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    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:54 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Mornings were always a pain for Her Excellency, the Emperor. The bright sun, the crowing birds (which had been requested to be shot, even if it took "those damned anti-ship cannons"), etc. were all just annoyances. But lately, even those paled in comparison to the past month's disturbance. Not because that disturbance was necessarily worse, but because the source was unknown to Her Excellency.

    Getting dressed, she ignored any request to assist. She was obviously downtrodden and her mind was slowly tiring of these dull days. Eira was somewhat able to bring her sister out of these moods, but even that was temporary. She could smile and laugh, but those beautiful orchid eyes always seemed to show a bit of sadness. She didn't walk with the same confident gait as before, nor did she have the same attentiveness in meetings. Some even began to wonder if her wound was bothering her.

    But there was no aftereffect of the gunshot which caused this wound. No, it was a wound of the heart—and the metaphorical one at that. "You forgot tell her it was your birthday, didn't you?" Those words just repeated day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute. Maybe if she had told her it was her birthday...

    No, she would not have stayed. And if she did, Tsubine would have felt guilty for forcing her to stay. But still, she felt a gaping hole as she looked around only to not see her guest of honor—her unofficial advisor. It wasn't even halfway through the day, and Tsubine turned to a secretary whom had been appointed to work with her the best she could. "Please, reschedule my appointments for the rest of today. I do not feel I will be up to them..." She wanted to say again, but she couldn't bring herself to. "As you wish, Your Excellency." With a quiet and worried bow, the secretary retreated to an office to begin rescheduling.

    Tsubine could only sigh as she looked ahead to the semi-active halls of Laplace. Knowing that no matter what she did that she would not return any quicker, Tsubine began to retreat to a place where many knew not to disturb her. On the second floor, her private study had been laid out. It had a wall lined with books, a table in the center with four chairs around it, a fireplace not too far away from the chairs, and a window overlooking the scenic garden and pathway into the Center Wing.

    Inside her study, Tsubine took a seat in a sole chair which overlooked the garden directly. She stared up at the sky and watched birds and clouds soar above. She began to wonder if Luxanna was looking at the same birds and clouds. "Why do I miss her so...?" She had been pondering that all month long, still with no answer which could satisfy her. A few seconds after she said that, the great wooden doors began to open, and Tsubine sighed. "I believe you are supposed to knock before entering..." She turned around to see this rude intruder... only to not see anything at all except for the open door...

    (February 3)

    Last edited by Tsubine on Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:39 am; edited 1 time in total
    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:36 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header2_zps44552750

    Luxanna was not going to be seen by anyone before she was able to see Tsubine. She had no idea why, but she felt this need to surprise the Emperor with everything that she had gotten on her trip. Luxanna needed to relax. You couldn't even really call that a trip. It was a worry filled rescue mission that had the ability to go very, very, very bad or very good. She was just glad that it didn't go for the the former. Now, she was back in the massive palace of Laplace that she had recently been calling her home. Soon, she would officialize it by having a Noir base built here and continue being the Emperor's 'unofficial' adviser. With Masa safe and Nadia home, she felt... free.

    And with this new found freedom was a new found urge to prank. Luxanna currently held two things within her hand. One was a dildo of unnatural size that she found in one of the back alley sex shops of Zakat's more shadowy neighborhoods. It was wrapped in a layer of plastic wrap and had a giant navy blue colored bow wrapped around it. It wasn't hidden at all. The moment she'd lift her invisibility cloak, you'd know exactly what it was. The other thing she held was Tsubine's actual gift, something that Luxanna was quite happy to pick up. She really didn't understand why she felt the need to buy a gift, but she did. And now she finally arrived at the Palace of Laplace.

    "Ugh..." she sighed under her invisibility cloak, avoiding being hit by anyone walking by. She slipped her way passed some guards and into the palace. It took her a while to find Tsubine, but once she did, she noticed that the woman wasn't up to her usual demeanor. This immediately worried Luxanna, but she over heard a maid talking about the Emperor being depressed and was glad to find out she wasn't hurt or sick. "This will bring her mood up!" Luxanna thought and followed the Emperor around until she made it to a room. She was going to immediately follow in, but a momentary lack of attention paying caused her to drop the massive dildo. One of the maids glanced back, so she dove onto the massive dildo and used her invisibility cloak to hide it. Once the maid turned away, she picked it back up.

    Luxanna then opened the door to Tsubine's study and just stood there, knowing Tsubine couldn't see her. When Tsubine spoke, Luxanna just smirked and walked over to the table, setting the actual gift down under a chair across from her. She then stood up straight, being careful not to reveal herself and then stepped over to Tsubine and stood next to her, about three feet away so she wouldn't get smacked again. She dropped her invisibility cloak and gave a big smile, "Hey beautiful! Was this the size you were talking about?!" Luxanna held out the massive dildo toward Tsubine and had a huge bratty smile on her face. She wiggled her eyebrows up and down and giggled, "I figured since the one's Lunaria showed you before weren't up to your standard... this big guy might help you out a bit."

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:02 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine thought it was the wind. For a moment, she hoped it was the wind. That moment was when she suddenly was face-to-face with a dragon-sized dildo. The chair was one of those spinning types (patented by Zakatian clockmakers), and thankfully it was stable one. Otherwise, Luxanna would have scared Tsubine right through that window.

    The chair toppled over, and the Emperor ended up on the ground. She didn't make a single sound—and she probably should have. She didn't feel the cool breeze coming from where the dress-like covering had slipped away—revealing a very lacy pair of white panties—as her focus was on keeping her heart from exploding. Her entire body moved as she attempted to breathe.

