken a liking to you.  He doesn't let many people...stay at his house.  Prefers to keep to himself." Solon just kept his composure. "I admit it, I've taken a liking to her. She's been pleasant company." Painfully honest as usual.
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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:10 pm

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    "Save your energy." he said and Serenity immediately protested. She'd rather run out of energy quickly than have it slowly drain her away. At least then she won't do a half-assed job. "I'll be fine, thank you." she told him with confidence, though she did not turn her head. She kept concentrating on the disease within Annika's Arcana. "Since you can't safely walk, you can stay with me for a night.  I have a spare bed." Solon said and Serenity heard it, but she was starting to block out everything to make sure the job was done right. It would merely take a couple of seconds for the statement to register in her mind. "I feel that will be what I must do. Thank you very much." she said once his offer registered in her mind. Every now and then Serenity would intensify the spell, causing it to become slightly brighter. These were areas that the corruption was much more concentrated. She destroyed them quickly. In fact, Annika's pain should pretty much be gone at this point. It usually only takes thirty to forty five minutes to finish.

    "I'm not sure if I have enough Arcana to last that long..." she thought, feeling her stomach curl in nervousness. She did not want to leave Annika in pain for the night, so she switched up the extraction process. Instead of slowly moving down the body extract, she began hunting down the highly concentrated areas. These areas she began practically zapping, extracting them rather quickly. This should lessen the pain even more and allow Serenity to finish the job after some reason. "Once you're done helping Annika we can get you something to eat, then get you settled for the night." he said and she merely nodded. At this rate, she was going to need to stop. She allowed a look of pain to form on her face. It was like pushing yourself too far in a work out. She wasn't pulling a muscle, but she was straining the shit out of her body trying to do this. " long do you think it'll be before Annika is better?" he asked and Serenity didn't know what to tell him. Sweat began falling down the side of her face as if someone had squirted her with a bottle of water.

    "S-Soon..." she said, obviously struggling, though she refused to show pain in her voice. Since their eyes were closed, she didn't care about showing pain on her face. "Offering to let her spend the night at your place. You're being awfully... generous." Annika spoke up and her words shocked Serenity a little bit. "He must have...taken a liking to you. He doesn't let many people...stay at his house. Prefers to keep to himself." Serenity had just thought he was a nice guy. In fact, didn't Annika say something about him not usually talking so much? She sorta wondered if she was having an odd effect on the guy and that flattered her even more. Snapping out of those thoughts, Serenity concentrated on a few more spots that were heavily concentrated with CAE. "I admit it, I've taken a liking to her. She's been pleasant company." Well that was extremely sweet. Serenity began blushing again. The moment she tried to focus again, Serenity became completely lightheaded and the light faded away. As if she had no control, Serenity began to fall backward away from Annika. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and where ever she landed, she'd be discovered unconscious.

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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:50 pm

    Serenity was stubborn, refusing to even try to conserve herself. Granted it was kind of directed at Annika, but it applied to Serenity just as much. She was highly focused so things seemed to be going over her head. However, the comment on allowing her to spend the night registered, albeit a little slowly, and she accepted the offer. That was good, he didn't want to take no for an answer, but he had no intention of forcing her to stay there. Mostly because his intentions would easily be mistaken in that scenario. Granted he would have done his best to talk her into it, that couldn't be mistaken for an attempted kidnapping. He continued to look away, but it was obvious the light was getting brighter at certain points. There wasn't much response to what he said, but she did manage to force out a "s-soon". She didn't sound in pain, but she also didn't sound like she wasn't straining. After Solon called her pleasant company, something happened. The light began to fade. "Done?" He said as he turned, his eyes ALMOST widened as he saw her small body collapse onto the ground. That can't be good. Solon walked over to her and put two fingers on her neck. There was still a pulse, and it felt fine. She was unconscious.

    I told her not to exert herself. He said as he looked up. Annika was sitting up in her bed. "Did she finish healing you?" Annika shook her head. "Not quite, though I think I can at least spend the night without writhing for once." Annika got up out of bed, she wobbled a bit, apparently a little weak, but managed to keep her balance in the end. "I'm going to take this chance to get something to eat and rest. What are you gonna do?" Solon picked up Serenity into his arms as he had before and just looked back. "Righto, just remember to bring her back after she heals up. This thing is gonna relapse if it isn't completely cured." Annika headed to the front door and opened it, with Solon taking Serenity and heading out. It didn't take long to get to his own home, only about 3 minutes. He once more held Serenity in one arm as he opened the door and brought her in. His house was simple, there wasn't much to it. There was plenty of space, which made his state of living...strange. The house had a lot of empty space and even some empty rooms. Solon took Serenity up to the second floor and to the guest room, which he only had due to spaciousness. He went up to the bed, and placed her gently onto it. He lifted her lower half as he pulled the blanket out from under her, and then placed it onto her. He felt like it'd be best to keep an eye on her so he went over to a chair and sat down. He was a little tired himself, so after about 10 minutes he ended up dozing off. He was only asleep for half an hour before he woke back up. He looked outside, it was beginning to get dark. Based on his estimation, she had been unconscious for maybe 40-50 minutes. Solon from here did his best to keep himself awake. Thankfully that short nap was helping a bit.
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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:34 pm