    And then, she realized Luxanna was back. That dimness which once existed in her eyes faded to nothingness, and a small glint began to replace it. "You are back..." Her volume was low and she almost wanted to hug the woman. But then... Her eyes turned back to it. "That..." her head began to shake, "that won't fit..." She didn't even catch the other comments.

    Tsubine then stood up, her dress re-adjusting itself. Without a second warning, she wrapped her arms around Luxanna as tight as she could. She didn't care how much the thing pressed against her. "I am so glad you are back..." She wanted to start crying even, but that was interrupted by a small giggle and the closing of the door. Even Tsubine did not know who it was, but at this point only two made sense. But that didn't matter! Luxanna was back! "I am glad you seem safe and well too." She smiled—the first genuine smile she had since the fifth day of the new year.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:06 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header2_zps44552750

    Luxanna was slightly taken aback by how much she had actually startled Tsubine. She didn't even get a chance to attempt to help her before the surprised beauty gave Luxanna a present of her own. Luxanna blinked a few times, a smirk crawling onto her lips. "That... was a nice view..." she mumbled and then transfered her gaze upward to Tsubine's face. "Yes, I'm back." she smile and blinked again, pleasantly surprised by the light that began returning to Tsubine's eyes.

    Luxanna tore her eyes away from Tsubine and went to set the monster dildo down on the table, "The woman's body is quite... resilient; I'm sure we'l-..." Luxanna was caught off guard by the sudden hug she received from Tsubine. She smiled softly as Tsubine held the two of them against each other and found herself wrapping her arms right back around this beautiful woman. She took in a deep breath and slowly let it out, actually relaxing some, "I'm glad to be back..."

    Luxanna jumped a bit at the sound of giggling. Her cheeks turned slightly red because she knew immediately who it was. Before she could turn to see and yell at them for it though, the two closed the door and she narrowed her eyes at it. "That was completely expected..." Eira whispered to Lunaria in secret out side of the door as they began walking down the hallway. "Finally. Now, if the Emperor doesn't get laid, I don't know what else to try at this point!" Lunaria replied with a slight giggle.

    "Yes... I am safe, Nadia is safe, and Masamune is safe..." Luxanna repeated the three names she would have explained to Tsubine for leaving, "A few of my members did in fact get targeted and killed on the same day as the attempts on yourself and the rest... But I don't want to talk about that right now, but I'll explain the rest of the details later..." Luxanna pulled away from the hug and stepped back over to a chair, "For now... We have this." She pulled out a finely wrapped gift.

    "This is your real present..."

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:40 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine was so happy to have Luxanna back. The one person who had the balls to tell the Emperor if her plans were bad was a woman—and she was highly needed and desired by Tsubine. Unfortunately, even the Emperor herself did not know how much she truly desired Luxanna. Tsubine didn't want the hug to end, but hearing what Luxanna said about the other members of the Noir forced her grip to loosen just enough for Luxanna to break out. However, it was a good kind of escape as Luxanna brought forth a true gift—a blue box which definitely seemed far better than that. "I am glad that was not my gift..." She shivered at the thought of trying that thing out. It. Would. Not. Fit.

    The Emperor carefully removed the wrapping paper—not tearing a single bit of it. She slowly removed the tissue paper after the top... and it was beautiful. That glint that was only starting to appear easily shone like the wintry sun outside. "It is..." She slowly took out the beautiful dress-like robe. "It is beautiful." The dark blue bwas adorned by red and gold flowers, and the bottom was black. There was even a black corset in the center.

    She wanted to give Luxanna a thank you hug, but there was something else she had to do first. "Turn around, and I will try this on..." She neglected to mention the standard 'and no peeking' normal people would do. She walked over to the window, and drew the massive scarlet curtains closed. And then she slowly began to undress. First came the headpiece—slowly set down on the table beside her chair. Next the mantle and armor—both of which were placed upon a mannequin which stayed in that room.

    Tsubine hesitated for a moment when it came to her dress and shirt. She turned her back to Luxanna and removed the shirt—revealing an equally-lacy matching white bra. And then went the pants, revealing the ever-so-enticing rear end of those white panties. She slid an arm into the warm, silky gift, and then the other. After a few more seconds of carefully placing it around her, all she had to do was tie the things shut. She sucked in what little gut she had and tied the middle corset and the top bow. Brushing her ponytail away from the silk, she spun around to Luxanna—a happy grin on her face. "I love it... How do I look?" She loved the way this thing felt—and it would take a revolution to get it off of her right now.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:33 pm

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header2_zps44552750

    "Aww, I thought you'd be thrilled to receive such a big gift." Luxanna gave a big smile and just giggled at the thought of her trying to fit that thing inside. The image was hilarious, but not something she'd ever try and force on the poor woman. As she handed the actual gift over, Luxanna paid close attention to Tsubine's face to get her reaction. Luxanna couldn't help but smile when Tsubine's eyes shined even more. She was glad to have done something right for her and felt Tsubine deserves something on the nice side. It wasn't every day that the Emperor of Zakat was a beautiful woman, trusted ally, wonderful friend and trusted you enough to establish an entire branch of your organization in her city.

    When Tsubine decided to try it on and told Luxanna to turn around, she gave a soft nod and did. Luxanna waited a few seconds and glanced back, finding herself staring at Tsubine as she began to undress. When she noticed Tsubine about to turn around and look, she quickly turned the other way and crossed her arms along her chest. "She told you to turn around, so keep facing this direction... Show a bit of restraint Luxanna... A bit of restraint..." she told herself, but ended up looking back to continue watching Tsubine get dressed, "Oh, you have no self control you idiot lesbian." When she looked back though, she realized there had been enough time for Tsubine to be fully dressed.

    "Woah." she thought and just stared. When Tsubine turned back around, she'd notice Luxanna was in a bit of a trance, staring the woman up and down. Luxanna was absolutely stunned by the immense beauty that Tsubine just radiated. Tsubine was always beautiful, but there was something about that outfit that just let her shine even brighter than she had every day of her life. "No wonder I wanted to see her in it..." Luxanna thought and shook her head to snap out of her own self-induced trance. "You... look... absolutely..." Luxanna spoke as if she was having a hard time figuring out which word she wanted to use. Superb, stunning, marvelous, magnificent, alluring, gorgeous, exquisite, dazzling... were all words that passed through Luxanna's mind, but finally she found the right one and smiled...


    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:21 pm

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Perfect. That is a word she had never heard about herself. No one, not even the gawkers and hard supporters of her reign wouldn't call her perfect. She had expected to hear 'superb,' 'stunning,' 'marvelous,' 'magnificent,' 'alluring,' 'gorgeous,' 'exquisite,' or 'dazzling.' So to hear the one word she never had thought herself to hear... It knocked her off guard just like Luxanna had with the dragon-sized gift from before.

    Her arms disappeared behind her back, and her head tilted towards the ground as it thawed into crimson. "Ahm... T-t-thank you." Taking a moment to think, she looked up and brought her hands back in front of her—and then took a few steps to hug Luxanna once more. This time it was not as tight as before, but it had a different feeling. "This is the best gift I have received in a very long time..." She let go, still with an ever-glowing smile. "It and your safe return home make up for missing my birthday..."

    "Ah..." She caught it. She didn't mean to say that it was her birthday like that. She began to blush again, this time a little more embarrassed than flattered. "Right, I suppose I should inform you of that... How do I put this... A week after you left... Well, it was my birthday... I thought I had told you, but I suppose getting wounded in such a manner caused me to forget one of the more happy things we humans celebrate." She didn't know that the reason she was sad was because Luxanna had missed her birthday, but she did know that the reason she was happy now was that Luxanna was back. And her being back is what mattered.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:08 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header2_zps44552750




    "Yes, hom-... BIRTHDAY!?" Luxanna's entire expression fell. Her eyes opened extremely wide and her jaw dropped. She listened to Tsubine explain that Luxanna had missed her birthday. It was just a few days after she left!? Luxanna was stuck! She didn't know what to do! She left before Tsubine's birthday!? She knew it was to go find Masamune and help Nadia not freak out constantly, but it was just a couple of days! "I... missed... your..." Luxanna's slapped her hands against the sides of her head and she began pacing back and forth, "I have to... gift... party... outing... dinner... What do to?! What to do!? I can't miss your birthday and come back without a birthday present! We have to do something! Can we plan a party!? No... It's too late for that... I bought a gift, but it's not a birthday gift!! That gift is just because I wanted to get you something! But what to do, what to do!?"

    "Got it!!" Luxanna froze in mid step, turned her head toward Tsubine, and smiled, "I think it's about time that you went on another one of your outings, don't you think?" Luxanna's tone was speaking of Tsubine taking on her disguise and going out to have some fun. "From what I've heard, you've been depressed for a while now, so I think a bit of air and fun... and just doing... stuff... might help. You need a vacation! So... get dressed in something that fights to dull down your perfectness... and I'll meet you at the front door, in your disguise... yeah. And we'll go... do... everything we possibly can. I even got a pay day from the Noir, so no Emperor money... None. Zip. Nada. I get to show you a good time..." And with that, Luxanna ran out of the room, stopped, turned around, and picked up the giant dildo, "I'll get rid of this..." She walked out of the room and tossed it at a passing guard, "Get rid of it. I don't appreciate you guards playing jokes like this one me! It's inappropriate and uncalled for!" With that, Luxanna waved to Tsubine and hurried to her room, where she would get dressed in one of her other outfits, and make her way to the front gate and wait for Tsubine.

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:53 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine wanted to tell Luxanna to stop panicking. It wasn't that big of a deal... Frankly, if it weren't for the fact that it was a damn national holiday, she would have forgotten it. But every time she tried to speak up, Luxanna's rambling continued. Half of the stuff she said, Tsubine couldn't understand. She made out words like 'party' and 'present,' but that was about it. Then—Luxanna startled her. She made plans to go out and bring Tsubine out on the town (in disguise of course). And Tsubine didn't have time to argue or anything before Luxanna sped out the door, only to return to grab the massive 'gift' to get rid of it. "O-okay..."

    Tsubine blinked a few more times before returning to her bedroom upstairs. She changed into something different for her, as it was a little colder than usual today. It was a simple dark green dress with maroon stockings. The shoes she chose were the same color green and had a purple heel. Adorning the top of the dress was a purple ribbon which matched her hair's bow. She began to walk downstairs, giving guards the signal to be quiet.

    She eventually made it to the front gates and motioned for the guards to, once again, stay quiet. Luxanna looked definitely different from the last time they met. Tsubine's eyes blinked multiple times to make sure that it was her. "Well, at least I will not be the one who catches the most eyes today." Tsubine could not help but to stare at the magnificent body Luxanna had. She had seen it before, but this was still amazing. The shorter pants and the teasing top both made Tsubine want to call Luxanna 'irresistible.'

    "Since this is your treat, I feel you should pick somewhere. I would like to get to know you better, so something you enjoy would be nice." Tsubine smiled and wrapped an arm around Luxanna's. It just felt natural, and she didn't want Luxanna to feel cold by being all alone when walking. "Lead on, my unofficial advisor." She giggled and began to follow wherever Luxanna decided to take her.