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    After the first thirty minutes of the nap, Serenity's body began to calm and relax. The stress of over working herself was fading and she wasn't just laying there like a corpse. She turned onto her side and cuddled into the blanket, clenching her pillow within her hand a bit. Every now and then, she's turn over in her sleep, making low sounds that made it seem like she was having a dream. There were a few times that she'd get a stressed look on her face like she was having a nightmare, but they soon faded. An hour later, making the total an hour and a half, Serenity's eyes fluttered open. She had a really bad headache and still felt weak. She could tell some of her Arcana had been returned, but not enough to do anything with. Serenity sat up and took a deep breath. Feeling a little lightheaded still, she placed her hand over her forehead to see if she had a fever. She did, but it wasn't a big deal. She was just a little over her normal. Looking around, she turned her attention to Solon and gave off a weakened smile. "H-Hey." she said with a scratchy throat. She cleared her throat and coughed a bit to make that go away. "Thanks for letting me rest a bit. How's Annika?" Serenity slid her legs over the side of the bed and went to stand when she noticed her clothing. She was still covered in dirt and her clothes were pretty much ruined. Obviously that wasn't anyone's fault, but she would have to figure out how to get some new clothes for when she would return home. After that, Serenity's stomach let out a low growl. "Looks like I'm a little hungry." she said in a playful tone. She was hungry before she fell asleep, she needed some food otherwise she wasn't going to be able to function correctly.

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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:49 am

    She was unconscious for a little while longer before she finally stirred.  She was cute cuddling into the blanket the way she was.  He did wonder if she was dreaming, because she was making various faces.  She finally woke up and sat up.  She seemed in pretty bad shape still, but she was better than still being unconscious.  She checked her forehead and gave Solon a weak smile.  She spoke with a rather weak voice, but after some throat clearing her voice sounded more normal.  "How's Annika?"  "Fine, she got something to eat and went to sleep.  She still needs healing, but she said she'd be fine for a little while."  Solon then looked straight at her.  "I only just met you, so I don't know you that well or what you are thinking, but if you're thinking about going to heal her right now then I'm going to have to say no.  You've done enough for tonight, and we don't want you to get sick or die or anything, so just take care of yourself so you can help her tomorrow."  Serenity's stomach growled and she mentioned she was hungry.  He chuckled a bit.  "I can imagine, I'll go make some food.  The cooking will be rather basic.  Good, but simple."

    Solon left the room and began to prepare the meal.  He took some meats he had and began to cook them over a fire.  Solon wasn't one to have a stove, and Annika hadn't yet invented some magical one (well rather reinvented, major cities in Arcadia had magical equipment so a lot of her concepts were just reinventions).  He took out some assorted vegetables (including some cabbages and carrots) and some fruits and began to cook them up.  The vegetables went into a soup, while the assorted fruits he didn't tamper with, though he did peel anything that should be peeled.  He even went to grab a cup and then took some oranges and squeezed them with his bare hands.  He made a nice fresh cup of orange juice.  After some time, the vegetable soup was done.  The meat took a little while, and every so often he'd take a knife and cut into it and observe the meat inside.  The moment the inside was properly cooked he put out the fire and put the meat on a plate.  There was a lot, but he made some for himself too (including a second glass of orange juice).  Solon carried all of Serenity's portions at once, somehow balancing two bowls, a plate, and a glass.  The glass and plate were in his hands, while he held the bowls carefully against his body with his lower arm.  "Dinner is served."  He placed each plate and bowl down one by one on a table near the bed.  When he put all of her things down, he went back and grabbed his portions and came back.  He pulled his chair over to the table and put his food on the other side.  "Well, how does it look?  Meat, vegetables, fruit.  This should help you recover your strength."  After getting a response Solon began to eat, and he really dug away at it.  His eating could almost be considered voracious as he tore through the food.  It'd be a little while before he ran out, but it'd still be gone pretty fast for how much food there was.
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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Mon Mar 31, 2014 6:36 am

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    "Fine, she got something to eat and went to sleep.  She still needs healing, but she said she'd be fine for a little while." was Solon's reply and Serenity lowered her head out of guilt. "I only just met you, so I don't know you that well or what you are thinking, but if you're thinking about going to heal her right now then I'm going to have to say no.  You've done enough for tonight, and we don't want you to get sick or die or anything, so just take care of yourself so you can help her tomorrow." Serenity's head popped up and she looked over to him quickly. Was he reading her mind or something? How did he know? "I... Uh... Alright." Serenity lowered her head once more and sighed. If he wasn't going to let her go, she didn't exactly have the energy or strength to fight him on it, at least not yet. And then her stomach growled and she remembered how hungry she was.