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:37 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header2_zps44552750

    While she was waiting, Luxanna was trying very hard to figure out what sort of place Tsubine might want to go. She was thinking of every place she knew within Zakat, which wasn't much since she really was a lot newer to the place than she realized. She had been here a while, but didn't know everything. That will end up changing once the Noir base was established here. Suddenly a pleasantly familiar voice sounded and she looked up to see Tsubine. She blinked a couple times and looked her up and down. "If I'm the one catching the stares, it's merely because my boobs are showing, because the beauty prize is definitely on your side." she told Tsubine with a serious expression.

    "You want me to pick something, huh?" Luxanna asked and then smiled, "Then we have quite a few places we need to go." Luxanna smiled and stepped up beside Tsubine, sliding her hand into Tsu's. With a gentle tug, Luxanna began walking along, leading her through a few of the streets. It was colder today, but not too bad. At least there was no snow hitting the ground and the sky was clear. "So, while we walk, tell me about yourself?" Luxanna asked, "What exactly did you do before you became the Emperor? Oh, and if I ask a question you do not want to answer, please do not feel obligated to do so... I know people have things in their past they prefer to keep to themselves."

    As they walked, Luxanna happily listened to Tsubine and asked any questions she could come up with. The first shop they would stop at was a costume shop. "Alright. There's this club in the city that I found while looking around... I was able to become a member." she explained as she looked around the store, "They meet every night and do different themes. If I remember right, tonight's is a couples costume party... You go with someone, dressed up as something that matches the other... So you can dress like twins, or two officers... or even some of those actors you see in those movie things, ya know? And there's a jewelry shop next door to help us find a few things to do the costumes up."

    "Any ideas on what you'd want to go as?"

    The Not-as-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1714
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 30
    Location : Somewhere the Southern U.S.
    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:57 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine was happy to be led around like this. Frankly, the idea of having someone else in charge was fun. She was always in charge, so why not let someone else take the lead? And better yet, it was Luxanna! She could trust Luxanna. That's why she could trust Luxanna with the stories of her childhood. "I did not do too much... Up until my eighteenth birthday, I was a simple farm girl. I worked on the farm my family ran in Mont Blanc, a town near the Arcadian border. After that, you know of my stay at Rydian... But after that I spent two years in the Zakatian Military. I technically still hold the rank of Sergeant." She giggled a bit. She was actually still getting personal pay from the military, and she had a place to go if she ever vacated the throne. "What about you? What was your childhood like?"

    Tsubine was a little stuck on what Luxanna had brought her to. She had never been in a costume shot before... Let alone a club like they were going to. "I see..." Tsubine began to walk down aisles and touched a few of the costumes as Luxanna explained the details of their night. "It sounds like fun. I would be delighted to attend." She smiled and then continued to look through costumes. "Unfortunately, I am not too sure on what would be a good costume choice... The only parties I have attended have been alone, so a thing like a 'couple's theme' is unknown to me... So long as it is not going as me and the leader of the Imperial Royal Guard, then I will go with whatever you pick. It is your pick for the night, after all."

    The Much-More-Fun Admin

    Posts : 1994
    Join date : 2013-12-04
    Age : 224

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:29 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header2_zps44552750

    "A simple farm girl?" Isn't that interesting. Luxanna was also just the daughter of a fisherman and his wife. She nodded when Tsubine mentioned Rydian; she did remember what she had been told before about her being there. Once Tsubine was done explaining, Luxanna was asked about her own childhood. She looked away, her eyes looking a little sad, but irritated at the same time. "My childhood..." she spoke calmly, "... really was just a mess. My Father loved being out on the open sea so much that he didn't care whether he was leaving his wife and child alone... I can't even count the times we got robbed, mugged, sick, or anything like that and he wasn't there to do a damn thing to help... When he returned and things were explained to him, he apologized for not being there and still left..."

    "Honestly, I don't think he cares even now, but Mom and I sold his stuff, took that money and went traveling." Luxanna looked down while she was telling this story. She didn't know how else to explain it and was trying not to tear up. "While on the road, she got sick and... well, passed on. I wrapped her in a blanket and buried her in an unmarked grave under the largest tree I could find in the middle of Silverwood Forest... I was only thirteen... I didn't know what else to do. I still haven't been able to find her grave... After that, though, I traveled south until I found Fennmont. From there, everything sort of fell together... Nothing too interesting happened before I met my friend Pariah, Nadia, and we sorta just created the Noir... Pariah said it was supposed to give people who didn't have a family a chance to have one; It's expanded a lot sense then and I don't know what I would have done without them."

    Finally they made it to the store and Luxanna explained what they were going to be doing. "Good. I didn't want to do the regular ol' dinner and walk thing that so many people do." Luxanna spoke as if this were some sort of date, but she didn't catch that she had done that. She began looking through some of the costumes and thinking about what the two of them would look good as. "Hm... with those sexy ass legs of yours, we should pick something that shows them off." Luxanna said and then realized exactly what she wanted to do, "Oh yes. And that bust... I know what we're going as. Hehehe." Luxanna searched through and after a few minutes, she finally found the outfit, "Ha! There's a dark blue and a light blue one here too... There's also white, and green, but I figured you'd prefer this."

    Luxanna stepped over to Tsubine and showed her the costume she was talking about. Turning Tsubine toward the mirror, she held the bra piece up in front of her. "And don't worry, we'll get some coats so we don't go walking down the street all half naked and stuff." she explained with a big smile, "We'll do your hair up into a high pony tail and braid it down, put on a little of the over-flashy jewelry... and definitely turn a few heads at the party." Luxanna smiled widely, definitely excited, but about what? Sure, she wanted to go to the party and show Tsubine a good time, but the idea of seeing Tsubine in an outfit like this was almost too much for her to handle. "Hehehe. Don't forget the other colors if you want to try those..." she reminded and nudged her toward the changing room to try on.

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:59 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    "If you would like, I can send some men out to search for her... I can not imagine what that must be like." Tsubine was a little sad to hear that about Luxanna—but she knew that Luxanna was a stronger woman because of it. She wanted to help Luxanna find her mother's remains now, and even if Luxanna did not request it—she was going to do so. Although, a corpse is hardly a good birthday present.

    Speaking of presents, Tsubine was getting one hell of a present right now. All of these compliments! Tsubine had always been ashamed of her legs as a part of beauty, so to hear Luxanna compliment them like that... It made her heart warm up and race. Her smile grew a little bit even. And then Luxanna came up with an idea... and it was not what she was expecting. Looking in the mirror, she couldn't help but blush at the idea of walking around in what was basically her underwear...

    Tsubine couldn't really argue against it, although the idea of someone else doing her hair bothered her. She nodded and took all three into the changing room and slowly changed into them. The first was the white, and she felt odd in it as her panties and bra were both white today, so it really felt like it was her underwear. Then came along the green. It wasn't too bad, but not her thing either. Finally came the dark blue, and she liked it. And she would have chosen it had she not seen another matching one peeking from the wrong section.

    "One moment." Tsubine practically ran—not caring how much her chest or ass moved in the process—to the section and grabbed another matching set... Although its color was much different from the others. She snuck it past Luxanna and returned to the changing room. She came out, and felt most proud in it. It was a hot reddish-pink, glowing and exuding sexy. "How about this one? I prefer it over the rest." She began to turn around and show off how much more comfortable this one felt—even if it was just a different color.

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    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:14 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header2_zps44552750

    Although Luxanna desperately wanted to say yes to the offer on finding her mother, there was no way she could do that. That would literally be taking advantage of her friendship with the Emperor and using Zakat's resources for a very, very seflish reason, no matter how understandable that reason was. Luxanna shook her head, even if she didn't want to. "N-No... That's alright. I knew I probably wouldn't find her when I chose to bury her there..." she explained and then dropped the subject.

    As they were looking through the costumes, Tsubine didn't seem to find a color that she liked. Luxanna, on the other hand, found the exact color she wanted immediately. It was a dark purpose color with red jewels on it. It was the first she tried on and once she looked herself in the mirror, she decided it was the one that she would get for tonight. Obviously all of the jewels on their outfits were fake, but that was the point. It was "costume" jewelry. Dull laugh commence.

    "You having a hard time?" Luxanna asked as she watched Tsubine run out and grab another. Luxanna found herself staring at Tsubine's chest as she ran toward the rack and then at her ass as she ran back into the dressing room. She waited for Tsubine to come back and, browsing the racks while still wearing the costume. Once Tsubine came out, Luxanna could tell easily that she was much more comfortable in that one. "I was right when I said you'd look amazing in these..."

    "How come you seem so much more comfortable in that one..." Luxanna said, having to force her eyes back up to Tsubine face after they unwillingly traveled down toward her bust a few times. The bra section of the costume showed Tsubine off fantastically. "I am going to have the hottest date at the club tonight..." Luxanna said, stars practically forming in her eyes. "We'll take these!" she said as she picked up two coats as well. She grabbed their other clothes and folded them.

    "We're wearing these out, so put your other clothes in the bag and put on the coat. It will keep us hidden from prying eyes until we get to the club." Luxanna said, handing over the coat after she paid for everything. "I know a place we could get our hair done..." Luxanna said, but then tilted her head, "I noticed a certain... something, when I mentioned doing your hair. Be honest, are you okay with that? I just figured you'd not want someone to recognize your style."

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:28 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Comfort. Even something as a minor color change can cause something dreadful to become warm and fuzzy inside. "It is my favorite color." Tsubine began to look at herself in the mirror—truly enjoying what she was seeing. She even liked what she saw on Luxanna. "I do not know about that... I may have the prettiest one." She giggled a bit too. She enjoyed this.

    Tsubine had just finished putting on her earrings when Luxanna brought out the coat. Even the coats matched, and she felt they might just look good together. She smiled and accepted the gift, wrapping herself in the warm thing. "Thank you for doing this." She smiled and closed the coat up tight, and was then asked about her hair. Tsubine looked to the side, a little sad she had to tell Luxanna 'no.'

    "I just... do not like it when other people do my hair. Not even Lunaria is allowed to... Although she is one of the few I trust with it I think... It is something I am very proud of. The only time it has ever been truly cut was when I was in the military. I quickly grew it back out once I became Emperor, however." And then an idea popped into her head. "I know what I could do... Wait here for a few minutes."

    Tsubine disappeared back into the dressing room, and returned not too much after. Instead of her hair being in the normal ponytail, it was now loose and long. It was hard to even tell it was braided before, and her ribbon was now tied around her arm. "This is the second time you have seen my hair down." She giggled again, happy she could take Luxanna's advice. Once again, she wrapped her arm around her date's and drew in closer than before. "I will still accompany you to get your hair done, so lead on." For some reason, she was enjoying knowing that Luxanna had picked out such revealing clothing styles... even if the color wasn't something Luxanna had chosen.