    "I can imagine, I'll go make some food. The cooking will be rather basic. Good, but simple." he said and Serenity just nodded. Her mind wasn't on food, even if her stomach was. As he left, her expression saddened. She passed out on Annika. She wondered how much was actually healed. She couldn't remember. "Mmm..." she sorta just groaned and laid back in bed. She closed her eyes and placed her hand over her head again to see where her fever was at. She really just laid there, assuming Solon was coming back with food. As time passed, she thought of Annika, home, the villagers, her friends, and anything else that came to mind. Soon, he returned with the food and she sat up slowly. "Dinner is served." he said and she smiled kindly to him. "Thank you for being so kind to me." she said as she looked to the food. She took in a breath and smelled it. It actually wasn't that bad from what she could tell.

    "Well, how does it look? Meat, vegetables, fruit. This should help you recover your strength." he asked and she smiled. "It looks delicious. Thank you." she said and gladly began to eat along side him. When he first started, she looked at him in shock. Someone so calm and collected was devouring their food. She was not expecting that at all. In fact, she actually found it slightly funny, cute even. She smiled and just began eating. Her own mannerisms were slow and elegant. She was hungry, but she did not eat as fast as Solon. She stayed quiet until she was done, and once she was, she took in a deep breath. It would likely be a bit before the food gave her enough energy to do anything, but at least she got some. "Oh my..." she said suddenly when she realized something, "C-Can you tell me all what was in this? Quickly..." Serenity looked at him, practically pleading for him to just say everything inside. It probably would have been smarter to tell him about her allergies before she ate all of her food.

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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Schnockles Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:00 pm

    When Solon explained Annika's condition she lowered her head.  What was with her?  She is physically incapable of doing something due to exhaustion, and she looked like she was being hard on herself.  Of course, he could have been very wrong, which in his mind, he was.  When he told her he wouldn't let her go she lowered her head and sighed, maybe she WAS thinking about it.  Who knows.  Not Solon, he only had guesses.  When Solon left he didn't see a lot of what Serenity was doing.  When he came back she was on her back and she slowly sat up.  She thanked him for being so kind.  "No need to thank me."  He placed down the food and she said it looked delicious.  Mr calm might have been calm, but he was also hungry.  He thought nothing of the rate at which he ate the food.  He finished long before her, and when he looked at her he saw why.  She ate slowly.  Elegantly.  He merely sat there and waited.  He didn't stare at her the whole time, that was just creepy.  However, he did glance at her from time to time.  Partially to see how close she was to finished, but mostly because he really did think she was beautiful.

    Soon she finished, and she took a deep breath.  Solon hoped it was because it tasted good, or at least was tolerable.  Suddenly she spoke up.  "Oh my..."  Solon looked over at her.  "Something wrong?"  As he asked that she asked if he could quickly say what was in it.  "Huh?  The meat is just meat, I didn't do anything other than clean and cook it.  The soup just has some cabbages, carrots, and a few other vegetables.  I just chopped them up, put them in some water, and cooked them.  The fruits, well they are just fruits.  And the juice is orange juice...just orange juice."  He listed off everything, not understanding why this was so important.  Everything was pretty basic, there shouldn't have been a problem.  Everything was clean and properly prepared. "Why do you ask?"
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

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    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Empty Re: An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Mon Mar 31, 2014 10:38 pm

    An Enchantment Of Blue [Closed] Serenity1_zps20091723

    "Huh? The meat is just meat, I didn't do anything other than clean and cook it. The soup just has some cabbages, carrots, and a few other vegetables. I just chopped them up, put them in some water, and cooked them. The fruits, well they are just fruits. And the juice is orange juice...just orange juice."

    "Oh thank goodness..." she sighed in relief and smiled, "I actually have a lot of allergies, especially in food, so I have to watch what I eat." Serenity stood up and closed her eyes. She felt a lot better with a full stomach. "Would you like to go for a walk?" she asked kindly and looked over to him, "I was told it is supposed to help you digest, so I usually do." Serenity looked down to her clothing again, but said nothing. She just shrugged it off like it was nothing and stepped over to the door. She glanced back to him and then sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "You think you could lead the way out?" she asked, unaware of his houses layout. Even if she wanted to just go, she felt wrong doing it. This was his home and any door could lead anywhere. She doubted it was some sort of massive mansion of ridiculousness, but it was always better to be safe than sorry. Once they'd reach the outside, Serenity would stand for a bit, just trying to enjoy the breeze and the cool air. With night fallen, the humidity was much more bearable. She felt quite comfortable and soon would have enough energy to function arcanicly. Serenity would then begin to walk along the first path way she saw, walking around the area and maybe even through the village just to relax.

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