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    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:15 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header2_zps44552750

    When Tsubine turned that compliment right back around at her, Luxanna could not help but stick out her chest and jiggle it a little. She smiled when she did, giggling at her actions a bit. "We're going to have a lot of fun tonight..." she said, adjusting her boobs within the top. "No problem. I'm glad I'm getting the chance." she replied with a gentle smile. When Luxanna asked about Tsubine's hair, she was a little worried and confused by the sad look Tsubine got. When it was explained to her, Luxanna just smiled and shook her head. "You're silly. You don't have to feel bad about that." she told her and giggled over it, "Honestly, I'm quite similar. Although I do let people do my hair sometimes, I usually prefer to do it myself... If you don't want to let someone touch your hair, I completely understand."

    Luxanna jumped when Tsubine suddenly got an idea. She watched Tsubine step into the dressing room again and waited for her to return. While she waited, Luxanna put on her ear rings and strapped on the heels she would be wearing to this thing. "Nice..." she said about her heels and then looked up to see Tsubine had come out with her hair down. She blinked in a pleasant surprise, smiling at the wonderful sight. "Wow... Yes, it is the second time." Luxanna said as she walked around Tsubine, obviously checking the woman out, "It's going to be fun showing you off to everyone. Hehehe." Luxanna giggled excitedly about this. She wondered if anyone had ever gotten to see this side of Tsubine before. She knew it was likely, but something told her that it wasn't as likely as she originally thought.

    "Uhm..." Luxanna looked to a mirror and at her hair. She wasn't going to sit for an hour just to have Tsubine watch her get her hair done. "I think I'll copy." she said as she pulled the ribbon from her own hair and placed it in her bag. She ran her fingers through her hair, undid the braids, and let it fall back. "There." Luxanna said and smiled toward Tsubine, "The party starts in less than thirty minutes, so if we want to get there on time, we should go." Making sure her coat was buttoned up all the way, Luxanna took Tsubine's hand, placing their bags in her other, and began leading her along. The walk to the club was about twenty minutes away, on the opposite side of Laplace. Upon arrival, the party had started and people were heading inside. Once they got in, Luxanna lead Tsubine to a locker.

    "They give members a locker so none of their stuff goes missing... A lot of people show up here having to change too." Luxanna explained as she opened the locker, set their bags inside, and then took of her coat to set it in too. She helped Tsubine with her coat as well, placing it in the locker for her and then locked it up. She looked excitedly to Tsubine and then lead her down a hallway to the party. You could hear the music the moment you stepped out of the locker. There were people in costumes everywhere, some dressed in Cierian, Braukan, and Arcadian costumes. They even passed someone who was trying to dress like the Queen and Knight of Arcadia, but were unaware that the Knight did not wear a suit of overly bright white armor. "And here we are." Luxanna opened the door and inside was a large dance floor. The music was loud, Arcana-made sparkly lights flew around, and the music was quite catchy.

    "Do you dance at all?"

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:52 pm

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine kept close to Luxanna as they half-ran down the streets. It wasn't just because it was a little chilly. This is what she wanted to do when she went out before. This is what was fun to her. And she is what the Emperor was missing. She kept smiling the whole time—and she even laughed a little.

    The club was not something she expected. She was expecting a boring place with a piano in one corner with a famous singer singing alone on stage. Not... this. Her eyes opened wide in wonder as she looked at the Arcana-made glimmering lights. The music was not something she normally would listen to either, but it was fitting. She couldn't keep her eyes on any one thing—whether it be the people in the costumes or just the club itself.

    It wasn't until Luxanna looked at her and asked a question that her trance was broken. "Dance?" She looked at her date a little confused, then shook her head. "Ah, I am afraid not..." The next thing she knew, Luxanna had her normal mischevious smile and was pulling her onto the dance floor. Tsubine wanted to tell her to stop to slow down to continue.

    "I am not sure what to do..." The Emperor smiled shyly at her date once more. "So please show me what to do... and be gentle." This was exciting. This was not something she knew anything about. This was a new experience—and it was an experience she would only be able to experience with Luxanna.

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    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Fri Jan 02, 2015 2:41 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header2_zps44552750

    Luxanna smiled and nodded when Tsubine replied to confirm the question. It had been a while since Luxanna had any fun like this, so she couldn't imagine how long it had been since the Emperor had. It wasn't surprising when Tsubine said she didn't dance and Luxanna just giggled, the more fun-loving side of her coming out. "It's alright," she said and looped her arm around Tsubine's, "I'm not the best dancer, but as long as you know how to move your body, you can learn to do it. Just move with the music." Luxanna took her arm and pulled her out to a spot on the dance floor.

    As they got onto the dance floor, the music began pretty loud, as if there was an enchantment that muffled it if you weren't dancing. It was a little startling to Luxanna, but she quickly shoved it off. She got to the spot and turned to Tsubine, lacing her fingers with the woman's and beginning to dance. "Just get the beat into your head and move." Luxanna told her, "If you need to, even watch some of the other's to see if you can move like them... Either that, or you can just keep your eyes on me." Luxanna's smile never would fade whlie the two were out there dancing with each other.

    A few seconds later, the music changed to something that made her look toward the D.J. of this place with a raised eyebrow. Why? Because the music mimicked something that an Arabian Dancer would move with. When she looked to the D.J., she noticed that she actually recognized him and pouted a bit. "He's doing that on purpose..." Luxanna leaned in to Tsubine's ear and told her, "He's the one that got me the membership here, so now he's picking on me. He saw our costumes and decided to put on this type of music. If we're not careful, he'll put the spotlight on us."

    "Are you good with your hips?" Luxanna asked her, but as that was done, the spotlight did shine down on them. Luxanna glared up at the guy again and then grabbed onto Tsubine's hand. "My friend here will not be joining me in this dance... for she is new to the art." Luxanna told people around them as they all began looking toward them. Luxanna placed a soft kiss on Tsubine's hand and then whispered in her ear, "Members have to do a solo or partnered dance if the lights shined on them... I won't make you dance with me, but if you do wish to join in, I have no problem with it."

    And with that, Luxanna bent over and quickly stepped back until she made it about ten feet from Tsubine's side. As she did, she lifted herself and spread her arms upward, moving in graceful and elegant manner. The music began to speed up and Luxanna began to dance. The dance she was doing was native to the south east of Arcadia, not many even knew how to do it. It consisted of rapid, hard, and fluid hip movements that always seemed to strike at the drum of the musics beat. With a few rolls of her hips and the bouncing of her breasts, Luxanna would be called amazing by a newbie and pretty good by a professional. She intentionally glanced over to Tsubine a few times with a flirtatious glint in her eyes, sort of a 'do you like what you see'. After a couple of minutes, the dance ended.

    Luxanna hurried back to Tsubine's side and took in a deep breath as people around applauded and soon got back to what they were doing. "It has been... so long since I actually had to dance..." she said trying to catch her breath, "So... What'd you think?" Luxanna blushed a little when she asked.

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Fri Jan 02, 2015 3:43 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine tried to get the beat at first. It wasn't something she had ever heard, so it was difficult. However, she was starting to gett the feel of it. Not from the music, but from watching Luxanna. She could feel a rhythm coming from Luxanna, and she did her best to imitate it. She tried to move around her chest first, which slowly and awkwardly translated to her hips. Thankfully, the disk jockey of the place had decided it was to be Luxanna's turn in the spotlight.

    She blushed as Luxanna kissed her hand, and then she pulled away to step back. "I shall leave it to you. I would not want to embarrass you." Well, she actually meant "I would not want to embarrass myself." "Do your best." She smiled and took another step back to give Luxanna room for her upcoming performance.

    As Luxanna's body shook, jerked, and downright jiggled, Tsubine could not find one area to stare at. Her entire body was intoxicating like vodka. Her mouth slowly gaped itself as the mesmerizing taunt continued. It took a few minutes for Luxanna to be finished, but Tsubine's eyes never left Luxanna's luscious body.

    As Luxanna tried to hurry back to her side... Tsubine ran up to her, bringing her into a tighter hug than before. She even placed a kiss without thinking on the dancer's cheek. "That was incredible! I have never seen anything of the sort!" Tsubine's eyes were aglow with stars as she praised Luxanna's showmanship. "You were amazing! Please, you must show me how you do it."

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    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:04 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header2_zps44552750

    Luxanna wasn't really wanting to leave Tsubine's side, but she must. There was no way that she'd make Tsubine attempt this type of dance without knowing at least partly what she'd be doing. Luxanna also knew what Tsubine meant. She'd never be embarrassed by Tsubine, but she knew Tsubine would not be comfortable out here trying this dance either. To ease the woman's nerves, she chose to kiss her hand and step alone out on the dancefloor. She had no problem with this at all. Why? Because she was going to give Tsubine a show. And once that show was finally over, Luxanna returned to her friends side to ask what she thought. She was not expecting an excited hug and a kiss on the cheek. Luxanna blinked a few times, returning the hug and blushing at the kiss.

    "W-Was I really that good?" Luxanna asked, placing a hand on the kissed cheek and blushing an even deeper red. She didn't notice that Tsubine had pushed her into stuttering. She regained her composure and pushed up a smile as the blush faded away. "I'd love to teach you some of the things I know, but I'm no professional..." Luxanna explained, "It's something I learned in Arcadia a while back. And trust me when I say it's not something you want to learn on the dance floor. With how many muscles and movements I'd have to show you just to get the basics down, you'll want to learn in the comfort of the p-... your own room." Luxanna caught herself before speaking out about the palace. If anyone caught that and recognized Tsubine in that outfit, she'd never forgive herself.

    "Let's dance a little while longer!" Luxanna said, knowing Tsubine hadn't really gotten to dance. She pulled her along and continued to dance with her like they had before. After the song ended, it meshed into a much slower song. After listening for a few seconds, everyone on the dancefloor realized it was a romantic song and either changed the pace of dancing or vacated the floor. Luxanna actually didn't know what she wanted to do at this point. She had been leading the night along, but she wasn't going to make Tsubine dance like this if she didn't want to. "Would you like to continue dancing..." Luxanna said and held out her hand, "Or take a break and get something to drink?" Whatever Tsubine's choice was, Luxanna would follow along, not wanting to take either of them out of their comfort zone.

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:27 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Just as Tsubine had forced Luxanna into stuttering, the reverse happened. "M-my room?" She thought of Luxanna doing that kind of dance in her room—in private where no one else could see them... And her mind and body went crazy. She could barely handle it in public, but in private?! What else would Luxanna do? "I.. um.." Thankfully, Luxanna pulled Tsubine back onto the dance floor before she could say anything.

    This time, she was much more in-tune with the music. Her body moved far more fluidly than before, but it was still nowhere near Luxanna's level. In fact, most of what Tsubine was doing was imitating Luxanna. But the fact this didn't come from her own repetoire did not bother her. In fact, she was just as happy to say that she learned from Luxanna. She began to hope that Luxanna would be able to teach her many more things in the future.

    As the music changed, many retreated to the bar. Tsubine was asked if she wanted a drink. She thought for a moment, and then shook her head. "Let us continue dancing... I do not mix well with alcohol and the night is still young." She smiled and moved herself closer to Luxanna as she grabbed the woman's hand, not knowing if it was the right thing to do in this kind of dance. She was close enough she could feel Luxanna's breathing, and slowly her face turned red. "S-shall we start?" Tsubine had no idea what kind of dance the two were supposed to do at this point.
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    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:54 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header2_zps44552750

    Luxanna wasn't sure which one she'd prefer doing at this point. Part of her wanted to dance to a slow romantic song with Tsubine, while the other part of her wanted to stop dancing and get her heart to slow down. And when she got her answer, she held her ground when Tsubine moved closer. She smiled and held back her nervousness, worried that it'd show on her face, but luckily she was a pretty damn good actress, at least when it comes to things like holding back your emotions.

    Luxanna stepped forward toward Tsubine a bit more, pressing her body a bit against her. "Sounds good to me." she said in a low tone, looking straight into Tsubine's eyes with a soft smile. Since Tsubine was taller, Luxanna would technically be the 'female' side of dancing. The hand Tsubine grabbed hers with, Luxanna placed it around on her back and did the same with the other. Luxanna then raised her arms and placed them up around Tsubine's neck, a tint of red on her cheeks.

    "It's been a very long time since I've slow-danced with anyone..." she said as she began to move. Their movements this time were slow and fluid. Luxanna kept her body close enough to Tsubine's that they'd be able to read and predict each other's movements. There were a few small steps in each direction, a small weaving back and forth like you'd see couples do when dancing. What they were wearing allowed for a lot more skin contact that normal, which made Lux's heart race.

    "When was the last time you got to dance with anyone... before today I mean?" she asked, trying to keep conversation going. If she didn't, a certain urge would overwhelm her. Each second that passed with her looking into Tsubine's eyes, she wanted nothing more than to push herself up and press her lips against hers. The romantic music was not helping her resist this urge, so she had to figure out a way to stop it herself. There was no way kissing Tsubine would be allowed.

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Fri Jan 02, 2015 5:18 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    This was the first time Tsubine had led someone in a dance. She may have been taller than Luxanna, but that didn't mean the men she danced with before—all nobility, successful businessmen, and high-ranking officers—were. She could feel each sway and swing from Luxanna, and it only made her face redden and her smile enlarge. She pressed herself more against Luxanna, not even realizing that was happening. She only concentrated on keeping Luxanna straight (not in the metaphorical way, of course).

    "You are doing well even so." Tsubine's heart began to race as Luxanna continued the dance. Tsubine did enjoy the view from Luxanna's previous dance, but she preferred the feeling she got from this more intimate dance. With the outfits they were wearing, it was practically dancing in lingerie with only a few more bells and whistles. Her hands trembled slightly as she continued the dance, nervous because of some unknown feeling. No, she was beginning to remember the feeling. It wasn't something unknown, but something forgotten.

    "It has been a long time... Probably at the Imperial Gala two years ago. It was with General Loderia, and that is a story I will have to tell you some other time." Tsubine had a hard time talking and dancing, so she was keeping herself focused on the more important thing to her—Luxanna. If Luxanna were to fall because of her inattentiveness, Tsubine would never forgive herself.
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    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Serenity Fri Jan 02, 2015 5:34 am

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    That was it. There were only two choices now and Luxanna was getting more and more nervous. She didn't know how long she could hold back at this point. She wanted to kiss Tsubine so, so, so bad. The song hadn't ended and wasn't going to for a while, so there was no excuse to step away and not dance this closely. Her heart began pounding in her chest and she found herself leaning in closer to Tsubine as the two of them swayed back and forth, their bodies seeming as one.

    Luxanna's own body heated up from how anxious she was feeling. The thoughts of kissing her overwhelmed her mind. For a short moment, Luxanna began to push herself upwards, but stopped herself and pulled back. "I-I... need to take a break..." she said and stopped dancing. She brought her hand up and waved at herself, putting her other hand over her heart. "The dancing before... it knocked the wind out of me." she said as she backed away, "I just need some air. I'll be right back."

    With a racing heart and a red face, Luxanna turned away from the dance floor and hurried along through a crowd of people. She kept going until she made it to the outside, where the air was much cooler and there was practically no crowd. She paced back and forth for a moment, running her fingers through her hair and cursing herself in anger. "You idiot, Luxanna. What the hell were you thinking?!" she said out loud, but at low volume, "You don't have any right... any right at all..."

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    Humor : "Then just like before: the only way to steal is to steal from the mafia!"

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Empty Re: Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed]

    Post by Tsubine Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:04 am

    Love is Just Around the Corner [Closed] Header1

    Tsubine von Zarkonheinz

    Tsubine's own heart was racing as they began to sway and swing more and more. She smiled and could not stop. This was an experience like no other, and the closest she could remember were the more explicit times she had with Lydia a decade ago. She found herself staring deep in Luxanna's blue eyes, remembering the same feeling she felt from being around Lydia.

    Luxanna began to move upwards, and Tsubine did not challenge it. She did not move downwards, but she stayed right where she was. And then Luxanna retreated—pulling away completely. Tsubine reached a hand out to her, worried. "Luxanna..." Tsubine tried to reach for that woman, but she couldn't. She looked alone on the dance floor and she noticed a few eyes turning towards her—telling her to 'go after her already.'

    Tsubine pushed her way through the crowd and found Luxanna, only to hear her comment on the rights to something. "No right for what?" Tsubine smiled at her date and moved closer to her, taking a seat on a nearby bench. "You are not only my friend but my unofficial advisor... You have the right to do just about anything you want here in our Empire. The only thing I can say you lack the right to do is order troops around... But even I leave that to the professionals most of the time." She giggled slightly, trying to comfort Luxanna.

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